《The Wounded Knight.》CH ~ 1#
I don't know why they were displayed on my arm like a tattoo sleeve. I looked over my body, curious if there were any other markings that I would need to know about; and was unable to find visible ones; I’ll need a mirror to check my back. Which soon reminded me that I was shirtless; on top of being lost in the woods. I couldn’t help but wonder what kind of sick joke the heavens were playing on me. I would need to bonk the one responsible for this on their head when I see them with a metal bat. My attention soon changed when I noticed something off to the side. What looked like a sword and shield were leaned against a tree that had its roots raised out of the ground. As I looked at them a floating screen was apparent between the two identifying them. As simply {basic steel bastard sword} {basic wooden rounded shield} that a viking might carry. They seemed like normal weapons you would find at a museum; a simple rounded shield that was made of wood and held together by a metal frame along the edge. The sword looked like a one handed double edged sword with a wooden scabbard that had a dragon’s head burn pattern in the side.
I looked around curiously who left these here. After all this just adds to the strangeness that I’m currently dealing with. If I didn’t know any better I would say I’m stuck in one of those isekai light novels which shouldn't happen to an american like me. But in those types of stories you normally meet the god in question, or are given something that makes you op. I again look about it before I take the sword and shield. The shield was simple with only a wooden handle on the backside that sat in the middle and no arm strap. I took the sword and looped it around my shoulder thanks to the leather sling the scabbard had. The feeling of fresh clean leather against my skin was weird, not going to lie. I think mostly because it means these items were not left here overnight or anything like that. They were placed here recently by someone or… something.
With the gear set I began trying to make my way out of the forest. Or at least to a clearing where I could get my bearings. I guess all that shit my grandpa put me through is finally going to pay off. Once in a clearing I took the sword and used it to sharpen a stick I found on the forest floor. I stuck it into the ground and marked the shadow’s end with a small rock. While I waited for the sun to tell me the direction it was traveling I got to work on trying to make a temporary shelter. I managed to make a simple lean too that was up against a fallen tree. Once I was done with the shelter I went to check on the stick I had placed in the ground. When I looked at the marker where the shadow of the stick was I saw the shadow had moved much like the shadow on a sundial.
And hoping this world's sun and earth operate on the same physics as my home then that means I figured out my east and west. As the old saying goes, ‘the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.’ Luckily the night wasn’t cold; though I was getting hungry and didn't think about hunting during the walk. The next day early morning I made a plan of heading east down hill. The way the land was formed showed that I was in some heavily forest and mountainous region. So by logic there might be some settlements I can find at the base of some of these mountains. I began making my track down and through the trees. Have to say it was hard mostly because the sword and shield kept throwing my balance off. And with one arm stuck on keeping the shield I only had one hand to catch myself with if I tripped or fell.
I tried to keep a steady pace; luckily I managed to find a small stream that seemed to cut through the land. I followed it for a bit and soon found my first sign of civilization. A wooden framed bridge that seemed to have been built a few years ago. It still seemed to be holding a strong sense the wood while aged is still holding together. Seeing it made me incredibly happy; mostly because it incuredge my spirit to keep going. I ended up following the same direction I had originally planned heading east and downward. I managed to walk what I think was a few miles before I stopped and sat down on the side of the road. My stomach was aching; I hadn't eaten anything yesterday or today. And all I’d been doing was trying to cover the ground. As I sat there I leaned my head back; feeling the sun shine down on me as I thought.
I mean what was I going to do if I did get to a town. There’s a good chance I don't speak their language, not to mention that I don’t have any funds. I could sell the shield and sword but then I would be without a form of defense. Not to mention just because I find a form of civilization doesn’t mean they’ll be friendly. Heck, in the worst case scenario their cannibals and I’ll just end up being their dinner. Best case I end up in an alleyway since I wouldn’t be able to pay for any room or board; and food. Maybe I should try and do a little bit of hunting and gathering. At least then I might be able to barter with someone.
Thinking back on it I should have smacked myself mostly because I needed to head back to the bridge I found that went over the river. I went back there because the bridge offers a partial shelter, and with water nearby I don't need to worry about that. Once back at the bridge I dug a small hole a few feet away from the river. Hopefully this sand along the river banks will purify some of the water and I don't need to worry about that. While I waited for the water I went to work making some spears. If it wasn’t for this sword it would have been a lot harder. I didn’t want to use the sword for hunting, mostly because if the sword broke that’s it. That plus the spears are wooden so they're easy to replace and use.
With everything set I went about searching for some game to hunt. I did manage to find a strange fruit tree of sorts. It was like an apple tree though the fruit seemed to grow straight off the trunk of the tree itself. Only reason why I know it’s safe to eat is because I saw what I think was a type of squirrel eating the fruit. The little squirrel animal I saw I honestly don't know if it was a squirrel; that’s just the closest animal that came to mind. It was about as big as my hand; it’s fur was a messy dark green color. It had these bright red eyes. It’s tail was curled back like it was wrapped around something heavy and was holding it close.
I honestly thought about throwing a spear at it. But seeing as I didn’t know if that animal is poisonous or was capable of something I decided to play it safe and harvested some of the fruit from the tree. I used the sword and managed to cut the fruit from the tree like I was skinning the bark off. When I bit into it; I wasn’t prepared for how juicy it was. And the flavor seemed to be between mango and orange. It was sweet but had a strange tang after taste. I ate five of the things because I was so hungry. I also checked out the hole I dug and so far I don't feel sick from drinking that water. I managed to make a fire; though my hands are killing me. I used a hand powered wooden drill to start the fire. I couldn’t make a bow unless I wanted to use what remained of my pants which at this point had now turned into shorts.
That night I slept under the bridge. I made a little shelter with the bridge itself acting as the roof. All I did was build up the walls along the sides. That night I laughed a little at myself mostly because of the situation I’m in.
“There’s a troll joke somewhere here… but nothing comes to mind. Maybe something about my surroundings finally matches my looks?” I said out loud as I laid there on my little hobo bed of soft sand.
Looking back at it I might have lost some weight from not eating in two days. The next morning I got up early and went out to gather some more of that fruit from before. I managed to find another cluster of those weird fruit trees a few more miles down. As I was carving the fruit I couldn’t help but feel like something was off. It wasn’t until I tried focusing on listening to my surroundings that I figured out what was wrong. I wasn’t alone. I could hear a slight groaning a few feet away. Luckily I had brought my sword and shield with me. I had planned on using the shield as a plate to carry some of the fruit back to camp.
When I looked around a corner I noticed what seemed like an outstretched leg sticking out; like you would see someone do if they were trying to keep their balance. The leg seemed to belong to a little boy from what I could see. He wore a pair of overalls and was barefoot the same as me. And before you ask; I didn’t bring it up before mostly because I tried to block out the pain as much as I could. Seriously trying walking barefoot through a heavily wooded area; I miss having sandals and shoes. I slowly made my way closer; I heard the boy complaining and cursing.
“Come here you fucking pieces of tree fat!” The voice sounded a bit rough.
I tried waiting for a bit mostly because I didn’t want to startle them and cause them to fall. First impressions are always something to think about in these types of situations. I mean what would you think if you ran into a half naked man that was holding a sword and shield. And looked like he had been out in the woods for a few days. Though the little kid ended up losing his balance anyways. I managed to catch the kid and break their fall. With my back; gotta say, the kid’s heavier than he looks. When he landed on me I thought a vertebrae was knocked out.
“Uh…” When the kid looked down and saw me they quickly jumped out and pulled what looked like a dagger from under their overalls.
I raised my hands trying to show I meant no harm.
“You…you a bandit? Or… you're here to kidnap me?” The kid asked as he held the dagger out and pointed straight at me.
I slowly moved to a sitting position. Making sure to try and seem as non threatening as possible.
“I’m just a little lost is all… don't worry I’m not going to kidnap a little kid.” I said to which I noticed the expression on the kid changed to one of irritation.
It was at this point that another screen appeared showing the details of the kid as she swiped her hand to the side, seeming to make it appear.
{ Name ~ Elva }
{ Age ~ 26 }
{Race ~ Dwarf }
When I saw the info I realized what I just did. I essentially called a full grown adult a kid. I could feel the murderous aura coming off her.
“Sorry!!!” I quickly said as I backed up a little not wanting to be pierced by a small girl.
I swear I blame my dad for the way my mind is set up. Since I know there’s a pegging joke here when my main train of thought should be on trying to calm down the woman before me that’s holding a knife.
“This is the first time I’ve seen a real dwarf… I didn’t mean to insult you.” I said as I kept my hands raised though I kept a firm grip on my shield.
“Show me your records.” She said which only confused me.
Going off what she just did where she showed her name and such. I guess that’s what she meant by records. I raised my right hand up and swiped it down, bringing out the screen. I couldn’t help but glance at it curious what it would show.
{Name ~ Mec’a’nus Dracus }
{ Age ~ 25 }
{ Race ~ Human }
I quickly looked back at Elva as she looked over my records. I was curious why she wanted to see them. I mean they didn’t display history or such as the one in question.
“Show me the rest…” She ordered as she looked me dead in the eyes.
I was shaking a little with pure fear. Mostly because I had no idea how to! Reaching into the dark I placed my hand on the screen before me and swiped it to the right. What I apprehend next caught my eyes more than anything else.
{ Class 1# ~ Paladin }
{ Class 2# ~ Artificer }
Seeing the classes from the game back in my room while looking back shouldn't have surprised me, but it did.
“Hmmm no bandit class… so… I guess you're in the clear… but… what happened to render a Paladin… to this?” She gestured to me with the dagger she held pointed at me earlier.
“Am I really that ugly looking?” I asked hoping the little joke would diffuse what tension was left.
It got a chuckle out of her; which was better than nothing.
“While you're not the most handsome person I’ve come across; I wouldn’t say you're the ugliest.” She said as she crossed her arms and gave me what I’m hoping is a mischievous smirk.
“I think the dagger would hurt less than those words coming from such a cute girl.” I said with my own playful smirk as I slowly stood up.
“Oh… a sweet talker… better be careful otherwise my husband might get the wrong idea.” She said again with that mischievous grin.
Though this time a chill ran down my back.
“Trust me… the last thing I want to do after finally finding civilization is cause trouble and end up on a wanted poster.” I said as I dusted off what was left of my pants turned shorts.
I noticed Elva looked me over for a moment before she looked back up to my face.
“You know… you seem to be in a tough spot… if you help me pick some tree hearts I don't mind paying ya for your troubles.” She offered as she pointed to the tree she had fallen from.
“Don’t see why not… I can use the money.” I said as I took out my sword and began cutting the fruit from the tree that Elva had tried to reach for earlier.
And for those asking why I didn't pull out the sword earlier. If I had, that would have escalated things quickly. And besides, smaller people are much faster, and seeing how she held the knife gave me the feeling she knew what to do. The rest of the event went by rather peacefully. Apparently Elva had come out here without telling anyone to try and surprise her husband. It was his birthday in a few days and he loves a special dessert that’s made with this fruit which is called tree hearts. I think we managed to pick about twenty before Elva noted we had enough. I carried the fruit in my shield as Elva led me to Lurk Village. It’s a small village of about a few hundred people. It’s main sources of income are the natural resources of the area.
When we arrived in town I won't deny I got a few weird looks. Which honestly was to be expected. I’m a half naked guy that’s new to town so it makes sense I would draw some attention. Have to say this town was eye-catching. It seemed to be designed after the classic Motte and Bailey from documentaries I would listen to during my job. Simple wooden structure walls with a tower-like building set up on the top of a hill. The house we arrived at was two stories tall. Apparently half of the inside of the motte walls were dedicated to farming. Which is what led to the multi story homes and tight living conditions. Walking into Elva’s house I couldn't help but notice the way the first floor was laid out.
It seemed like a reception area, walking in to first find a small sitting area and table and what looked like a reception’s desk. A door built behind it that seemed to be marked by a ring with a dash across the bottom portion of it. Almost like the power on and off button one would see on the computer or electronic. I set the shield filled with tree hearts down on the table. Elva walks up stairs leaving me down the stairs. I decided to take a seat and relax for a moment. Been days since I’ve seen other people, not to mention civilization. Sitting down allowed me to take it all in for the moment. Most of the citizens here seem to be offshoots of human species, I saw a few classic fantasy races such as elves, and beast folk. What was weird though and honestly surprising was the fact that some of the people I walked past I couldn't understand.
Which means Currently the only one I can talk to is Elva; and even then I might not understand everything. I need to play it safe at least until I get my bearings and have a good understanding of this world. I think first thing I’ll ask Elva if there’s any good hunting parties I can join. From what it looks like the people here do have crops, but no domesticated animals. Which means their only source of meat would be hunting. I might be able to learn a few things from them if I joined them on a hunting trip.
When Elva walked back down the stairs I noticed; following behind her was a human male. I assume the man must be Elva’s husband that we had talked about. My suspicion was confirmed when I noticed the glare he was giving me. Swear feels like the guy’s going to lob off my head at the first excuse. I tried to keep my focus on Elva mostly so I don't cause trouble. She ended up handing me a bag; when I looked into it I saw it had a few coins made of what looked like copper. I look inside and jingle it a few times mostly trying to give the impression I know what I’m doing when really all I know is shit.
“Seems good…” I said as I stood up and took my shield.
I then dumped the tree heart’s into a small bag Elva had grabbed from upstairs. Still feeling the murderous intent of Elva’s husband I decided to try and do some information hunting elsewhere. After all, the last thing I want to do is get into a fight with a stranger who thinks I’m trying to take his wife. With the business done I left and began walking around town. When I looked at the street I noticed there weren't too many shops here. And what shops were here didn't have worded signs. I managed to find a clothing store; and I’ll admit I got dirty looks from the worker. Most of the clothes here seemed to be worker clothes, which given the area and town it makes sense that there would most be workers here. I bought myself a pair of clothes, mostly because the kind of man that walks around naked at least from the looks I’m getting isn't normal.
While I was buying the clothes I spoke with the receptionist. I managed to figure out that there’s no designated hunting group and even the plots of land inside used for farming are rented out by the local lord. The clothes cost me three copper coins leaving me with only four left. I pocketed the coins and looked up at the sky. From the looks of it I have a few hours of sunlight left. I didn't want to rent a room here; now since I know where the town is I can always come back here from my makeshift hobo camp under the bridge. Seeing as I spent enough time here I ended up leaving and walking back through the forest. Along the way I passed the fruit trees me and Elva had picked earlier. It was a good way to remind me where I was. Looking back up to the sky, if I stop to pick some fruit now I wouldn't get back to camp till late at night.
Though I didn't have anything else to eat; I didn't really have a choice. I ended up moving to a new tree and harvesting the fruit from that tree. I got about three which should be enough to get me through the night till tomorrow. Back at camp I used what remained of my shorts to make a simple sling for my shield. That would give me both my hands back and I didn't have to hold it all the time. I know it's not the best option but it’s not like I was going to wear these again. As I laid there next to the embers of the fire I couldn't sleep. My brain was wracking my thoughts about what I learned today. This place seemed to be similar to medieval Europe in a sense. Though the appearance of different races such as Elva being a dwarf was an unknown factor. From what I can see with fantasy races being real in this world it opens the door to a few other other things as well. Like that squirrel monster I saw before, though it makes me wonder if there’s anything bi… My thoughts stopped as I heard something moving very close to my camp.
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Duck and Wolf
Atticus (Adi) Wulfert comes from a long line of hunters, and now it's time for him to find his calling. Only... He's sort of a failure at it. His girlfriend thinks he should get a real job, his first teacher was slain by werewolves, and his target has decided to become his not so warm and caring mentor. Quite the opposite of warm, really. Dead cold is more like it. Adi isn't sure if he's being kept around as an emergency foodsource or if this vampire really wants to help him, but whatever the case may be, he doesn't have much choice in the matter. --- Cover photo by Cristian Newman on Unsplash - https://unsplash.com/@cristian_newman --- I do updates on my twitter and blog on what I'm up to every now and again when it comes to my writing. Check those out. Twitter: https://twitter.com/AdelaideGWest Blog: https://adelaidewest.blogspot.com/
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[FEATURED IN TEEN-FICTION]❝You lost me, now all you have are regrets.❞Haunted by her dreadful past, seventeen year old Aria Williams is trying her best to take herself out of this dark hole she's been pushed into with blame of something eating her from inside everyday. Even her nightmares creeps under skin and make her feel awful and guilty. Trying to prove herself innocent, Queen of Ice-Hockey, Aria is back in Senior High after almost an year of that incident happened but what she didn't know was her worst nightmare Ethan Anderson is back in New York. The person she trusted the most, blames her each day. Seventeen Years old, Ethan Anderson has been through a lot in the past one year but not anymore. Fate brought them together again but things are nowhere near good. Ace in his game of Ice, Ethan came for one thing. To destroy her. The one he used to love with all his heart. A dreadful past has built this wall of hatred between them. Two broken souls, one past.What happened between them which turned their lives completely against each other. Will they be together again? or Will there be Regrets? ★★★⚠️Warnings: ▪Bullying▪Swearing▪Self-Harm▪Anxiety ▪Depression ★★★❝This book is gonna be full of emotions, so hang tight✨ ❞ ★★★© The Storyline is purely fictional, and belongs to me. This is the only platform I've publish this book. © Book cover by Myself..▪Highest Ranking:#1 in regret (7-7-21)#1 in Ice Hockey (2-09-21)#1 in Anxiety disorder (29-09-21)#1 in murder mystery (18-10-21)#2 in Depression (16-11-21)#1 in Murder (29-11-21)#1 in Bullying (21-4-22)#4 in Enemies to lovers (22-5-22)#1 in Athlete (17-8-22)#3 in Suspense (17-11-22)#11 in Teen Fiction (18-11-22)
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