《My Kingdom Was Transported To Another World》Chapter 9
One day before what is about to happen....
"My idea is for you to go out and tell your citizens yourself about what is happening. This way they will take the problem more seriously and it will show how much you love your people."
Yossu with a smile says the following words to him regarding Nazar's idea "Great idea, Nazar! I can tell that you are the person in charge of public order and protecting the citizens of our great kingdom"
"Excellent! We solved one of the problems!"
A few minutes before what is about to happen....
Yossu was alone in his room full of worries and nerves for what he had to do in a couple of minutes.
He kept repeating to himself a lot of ups and downs and self-doubt....
Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Yesterday I agreed to go out in front of a lot of people in my kingdom to talk about what's going on and worst of all I agreed to the idea of Nazar without realizing what it means...Well, I know what it means, but it's my first time talking in front of a lot of people, I'm so nervous and dying to have to go out and talk to the 7 million citizens of my kingdom.》
《Also! my worries are not only due to the amount of people I am going to talk to, but also due to how I am going to say the words I have to tell them, because depending on the way I say it or do it, it might cause a coup d'état or a civil war in my whole kingdom, not to mention that I might end up dying in the middle of it all.》
《Ahhhhh...How could I let myself get clouded by emotions》
《To top it all off, the conference date can no longer be rescheduled》
He thought in a very upset manner as he tossed and turned back and forth from one end of his bed to the other. However, his altered, nervous and worried thoughts are interrupted by small knocks on the door of his room accompanied by these words "Your majesty, I am Diana and I came to give you the clothes you will wear for the conference."
She hides her upset emotions, takes a deep breath and exhales to calm herself and then give Diana permission to enter her room.
However, he meditates after taking a breath and exhaling.
《¡¡¡¡¡Who was the useless fucker who said that breathing in ondo and then exhaling would calm you down!!!!. This doesn't calm me down in any way, in fact, it makes me even more tense and nervous.》
After meditating, he says a little calmly and hiding his emotions "Go ahead, you can come in and leave the clothes on the bed."
Before Diana entered the room he got up from the bed.
After she left the clothes on her gigantic bed, Yossu walked over to the mirror and tried them on, then said to himself as he looked in the mirror "Wow! These black robes with gold pints look pretty good on me."
"Who knew that at this point the clothes would appeal to me to the point of calming me down."
"It's awesome to see how well these dark colored robes fit me that cover my arms, legs and expose my entire brunette complexion chest. Plus, they completely cover the two Impeachment Bracelets I have on both arms."
"I put these bracelets on today for fear of a possible attack."
"With these two bracelets I can receive some high level magics and cause a ricochet by returning them against their wearer."
"Well, looks like it's time to go out on the balcony."
Before the appearance of his majesty Yossu in the city...
Everyone in the city Orbis was excited by the sudden notice of the previous day regarding the appearance of the generals and his majesty to communicate an important notice.
The city was full and teeming with beasts, Demi-humans, undead and other awesome and unimaginable beings.
Every street was lined with stalls and stores. Most of them were food.
Yossu's appearance was scheduled to take place in front of the front of the palace, so it was decided to install touch screens like the one on cell phones, but giant. These screens were located on the underside of the kingdom's flying battleships, which would move around the palace and the first wall.
There were four screens and these were located on each side of the outside of the palace.
The screens were hung on the battleships, including at the front where Yossu was to appear.
In addition to the screens, there were several of the Draconic race transforming from humanoid dragons (Demi-humans) to small dragons (beasts) carrying smaller screens so that those who were far away from the big screens, which were around the palace, could see and hear the historical moment of his majesty's appearance. These showed everything that the tamed beasts of some soldiers who had a contract with flying beings could see.
To be more precise, it was as if they were making a live broadcast of everything that those tamed beasts visualized at the moment, and what was seen was projected on all the active screens.
The excitement of the crowd in the streets was noticeable.
Children of every species were happy and with eyes brimming with stars and excitement waiting for the great apparition, while women of different races kept asking the same questions....
"Will his majesty have stayed young?"
"Will his majesty and the generals be such magnificent beings as we have been told?"
"What will his majesty's appearance be like?"
"Will his majesty be handsome?"
They asked themselves these questions and a host of others with regard to seeing what his majesty, the person who ruled them without showing himself, was really like.
The men of every race were not far behind, their excitement was gigantic to see the one who ruled them.
However, they all knew that for his majesty to show himself and give news, it had to be something big enough to be seen. This was clear to everyone in the Orbis kingdom.
Comments there were among the citizens of the kingdom....
"What information will be so important that his majesty will have to come out and tell us in person?"
"Ahhhhh...I hope his majesty is young as well as the generals."
"I can't stand the time anymore I want to meet his majesty!"
Within all the crowds in the streets of the Orbis kingdom, stood Kuro and Ela eager for his majesty's appearance.
Both were accompanied by their families.
Kuro and Ela's excitement to meet her majesty was not simple and neither was that of the other citizens. This was because all their happiness, joy and excitement of meeting his majesty was due to the stories told from their ancestors about the six rulers, the wars, the beginning of the creation of the kingdom and their sworn enemies, the humans.
In addition, all the citizens of the kingdom had heard from their ancestors, that his majesty was a god, a unique, intelligent and omnipotent being.
Before giving fly out from his balcony, Yossu meditates with a smile .
《Well, it won't be long before I go out and show myself.》 I'm very nervous and worried!》
《I have to calm down and think steady, because on my shoulders I have a lot of individuals to protect and maintain.》
After a few seconds, he says to himself from his balcony and very excited.
"I am a king!!!, I will do my best to grow up and become one worthy of the people, because I faithfully believe that a ruler is not born being one, but is formed by experiences."
"Besides, there is nothing that can surprise me anymore, after all...-I have been transported to the world of the game along with my kingdom-"
As he said these motivating words to himself, the generals went out to show themselves and introduce themselves to those who did not yet know them, for the generals were known only to some of their subordinates and others with whom they spent the day.
The citizens were gathered on all sides waiting for the remaining seconds to see the generals and then his majesty.
Most of those who were inside the second wall and in front of the part where the generals and his majesty would appear, literally had the luck of the world, since they would see their ruler face to face. However, bad luck for those who were in areas other than where his majesty would appear.
At least they would be able to see him thanks to the screens hung on the battleships and on the beast dragons around the kingdom.
When the time came, they had their faces excited and their eyes on all their surroundings.
From the first ramparts rise six unique and beautiful beings in the eyes of the citizens.
The citizens upon seeing how these six beings flew to the front of the first wall and positioned themselves above them, began to shout with excited tones and some with cries for the impression of meeting them for the first time "¡¡¡¡They are the six generals!!!!"
"They are the children of the six rulers!!!"
"¡¡¡¡Impressive!!!! They look like beings out of fairy tales. Their wings are gigantic, their bodies glow as if they were chosen and at first glance they show great power and superiority"
"It's impossible not to stop looking at them and admiring them for some reason."
The first to take the floor of the generals, was Izet, who could be called the daughter of her majesty, with a happy tone while demonstrating her superior status and her beautiful long, dark and straight hair moving on her back from side to side, says....
"I present myself before all our people, I am Izet, one of the six generals who is under the direct command of his majesty the king."
In this way all the generals introduced themselves.
Nazar could not fly, but from one moment to another he took out two giant skeletal wings to make his presentation from the sky like the other generals.
Izet, being a vampire, easily pulled out her wings with dark feathers similar to those of the demons and those of his majesty.
Faulus received help from Breisha by growing two large white wings on his back, which would not last long as these wings grew by Breisha's ability and could not be kept forever on Faulus' back. These would remain at least until the end of this whole event.
The people were very excited and motivated listening to the friendly and funny presentations of their generals.
From below, in all corners of the Orbis kingdom, they were more than happy to meet the generals for the first time.
Among the crowds there were several murmurs in favor of how fine and imposing the generals looked.
In other words, their expectations were exceeded in relation to how they looked physically and mentally as they were thought to be all old and serious, but the citizens were met with something different and opposite to what they had in mind. Public opinion obviously favored the generals.
The generals were known on the level of appearance to very few people and these were their subordinates and the odd one or two others they spoke to.
After the presentation and after they answered some questions that the people asked them, Izet very motivated and with a big smile shouts to the people... "Today you are going to see something that you have been waiting for 500 years since the creation of our great and majestic kingdom Orbis!!!"
"Today is a historic moment that will be told to future generations of Orbis!"
"Today, for the first time in our entire history, we have the honor of witnessing the appearance of his majesty before our very eyes!"
Once they heard this, the citizens began to shout between jumps, emotions and joy.
The excitement of the public was unique.
All over the city of the Orbis kingdom they heard these words being shouted repetitively as if it were a hymn "Long live your majesty!!!! Long live the Orbis kingdom!!!"
These words kept echoing throughout the kingdom and it was impossible not to hear them no matter how far away you were in the most secluded place of the big city.
Everyone, regardless of race or species, was excited, shouting and jumping for joy for what was coming next.
The generals upon hearing the words that were shouted with so much encouragement, decided to descend to the first wall that completely surrounded the palace and then stop looking at where the people were, and then turn around, kneel down and visualize the palace with big smiles of satisfaction, happiness and with their heads held high looking up.
As the shouts of the citizens continued throughout the kingdom continuously repeating the same words of encouragement, the six generals say at the same time and with strong tones of satisfaction that carried with them very happy, but somewhat twisted and macabre smiles of emotion....
"We! fortunate to have the last ruler with
A giant dark golden aura light burst out of his majesty's palace heading for the sky.
The magnitude of this light was not so large, but was the size of a human body, but these two auras seemed to wrap around each other.
The people were speechless and looked directly and attentively at these two auras going up to the sky. However, when the light reached some point in the sky and above the Orbis palace, it was gone.
Within seconds of its disappearance, a gigantic explosion occurred in the sky, dark on one side and celestial white on the other.
While it was happening on a sunny day, within the atomic explosion in the sky, two pairs of wings of white and dark color could be seen in the distance and above the kingdom, covering almost completely the whole sky of the Orbis kingdom.
The citizens, when they saw it, began to shout again the words they shouted a few seconds before seeing that light.
They knew perfectly well that everything that was happening was due to his majesty, the wings of different colors were the perfect signal to make them excited and happy again.
Everyone was screaming with excitement and happiness.
From the sky and from the explosion, they saw how a unique and incomparable being descended.
The screens showed him descending from the sky to where the generals were.
The public, upon seeing the figure descending from his majesty, began to praise his eminence even more, this time accompanied by a lot of individuals who had tears falling from their eyes at the sight of this great and unique scene of happiness.
Once he arrived to where the generals were, Yossu hovered and spread his giant wings to the sides...
The masses of individuals in front of the palace were totally surprised and excited to see that his majesty was meters above them. However, his majesty gave the public in front of him a big smile with a wink that delighted everyone, not in the way everyone thinks, but in a way that caused even more admiration and tears in the people of the whole kingdom.
He then flaps his wings and flies around the palace and over all the people inside the second wall.
He smiled as he did this and the audience wept with joy.
The dark and white particles from the explosion in the sky began to fall all over the city, making his low flying around the palace even more epic.
All this was also shown on the screens in the sky.
After he finished his tour of the palace, he returned to where he had started this tour, that is, to where the generals were waiting for him.
"His majesty has the radiance of a god!"
"He has a beautiful glowing silhouette all over his body and on both pairs of wings - how beautiful!"
"His dark and white wings are beautiful and precious."
"I can't help but look at them and feel calm and warm looking at them"
"Eh...Because I'm crying."
"Why is my heart beating so fast"
This Ela had said with tears and a smile as she watched her majesty return to where the generals were.
Ela looks to the side, she sees her boyfriend clutching the part of his chest where his heart was as a bunch of tears fell from his eyes with a big smile on his face, which kept glowing as he watched the being flying in front of him.
"So this is what it feels like to have a divine being in front of your eyes!"
Kuro smiles even more and says very happy and with many tears running down his face "¡¡¡¡Wonderful!!!!."
"My heart won't stop beating."
After this, he looks over to where Ela was and when he notices that she was the same as him, Kuro shakes her hand and she responds by accepting it.
They intertwined their fingers as they look well up to his majesty being above them and all the beings below his majesty witnessing his greatness.
When Yossu descends, he stops at the first wall where the generals were.
Tiamat very happy but hiding it with her serious face, says "We are very grateful for your presence your majesty".
Before answering he decides to go forward, from where he could see all his citizens.
With a strong voice he speaks...
"No! I am the one who is grateful to you generals for having made this possible.
He spreads his wings as wide as he can and stretches out his arms to the sides...
"I am also grateful to the generals for giving me the possibility to be in front of all of you right now."
He said in a calm tone and smiling to the people in front of him.
The public all over the kingdom showed their joy by shouting consecutively the same words "Long live the Orbis kingdom! Long live his majesty the king!"
Yossu, happy, sees several individuals let out endless tears, when he notices this, he asks very intrigued "Why are they crying?"
No one was determined to answer and all considered themselves unworthy to speak to his majesty.
Realizing why they were not responding to him, he muses 《Ahhhh...So afraid I am. They even keep crying at the sight of me...It seems like I'm literally a god to them》
"Calm down. They can answer me and I won't do anything to them, after all I am their king and my duty is to support and protect them."
They were all moved by the words he gave them.
At the moment he was waiting for an answer, an angel answers him from under the walls "Your Excellency, you are unique, incomparable and beautiful, which makes it impossible not to cry watching you".
She moves her wings and comes down from the wall to get closer to where this angel was and while doing so, she meditated....
《Luck is on the side of this couple, I was looking for them all over the public, but I couldn't find them. However, now I have them in front of me.》
He flies up to the Angel and stands still above her.
"You are not confused about what you said a few seconds ago, but I too am a being who makes mistakes and errors just like anyone else. Besides, I didn't build this kingdom alone, I built it together with my dearest friends, so, I hope you don't get uptight and anything like that, as I don't plan to punish you or do anything to you for answering me something I don't like!"
This caused Ela to cry again.
Most of the different races lying around could not hold back their tears at those words.
Even though Yossu had told the true reality, the people just took these words as if the king said them only to not make them feel bad.
In other words, an act of humility and mercy to his people.
After the words and seeing her excited, he approaches her and caresses her head while she continues to cry with joy and emotion. He also thanks her for those kind words, which causes the angel to cry even more.
During his little conversation with Ela, he notices how some people around were looking at her with eyes of contempt and at this, he makes a smile and moves a little away from the Angel to say the following words "Why do some people look down on this poor and pretty Angel?"
Even though he knew the reason, he decided to ask the people to make the next step.
A demon is filled with courage and answers from afar to his majesty "Your excellency, that Angel and that demon next to her have committed a great sin".
"What sin are you talking about?
Yossu said feigning his intrigue.
"Your majesty, by my words I mean the sin of having fallen in love with an individual of a different race."
《Can that be considered a sin!?!?!?!?!?》
《Ahhhhh...It seems that no matter what world or place I am in, there are times when there are idiots who has to ruin other people's lives》
"Beings from all over my realm, I cannot believe that there are races that think that the relationship between two different beings is a sin or a taboo.This is disastrous!!!"
"Besides, that they are against two beings of different race being in love, means that they are against me, since I possess wings of demons and angels even though I was not born of either race."
That impressed many. It left the lot who thought of this being wrong, on the ropes, as each of his majesty's words meant to be the same law.
"From now on, I approve that individuals of different races can fall in love, marry, have children and live life until their last moments of life."
He had said as he glanced sideways at Ela and Kuro.
The angel instantly realized this.
The people, no matter what, shouted for joy as they all knew that what her majesty had said, was true and not many cared about beings of different races falling in love, indeed, there were plenty of individuals who had feelings for other individuals of different races.
After mentioning his new law so to speak, he again speaks....
"Love is something that has no meaning or something to represent it, because love is everywhere and in any individual or being regardless of boundaries."
"From now on, I the king of the Orbis kingdom, approve the love between the angel Ela and the demon Kuro."
They were impressed to see and hear that his majesty knew their names perfectly.
Ela, could not help but think that this person was the most likely to be Zero.
After what happened, Yossu moves away from where Ela and Kuro were to rise much higher and tell his people in a serious tone and without a smile like the one he had a few seconds ago "It's time to tell you the reason for my appearance".
"I recently confirmed that we have been transported to another world of which we know nothing. Also, at the moment we don't know if there is any other life form in this world besides us."
Concern could be felt throughout the city due to the irritating murmurs that could be heard.
Yossu said the following words.
"Don't worry and stay calm. The generals and I have been working hard to protect you and for the creation of a plan in the face of this situation that took us by surprise."
"With the generals we have decided that, within three months, four ships with generals on board and myself, we will leave to explore the new territories. You should not worry, because Nazar, the protector of the people, will stay in the city as well as the strongest general of our kingdom, Tiamat."
"As of today we are going to start with the registrations for the army. Although we already have a lot of soldiers, we need even more, because to protect our country, I need the support and power of all my citizens regardless of their race. This is the time when we all need each other!"
"We are all in a difficult situation, for this reason we have to be united and prepared for the problems to come."
When he finished speaking, all the people started shouting like crazy in favor of his majesty and a lot of individuals were shouting words of praise for his majesty and the generals.
These were some of the things that the citizens were shouting from wherever they were in some part of the kingdom....
"We will always be with his majesty."
"Long live the kingdom Orbis! Long live his majesty the king!"
"No matter what beings there are in this new world, we will always defeat them."
"We will eliminate anyone who wishes to mess with our great kingdom and his majesty".
After he heard all the comments from his citizens, he says loudly "No matter what beings we meet out there, we, the Orbis kingdom are superior and our loyalty and reign will always be eternal!"
The shouts throughout the kingdom did not cease to be heard.
"Looks like it's time to say goodbye."
After taking his leave, he turns around and as he did so, he mused 《As expected of my glorious and eternal citizens》.
Yossu left the place with the glorious cries of his citizens at his back.
Orbis Kingdom Info: The kingdom is 500 years old since its creation due to the fact that, in the game, time passed faster, but now, as it is no longer a game, time passes normally.
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