《My Kingdom Was Transported To Another World》Chapter 1
My kingdom was transported to another world.
Volume 1: Stelaris and Orbis.
Many years in the future...
In a giant city where battleships and some individuals fly you find a person sitting on a building and covered with a pile of dirty cloths that do not let you see any part of his body.....
To be more precise he was on the roof of a giant tower or building that was extremely long and wide.
This person seemed very bored and annoyed.
He kept banging on the roof and pacing back and forth with his body.
If anyone saw him they would say he was crazy to be doing that, but since he was in a place that was hard to see he didn't worry about anyone seeing him and finding out.
The only place from where he could be seen was from that giant dark palace and large tree that went all the way to the sky, surpassing the height of the castle in front of him.
However, from afar he could feel how no one from that palace and big tree was watching him on the sly, so he didn't worry too much, after all it was easy for someone like him to sense things that others could not normally sense.
The man let out a loud, long sigh.
"Uh...I'm getting sick of waiting for them already."
"I'm a fool for getting excited and arriving several hours early."
He mentions angrily to himself.
Even though he had been a long time observing that gorgeous and beautiful city he couldn't stay still for long.
He had been shocked at how much this kingdom had changed in almost every way.
"The meeting was supposed to be in three hours, but you see..."
"I'm sitting here in the sunshine and waiting for your arrival."
"At least I can appreciate this beautiful city."
"Seeing it always brings me so much excitement and joy."
"Seeing it makes me remember all those moments I witnessed in this place during those times."
After mentioning those words his tone becomes melancholic and his smile degrades as he continues speaking.
"It sure has come a long way since the last time I was here."
"The realm is much larger and humans, Demi-humans, beasts, undead and other heteromorph beings walk all over the country together as if they don't care about the difference in appearance. To think this in the past was hard to imagine."
"A lot of reforms had to be implemented to get to this, but as I can see things have changed quite a bit around these parts since the last time I came."
"This country has been through a lot and I've witnessed most of its early beginnings in this world."
He was definitely melancholy.
Remembering those beautiful moments made him happy and sad at the same time.
To change his mood a bit, he decides to think of something to kill time.
《Mmmm...I think I have an idea of what to do so I can kill the boring time I'm spending until they arrive. 》
《I'm sure she'll be mad at what I'm going to do, but I'll do it to kill the boredom. 》
《To be watching alone from up here all the time is a bit annoying.》
《The kingdom is beautiful from above, but I prefer the image it had in the past. If its image from above was the same as in the past I would be glued to those views without getting bored at any time. 》
《However, as you can see, things are very different. 》
《Also I think it will be fun to tell this generation that story. 》
After having thought about that with a rather happy and cheerful air he left the place by jumping down from the top of the building he was in.
Before he had done that the dirty-robed individual left some small words written on the roof of the tower with a golden fire that would never go out until he did not wish it to.
Those flames said "Look from this place to the place where there are the most people. I will be there waiting for you. I apologize for changing the meeting place."
The robed being fell like a feather to the roof of one of the many houses.
Despite having been thrown with great force and from a high place, he managed to retain his fall a centimeter before touching the roof and that caused his arrival to be the same as that of a feather.
Once down, he ran and jumped from roof to roof with a big smile under those robes.
The seconds passed and he was already in the place that had interested him from above to carry out his little show.
Arriving at the square with the statues of the heroes of this kingdom, the dark-robed individual jumped from a rooftop to the statue of the hero that was in the middle of the square.
From above the silver-colored statue he throws up a dark-colored magic ball, which explodes noiselessly in the sky and fragments into several dark particles.
In this way he attracts the attention of everyone who was walking around the place and shouts with a very excited voice towards the whole audience.
"Listen attentively my dear citizens of Orbis!".
"During my long life I was able to see the beginnings of this historic kingdom on this world."
"Gather around everyone and listen to the story of the otherworldly kingdom!".
The people seem surprised by those small dark fragments falling from the sky and thanks to the loud words they are slowly approaching towards the center of the park.
"Let me tell each and every one of you about the first steps of the Orbis empire and its great ruler."
The people with much intrigue continue to approach towards the place of the guy in robes.
"This story full of adventure, fights, loves and sad moments starts in another world...."
Being able to see these beautiful views every day is one of the best things that ever happened to me.
Ships are flying and the city is just as busy as the traffic in the sky.
The sky is filled with a myriad of flying races flying back and forth.
There are dragons, harpies, flying lamias, angels, demons and a host of other beings.
Meanwhile, on the outskirts of the third wall you can see the great traffic of carriages that wish to enter our country and travel the wide and long streets of our kingdom.
From up here I can see perfectly how busy and fun our city looks.
These views of my country will always be in my mind.
As much as this is all a game, for me this is my life.
This virtual world is everything.
In this place I was able to meet my best friends and my real world.
Everything is about to end.
Thanks to these views I can forget about almost all the shit that happens to me in real life.
I may sound really stupid saying that, but just being able to see everything we built fills me with pride and satisfaction.
Nevertheless, I can't help but be annoyed with them.
As I look out of my realm I begin to remember what happened before I logged into Stelaris.
A few hours ago I was at the university and I was in the last year of my degree.
As usual I was sitting next to the window and in the background.
From where I was I could see a bit of the city, since I was on the second floor.
In every class I did the same thing, that is, I looked outside and didn't pay attention to the teacher.
I simply observed the beauty of nature.
I would see the trees and the birds perched on them.
Mmm...not only did I see nature, but I also liked to observe the city, the people and the sky.
Many will surely think I'm a lazy, useless bastard for not paying attention in class.
However, I don't pay attention to the teacher because I don't need to learn anything from him anymore.
It's as simple as that.
I have studied everything and just by doing the evaluation I pass.
I participate in the classes from time to time and I get the best grades, so the professors hardly ever call my attention to me and that's enough for me.
Besides, I shouldn't care too much about the future, after all, I will probably end up in the army or maybe not because of my grades.
Recently several of the important resources came to an end and with it several wars started.
Our continent is the newest and the one with the most resources. Thanks to this many powers declared war on us and the streets are full of protests and problems.
The thing is that the world went crazy from one week to the next.
The only important thing for me at that time was Stelaris, the game I love the most.
As I was looking out I had lost track of time.
A fellow player tapped me on the shoulder to get my attention and I replied "What do you want!" in a very annoyed way when I saw it was him.
He looked at me angrily.
"Nothing, I don't want anything. I was simply letting you know that class is over and I'm telling you this because all you were doing was looking outside."
Those words he says to me with a curt tone.
Just having him in front of me made me sick to my stomach.
I didn't even want to see him.
"Ha... You think you're my mother?" I tell him in a mocking tone.
He gets angry and tries to hit me, but before that he is stopped by his friends.
He yells a bunch of things at me with a rather angry and disgusted expression.
I didn't hit him while he was being held by his friends because I could end up in serious trouble, but I was having a hard time restraining myself from not doing so.
His friends start telling me a bunch of things to calm down the son of a bitch I had in front of me.
"You don't have to worry about this killer, Lucas."
A pretty woman mentions and shakes her blonde hair in the typical arrogant way she always did.
Listening to that bitch talk made me sick to my stomach.
"Knock it off, you better not mess with this scumbag, otherwise you might end up like his parents."
Lucas' best friend said angrily.
I was getting sick of hearing all their damn voices and being in the gaze of every person in this room.
I felt like punching them and then stomping on them as I scoffed.
It would have been fun if I did that, but I preferred not to cause trouble.
I just said the following words to them with a smirk.
"Go fuck yourselves you fuckers!".
"Better worry about your lives and let others do theirs."
As I finished saying those words, a cute and somewhat petite woman comes up to me and gives me a big slap on my left cheek.
Obviously I was instantly enraged.
I wanted to slap her back, but I restrained myself.
I simply brought my dark complexioned face close to hers and looked into her eyes with my red-rimmed ones.
"You better not do something like that again you filthy bitch."
The grin was overflowing on my face.
I wanted to grab her by the hair for everything these guys had done to me and get even.
I turned my face away.
"How dare you say those things when we were only trying to help you." She mentions with her voice shaking.
Those words ruined my day.
I was beyond angry.
"Don't you think it's late enough to help me." I said to them with a frown.
Those words had driven me out of my mind.
I couldn't believe how they could say that, when they abandoned me in my most difficult moments.
I just sighed, gathered my folders and left with a smile as I listened to endless negative opinions about me from everyone in the room.
"You'd better stay away from that trash."
"The best thing anyone can do in this place is to stay away from that murderer."
"I don't understand how someone like him can just walk around on the loose like that after what he did."
"He's a filthy murderer, he should be in prison paying for what he did."
Those were the comments from my classmates.
Well, I wouldn't even call them classmates.
Their comments bothered me, as they knew nothing of that moment.
I had no choice but to shoot back then.
If I hadn't I would have died too.
As I walked around outside the high school I couldn't stop thinking about them.
A few years ago we were all friends, but when I was in that difficult situation they left me aside and from one day to the next they didn't know me anymore, as if our friendship had been all a dream.
They had abandoned me at that moment and since that time I decided to trust only my true companions.
I am talking about those who were in Stelaris.
When I saw how the rain started to fall, I decided to run to my house to get there as fast as possible.
As soon as I arrived I called and placed the order for my meal.
I had ordered some empanadas.
Just thinking about it made my mouth water.
The truth is, that wasn't my only reason for running home.
My main reason for wanting to go home was because it was the last day that my precious Stelaris was going to be in operation.
I wanted to get home and get into the game to get away from that crappy world.
As soon as I arrived I lay down on my bed and activated the necklace to log into Stelaris.
This very rare necklace was called New World or abbreviated N.W. and was designed by several famous scientists.
Thanks to it you can enjoy games that become a complete reality.
This device allows us to see the game from the inside and not from the outside like the old consoles.
Just by saying the words to activate the necklace my brain went into total rest while I immersed myself in the interface to choose the game I wanted to enter.
I have many games, but the only thing I played was Stelaris, so after logging into the game I decided to relog into the profile of my only avatar, Yossu.
And well...
In this way I arrived at my palace room and I find myself on the balcony of my room watching the great kingdom that we created together with my companions.
"All this in front of me is my precious world and Orbis is like my home in this place!"
I look with much excitement and happiness at all these fantasy sights I can appreciate.
Seconds pass by and a lot of memories come to my head from when I started playing Stelaris.
I remember when I started as an adventurer and ended up being one of the kings of the four most powerful kingdoms in the game and the most powerful in my server.
When I started playing Stelaris 12 years ago I wanted to get away from reality completely. My family had problems and it was very difficult to study at that time. My life was boring and I found it hard to make friends or live a normal life in elementary and high school, however, Stelaris gave me what reality couldn't give me, that is, friends, fun and a unique and perfect life.
I started out being adventurous and when I met them we set out to be the best at this game.
"After a year, the game was all the rage and with this great fame came the patch that allowed players to create kingdoms, rule them and wage war between the other countries."
"At the beginning there were ten of us, but eventually we were down to four kingdoms between all the servers."
"All the servers were connected so that people from one server could switch to another just by walking across the continent or crossing via ships. The world of Stelaris is the same as the real world, it had just been shrunk a bit, but it's still so big that it's hard to go from one place to another."
"Unlike in reality the landscapes, cities and places were different from the continents of the real world despite having the same shape."
The more I look at these views the more I get emotional and melancholic.
In these moments I am glad to have created this whole kingdom together with them and to have had good times together.
My best moments were when the six of us together, the NPCs and the players of our country fought against the other kingdoms. The battles made my blood boil with excitement and when I saw the enemies fall and surrender to us the great kingdom Orbis caused me a lot of emotion and satisfaction.
"In our server there was no realm that could compare to us in power level or strategy level, we were geniuses if I had to define us, but after a while my companions began to have families and things to do in reality and little by little I was left alone in this realm along with the NPCs and some other players. Now it's just me and all the NPCs."
"It's very sad to think that everything we created and gained will go down the drain in just hours."
Obviously it bothers me that they abandoned me, but being honest not everyone was like me and I don't think everyone would consider or view this game the same way I did.
I still feel hatred for that, but I can't blame them either.
It fills me with beautiful memories as from above I watched all the NPCs do their job in the city.
If it wasn't for the system or that I couldn't cry in this world I'd already be lying on the ground and screaming my head off while crying non-stop.
Ha...I'll most likely do that after the game is over.
I close my eyes and open my arms out to the side to shout from the balcony to the whole kingdom "I AM YOSSU, THE BEST KING OF ALL AND ONE OF THE MOST POWERFUL PLAYERS IN THE GAME."
Followed by me shouting I am filled with happiness and enter my room.
I look at my hand and say "Thank you Yossu for everything you have given me. We made it to top 2 of the best players in Stelaris and top 3 of the best realm in the game."
"Yossu is like my second hidden personality. With him I could do everything I couldn't do in reality, he was like my hero."
"Yossu is a dual-class being, meaning he has two races. So you had to level up both races and not many people got a dual-class being. Also, it was very difficult to level two races to level 500, but thanks to my friends and time I managed to become one of the most powerful players in Stelaris, I even became famous on streaming sites and social networks even though I didn't have or practice some of them."
"There were millions of chances that I would get a lot of double classes, but today I don't regret getting the double class of Angel and demon."
That's right! Thanks to having both races at level 500 I can use all their skills, magics, items and a lot of other things that don't belong to these two races.
I pull out from my back the two giant pairs of wings that belong to my two classes, so I can see them again.
One pair of wings were black in color and belonged to my demon class. These were on my left.
The other pair of wings was white in color and as you might guess belonged to the Angel class. These are located to the right of my body.
I touch the wings.
Yes they are a complete disappointment, I thought touching them was going to give me a good feeling, but it is quite the opposite.
Obviously I wasn't going to feel anything...well, I do feel something rough, but it's the opposite of what I always thought wings would feel like.
If this whole world existed I'm sure it would be great to touch my wings, but since it's impossible to feel smells or touch in a game I'll never get to taste the feeling of touching these beautiful wings.
This is one of my last times in my kingdom, so I want to walk around the corridors at least once, since we created this kingdom we rarely walk inside. Most of the time we just teleported and that was it.
I like these corridors.
The black, red and gold carpet is great.
Also, I love that the walls are dark.
It's just beautiful.
I did all of this, but I didn't remember anymore.
I was in my room a while ago and that was most likely my last time in it.
It's sad, but I'll miss it.
On the sides of the place I walk by there are rows of maids in black uniforms.
They are all beautiful Demi-humans with unique looks.
Their looks and expressions are purely serious and cold.
Anyone looking at them would be afraid just to have them by their sides.
These maidservants are soldiers of our palace.
They are not only servants, but they are also a danger to any individual other than us.
When we went to war many times the palace could be attacked and that is why they are all here.
The combat maids and the six generals are in charge of protecting the palace and the kingdom in our absence.
The normal maids are around level twenty or thirty, the medium level ones between 50 and 60 and the highest level ones are around level 100.
I wish I could spend this last day with my friends, but it doesn't look like it's going to happen.
A week ago I had prepared a big party for all of us to say goodbye for all the time we spent in here, but due to their busy lives it was impossible for them to come.
At least I will be able to say goodbye.
I'm still sad, but it is what it is.
"I'm finally here!"
After several minutes in the corridors I was able to reach the courtyard of the Orbis Palace.
It had been a while since I had visited it, but the truth is that it is very beautiful and filled with a lot of creatures typical of the ruler Lemilia.
She was the one who created all this courtyard and that huge tree that is in the training place of the army.
Surely there is nothing like this place to rest and forget the bad times.
I didn't realize it, but I was already lying on the short grass of our giant garden.
I put my arms behind my head and look around the garden.
I can see the Driades maintaining every spot of nature in this place.
Then there are the foxes and a bunch of other creatures formed from the plants moving around.
There are also Slimes that throw themselves stuck in Yuki's ruler's pool.
It was funny when Gager and Lessaria would fight over their differing opinions and most of the time they would end up destroying this place, which would end in Yuki's fury, who would then make them pay for all the wreckage caused.
No doubt they were my family and friends.
A red alert comes out all over my face and completely obscures my view of the beautiful sky above.
The alert has the sign of a pie on it and that means my real body is hungry.
I guess I'd better disconnect to go see if my food is on its way and then reconnect to spend my last moments in this world that I consider my true reality.
It's already nine o'clock and I hadn't noticed!
I'd better go quickly to check if my order is in so I can reconnect before twelve o'clock.
At that time will be the worldwide shutdown of all Stelaris servers.
I'd better hurry and log off.
I open the menu and hit the option to close the game.
- End192 Chapters
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Flutter ||pjm (COMPLETED)
"Don't you remember changing clothes by 'yourself'?" "Oh did i....??" "Yes pabo" Oh, did I changed my clothes on my own? Well...I'm not sure about thi- waittttt did jimin............O.M.G.........Jimin ff/ for all Jimin biased :) actually for all armys hahaCOMPLETED!
8 185