《New hope online》chapter part :2 finding a new way to fight


Oh crap, I made a mistake I totally forgot that this dungeon isn't discovered yet well that's not much of a problem people will start coming to this area soon enough and see. Let m address two problems that I have though the first one being that the entrance to my dungeon doesn't look very appealing and that it slipped my mind to give the dungeon an actual name ok so first instead of a hole in the ground leading down with stairs I know made the entrance a tunnel that went down and connected to the stairs instead of just a hole down on the ground . Then I added an entrance at the top made out if stone that I spawned in. the entrance was filed down into to two doors for the dungeon the door wasn't anything special it had a few designs in it mostly just outlines of monsters that I put in the dungeon than I put some soul gems in it to make the door glow with a radiance. Now all if haft to do is come up with a name * Note I really couldn't think of a name so I came up with a temporary name if anyone has any suggestion please comment below. hmmm, what about the doom pit. Nah that sounds way too dumb hmm how about killer waves. Nope tat is just absolutely dumb. well, for right now let's call it. The forever changing dungeon. oh and ill name first floor while I'm at it. hmm, I think goblins pond will do. OK while that problem is fixed.

I still have another one the problem of not being able to fight but ti will be able to fix this with a simple press of a button while in the tutorial I found that you are able to possess any monster that you make in the dungeon for a certain amount of mana points you are able to fight in these bodies there are of course some setbacks though the first one being you can't gain any more skills or abilities while in the host body and you cannot leave the dungeon while in the host body this, of course, pains me greatly but whatever I may not be able to leave or gain skills but I can gain stat points and levels. they don't restrict you from gaining stats and level. oh gosh, I would take over a body now but it is about time to go to school judging by the time there. ahh crap, I missed breakfast. well, whatever. hmm, what does logging out feel like? nooo, another bright ass light in your face. I think I'm going blind. ok, I'm back in the real world judging by how messy this room is. Ok, I feel like a freeking old man now my back hella hurts I did an age old mistake of not finding the most comfortable spot to lay myself down in. after getting everything ready for school. I went downstairs to find my family still eating without me. I didn't mind this because it was my own fault because I didn't check on the time in the game.


my family was just talking about their respective dungeons sharing some facts so is started doing the same thing I found out a lot good information I also found out that my grandma and grandpa share a dungeon they coerced the administrators into giving them a dungeon where two people could own it . which I think is unfair because come on they have two crystals which mean double the mana. and two brains which mean double the ideas. cheating grandparents but whatever. it was now the time to go to school i got in the mini van. with all of my family again this time being able to sit in the middle while topaz had to sit in the back with the evil scy once we got to school me and my twins split up and went into different directions like we had never met each other. once I got into school all I heard was talk about new hope online there were people talking about guilds new monsters what they heard over here and there most likely a lot of it was lies but I can't distinguish. oh yeah, I remember where I put my dungeon in at. The giant's forest. I'll use this talk to my advantage I started spreading the news through the whole school of their being a dungeon in the giant's forest nothing much happened besides me spreading news and gossip.

after spending my time in school my mom came to pick us up and bring us home she said that nobody can log into new hope online until every =one cleans up the house and does their homework well since today was tuesday I didn't have any homework so I started cleaning the house frantically with the help of everyone the house was cleaner than when we first moved in after cleaning everybody launched to their rooms including me I put the helmet on but this time I lay down in my bed feeling great I turned everything on and said the magic words log on and a bright light hit my face again temporarily blinding me again and I'm back . ok, now its time to figure ou that test. hmm, let me look for a suitable body how about this goblin. after choosing a goblin I chose the ability posses. oh my god i have legs for the first time in forever oh dont forget i can now actually see in front of me instead of me seeing 360 degrees with my slime and the whol dngeoun with the crytsal i can now see just in front of me i have green skin. alright tim to test this body out i ordered one of the goblins in this genera area to attack me.


in gonna kick some ass hell, yeah the goblin I ordered to attack me has a small knife in his hand and is now rushing towards me i picked up a wooden small club that the goblin had beside him and i started running towards the otehr goblin the goblin tried to hit me ferocuiously, i dodged alotof the hits but this body is to slow to actually dodge all of this club is way to heay of a weapon for this little goblin to handle i can barely swing it a him without losing it mid swing hmm ok i have plan once he attack i going to dodge it han im gonna step on his foor anslam my club upwards .oh hell yeah that plan actuallly worked it knocked his health all the way down turning the little goblin into nothingness gone from this world forever.

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