《Short Stories by Regan Brooks》The Proposal - Flash Fiction


I was so excited when I got the engagement ring. It was mailed to my apartment so it could be a complete surprise. My mother thought it was a little soon to think of that type of thing but that didn’t bother me. When you’ve met the one, you know it’s the one, right? Mother said it would end up like last time, but I know that won’t be the case. I’ve got a good feeling.

I met Karen two months ago at the Best Buy I work at. The moment we met, it felt like I had known her all my life. There was an instant, undeniable connection between us. She came into the store a few more times that month, and I made sure to be the first one over to help her. Karen was so sweet and nice every time. The ring I purchased was a band that matches the copper color of her hair, with a diamond in the center.

Outside of her house, I hesitate. I’m just too excited, picturing the look on her face. Today is the day, only a little longer before I can pop the question. I watch her through the window and wait for her husband to go to work. Her two children already boarded the school bus, just a matter of minutes now. She is going to be so surprised.

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