《2'n Aloysius》Chapter 8 - A New Face
"You two seriously are getting on my nerves..."
"S-Sorry..." Neil had tried to soften up the explanation, but as a member of Gerads party came in and bought some potions she wasn't convinced. The same whip-user had apologised for his friends behaviour, to which Neil thanked him for apologising on behalf of his ally.
Soon after leaving, he was given a mouthful from the alchemist as Amari sat to the side staring at an unconscious Klein. Florence shook her head in disappointment, having finished healing Klein from his injuries. Getting up from the bed, he felt a hand rest on his shoulder as Neil was glad his brother was ok.
"Just don't go doing something so reckless again, okay?" She frowned as Klein was already stretching his body, yawning as he turned to Florence who seemed awfully close to him.
"Well... No promises- OW OW I WAS KIDDING...! " That was enough of an answer to Florence, with Klein getting a light slap on his head. It hurt like hell, but in Neil's mind, he deserved it. The fight he just took was very risky, and the damaged caused only supported his reasoning on him going instead.
As Neil was already rummaging through his wallet in search of more coins, Klein had decided to lie back down onto the table. Using this chance, Florence went to sit beside Amari as the brothers began discussing their funds.
"What's the deal with those two?" Florence asked Amari, only to get no response. She had seemed too focused on something else, staring off into space as the alchemist seemed curious. Tapping the demi-humans shoulder, Florence asked again. "What's wrong...?"
I highly doubt that... The alchemist thought, taking into account that Amari's expression were condradicting that. The demi-human was distracted, not noticing the concern in Florence as she wouldn't budge. She sighed, Florence would have to talk to her about it a later time.
At least, not in front of the brothers.
"Klein actually used a weird spell... 'Inpulse Eva' is what he said..." This caught the alchemist's attention, her gaze already fixated on Amari as the brothers were distracted by their declining funds. Amari continued as she took out a glove from her pocket, handing it to Florence as she began inspecting it.
"Oh my..." Florence's expression soured when she saw the symbol on the back of the glove, noting the lousy paint used to create the crest and circles. "Klein! Why did you use one of my EX spells!?" Florence shouted, causing the two to take a step back at the sheer volume.
"The guy was talking shit and making slave jokes about Amari, I wasn't just going to let that slide...!" Already wincing at the initial verbal assault, Klein defended himself as his anger flared up again for a breif moment.
That part made Florence a bit saddened, looking back to Amari who nodded to confirm what he said. Brushing her hair in irritation, it definitely got on her nerves how other low-class members would do say such things. She would have to discuss this in a later meeting.
"I see..." A long staredown resulted in Florence relenting, her eyes shut as she went back to do her last checks on Klein. Close once again, Klein stood still as she had already begun inspecting his face, as she closed Neil's outstretched hand of coins.
"I'd rather not let you two handle things on your own, I'll have to come up with a reason behind your knowledge of the spells..."
The alchemist had already begun to think to herself, focusing her attention to Amari who still was distracted. Klein tapped Neil's shoulder to talk, gesturing to the door they excused themselves outside the apothecary. As they opened the door, brief sounds of footsteps pattered from around the corner unnoticed by the both of them.
"Klein what do you-"
"I've gotta tell you something... I'm sorry I didn't tell you this before..." Neil's head slightly edged back, a bit confused at what he meant. He didn't tell them something? What did he mean? He nodded to confirm his assumptions.
Klein took a deep breath, releasing his hold from Neil's shoulder as he closed the door.
"I met with another guy from our world.." Klein immediately shut his mouth afterwards, as Neil's confused expression grew even wider.
"Excuse me... What're you two talking about?" He was about to comment on his discovery when they heard the door open, revealing Florence with Amari by her side.
"Ah... I just told him about the next quest was having-"
"He told me how he's become your guinea pig." Klein facepalmed as Neil waved it off as a joke
Oh! I've heard say that before... The alchemist of Graela still remembers one instance of that phrase, during one of Klein's daily 'check-ups'. Amari, however, was unsure at what Neil had meant, as she started to think about how he's considered an animal to the alchemist.
"Alright, now that the three of you are inside... I've elected to have YOU, Klein, as my new apprentice." Her statement felt unheard by the three, standing there with their mouths agape as silence consumed the room. The awkwardness grew, it was then that Klein raised his arms in objection.
"I don't think I can... I'm already with Amari & Neil adventuring-"
"Ah- well, the whole town is suspicious of you now, knowing one of the Holy Orders signature spells!" Pulling out a book Klein had read days before, she flipped through its contents before coming across a certain page. Florence showed the cover to Klein, watching as his eyes widened at the title.
Just peachy... Klein sweat-dropped as she silently stared at him with smug expression. Passing the book to him, he begun re-reading it's contents while Florence continued her explanation.
"Seeing as you've already been put under my care as my test subject, this should give us more than enough time to spend together learning all you need to know..." Florence explained, leaving the two to glance at each other confused as she continued, "It'll also give Neil and Amari time to experience quests without you."
Klein flinched at that last part, looking to Amari and Neill to see them not too bothered by this. If anything, Neil seemed a bit excited from his expression, as the two turned to Klein for his reaction.
Quickly hiding it with a tired smile, he kept an eye on them as Amari started to light up again.
"Ha... I guess changes wouldn't hurt, just don't get Amari into any dangerous situations..."
"On the contrary, little Amari has been very brave the past few days you and your brother have been away doing quests." Klein glanced over to Neil who had a look of approval, causing his to furrow a brow at what he meant. Neil went on to say how Amari had actually been holding down the fort with Florence pretty well, even learning a few tricks from the alcemist herself.
"Amari, this true?"
"S-Sorry... I just didn't want to burden you..." It astouned him how he didn't know about this, more stunned at how Amari managed to pick up spells so easily despite her age. Now that he had a good look at her, Amari was growing unusually fast. Her ears were already close to their shoulders.
"Alright... I'll be your 'apprentice' for now, but this it just to clear suspicion from me. Once its done, were done." Klein already begun packing up his dirty clothes, now wearing a white shirt and brown trowsers. He'd make sure to keep it clean, it was Florences' after all. Passing them back to Neil, it was time for the two to take their leave.
"Not that it makes any difference Klein, you're still getting black-mailed by me." Amari winced as she heard that last line, realising that she still had them under her thumb. All those days passing their slime quest, Klein had gone to Florence's apothecary at her beck and call.
Even during the middle of the night...
"We'll see you around Klein, and thanks again Florence!"
"Bye Miss Florence..." Amari and Neil said their goodbyes, as Florence held her hat with a while waving back at the two. Klein and Florence were left alone in the room, as the two had already begun walked together up the stairs.
"So, what do you have planned for me this time doctor...?"
"It's a surprise, 'guinea pig'..."
Klein gulped as she kept her pace behind him, feeling the intense stare from behind as they headed upstairs. His fate would be left unknown for the next few hours, but neighbors could distinctively hear thumping and knocks along the wall. Whimpers and moans were heard from down the street, unnvering anyone who were close enough to catch the voice of Klein.
Neil wouldn't dare ask his brother about what had happened, as Klein would always brush it off as nothing.
He was doing it for them.
The hooded figure who followed them to the Apothecary sat right outside, a bit disturbed by the sounds. Fizzled by the moans, she gripped her cloak tightly as she stomped away. She wouldn't stay to hear anymore of this 'pleasure'.
Morning came, with Klein being the first to wake. Trying to get up, his bottom half immediately died out as he fell back ontot he bed. The pain in his legs up to his private part felt numb, the brother of Neil telling himself to hold in the need to cry out in pain.
He was doing it for Neil & Amari, he was doing it so they wouldn't get jeopordised.
"Fuck... My ass hurts so much...!"
Klein turned to the side of the bed, clearly disturbed by the unspeakable events which took place on that second floor last night. It was an unspoken time neither Neil nor Amari would ask about, especially after the demi-human asking the younger brother in private.
Speaking of them, Neil and Amari were still fast alseep.
"I should get going..." Heading to the closet, Klein had already picked out his clothes as he prepared to head back to the tavern.
"Now I'm starting to look the part, just need one more... There." Flicking a cap onto his head, he felt ready to leave the house and go for a stroll. He needed to meet someone at the tavern nearby, a man who he met earlier whilst following the figure in the coat.
After their first brawl with Gerad and his party members, Klein ran out of the tavern in a rush to confront the hooded figure tailing his brother.
Klein was too busy to focus on the voice calling out from across the road, unnerved when he heard footsteps getting closer from behind. He turned back to find a familiar face from before, immediately stopping to get a closer look at the man.
He had tight black pants, shiny slacks, and a white collared shirt from before. His hair was almost as long as his, fashioning a ponytail instead of his own being free.
The very same scar was viewable on the man's left side, their eyes widening in surprise at recognising each other.
"That scar... you're that guy back at Yuoshi! I think..."
It was hard to recall, but he knew he had seen him before. Klein observed him to find he was just as confused, surprised when his expression soured.
"Aren't you that kid I met back in the park? What're you doing here-"
This is getting nowhere- Klein turned to continue his pursuit when he felt the man grab his arm, looking visibly concerned by his lack of care in their conversation.
"-and where are you going?"
I don't have time for this, the guys gonna get away!! He quickly pulled his hand out of the man's grip who was about to protest. Klein didn't care at the moment, he just needed to see if his brother would be ok.
"Listen, we'll talk at the tavern tomorrow- Just be there tomorrow morning okay?!" The man watched as Klein rushed off, his hands raised in utter atonishment. Turning a corner, Klein winced as he percieved an echoing shout of disappointment.
He stopped when he reached the street of the apothecary, noting the person who stood right outside. Klein had to put his stealth skills to the test, sneaking behind chairs and objects that laid between the two.
A girl? Why is she following him... Klein kept a close eye on her, moving closer as more features of her could be seen. That dark blue coat was hiding multiple layers of belts, specifically around the girls legs everytime the wind blew.
"So they are... New...The brothers..." He couldn't hear the girl, but he knew the girl was mumbling something about them. It wouldn't be too farfetched to think our appearance attracted unwanted attention, about how out-of-place they must've seemed.
Klein almost screamed in shock as a voice whispered in his ear, turning to find the same man from just a few seconds ago.
"You didn't give me an answe- whoa!" Klein pulled the man down as he saw the figure begin to turn their way, narrowly avoiding the chance at getting caught. The girl noticed beads sticking out from behind the box, the two hearing gasps from the apothecary.
"Huh? What was that sound? Who's there?!" A voice shouted from inside the store, as they poked their heads up after hearing Florence from inside. The girl was had been caught, as she immediately bolted off down the street.
"No! Inpulse-" Klein felt his body strain as he raised his hands, trying to aim his spell towards the girl. The back of his head felt like it was getting stabbed, his entire body going limp as he fell to the floor.
The man from before caught him, letting him down gently as the door to the apothecary opened.
"K-Klein!" Neil saw his brother leaning to the crate, rushing to his side with a potion as the man stood back.
"U-Uh, thanks Mr..."
"Masaru, Don Masaru." Masaru...? Neil pondered to himself, slowly tipping it's contents into his brothers mouth who drank it. It definitely sounded Japanese, looking back up at the man who had just introduced himself.
"Well uh- My name is Neil, Neil Towha." The man in white smiled, before adjusting his clothes and picking at his pocket for something. Taking a piece of paper out, he wrote a date and time on it, slipping it into Neil's shirt.
"Tell your friend I'll meet him at the tavern, just make sure he reads that."
"Ok..." Without a word, he lightly nodded before getting up. Quietly walking away, Klein had finally recovered as he groggily stood up, feeling dazed just from drinking the potion.
"Ghuhghh.... Tastes like outdated wine..."
"You've drank outdated wine?" Klein refused to answer that question, annoyed by his brother repeating what he had just said. Neil stood by him as the two were walking back to the apothecary.
"That guy, Don Masaru, he said he'll meet you at the tavern." Neil handed him the ripped piece of paper, checking it to find a date on it.
Ok, so we have a meetup date... Klein put the paper in his own pocket, stretching his arms as they walked back to the apothecary.
"Did you guys see that girl tailing you?" Neil's dumbfounded reaction was answer enough, as Klein frowned at his brothers lack of awareness. Though given the circumstances, it wasn't his fault. Klein had screamed for him to get Amari medical attention, running to Florence and never looking back.
"We should watch our backs for the next few days." Neil saw the serious expression on his brother's face, as he shook it off before returning to normal.
This girl he said was following them, was she a threat? He would have to keep an eye out like he said, but Neil was a bit worried on how things might play out during these next few days.
"Seventh of July, he should be here by now..." Klein stood outside the tavern, keeping an eye out for the man named Don Masaru. But it was already past morning, and no one important had bothered to show up yet.
"Whatever, I'm just going to head inside..."
If this guy wasn't going to show up, he'd at least get a drink and some food before going home. Walking inside, he was met with a few stares from the townspeople as he walked by without a care.
He did cause a ruckus just a few days ago, having not been inside ever since. Now he was back, and so had the murmurs when Klein reached the bar top. Sitting at the far end of the bar near the door, he could have a good look at whoever was coming in.
"Can I get what that guys having?" Klein pointed towards the guy beside him, who was currently munching down on some sort of sandwich with lettuce and tomato's mixed with a sort of beef. A drink was in his right hand as he ate with the other, looking towards him with a bermused expression.
"Damn right I'll get'chu one." The barman said with a strange-but-serious accent, heading to the back to get him that delicious sandwich. Klein sat there, now just wondering what to do next.
There currently was no way back, and even if they did it's not like it was going to be handed to them. The brothers would have to discover, research, and collect as much info as they could. But its not like they were scientists or anything.
"Bullshit... This is all just bullshit..." Well, at least it wasn't as hard as it was the day they arrived.
"Agreed, though I can't say bull dung is what comes to mind..." Klein turned to find the man eating his food agreeing with him, nodding as he seemed interested in his inner turmoil.
Lets check the time... Klein discreetly glancing into his cloak as he checked the time. It was already past 12PM, and the guy still hadn't shown up. "I'm done waiting..."
"Kept you waiting huh? My apologies." Klein quickly turned to find the man from before, walking in with the very same clothes as before. He was fashioning a fedora on as he tilted his head, the hat falling into his hand.
"I should've been more specific with the time, I almost ditched our own meetup..."
"Eh, don't worry about it. After all..." Don Masaru reached into his pocket and pulled out something all too familiar to him. It was a flip-phone, with the 7th of July shown on its screen.
"A Flip-phone?" He scoffed at Klein's light jab, taking a seat beside him as he asked for a drink. The two sat together for a few minutes, with the two eating and drinking while trying to catch up.
Klein didn't exactly trust this man, but he knew about the other world so...
"I've been with some company, believe it or not... Have you registered with the guild yet?" Klein discreetly slipped his phone out, showing it to Don who snickered at the wallpaper on his Jphone.
"Of course, I took a picture." Klein hid it from the man to his right, who had seemed eager to listen in on the conversation. Glares from both him and the Don was enough to tell him to back off.
"Interesting background you've got there."
I'm just going to pretend I didn't hear that... Klein put his phone back, going back to their delicious meals.
"Well, thanks for coming. It's honestly just been my brother and I, we've taken in a demi-human you know..."
"Hah, too right mate. But at least for now we can keep meeting like this." Taking a sip of his mug, the two started talking about what they had done so far. They began exchanging information, typing stuff the Don had known since he had just arrived from another town while Klein did the same.
"A high schooler huh... That sounds worrying..." As it turns out, Don wasn't the only one who was transported here. He ran into a young high-school studdent who joined up with him only a few days ago. Klein began to ponder, looking back at Don as he was humbly eating his sandwich.
"I say we part ways for now Klein, I've got a kid to get back to."
"I know that feeling," Finishing off their meals, the two ended up leaving without having to pay. The barman kept it free as thanks for putting the adventurer Gerad in his place, spiking interest from Don Masaru. Klein briefly went over their confrontation, with Don disgusted at the old mans behaviour.
Setting up another date, they soon parted ways as Klein made his way back to his apartment.
"U-Um, excuse me..." Klein wasn't too wary of the attention, turning around to find a hooded girl standing before him. She looked very familiar to him, the colour blue being evident as he peeked into her cloak. Slowly raising her head, Klein's brown eyes locked with her hazel ones.
"Are you Klein Towha...?" Beautiful blone hair was viewable from the front, tied back into a pony tail as she looked at Klein just as closely. The girl seemed shy, the growing thin with each passing second. Klein relented, not wanting to hold the silence any longer.
"Yeah, who's asking?"
- In Serial33 Chapters
What would you do if you were given an infinite amount of time? Would you consider it a blessing or a curse? How would you pass your days? Follow the story of Silas who was made into an immortal. Experience his tragedies, his triumphs and blunders. A life that stretches so far there is no end in sight. Read how Silas handles time, his perspective on things shaped by an uncountable duration of time and unfathomable experiences.
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Leftover Apocalypse
[Participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge] This is a story about the newly-adult Calliope Smith having a terrible day that ends in her getting mysteriously teleported from Phoenix, Arizona to a fantasy world where her life is in constant danger. She considers this an upgrade. Someone evil is looking for her, and she doesn't know why. Someone who seems to know a lot about her has promised they'll help her, but she doesn't know who they are. All that matters to Callie is that magic is real and one way or another she's going to learn it. The end of the world is coming up, sure, but Callie won't need to worry about that. In fact, by the time she even finds out about it one of the doomsday devices will already be destroyed, and the authorities will be well on the way to dealing with the other one. It's fine. Everything will be smooth sailing. Almost certainly. Probably. Chapters are usually about 2500-3500 words, and the goal is to post 2-3 per week but I sometimes get busy or have some writers block. It's your standard portal fantasy / Isekai premise, but unlike some the main character's time on Earth and how she got pulled into another world will (eventually) be explored. Some slight GameLit-feeling stuff later, no menus or level-ups but there's something suspiciously like a skill tree when the magic system gets going. No number crunching, and while the main character will get to do some silly stuff she won't be a god like in some fics (and will in fact spend a lot of time being badly outclassed by her enemies). Some reader interaction, ranging from adding to the worldbuilding to occasionally making big important decisions about skill progression. Please note that the main character is flawed and impulsive, and will make some stupid decisions. That's part of the story, but I get that it's not for everyone. Trigger Warnings: Foster care system references, crappy parenting. Some mental health adjacent stuff, specifically the main character has some issues where she experiences varying levels of empathy and emotional vulnerability depending on the day (it's complicated and not meant to portray any real-world conditions). Occasional violence including mention of death and grievous bodily harm, but no detailed descriptions of gore.
8 61 - In Serial21 Chapters
Practically, I am weak because "I AM A WEED!" [Author Disappeared. ]
God could have made her into a human, elf or even an ugly goblin after reincarnation. BUT WHY THE HECK MUST IT BE A WEED?! Not only does she not have her arms and legs,she also doesn't have a mouth to talk.She doesn't even have friends to talk to!And to add insult to injury, the god even likes to prank her! Where is she? Why did she die? Or perhaps she didn't die but was just transported into this world by mistake. She found out that she wasn’t just a simple weed in a simple world. Perhaps, this is an RPG world and she is the main character. If so, will she even survive this world as a weed? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Inspired by Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken [TSSDK], Kumo Desu Ga Nani Ka?, Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou, Tsuki Ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Warning: Even though this is not my first time writing, I am not a native English speaker. My grammar might be *not good* for some people but I assure you that it's readable. There are a couple of authors that help me with proofreading some chapters, but because I want to release faster, I do not go through proofreading and post as soon as I finish a chapter. Plus, I am now using Grammarly.com There is no romance for the MC in the story, like you may expect, even though there are a lot of good looking men and women. *mild spoiler* After chapter 3, The mc meets quite some friends, before grinding her level after chapter 15. I assure you, it will be really hardcore for her since she will have to fight alone while her friends are doing other things. *spoiler end* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From now on, an update will happen every two week. I will also edit the old chapters on Monday. The people that want to read a proofread/edited version, will have to check it on Tuesday. ON HALT! Many thanks to Cool3303, Alverost, BloodTear, Vijaykakani and Nekolyn Emi for proof reading the chapters. If other want to take this story, go on. Do not have to credit the author. Author on a journey to death.
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Persona Non Grata
After the events of Dr. Jose Rizal's second novel "El Filibusterismo", the story follows the tale of the former students Basilio and Isagani in the aftermath of the failed assassination plot against the most powerful governing political figures in the Delos Santos residence. Now a licensed doctor and a tenured businessman, Basilio and Isagani returns to the Philippines after their 10-year venture in Spain and in the United States to spearhead a large-scale project for the Spanish crown. For the first time in the history of the country, the Spanish government has allowed Indios to pioneer major public works, and the Filipinos, seeing this as major milestone of their race, welcomed it cheering and with open arms. It was also during that same year when the new Captain-General was appointed to the Philippines following the scandal involving the outgoing Captain-General, who sent an entire battalion of Indio conscripts to be deliberately slaughtered by a gang of tulisanes led by a man going by the name 'Matanglawin' (Falcon-eye). Leonardo Montes, the incoming Captain-General, was both feared and loved by his subjects. A close friend of the king and reputed for upholding honor, discipline and goodwill among his subjects, he won the confidence of the Cortes and of the Filipino people when political unrest arose during the tenure of his predecessor when he represented the Philippines in the high courts and won the case. However, Montes, now at the early days of his tenure, is faced with a huge and pressing problem: the widespread opium trade in the Philippines. Chinese immigration to the Philippines has increased at an exponential rate since his predecessor came to power and so is the circulation of the substance within the country. And to make matters worse, strange cases of killings and abductions began to terrorize the country, with the motives of the culprit unknown...
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Crimson Prison Of Black Domination {Discontinued}
Issei finds out the truth about his reincarnation as a devil. See what will issei become and what course of action he takes. This story is similar to 'path of supremacy or Road to domination'Btw I don't own highschool dxd or akame ga kill or any anime references to the anime.
8 65