《To End All Wars》Chapter 9: KING'S SPEECH


The ground shook under the synchronized march of thousands of men in clean and ironed uniforms.

In front of them lies Herzen, the capital of Urmacht, and home of the King.

They had won the war, and to honor them, the King had allowed them to organize a parade as the victorious army returns to the capital.

Soon the army will be inside the capital. At the head of the army, Prince Lothar rides on a white steed with Carsten on his left.

Surprisingly though, on his right, riding a pitch-black steed is Caspar, typically, someone of his rank would not be allowed to ride at the front of the parading army.

But due to the heroic actions that Caspar had carried throughout the war and Lothar's insistence, there were no objections from the Officers.

The sun was already high above the army's head as they enter the capital, but due to Urmacht's northern geographical position and the season being spring, the heat wasn't unbearable.

The citizens of Herzen had already gathered around the main road waiting for their heroes and family members to return.

As the army marches through the main road to the palace to pay tribute to the king, they are greeted by the cheering of the people they swore to protect.

The men and women celebrate their heroes while some bold girls would sometimes run up to someone in the army to hand a flower or offer a kiss.

Carsten and Caspar, though, would not allow anyone to get close to Lothar due to safety concerns, and they had already turned away some people as a young girl runs towards Caspar's side.

Caspar moves to tell the young girl that the Prince cannot accept flowers at this time, but before he can talk, the girl shoves a bouquet of flowers in front of him as she blushes.


Dumfounded, Caspar grabs the flowers as the girl quickly rushes back into the crowd, where her companions laugh at her while she continues to blush.

Caspar feels some sort of stare coming from behind him, he turns to notice that Lothar is looking at him while smiling, he realizes that there is something strange in his smile, but he can't seem to figure out what it means.

So Caspar flashes a smile back to Lothar, to which Lothar just sighs as he continues on, leaving the clueless Caspar stewing in his own thoughts.

Soon though, the army reaches the ceremonial square in front of the palace. The square is a grand but empty place in front of the palace, the ground is lined with slabs of marble, and in the front of the square, there is a raised platform with a dais flanked with many flags of Urmacht.

In front of the platform are men with rifles, members of the Urmacht Royal Guard, tasked with the sole mission of protecting the people on the platform.

The platform was filled with important statesmen, but the person that was gathering the most attention was the older gentleman sitting in the middle.

The older gentleman was wearing a highly decorated military uniform and officers hat, he was also sporting a styled mustache and beard. He had an aura that demanded respect and worship from everyone around him.

That gentleman was Rainer Von Elsler King of Urmacht and the man behind the rise of Urmacht as a military powerhouse.

He was by all accounts a genius in his younger days, he was able to safely navigate the palace politics and cement himself as the leader of Urmacht.

He also led the army in many wars both within and outside of the Confederacy, coming out victorious in all of them. His military reforms and love for talented people is the reason why Urmacht by itself can hold its own against a vast empire like Oskiuum.


Soon, the men stood in attention in the square. Lothar and Caspar were standing next to each other in the front row, Lothar noticed Caspar glancing at him, his eyes burning with curiosity.

Lothar chuckles softly then says in a whisper.

"Wait until the ceremony is over, then I'll answer whatever questions you have."

Caspar nods shallowly as he focuses on the raised lectern.

King Rainer stands up from his seat, clears his throat, and stands behind the lectern.

"Heroes of Urmacht."

He starts, and all the men focus on the King, who is addressing them.

"You have been through hell. You saw the worst of what humanity has to offer, and I am sure that has changed you."

The men stand there, stunned. They had not expected the King to start his speech in that way.

"You have seen the most hellish of nightmares. Heard the most deafening of sounds. Lived in the most miserable conditions....."

The King stops for a couple of seconds, taking in the faces of the men he sent to war, then he continues.

"But now, you are home. You have returned to your family and loved ones."

The men, some of whom have not uttered any complaints throughout the harshest of battles, suddenly burst into tears.

They have gone through hell, and they are finally back, they needed the affirmation that it was over.

"The war is over. But if war starts, I will not hesitate to send you to that hell again. Because that is your duty, your mission, to protect Urmacht. You go through hell so that the people you love do not have to experience it. You shoulder the darkness of the world so that the rest of the people can live safely in the light. And for that, you will not be forgotten. Three days from now, we shall hold a grand ceremony to honor those who have been through purgatory, and all of you will be rewarded. For now, rest. Celebrate your life and the lives of your brothers that we're unable to make it back. For we shall all meet again in death as we did in life."

Under the cheering and sobbing of the men, the King retreats back from the lectern and returns to the palace with his guards.

The men start to disperse, returning back to their homes and families.

Caspar stands there, as still as he could be, lost in his own thoughts. Lothar sees Caspar staring out into space then pats him on his shoulder to get his attention.

Caspar turns to see the prince smiling at him.


Lothar's smile deepens, hearing Caspar calling him by his first name.

"You should go back home today, Caspar. We will meet again tomorrow, but now you should rest."


Caspar nods as he starts making his way out of the square, all that is on his mind were thoughts of his family at home, and thoughts of his father.

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