《The Empty Cultivator.》The King Kid (Edited.)
(The traitor is here.) He could smell him. Big Tuna Terry raised his huge arms for the fifth time and finally blasted the door to smithereens. From the expanding cloud of dust and wood; a shadow of solid air cut deeply into Terry's side and twisted among the strongest among their group.
"REN!" He shouted and raised his gun, shooting holes in the cloud of smoke until something died. (Wicked bastard.)
"Cole! Barrel down that wicked bastard!" Cole didn't respond. "Cole!" He repeated but Cole refused to respond as his fat silhouette began to back away from the conflict. "YOU THINK I'M GOING TO LET YOU RUN AWAY COLE!?" He raised his pistol and shot at the form of the running fatso.
"Aaaaaagghhh!" The fat man squealed like the pig he was but his bullets didn't stop. He kept shooting at the pig until he heard him fall on the ground. "That is what you get COWARD! No one flees from sin! YOU WILL FIGHT TILL YOU DIE...OR I WILL KILL YOU MYSELF." He shot into the cloud again without a care for his allies.
(Some sacrifices would be made for the greater good. )
In the next moment, the fog dispersed and with it gone, he could see his men on the ground with bleeding throats but such a scene didn't mean the traitor was all fine and dandy. (His boy was strong as a boar!)
Ren's body lay mangled on the ground. His arms laid twisted while his head was bleeding from ripped skin. His spine was bended on its side with his hips twisted 180 degrees into the air. Bone poked out of his skin.
(His son has done a good job.)
On the rail of the hallway was the body of a headless man. The man had been bludgeoned to death while the old head was now hanging by the sword of his son, Ferson. He looked at their mangled remains in disgust and pride, as he began walking over their corpses.
In the far corner rested the bound monster "Justice!" He declared to the heavens and raised his pistol. (A beast would kill and for that...justice would be served, for the world and its people.) He shot the beast and raise his arms.
He waited for the love of the world.
"Huh?" (What was that?) He motioned for Ferson to raise the bed. His son complied and tossed the bed into the wall. Hidden below the bed frame was a boy. He looked at Ferson and motioned him to kill the boy. Ferson raised his club.
"Please!" Cried the boy as he held his trembling legs. "Rest in peace poor bastard." Ferson let down his club on the boy and it hit him in the head but the boy didn't explode into a shower of blood.
Ferson tensed his muscles and hit the child again on his side. This time the one that was pushed was his son.
"MONSTER!" (This evil devil had dressed himself like a child. He would kill it!) He shot the devil but the bullets bounced off its skin and encrusted itself into the walls. "What is this?" He asked in anger but before he shot another bullet, his body paralized completely, he felt two soft hands on his neck.
"Your god is dead and so are your friends. Have fun in the deepest of hells." Those were the last words he heard before he was swallowed by the darkness.
He screeched as a burst of shrieks where dragged into the endless fog
The voice whispered unceasingly; calmly and desperately. "FUCKING GIVE ME YOUR BODY!" The darkness shouted like bubbling in his ears, and twisted him, and crumpled him like paper. He felt small and weak as the ever insidious voice spoke to him. " DIE! WHY WON'T YOU DIEEE!??." They ate at his mind as they tried to escape and gush out into the world.
He suffered. He suffered. He suffered. He suffered…
He saw a sky full of smog and dirt. The top of buildings moved with the smoke, and he realized he was being dragged along the floor. He was more specifically dragged by one leg. He raised his head and people howled in pain. Thousands of nude men and women crawled on fours over all buildings and floors as they dragged the body of dead people with them.
One of the man crawling along the side of a wall looked at him in the eye and hissed.
Their eyes were magenta and sharp like a cat's eye. He didn't have to think much to realize that these things were the reason he hadn't seen anyone since meeting Cass and her sister. It always seemed strange to him but he attributed it to people being careful and smart but now...that seemed stupid.
If people were in danger of course they would get together. This was sector 1. No one was here to live like animals or in poverty. There was safety in numbers.
He raised his head to see who was dragging him along the street.
Draped in collars of human heads and broken feet where two devilish creatures. (Wait...what had happened to Cass and Henny? Had they scaped...or were their heads here!?) His heart began to beat with rage as he imagined these devils killing them.
The image of a little girl super imposed itself on the body of the bipedal demon's body. The thing looked down on his feet. With a deft control of her knife she cut one of his toes off.
"AAAAHHHHHHH!" He roared in agony as this demon began eating his toe like it was candy.
"Looks like meat woke up." The demon said with a smile as the little gilr superimposed on the demon smiled too and with her little fingers took another toe off. "AAAAAAAHHHH." He roared again as he tried to kick the grasp of the demon off his hand.
"Finally, some music to my ears." Said a large bony demon at her side as he grabbed his other leg. "Tasty toes." He said as a long pointy tongue came out of his scaly lips.
(PLEASE, PLEASE, AAAAHHH!!!) He grabbed his pinky and pulled it till it came off. (NOOOOOO!) He tried to kick the demon's hands off his legs but nothing he did resulted in anything. They kept eating him till he had nothing but a scarred stump for a foot with black holes on his leg.
He could barely think as the pain was killing him and he would have died if not for the demons closing his injuries with fingers of hot molten metal. He tried to get his head off the pain and looked around.
Buildings stood constricted by what happened to be muscle and bone growing between each other. He suspected they were dragging him towards the main sector of the city. (It w-was a scen-ee strai-straight out of an apo-pocalyptic s-scary movie...oh wait...this was an apocalypse. Hheheheheh.)
They kept dragging him along the streets, streets full of skulls and blood with the muscles of his people dragging themselves onto the floor and fortifying the constrictions.
Each bone structure seemed to reach into the skies as they joined in on the highest point on the city. In the distance, at the center of it all was a crimson floating ball. The ball pulsated and light traveled through the bone to its larger whole.
In the next few minutes, the demons approached a big medieval castle showered in blood. They knocked on the door from each side, twice, and the gigantic doors began to unlock. The complex mechanism took their time unlocking from their many locks and complex combinations as the local guard stepped forward.
"State your business scum."
A guard with white armour stood in front of the gate with a halbert strapped to his back. "We bring merchandise." The demons said as they slapped a ticket on the guards pristine armour. The guard slapped the hand to the side and pushed demons into the castle.
He fell to the floor on the entrance as the sudden push made his legs slip out of the demons grasps. (Heheheh. ~Talk about bad reception~)
They tried to go back and drag him inside but the guard blocked the way with his halberd. "Merchandise must be complete and in its right state." The demons glared at the guard and helped him get up. The pain in each of his muscles was excruciating and his very bones creaked in protest at even the slightest movement.
"Bring him to the fountain of blood! And if I catch you scum taking our blood...we will torture your souls and strip you of your Dagonet tittles. Go!" The guard commanded and pointed to one of the glass stairs leading further into the building.
"Glassy, glass. Puk-puk-pukaaak, puk-pukaaaak, puk-pukaaaak."
The demons helped him up the stairs as they had begun taking some of his skin off with their fingers. "Sini, I think you broke him." The demon said and slapped me.
"Puk-puk-pukaaak, puk-pukaaaak, puk-pukaaaak."
"Oh, com'on pepi, He is more charming now. Isn't that right little flame chicky?"
"Puk-puk-pukaaaak." He responded
They soon reached the top of the winding stairs of glass. "I love your taste...meat too badly I won't eat yu no mo." The female scaly bipedal demon said taking bits of his flesh.
They were in the middle of the huge room was a glass fountain filled to the brim with glowing blood. Slowly but surely they reached the fountain. "It stinks." said one of the demons and threw him head first into the pool of blood. Instantly, he began to feel better as he could feel his muscles knit back together and his ligaments reinforce themselves.
"Let's eat him a bit more and then we dip him back in this sauce."The female demoness said.
"Yeah!" The male demon responded.
His heart began to beat faster and harder, as he could physically see his skin return to its healthy complexion. Like a leaf falling in gentle wind, his head cleared and he realized he was not dreaming.
He was not a chicken!
The demons jumped into the pool with impish grins. He raised his palpitating arm in anger, but once the demons entered they didn't turn up. He thought of attacking the water in search of hem but stopped.
Red bones came out of the depths of the pool and began floating on the surface. "Did the blood melt the demons?" The blood was warm to the touch but it was not melting him.
(Maybe they had some unfortunate reaction to the blood…? There is definitely some kind of fantasy magic involved in this./I don't know of any safe acid ranging below the acidity of 5 with the ability to melt scales...magical scales) he thought as he took a magical bone for himself.
(Better safe than sorry.)
He stepped outside the confines of the pool and began walking around the white room.
The room was a perfect cube with no windows and flat sides. What he was searching for was some kind of latch or secret mechanism. (There had to be some way out of here.) "Ah-ha!" Because everything was white, he almost walked right by it but luckily, In his search he had found the outline of a door
Behind the mysterious door he found pure darkness. (What?) He tried to walk inside but found himself facing the main door of the room again. (Teletransportation?) He walked around the room for the second time but no matter how he tried, he couldn't find a secret entrance or exit. He even tried swimming inside the fountain for some kind of drainage hole but only found smooth marble.
He decided to leave this place rather than wait for a guard to find him and kill him, and that is why he pushed open the big doors out of the fountain room. But he didn't find himself facing a descending staircase, instead, he found himself facing a large courtroom.
Seats of white marble; decorated red stone filled with celebrating people. The celebrating courtroom of what he expected to be vampires didn't pay him any notice as they passed cups of gold and silver with bright smiles.
The scene looked almost fictitious until a kid dressed in a short gown, full with insignias and markings made of gold, and a crown of pearls with an emerald in its center palpitating waves of red light, walked out of a silver door.
The scene turned surreal as the kid began stepping on the red carpet; smoothed out on the steps leading to a throne. A throne sitting below brightly decorated curtains of gold, leading to the highest point in front of a crystal window. In there sat a throne of crystalized water vapor.
The kid promptly sat on the vapor and grabbed a glowing scepter made of what seemed to be diamond encased in a s's-shaped smooth runic cage of emerald.
The voice of the kid was deep and resounding. "Order everyone. Order." The conversating people in the stands quietened down as they gazed at the throne, and the throne became the centerpiece of the grand hall.
"Talk." The kid commanded as he looked straight at him with boredom. He didn't know what to say, but his feet didn't care and walked to the center of the hall without hesitation.
His fist began to pound harder. The already deforming veins deformed more and penetrated far inside his muscles and bones. By the time he was in the middle of the court he could feel enormous veins fill half of his body and engorge his hand, alongside his arm into a solid and muscled appendage.
The arm raised and clenched into a loud snap. The heat in the hall began to seep away as the hand engorged more and more. He could feel the muscles on his veiny half begin to grow and solidify.
Blood began flowing from the emerald on the king's crown towards his engorged hand.
The kid asked as he rose from the throne. The hand unclenched and pointed at him. The veins spread to his mouth and throat. "Yes. It I...my brother." The whole court was shaken from their knees and fell in reverence. "OH, GREAT APOSTLE OF THE NIGHT. THE GREAT KEEPER OF LIFE. LONG LIVE THE GREAT CROWN."
"In silence keepers of the court." The kid said. The court silenced at his command as they all stared at the hand gripping the air with palpable power. "What more proof do you have that you are my brother?" The kid spoke as he let go of his scepter.
(Now, this was just getting weird…)
"Well, how much more do you want?" His mouth spoke and the kid sat back on his throne. The kid's eyes relaxed and his body sunk into the vapour chair.
"Tell me of the long lost brazzer of Azard!."
"I don't remember," his mouth said.
"Gods never forget!" The kid straightened his back like a wip and howled in anger. The foundation of the whole court trembled as he punched the armrest of the throne.
"But I did the rites." His mouth said in a soft voice as before the king even the deep voice was rolled soft."
"Does it matter? You may be my brother but If you can't remember the reason you were exiled…" The kid took back the scepter and raised it to point at him, "THEN I SEE NO REASON TO WELCOME YOU BACK…Let the little wolf talk. I have no business with you." The ground cracked beneath his feet as absolute pressure flooded the room.
The ground cracked into larger pieces, as the pressure smashed directly into his bones.
"You will regret this." His mouth said between the grinding of teeth.
"I regret nothing." The kid announced fearlessly but calmly, as he raised his scepter and let it rest on his armrest. He stood and so did the court. He looked more and more serene as he approached him. Filling him with a sense of profound awe.
"Come along little wolf." The kid said, as he turned back to the door he had come from. He followed and they entered a large hallway filled with flora. Mushrooms, separated evenly on the walls of the hall; illuminating the place to the sight of pitch black windows with glowing vines. The vines were growing reflective emerald flowers, entangled on their wooden frames.
The night was not the same as he remembered. He still recalled the exact night this had begun. The 15th of Sumes 1.14LK.
They couldn't see a thing beyond their light pollution, apart from some stars. Everyone had thought the government had done something or a program more sinister than those designed by Bargast had screened the moon.
Thankfully, no one began killing each other because of the miracle of global news. There was a global broadcast all over the world of a moon that was not in fact gone but less luminous. The light reflected by the moon was just a trickle of what we were used to, so to us it was completely gone.
Of course, after covering the moon the newscaster began talking about the actual bad news. Unfortunately, people did begin killing each other after that...on the poor sectors.
The rich were always safe in these situations. He actually had a poor long distance friend that had bought a ticket straight to Mars, and it was thanks to him he decided his sister should go too.
(How his friend had gotten the money was thanks to him. He had sent him a buttload of cash to his account.)
He and the kid king reached the end of the glowing hallway and entered the metalic door on the left wall. What came after took his breath away.
In the middle of an enormous hall, with enough room to fit 4 football fields vertically and horizontally, stood the statue of the child king. His skin was made of pure gold with hair of pyrite but without his crown. His cape was made of silver with various emerald and quartz runes adorning it, with the edges made of carnelian.
The kid stood defiantly with his diamond scepter pointed to the heavens.
Below the statue stood what he thought were blue pagodas, on enormous skulls ,with sharp edges and baby blue fountains falling down the holes dug into the structure of the pagodas.
The floor was full of sparkling clear water with green bridges full of greenery connecting the different parts of the palace to small houses made of red wood and surrounded by black metal with G shaped runic markings filled with the overflowing water.
"It's been a long time since a human has been here. The first one that came here thought this was heaven, Hahahahahha!" The kid king chuckled as he began walking down the stairs leading to a large black metal platform where the first bridge connected to the others.
"Other people have been here?"
"Well of course. You guys literally entered through our hole in the surface and came here. We were surprised as you were when we saw one of yours here...but you guys used up all the magic in the world and the entrance was closed permanently. Really, a sad thing. My people barely remember how to treat you guys."
"Magic? Wait...so you have been below us the whole time?" The kid stopped and looked at him.
"Not quite, dolt." He began walking again and they began to approach a big merchant stand. A big ogre was shuffling inside as he searched for something. "Jawu."
The Ogre hit his head with the ceiling and rapidly looked at both of them. "BRAT! How have you been? How is the family."
"It has been a few 3 years. You know how it is. Jawu, my boy gets into fights and he passes himself off as the son of a normal couple of Dagonets until he becomes top of his class, that kind of stuff"
The ogre bendt below his counter out of sight and began looking for something. "What about Mel?"
"Mel? Hahaha, that shy girl keeps herself to her crystal ball. She is nothing like her mother I tell you. You going out for luch?" The ogre took out a few couple of metallic keys and put them on the counter. "Yeah."
"Then let me join you jawu."
"And your little friend?"
"Oh yeah."
The kid walked to a gate that had materialized at some time next to the shop. Wait what?
(Too slo boy)
"This is the gate. Walk through and you will be back to your world." He looked at the red eyes of the king and slowly creeped towards the door. "Nuh, hu…first, hear me wolfie. Our worlds are just the beginning of this. We need to unite the lands and bring order to this chaos before they make this planet uninhabitable."
"You want me to unite my people?" He asked incredulously.
"You have my kind in you. I can see your potential and offer you championship. If you walk out that door, the kingdom of the morning will not take charge for your actions and you may spread into the shadows, but if you decide to stay and fight for this world and its people...I will make you the greatest warrior the world has ever seen."
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