《Hiroto The Cursed Phoenix Mage》Chatper 8: The Zone
"Okay everyone, what process do we need to do in order to create mana or magic," Ms. Katsumi asked.
Hiromi and I both raised our hands to answer the question. Ms. Katsumi pointed towards our direction, indicating that we could answer. Of course she was picking a specific person to answer however, due to the fact she never said a name and we were sitting next to each other, we both answered the question simultaneously.
"You first need to mix or combine three type of energies in order to even produce mana. The first element is the energy from the mind, or better known as, mental energy. The second element is energy from the body, also known as, physical energy. The final element is the energy from the core but the term spiritual energy is what everyone uses," Sakura and I explained, simultaneously.
"Correct answer," Ms. Katsumi said with a smile.
I made a loud click with my tongue indicating I was irritated. I mean come on, she was pointing at me not her. How dare she try and steal that question from me.
"I answered first so I should get the points," I said.
"Huh, I answered first you prick," Hiromi said loudly. "What did you say!"
"What about it," Hiromi responded.
You could see practically see the sparks of anger bolting between our eyes. Ms. Katsumi noticed this and decided to speak.
"Okay that's enough," Katsumi demanded.
"Who answered first," we questioned.
"Well you both answered simultaneously. However, since Hiroto just transferred to this school and didn't learn this stuff yet, I believe Hiroto won," Katsumi responded.
I let out a victorious laugh and started talking.
"As it should be," I said. "You're just lucky."
"Wait, how do you even know this," Hiromi questioned.
Everyone also was wondering the same thing, considering the fact you shouldn't know this information without being in the school. There is confidential information that only schools know. So it's only natural that people were confused. Well, I wouldn't know the answer if it wasn't for my one month training.
"My master taught me a few things before entering the school," I answered.
"Just who is your master," Hiromi asked. "That's for me to know and you to find out."
"Oh come on," Hiromi said pouting.
"If your master taught you a few things, does that mean you know how to train these specific energies," Katsumi asked.
"Yes I do, For physical energy you need to train your body. So regular training you do everyday is already helping the energy. For mental energy what we're doing right now, this very second, is training it. Studying and learning is a good way to train mental energy. Finally, spiritual energy is meditation. Calming one's mind and body while thinking of absolutely nothing is how we train our spiritual energy," I explained.
"Great job, that is indeed correct," Katsumi said with a smile.
"That will be all for today. You can do whatever yo want until lunch starts," Katsumi exclaimed.
"Anyway's lunch is pretty soon right," I wondered.
"Yeah I'm pretty sure," Hikaru said. "It's in a few minutes so just sit there and be patient."
"Is that so, I wonder what's for lunch," I asked myself.
"I would also like to know that," Hiromi and Hikaru agreed.
"Damn it you guys are too loud for your own good," I said.
Then a boy with raven purple hair entered the classroom. I could already feel the trouble radiating off of him. I wonder
"Don't get so cocky Hiroto," a random boy stated. "What are you doing here, we're still in the middle of class."
"Don't worry I have a pass to allow me here," the boy said, holding the pass.
"Akemi is this the brat that took all of Hiromi's attention," the boy asked.
A boy that was sitting in the back of the class got up with a few other boys and made there way towards the boy in front.
"Yeah boss that's him," Akemi answered.
"Brat who do you think you are talking to my woman," the boy said.
"You're women," I said confused.
"Ezume, for the last time I would rather die then become your women," Hiromi said with a cold voice. "Hiromi don't be like that. You know you like me."
"Another word and I'll kill you," Hiromi said with a cold monotone voice.
"Oh, that personality really fits you," I stated.
"Does it," Hiromi questioned. "Yeah, it's nice to know what the cold princess really looked like."
"Don't talk like I'm not here," Ezume said loudly.
"Shut up, you're irrelevant in this conversation so buzz off," we both said coldly.
"Wait, why are you even in this class right now," I asked. "That's because I want to challenge you to a fight."
"A fight you say. Sure why not, but why though," I questioned.
"I'm going to beat you to a pulp for talking to my women," Ezume responded.
"Of course it's a stupid reason like that," Hikaru and I said simultaneously.
"How is this fight going to go," I asked. "We're going to fight without magic. Of course it's going to be by my rules."
Hikaru started laughing pretty hard knowing that not having magic is a wrong move by Ezume.
"Why are you laughing," Ezume demanded answers.
"Sorry it's just that, you're going to regret that," Hikaru said with a confident voice.
"What do you mean by that," Ezume asked.
The bell just rung loudly making silence burst throughout the room. I got up from my chair using my hand to push me upwards. A smirk appeared on my face and the aura around me changed.
"Fine, lunch started a few seconds ago. Let's get this started," I said with a cold aura surrounding me.
"Wait, if you're going to fight do it at the training grounds. I will watch over you so no one get's seriously injured," Katsumi demanded.
Everyone agreed and we headed to the training grounds. I thought it was just going to be a one vs one scenario but Ezume had other plans.
"Before fighting me you need to fight three of my goons," Ezume said with an evil smile.
"I need to see how strong you are to make sure I don't hurt you to badly," Ezume explained.
"It's so obvious that he's just trying to wear me down it's insane," I thought to myself.
"Despite how he carries himself, he's quite cunning," Katsumi stated. "That's what I hate so much about him!"
"Their going to prepare for the battle," Katsumi stated.
"Does he really think adding more people will make a difference," Hikaru said softly.
"How can you say that so confidently," Hiromi questioned.
"Well I had to fight him for the final part of the exam. He is someone that you must not underestimate in a close range battle," Hikaru responded.
"But now that he can't use any magic he's at a huge disadvantage," Hiromi stated. Disadvantage? Yeah maybe for his opponents but for him it's probably an advantage."
"What do you mean," everyone questioned.
Hikaru leaned forward onto the railing and continued talking.
"Just a little over a month ago he wasn't even using magic. When he was around six due to personal reasons, he hated to use magic. So naturally people treated him like an outcast because of that. He would constantly get bullied and tortured by others. So in order to protect himself he trained his body to endure those beatings. He also learned fighting techniques to protect himself. Although yes he went through so much pain he didn't care as long as his current family is safe. Due to this however, his physical energy is abnormal. In close quarters combat he's an absolute monster that I would avoid at any costs," Hikaru explained.
"Wait, what do you mean by current family. What about his actual family," hiromi asked.
"It's not my place to answer that question," Hikaru replied.
Suddenly everyone noticed that Ezume's gang and I walked out to the arena indicating that the fight is going to happen very soon.
"Enough with the chit chat, the fight is going to begin," Katsumi declared.
When both sides were ready all we had to do was wait for the cue to fight. Ms. Katsumi got up from her seat and yelled a little loudly for everyone to hear.
"Let the match between Hiroto and the other three students, begin," the teacher said loudly.
Akemi immediately rushed me and tried to and a punch.
I moved slightly to the right, laid my right hand on his forearm, and pushed it away.
Akemi then spun around going for another attack.
To dodge the attack I also spun making him miss badly.
While spinning I swung my arm to hit him in the face.
Akemi raised his arms slightly to counter the attack. Akemi continued his pursuit.
He tried to upper cut me but I moved my head slightly to the right dodging the attack.
Akemi then spun around and tried to kick my head with his heel.
"He really likes to spin, whatever, it's getting easier to read his moves," I thought.
I leaned back dodging his attack and pushed the leg that tried to kick me upwards. This caused him to lose his balance and fall back. Akemi jumped away to recover and his friends were going to help until he yelled.
"Not yet, let me fight him a little longer," Akemi begged.
The other two nodded and allowed him to fight me a little longer. Akemi bolted towards my direction.
I slid underneath his field of view and kicked him in the chin. Before he could recover I grabbed his ankle and threw him towards the ground.
When Akemi landed on the ground he coughed up a bit of saliva and backed away immediately to recover.
I couldn't continue my attack since I noticed the other two were going to butt in if I did. When Akemi recovered he continued his attack.
He went to punch my face, I moved my head to dodge the attack and I decided to counter.
Before he could move his arm away I swung my hand around and hit his elbow pit (the area that allows the arm to bend) making him hold his arm in pain.
I then spun around using my elbow to hit him in the ribs.
Out of desperation he threw a punch towards my chest.
I grabbed his hand, stopping the momentum of the punch, and locked his wrist.
I then pushed his arm upwards making him lose his balance again.
While Akemi was stepping backwards trying to catch his footing, I got behind him making Akemi flinch.
Right when Akemi caught his footing I place my foot behind his and put my hand on his head.
The other two noticed that Akemi was in trouble and started running towards our direction.
I grabbed Akemi's head and threw him towards the ground.
Due to my foot being behind him, this caused him to do a front flip and land face first.
"Dammit, how can he fight so well," Akemi thought.
"Akemi are you okay," a boy asked. "I'm fine just attack him!"
"Okay," the two agreed.
The two boys started running towards my direction and the first one went to kick me.
I slid beneath the kick and made my way towards the second boy.
The second boy's speed increased so it caught me by surprise.
I didn't have enough time to block the attack so I evaded the attack by jumping in the air.
The second boy noticed what I was trying to do so he changed his attack and tried to attack me while in the air.
I did a flip in the air barely dodging the attack and landed on the ground.
Due to the momentum from running I was sliding backwards even though my feet wasn't moving.
The second boy went to punch me and I did the same to him. Both of our fists collide neutralizing both attacks.
He backed off but I didn't let up on my attacks.
I jumped upwards and kicked him in the ribs then the head before landing safely on the ground.
I was charging up another attack to hit him while he was recovering but the first boy had other plans.
Before I could attack he was behind me and grabbed my arm.
"Shit, when did he get there," I questioned myself.
When I turned around to see where was the second boy I was too late.
He was already in front of me ready to attack.
He landed a kick to my face launching me backwards.
I flipped around landing on my feet.
When I flicked my head upwards and their they were.
Akemi and the other two boys standing side by side.
"Interesting, it seems I should try a little harder," I stated.
The three of them surrounded me and I was basically trapped.
I increased my speed and went for the small opening there was.
They were caught by surprise and out of desperation the first boy tried to grab me.
I cut back in to the area I was previously at making the first boy confused.
When he tried to do the same his footing was messed up causing him to lunge forward. (Basically broke his ankles).
Akemi went to attack me while my back was facing him, thinking that this was his chance. I noticed him and grabbed the first boy that was falling forwards.
I grabbed his ankle and pulled him to the area where I would be hit. Akemi hits the first boy in the stomach making him cough up blood.
The first boy got launched away and the other two was starting to get mad.
Akemi slid and tried to take out my feet. I jumped upwards dodging the attack but when I looked to my left and right the other two boys were there.
"What, he recovered faster then I thought," I told myself.
"What a pain in my ass, there team work is something you shouldn't underestimate," I thought.
When they thought they had me in there grasps, they couldn't be more wrong.
I did a split kick, kicking the other two boys right in there face. You could see the ripples on there faces due to how fierce the attack was.
They coughed up saliva and blood, while there eyes rolled to the back of there head.
I landed on top of Akemi to make sure he doesn't do a sneak attack. I backed off knowing that the other two boys are incapable of fighting.
Now it's a one versus one scenario and I already know the outcome.
"Akemi just give up already," I said loudly.
"It's pointless to continue on. I know that your goal is to wear me down but as you can tell, you're not doing a good job at that," I continued.
You could practically see the veins popping out of his forehead from anger. That wasn't your typical anger. It was the anger of someone scared for his life however, why would he show such a side towards me?
Before I could continue thinking he sent a long distance attack towards my direction.
"What, why is he doing this," I asked myself.
"Crap I can't dodge or activate my magic in time," I told myself.
I put up my arms as a last ditch of effort to block it. The attack create's a smoke screen and no one can see where I am.
"Hiroto," Hiromi and Hikaru yelled.
They were going to go and make sure I was okay. However, Ms. Katsumi put her arms in front of them.
"Ms. Katsumi why are you stopping us," the two questioned.
Ms. Katsumi had a surprised look on her face until it slowly faded away and became a happy look with a smile.
"Amazing, at such a young age," Katsumi said softly to herself.
"What do you mean by such a young age," Hiromi and Hikaru asked another question. "At a young age he has achieved it. He's entered the Zone."
After the smoke clears it shows me in a squatting position with my arms resting on my knees.
"Good grief, you didn't go easy on that attack," I said softly.
You could see orange sparks coming out of my eyes. I was calm and ready to fight. However, the feeling that took control at this very moment was anger and most of all hatred. Hatred for trying to kill me. Hatred for breaking the rules. Hatred for being a fucking coward. I slowly got up from the squat position and looked directly into his eyes. I didn't hold back my killing intent because I was fuming with anger.
"Hey, tell me, do you want to die fast, or nice and slow. I could go either way."
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