《Hiroto The Cursed Phoenix Mage》Chapter 6: My First Ever Friend
Everyone was going up one by one to test there mana pool. However, I was in deep thought about something.
"Was all of that a dream," I wondered.
"I mean nothing seems out of ordinary," I continued.
"I guess that talk with Bedelia was just a dream. I mean come on a demon beast that looks like a human and can talk is outrageous," I questioned myself.
"Wait, if that was a dream and I ended up kissing "Bedelia" does that mean I'm actually a pervert! I actually dreamed of me kissing someone," I yelled at myself.
"No way, that was just a one time thing. There's no way I would dream something like that again, right," I continued questioning myself.
"Hiroto," the announcer yelled.
I didn't respond and I was still stuck in a deep thought. The judges and the announcer was getting impatient and they all yelled to grab my attention.
"Hiroto your up next. If you don't get up here in five seconds you fail," the judges yelled.
I instantly got out of my deep thought and darted my way to the testing area. When I arrived I got death stares from the judges for making them wait. I apologized and walked to the area they told me to go. When I arrived there was an orb and I was quite puzzled.
"Okay, so what do I do now," I questioned. "All you need to do is pour all of your mana inside of the orb. You don't need to worry about losing all of your mana because when we finish evaluating your results we will return it."
"I see, that's convenient," I pointed out.
"We don't care if it's convenient or not, just start already," a boy waiting in line yelled.
"Yeah yeah, just shut up already," I teased with my hands in my pockets.
I walked up to the orb and stopped right in front of it. I put my hand on it and poured all of my mana into it. However, when I thought I poured all of my mana I came to the conclusion that I still had some left. I continued to pour mana into the orb and everyone was surprised. The judges kept the same look but started talking to each other.
"He has an amazing amount of mana for a brat," a man stated. "I totally agree, it's almost as much as him." a woman pointed out.
"Yeah, they will probably have to fight each other in the end," another man said.
They told the announcer there decision and I was able to pass the first round. However, before leaving to go to the second part of the exam, I had a question for them.
"Wait I have a question," I said.
"Oh, and what is it," the head judge asked.
"In the end of the exam we have to fight a fellow examine to determine how well our combat experience is. If that is the case why has no one ever passed the transfer exams," I questioned.
"If you win against your opponent that doesn't mean you pass the exam. In the end we combine everything from all three parts of the exams and give you a "final" score. If you do not meet the points required then you do not pass," the head judge explained.
"That explains why people weren't immediately kicked out," I thought to myself.
"I understand. Thank you for the helpful information," I expressed my gratitude.
"How did you know that you had to battle someone in the end," the head judge asked. "My master told me that."
"Who is your master," the head judge asked again.
"Sorry but I would rather keep that to myself," I answered.
"I see, well you better get moving to the second part of the exam," the head judge said with a smile.
I went to the area where they are holding the second part of the exam. I was confused that I was the only one that knew we were going to fight against one another in the end. When I arrived there was quite a handful of people there. It seems we had to wait in the resting area until the first part of the exams ends. Some were nervous, while others were confident they could pass. Suddenly a group of boys started walking up to me and I could tell just by looking at them they weren't up to good.
"Hello, my name is Ekemi and these are my subordinates. You have an impressive amount of mana," Ekemi stated.
"Okay and? I don't really remember asking," I said with a hissing tone. "What did you say to Ekemi."
"It's fine, stand down," Ekemi demanded.
"Let me guess you want me to be one of your lackey's, right," I questioned.
"That's right, so do you want to be a good boy and listen," Ekemi asked.
Who the hell does he think he is? Does he think this is some cliche plot for an anime. Yes, it's weird hearing the word anime come out my mouth, right? Well, during the break I got bored. Yes, the great Hiroto has gotten bored. Surprising right? Well, I'm only human so cut me some slack. Anyway, I watched a bunch of action anime and they all had one thing in common. Bullies, and then the MC beating the crap out of them. If that isn't cliche then I don't know what is.
"Are you an idiot. I'm only disrespectful to people when I know I'm going to hate them," I pointed out.
"If you don't become my subordinate then I will just put you in a wheelchair and call it a day," Ekemi said with an evil smile. "Get him!"
I just had one hand in my pocket and using the other to block my mouth while yawning. When they were inches away from attacking me a guard showed up stopping them immediately.
"You cannot fight without permission. If I see you doing such a thing again you will automatically fail the exam," the guard stated.
"You're lucky you bastard," Ekemi said with a furious face.
"hey, you're showing your true self right now, idiot," I said with a teasing tone.
Ekemi stormed off fuming with rage. While waiting until the first section of the exam to end a few more people passed the exam and was also waiting for it to finish. I noticed someone that had a huge amount of mana basically oozing out of him. I could tell he was strong since everyone kept a fair amount of distance from him. The announcer officially said that the first section has ended. We headed to the area where they're holding the second section. When everyone finally arrived we were greeted by the five judges.
"Congrats on passing the first round," the main judge said loudly.
"I'm sorry for the bad news but, too many of you have passed the first round," the main judge stated.
"What do you mean by that," a boy yelled.
"What I'm saying is that in order to have a smooth exam most of you here are going to score zero points," the main judge said with an evil smile.
Everyone was shocked except me and the boy I was quite interested in. Also, no, not that kind of interested. You know what I mean.
"So we're going to change how the second part of this exam is held," the main judge continued.
"They say there changing the exam to fail people, however, they're probably changing how it's held because I know what the second round is. They don't want me to try and cheat the exams. Which is totally understandable," I told myself.
"Out of 100 people that showed up, only 24 people had a reasonable amount of points. In order to decrease that number further each one of you are going to pick a partner to go against. You both will launch a long distance attack towards each other. The side that wins pass. At the end there will only be twelve of you here that will have enough points to continue. Of course you're going to do the exact process again however, instead of a long distance attack, it will be a short distance attack," the head judge explained.
"So can you guess how much people will pass the second round," the head judge questioned.
As soon as everyone found out how much people would be left we flinched. The head judge noticed everyone's reaction and started yelling.
"That's right only six of you will make it to the third round," the judge said with a face of pleasure. "Is this judge crazy."
"Whatever, this is totally fine. Now I can beat the bastard up for denying my offer," Ekemi said with a smirk.
"Hey Hiroto, I challenge you," Ekemi demanded. "Yeah, I know so can you stop talking."
"Why should I shut up for your convenience," Ekemi stated.
"Isn't that obvious? It's because your so annoying ," I said with a cold voice.
"I know I was going to fight Ekemi but I want to fight the other guy," I pouted to myself. "You two over there enough with the arguing!"
We both nodded, listening to the announcer. Everyone chose a partner and was activating there magic. Ekemi activated his magic and he had a blue cold aura. Even though he is an annoying brat he is still strong. So naturally I also used a hundred percent of my power but, I noticed that for some reason my power was several times stronger then it should be.
"What, how did I get stronger," I questioned myself.
"This power, am I in the central of low rank, no way I can feel it. I'm almost at the peak of low rank," I asked myself.
The key difference between the demon beasts and humans is how we get stronger. When a demon beast power's up they immediately go up a rank. For instance, like the demon beast I fought. It went from low rank to middle rank. Us humans can't simply skip to another rank like that. In each rank there is three steps or mainly called level's, you have to achieve in order to go up another rank. Those three levels are beginning, central, and then peak. I was excited because now I can use the move that Hiroyuki taught me. For normal people the amount of mana you need to complete this magic attack is only above average. However, since I'm someone that has a terrible mana pool the amount of mana needed was simply too much for me to handle. However, now it's a different story. Everyone was eagerly waiting for the announcer to let us begin our attacks. The announcer grabbed his microphone and started talking.
"Now everyone launch your attacks," the announcer yelled.
Ekemi immediately created a huge snake out of water magic and launched it towards me. I also immediately created an attack. I created a fire dragon that was twice the size of the snake. When I launched the attack it made the ground beneath me break and left a trail of fire on the ground. When the two sides connected it created a small explosion and at the end of it my attack was still raging on, making it's way to Ekemi.
"Wait, save me, I don't want to die," Ekemi yelled.
A security guard jumped in and destroyed my attack. All of Ekemi's goons were surprised and lost for words. There were only twelve of us and I was going to ask the guy I've been eyeing out this entire time to go against me. But, of course one of Ekemi's goons wanted revenge so I didn't have a chance to do so. I was quite bummed but I could fight him in the final section for the exam. I easily won against the goon by creating a fire sword and almost crippling the guy. I'm a lot more confident in close distance combat rather than far distance combat. In the end there was only six of us. The judges get to choose the opponents based on how we did the previous rounds. Everyone got their partners and fought except me and the person I can't wait to fight.
"The last two people who are going to be fighting against each other is Hiroto and Hikaru," the announcer yelled.
I was happy that I finally get to fight him. We both walked onto the arena facing each other. everyone that finished there matches were watching us. All the judges were there eagerly waiting for the match to begin. We both stood there looking at each other not saying a single word. I could tell he also wanted to fight me since the very beginning. I could practically see his excitement oozing out of him.
"Let the match begin," the judge yelled.
We both unleashed are aura making the atmosphere dense. Our aura's started clashing with one another making the atmosphere quite cold.
"Why aren't they fighting each other," a boy yelled. "Yeah, are they just going to stand there!"
"Shut up this is common among mages fighting one another," a judge stated.
"They're basically feeling each other out. Seeing how powerful their opponents magic is," another judge explained.
"I understand, so they're quite experience in fighting other people," a boy pointed out. "Who knows maybe there just used to fighting period."
"Now no more questions it seems the fight is going to start," the main judge demanded.
Everyone shut their mouth's and paid attention to the fight unfolding before there eyes. We both stopped using our aura's to fight and immediately started rushing each other. Hikaru threw a right hook towards my face. I dodged, grabbed his arm, and threw an upper cut under- neath his arm to his chin. I then swung around and used my elbow to hit him in the stomach. Hikaru leaped upwards onto a wall to keep distance between us. Of course I did the same and we both started fighting on the wall. To walk on a wall, water, or any rough surface, all you need to do is focus mana to the bottom of your feet. It's basic mana manipulation that every mage should know.
"Amazing, that Hiroto guy is really strong," a boy stated. "They both are."
I used my palm to hit him in the face and before he could be launched back I grabbed his arm making him stay there. I kicked his leg making him go on one knee. I jumped onto his shoulder, put my foot on his face, and used it as a platform to launch me upwards. While in the air I launched an attack and he did the same. Hikaru's wind attack broke through mine with ease and was heading towards me. I was in the air so it was already quite hard to dodge. I spun around in the air barely dodging the attack. I backed off and went to the opposite wall from Hikaru.
"I see, although he's not as strong in close quarters combat his magic power makes up for it," I told myself. "What a pain."
I noticed he was trying to launch another magic attack and I wasn't going to let that happen. I immediately dove towards him and he cancelled his attack. We both continued fighting on the wall. I noticed he was still trying to use magic so I kept on pressuring him. I kicked him in the stomach making him fly towards the ground. He created three clones out of wind, grabbed each one by one, and launched them towards me. I was able to kill two but the third got me by the legs and threw me to the ground. The impact made me cough up saliva and made the ground beneath me into a craddle. When I opened my eyes I saw Hikaru in the air with two wind magic attacks in each hand. I rolled out of the way dodging his attack. Four of his clones was around me and went to attack me.
"More clones, he has a monstrous mana pool," I thought to myself.
The first clone went to punch me. I used my left hand to push his arm away and I stepped on his foot making him fall forwards. The second clone was trying to attack my blind side and of course I saw that coming. I leaned back dodging and lifted up my knee hitting him in the stomach. The third clone tried to do whatever he can to stop me but couldn't. I hit my palm against his stomach and turned it clockwise making him cough up blood. The final clone went to kick me and I ducked under it. Right after I ducked under the kick I punched him in the stomach sending him back. While all of the clones tried to recover I created a sword out of fire and swung my body with a 360 degree turn. While spinning I cut all of the clones head off killing them instantly. The original Hikaru and I was looking at each other with smiles on our face.
We both were genuinely having fun fighting each other. Why you may ask? Maybe it's because we don't know who is going to win. Maybe it's because we finally found someone our age that is powerful. Whatever the reason was, I'm truly happy Hiroyuki scouted me and brought me too this place. This encounter is definitely far from being the last.
"Why are they smiling," a boy thought.
"Are they seriously having fun fighting each other," a girl stated. "This is an exam, they should take this seriously."
"They're having fun because they themselves don't know who is going to win this fight. They're both on equal terms, fighting with everything they got," the main judge explained.
"I see, still it's dumb not taking this fight seriously," the boy continued. "Just shut up and watch."
I punched Hikaru in the face launching him back. I used my speed and was going to land another blow however and the corner of my eye I saw his clone launching a magic attack.
"Crap, how did I not notice that clone being there," I asked myself.
The clone launched his attack towards my head and it was several times weaker compared to Hikaru. However, even though that is true it caught me off guard. I barely dodged the attack getting a small cut on my face. I turned around and right on cue was Hikaru kicking me straight in the face. I flipped around landing on my feet. I flicked my head upwards looking towards Hikaru. Hikaru slowly started walking towards me thinking it's the end. I made a small smirk and started talking.
"Hey, you should really pay attention to the fight, Hikaru," I stated.
I dissolved away into nothingness and no one was there.
"What a clone, impossible I know that was the real Hiroto," Hikaru thought.
He turned around seeing me run towards him. He knows that his attack still hit me since I still have a cut on my face.
"The cut is still there, so how did he. Wait did he switch places with his clone," Hikaru thought.
I used the same technique I used against the demon beast. However, instead of teleporting to my magic I swapped places with my magic.
"What, that brat knows how to use an advance technique like that," the judges yelled.
"No way even the judges are surprised," everyone thought to themselves.
"Whoever his master is, he taught him well," the head judge stated.
"These two are prodigies," the head judge continued. "I totally agree."
I was inches away from delivering the final blow blow however all of a sudden I fell dizzy. Hikaru used this opportunity to counter and hit me straight in the chin launching me into the air. I slammed into the wall and stayed impaled in it.
"I see, so during that previous attack he slipped some of his mana into my body," I thought.
"It wasn't enough to finish me off but it was enough to make me feel dizzy and lose control," I continued thinking.
"I'm already out of time. That's too bad I wanted to continue this fight," I sighed in defeat.
When my time limit is up I am usually not able to move my body at all. However, I could move my body just fine and I could tell i still had mana left.
I still have mana not to mention I can still move. Was that incident really not a dream. If not then, how is it possible for it to look like a human and even speak our language. I've read countless books about demon beasts and none of them said a demon can look like a human. Wait, I shouldn't be distracted. Hiroyuki will kill me if he found out I lost.
I slowly got up and I was in the wall looking down to Hikaru. I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath. While exhaling I opened my eyes and activated a magic attack in my right hand. The attack I'm using is an attack I created while training with Hiroyuki. I focus fire magic into my hand and compress it making it not only have high stabbing power but also have high destructive power. I couldn't use it since it consumed practically all of my time to use magic. I call it Fire Stream. Hikaru knows what I'm trying to do and he liked the idea. This next attack will decide who wins and who loses. Hikaru also used a wind attack and removed every source of oxygen to make sure he doesn't make my attack stronger. The attack in his left hand is a sphere glowing green while mine is like a orange lightning bolt. We both leaped towards each other at high speeds. We extended our hands making the two attacks collide. This caused a huge explosion that is growing bigger by the second. It became so big that the judges had to initiate a barrier in order to protect everyone that was watching.
When the explosion finished it was just me and Hikaru there standing with our backs facing each other. We both fell backwards, lying right next to each other. That was definitely a very, very stupid idea but I don't regret it. Although none of us won it was still a fun experience. Yeah, if I were to say that to Hiroyuki then my training will be several times worse. Just the thought of it gave me goose bumps. Before I could fall unconscious, Hikary wanted to exchange a few words with me.
"So it seems that this is a tie," Hikaru stated.
"Yeah, that was fun wasn't it," I asked. "Yeah, very fun."
"You know, that was the first time I heard you talk," I said.
"Is it bad," Hikaru questioned. "No, that's perfectly fine."
"Anyway's, let's reintroduce each other. My name is Hiroto," I said to Hikaru.
"My name is Hikaru," Hikaru said back.
"It's a pleasure to meet you," we both said simultaneously before falling unconscious.
We both fell to the floor lying right next to each other and we were sound asleep.
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