《A Different world where the demons are good》Cursed Broken
After Screaming so loud, Shinyu rushed to my room worried.
“Akuma! What happened?!”
“I-I’m sorry it’s just a bad dream.”
“Oh I see, please don’t scream like that again, we thought you’re in danger or you saw some angel”
“O-Okay, I’m sorry it won’t happen again.”
"Okay, ill head back now, Yuna prepared the breakfast you should come too."
"Yeah, I'll be there in a minute."
“Okay we’ll wait you downstairs”
Then shinyu left and Akuma left alone in the room.
Ahh shit, So this isn't a dream after all! but still I don't know why did I scream so damn loud! Maybe I was shocked
hmmm but anyway, this is way better than living without job and money. Yeah! that's right!
I can’t rely on them forever so I need to find some job.
That’s right! But before that I’ll eat first, maybe I’ll head downstairs to eat.
"Oh hey Good morning come on let's eat." shinyu and Yuna said.
“Good morning mister!” Mai said while smiling at me.
And then I take a seat we all eat breakfast and then I asked shinyu some questions.
“Uhm… shinyu can I ask something?”
"Where can I find a job? I know I can't rely on you forever so I think I need to find some job to help you with."
"Hmmm let's see… why don't we find later in the town maybe there are some."
“Okay thanks”
After eating we head to the town to Look some job offerings.
I hope someone Accept me…if not, that means the job curse is still in me even I already died, that’s absurd.
"Oh, there's one here!
We saw a signboard.
It said that This inn need someone who can help cleaning the rooms, let's go inside"
We Go inside to an inn hoping it will accept me.
After heading inside the two-story inn I saw many chairs and tables.
Hmmm… so this inn is also a pub it’s a bit dim in here it’s just perfectly like the medieval period pubs.
“Good morning!”
“Oh shinyu it’s you!” A woman said.
“Akuma this is Lou, the manager of this bar”
"Nice to meet you, I'm Akuma"
“Huh!? You know each other?!”
“Uhm… he-he-he yes he’s my husband’s best friend” the manager said.
“Oh I see”
"So shinyu, what's your business coming here? Wanna apply to be the cleaner of the rooms?"
“Uh no, Akuma wants to find a job and then we saw your poster outside so we might think that he can work here.”
“Do you have any experience in cleaning?”
“yes, I do, a bit though”
“Well that’s okay, my daughter can teach You what to do from here, Yuki! Come here”
A beautifully dazzling girl about the same as my age come out from the kitchen, with a long blonde hair with brown eyes.
“This is my daughter Yuki she will help you what to do in the rooms you will clean”
"Hi nice to meet you I'm Yuki"
She seems so happy and delighted, I bet she is a jolly one.
"I'm Akuma nice to meet you"
Woah!!! she’s so cute!!! I’m so glad I’m now working in here!! argh! damn it! My lips can’t stop smiling!!.
he said it with a high pitched voice is his mind In short he’s screaming internally.
“Now then you may start your job, Yuki! assist him upstairs and teach him what to do”
"Yes roger that!!! Come now Akuma I will teach you basic things but first, let's change your clothes."
And then we go upstairs to change my clothes and to teach me basic things to do, we spend a lot of time it felt like I was cleaning my room with my wife kyaaah!!!.
I’m daydreaming again! Ahhh!! snap out of it!
“So here the room, a guest just ended their stay so we need to clean this properly for the next customer, first here change the pillow and then this”
She taught me every single detail that I need to know.
"and there it's done, see it's that simple, I know you can do it next time without my help right?"
“yeah sure thanks for the help by the way”
"Yeah No problem, so I'm gonna help the kitchen now there are so many customers right now they can't handle it, see ya!"
“yeah yeah right, see ya”
And then she left and head back downstairs.
That girl, so cheerful and jolly, I think she's my heroin, Aaah damn it, I think I'm in love with her already, even though she had horns she's so beautiful.well… enough daydreaming Akuma!! get to work!!.
And so Akuma cleaned the remaining rooms and head downstairs.
“Manager!!! I’m done cleaning the rooms! What should I do next?”
“Oh wow that was fast of you, hmmm let’s see, Help Yuki serving these orders we got so many customers right now yuki can’t handle it alone.”
Akuma approached Yuki and offered some help.
“Hey, Can I help?”
“Yeah sure go give this to that table and this and this too”
She smiled at me while saying it and then my heart beats fast I feel energized after seeing that smile. After that we give meals to the customers one by one.
As time passed by, the customers began to leave.
“Oh its already late, phew! That was hard”
“Akuma, here”
The manager gave me a 10 silver coins.
"Uhm… is this my salary manager?
“yes it is, you worked hard this day you deserve it”
"Thank you, manager!"
"No problem, you can go home now, just be sure to come back tomorrow, okay?"
“Yeah! Sure no problem!!, I’ll take my leave see you tomorrow!”
And then I left the inn and walk home.
After working hard at the inn I earned 10 silver coins, I still don’t know how much is this in japan though, I need to ask shinyu when I got home I’ll give shinyu 5 silver coins it’s almost like paying rent with food included, it’s okay since they are taking good care of me.
I reached the house and I knocked and shinyu opened the door.
“Oh hey! come in”
And then I entered and gave the 5 silver coins to shinyu.
“what’s this for?”
shinyu said it with a confused tone.
“It’s my pay for staying here with you”
“Really? This is too much you know”
“Nah, it’s okay, you’re taking good care of me and giving me delicious food Oh! by the way, how does currency work in here?”
“Oh 10 coppers is equivalent to 1 silver coins and then 10 silver coins is equivalent to 1 gold coin, basically the coppers are the smallest amount and gold is the highest, got it?”
I think he said the truth, I gave too much he-he-he.
"Oh now I see, but still take it, consider it my pay "
"Okay as you said… now let's eat, Yuna made another delicious food"
“Oh really?! okay Food!! Here I come!!!”
We head inside and then We ate and having some happy conversations after eating.
I head back to the room to sleep.
I'm so happy I finally have a job the curse is broken!! hmmm, the manager is kind and her daughter is beautiful, aaaah this suits me, that's it! I'm gonna work hard!
And the Akuma slept and the night passed the sun starts burning another day has came and Akuma woke up.
Aaaah I want to sleep more, Oh shit I forgot, I got a job already better to prepare!
“Akuma! The breakfast is ready come down”
Shinyu yelled downstairs.
"Okay, I'm coming!"
After eating I ran to the inn, after a few minutes running I reached the inn.
Phew, I don’t know why I’m excited they didn’t give me schedule though, wait stop thinking that this is earth!
I entered the inn and I saw the manager and Yuki.
"Oh good morning Akuma!" Yuki said
"Oh, are you ready for your second day? It seems like you're pumped up huh?!"
“Good morning!! yes I’m very excited because I finally get a job!”
And then I started cleaning the room like I did yesterday, Yuki also doing her job as a waitress in the inn seeing her walking around and smiling makes my heart explode and my tiredness fading away.
The manager called me downstairs.
"Yes, what is it, manager?"
“I want you to buy some meat and vegetables in the market because we’re running low”
”Yuki!! come here!”
“Yes mom what is it?”
"Go with Akuma and buy some meat and vegetables he can't carry that many so help him"
"Okay come now Akuma let's buy some!"
She dragged my hand, it feels like this is a date with only the two of us, oh my heart is pounding and I'm turning red. While we are walking to the market Yuki asked me.
"Hey, are you okay? Are you sick? Your face is red."
"Oh no I'm okay, it's just I'm not used to this especially being accompanied by a cute girl"
She turns red after I saying that.
"oh no, I-I-I'm sorry I didn't mean that weirdly"
Oh my I feel like a pervert.
"No it's okay, thank you for complimenting me"
She said that with a smile on her face.
she's so beautiful I feel like marrying her, oh no I'm daydreaming again!!.
“Oh we’re here, come on let’s buy some meat and vegetables.
And then we arrived at the market and then we bought the things we need for the inn after that we left the market and heading back to the inn.
“Hey wanna take a detour?”
“detour? Where are we going?”
“just come with me!”
Yuki dragged my hand again and then we ran, a moment after, I saw a bell tower in the middle of the town. She pointed at the top and said.
“we’re going there!”
“huh? Isn’t it prohibited to come there?”
"No no, it's okay"
And then She held my hand as we enter the bell tower and then we go up until we reached the top and I saw the sun setting down and then she said.
“It’s beautiful isn’t it?”
I looked at her and say
“Yes It is”
She didn't know she's the one I'm talking about.
"When I was a kid my father always bringing me here every sunset"
After saying that something came up to my mind and asked her.
“speaking of your father, where is he? I don’t see him in the inn it’s just you and the manager”
“He… he… he died”
“Oh I’m sorry I didn’t know”
“Oh no it’s okay, my father was killed 10 years ago by an angel outside the town”
he was a guard in this town, they were escorting some noble and then and angel showed up from the forest and they killed them one by one but they also killed the angel the noble was alive thanks to my father's sacrifice , that's why the noble gave us the inn and every month he came to my fathers grave, we still don't know why is that angel doing in the underworld"
After she said that story I looked at her, I saw tears in her eyes but she's still smiling saying.
"Even though my father died I know he still guide me and my mother and also I'm happy that you came to our inn you help us a lot"
she said that with a teary eye while smiling.
After saying that, my body moved without me knowing and then I hugged her tight and she stopped crying.
She was shocked of what I did. After that.
“what was that for?”
"Uhm… I'm sorry, m-my body moved on it's on, I'm sorry"
“No no it’s okay and also thank you”
She smiled again at me, argh!! damn she’s cute this is always smiling even though she got sad experiences.
After that we head back to the inn and we started working again, I cleaned every room while she give foods to the customers.
I didn't know she had a past like that, still I'm lucky that she told me the story about her father, but still!!! Why did I hug her!!! aaaah That's so embarrassing! Enough daydreaming!! back to work!!
After cleaning the rooms I helped her again downstairs like I did yesterday, the customers starts decreasing and the manager gave my salary for the day.
“Akuma! Here”
The manager gave me 10 silver coins.
“Thank you”
“You can head home now we can take it from here”
"Oh okay, thanks! I'll come again tomorrow Goodnight!"
And then I left the inn and head back to the house.
After reaching the house I gave the 5 silver coins to shinyu.
“Here take it”
“Wait… you just gave me 3 silver coins yesterday, this is too much you should save for yourself”
"No, it's okay just take it"
"O-okay, come let's eat inside "
And then we ate, I filled my stomach and then head upstairs to my room.
Ahhh I'm so full, but today, today is the best day that happened to me! Ahhh still can't forget that I hugged her, I hope days like this goes on forever!! ahhhh and then I looked outside the window and I saw shinyu.
Oh wait, it’s been three days since I came here but I still don’t know anything about this world.
I go downstairs and head outside to talk to shinyu.
“Hey you’re Still up huh?”
“Oh yeah just need a little breathing”
“Can I ask you something?”
"Yeah sure, what is it?"
Do angels really kill people?
“Where did that come from?”
"Well You said when I woke up screaming that you think I saw an angel"
"Ahh I see, Yes angels are dangerous, Yuki's father was my best friend he was killed by an angel outside the town, until now we still didn't know how the angel reached the underworld, Celestials and other races are prohibited entering the underworld"
“celestials? What are those?”
"Hmmm, Celestials are the servants of God, like angels, archangels, grim reapers, komainu, shikigami and inari foxes.
"So in other words they are all good because they are god's servant right? So why do they kill people and other races?"
"When the god died, the angels became rebellious they kill everyone and the other races, they are a plague and also they hate us, demons!, they hunt us .basically the celestials are the one who manage the Lower World and the highlands in the upper world, each town is guarded and managed by celestials and the highlands is where the celestials kingdom is built. Celestials come down to the lower world to take slaves or to kill someone who is resisting. Angels are hunting those who don't obey them they kill them mercilessly that's why we hide from them."
“Why don’t you fight them?
"Fighting angels is like fighting to death, they are strong, also they got the archangels backing them up they also come in a group, so a village full of children, women and old people can't do anything but to obey, we are hiding in the underworld for almost 20 years so far we are still at peace"
what? So basically in this world, angels are the evil and demons are the good ones? What an opposite world.
And then after that I asked another question to shinyu.
"So what are the other races? you said there are different races?"
“Hmmm, Demons, Angels, Goblins, fairies, dwarfs, elves and humans there are also monsters living in forests in the lower world”
“So, where exactly is the lower world?”
Shinyu pointed his finger up.
“Up? The ground? So we are literally In the underground?”
"No we aren't under the ground, it's underworld it means you need the teleportation scroll to come here and to go in the lower world. The angels don't know about the teleportation scrolls we use to come here basically we demon can create teleportation scrolls."
“oh I see, thanks for answering my questions”
“Nah its okay no problem, by the thank you”
“thank me for what?”
"You know, for giving me money"
"Nah it's okay, then ill go back I still have a work tomorrow at the inn"
“Oh yeah okay then goodnight!”
And then I head back inside.
I think I’m still lucky because I was reincarnated as a demon and I’m here at the underworld far from the killing happening in the lower world.
Hmm… so basically this world is divided into three, as shinyu said The Highlands where the angels kingdom is built and their main territory, The lower world where the different races co-exist but now the angels are managing it and the underworld, where the demon realm is.
Ahh! this world is much complicated than my previous world. I'm beat too many information, I guess I'll just take asleep.
After closing my eyes, a moment after, I opened my eye crying in tears and then I saw the house torn in half and the town burning, angels flying around killing the demons in the village I saw shinyu crying hugging his family bleeding on the floor and then afterward I step out of the house slowly while crying, then I remember Yuki I rushed to the inn screaming her name:
And then when I reached the burning inn I immediately get inside after getting inside I saw…
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