《Eternal Luck》Chapter 21: The end of Black Tyrant


Chapter 1.21: The end of Black Tyrant

The surrounding pirates were all horrified. They felt like they had just encountered the reaper herself. Many of them urinated on the spot, while others tried to flee. However, an incredibly sharp and accurate dagger suddenly pierced through three hero realm warriors' necks like they were made of butter. As blood spilled and bodies collapsed, Miracle glanced at the surrounding goons.

"No one shall escape until she is free."

"Free her, free her, hurry before we all die!" It was Luciano Graves who said this frantically. He had already wet himself and didn’t want to die. He had no idea if his father was dead or alive. Who was this terrifying woman? Luciano just wanted to return to his mother’s side, where it was safe.

The pirates next to him hurried to do as their young master commanded, freeing the stunned Micayle from her chains. The young master in question immediately ducked behind some panels to hide from this terrifying woman.

"Hey, I know who you are now…" Miracle walked slowly over to the hiding Luciano, making the latter nearly faint. "You’re that punk that cursed this little girl. Thanks to you, she lost most of her vital essence to my little brother. Even though that’s the case, you still intend to steal her primordial yin essence, don’t you? What dog-shit young master? Are you even human? Are you not a piece of trash? Trash like you deserves death."

As Miracle finished speaking, a long-dagger with a crystalline blue blade appeared in her palm. In the next moment, Luciano’s head flew into the air.

Micayle was stunned seeing the blood squirt from the headless corpse of Luciano. Her countenance paled considerably, and she vomited the next instant. After getting herself together, Micayle felt relief wash over her as all the hatred and dread she had felt lately dissipated like gas in the wind.



Four other pirates choked on their own tongues the moment Luciano’s eyes lost their light. They all died on the spot.

"Lifebound slaves? These humble gangs can even achieve something like this? Wonder Corporation's technology is already comparable to adepts in ability...that's terrifying. How cruel," Miracle sighed. Villains would naturally be villainous. Lifebound slaves had no choice but to live and die with their masters. This was a powerful hell curse; heroes and extremes couldn’t use this mana requiring arcane power. In fact, not even Mana Disciples could accomplish this. This alerted Miracle that these villains must have a real magus in their ranks and that magus might be close to the adept level. This wasn't someone Miracle stood a chance against. She pushed some loose hair behind her ear and mused, "The magus must be the Mistress of House Graves. She's so much stronger than her husband? Well, I should wrap this up before reinforcements arrive, I guess."

The merchants of Giovonncci exchanged private looks with each other, communicating with their eyes. They seemed to reach a consensus quickly.

To beg!

"Young Extreme, we can’t be more excited that you have arrived at this place to deliver justice!" said an old man from the Giovoncci Merchant Group sporting a white grisly beard.

"Young Extreme, please excuse our humble group. We have no place in the affairs of formulators. " said a woman of the merchant group.


"Young miss, is it possible…" Finally, Edgar Giovoncci started to speak, but Miracle cast him a sharp glare that halted his speech.

"If the Giovoncci Merchant Group wants to remain free, I suggest you vacate this city before the World Government's armies arrive," Miracle replied indifferently.

"The mistress will slaughter you! She will slaughter all of us with you! You’ve doomed us all." One of the female pirates screamed in despair.

"Little bitch, you and your little friend will die too once the mistress hears what happened to the young master!"

"Yeah, the mistress will definitely put that little girl’s head on a pike and paraded through the city."

"I hope you mother…ugh," before the pirates could continue saying obscenities, Miracle released the full pressure of her power base.

All of the villainous pirates were so retrained that they struggled to breathe. The humble pirates started to choke immediately, their eyes nearly bursting from the hefty pressure. Only the extreme pirates faired a little better, the weaker ones completely unable to speak.

Miracle glanced at them indifferently before turning to look at Micayle, "I heard everything these worthless pirates and merchants said earlier. You also heard it yourself. This man you call father tried to sell you off to the highest bidder. In my opinion, they also deserve to die. Unfortunately, they are not covered in sin like these pirates, so I won’t be helping you with that. I won't risk angering the heavens for you."

Micayle listened numbly to this mighty warrior princess’s words. Her heart was turning colder by the breath. Miracle's gaze softened, and she felt great pity in her heart. She hadn’t totally believed her mother before coming. This was due to certain suspicions about her mother's mental state that Miracle hadn’t confirmed yet. However, everything ended up being exactly as her mother said.

"There is nothing for you here in New Origin City," Miracle shook her head and spoke gently. "I wasn’t going to do this, but…well, I now believe I should do this. Would you like to swear loyalty to me and become my familiar?"

"A familiar?" Micayle was completely flabbergasted.

Powerful formulators often took on retainers to handle their daily affairs and defend their properties. Becoming a retainer to a great hero was the fantasy of all humble youths and young adults. As for becoming a familiar? Familiars were the personal attendants of nobles, and their status was higher than even retainers. This was because familiars all received a salary! However, whatever this salary would be was designated by the master. Although they had heavier responsibilities, the benefit was guaranteed.

In all honesty, Micayle was hesitant. Her trauma had started to disappear too suddenly. When she heard the words, 'lost her life-force to my little brother,' Micayle instantly understood who was this terrifying woman.

Miracle Drakel!

Riot’s one and only elder sister. Micayle had seen the girl quite often until Miracle left the humble society three years ago to train outside. However, the woman before Micayle today was far scarier than the girl who left. Previously, whenever Micayle thought of Riot, she would feel detest and loathing from the deepest regions of her soul. Micayle now understood that it should be Luciano who she felt this way about, but in her mind, she still only felt disdain for Luciano, who lost her to another. This was a residual side-effect of the curse. Although the curse was purged, it had already taken root a bit. It was only truly purged with Luciano’s death.


If Luciano hadn’t died, Micayle was doomed to face side-effects, along with a limited life span and more health problems. Had vital essence really had been drained by her best friend. That was why Micayle didn’t want to see Riot at all. She resented him for stealing years of her life away, accident or not. She couldn’t help but feel this way. She had years of her life stolen away, but she couldn’t stop herself from seeing Riot as the culprit rather than the savior. After all, wouldn’t she die all the same?

However, Miracle Drakel had truly inspired terror and veneration in Micayle’s heart. She felt like her destiny would definitely change if she took on such a frightening master.

Micayle dropped to her knees and repeatedly kowtowed, calling out, "I, Micayle, swear to serve you forever, Lady Miracle. Micayle greets you, master!"

"Good," Miracle smiled sweetly, instantly treating this little girl as one of her own. "Don’t worry about your lifespan, and I will help you. I will live a very long life, so you will, of course, have to do that same. Do not blame my brother…without him, you would already be a dried husk by now. Without him, you would be humiliated and defiled. Without him, you are unworthy of my help in this humble city."

"Yes, master!" Micayle’s entire body shuddered fiercely when she heard these words, but she was very respectful.

She knew Miracle was saying this for her own good. Besides, would Micayle dare disagree? After all, this woman was like a walking demon in her eyes! Micayle didn’t dare to think anything negative about this demon or her kin.

Miracle waved her hand, and her dagger returned to her palm. She walked over to the still twitching legs of Luther Graves and snatched the glaive out of his hand. She tightened her core and poured her strength into the glaive before slashing out. Reddish black wave energy covered the blade as it severed Luther Graves from the waist like a hot knife through butter. Miracle was a bit surprised, "This is a true sin weapon. The presence of sin is not as thick as the one we’re looking for, though. Thankfully, this guy wasn’t the real boss. Still, slowly purifying this weapon will grant me a lot of merits."

Miracle slaughtered the remaining pirates with the sin weapon. Each time she killed a pirate, the glaive in her hand seem to cheer and change somehow. Micayle didn’t understand why this happened. Miracle also continued taking all their belongings with a wave of her hand. Micayle had no idea where everything was going, but she figured Miracle had a spatial treasure.

Spatial treasures were special tools that had their own interior space. Only the power magic users could have such treasures.

"I can’t believe that madman Marc would raise such animals in the humble community. Is this the future that the World Government will bring by working with that madman?" Miracle mused out loud as she walked back to Micayle’s side, glaive in hand. Miracle waved her hand, and a set of white robes appeared in her hand. She gave them to Micayle and said, "Come on, little Micky. Follow your master to purge this land of pirates."

"Yes!" Micayle immediately changed her clothes and followed behind her new master.


While Miracle continued to make short work of the Black Tyrant Legion forces, Riot sat in the car with Axel and Mikah. They were currently being escorted home by Sergeant Willows. Flash Northson stayed behind to wait on the army's forces that were rapidly approaching. Unfortunately, Sergeant Willows had no prior knowledge of Riot's home. Since the youths asked to be dropped off at Riot's home, Sergeant Willows had no choice but to follow their direction in getting there. However, he was currently more focused on taking this opportunity to admonish these youths for their reckless behavior.

"I mean, you all could have been seriously injured! Are you insane, or what?" Sergeant Willows harrumphed in frustration. The boys had already been listening to this tirade for a full fifteen minutes. At this moment, Axel pointed out the window, and Riot followed his direction. Seeing the slum area below, Riot settled his anxious heart and remained calm. He could already see pirates patrolling an area not too far away. Although there were fewer pirates, there was a major difference. All of these pirates radiated a strength that could be seen from afar.

'So many heroes!' Riot thought to himself, 'But how can so many heroic figures appear in a humble society's organization?'

Sergeant Willows remained unaware of this as his vehicle began its descent. "You have to develop better discernment. No matter how attached you are to a matter, don't ever challenge opponents you can't defeat. Regroup and retrain. Only make a move when you have the confidence."

"We understand, sir sergeant!" Axel called out haughtily.

"Yes, we understand, Sergeant Willows," Mikah parroted with a firm nod. Riot also made an 'mn' sound to show his agreeance.

"Good. Listen, my hovercraft needs to be recharged. We'll be at the charging station for no more than ten minutes. Do you brats need anything from the store?" Sergeant Willows asked as his vehicle landed at a charging station.

"No, that's okay!" replied Axel.

"I'm okay too," said Mikah.

"Can you get a few things for me? I need..." On the other hand, Riot instantly blurts out a list of snacks and treats, angering Sergeant Willows greatly. However, remembering whose child this boy was, the soldier gritted his teeth and hooked his hovercraft up to the charging bay. Satisfied, he walked away and into the store.

"....." The boys speechlessly watched the man walk into the store.

Meanwhile, Riot took out seven crystals glowing in different hues and set them around the backseat in a particular order. He removed a talisman from his robe before attaching it to the floor in the crystal formation center.

As soon as the sergeant's figure was out of sight, Riot opened the door next to him and shout, "Now!"

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