《One Piece : In World of One Piece》Sparring Garp


Garp looked at me and without saying anything came towards me, carried me with one hand, and brought me to his ship. I didn't resist because I didn't want to and because I couldn't. After he brought me to his ship he said"Are you, ok boy?" I replied," I am fine thanks for helping me." I needed to be a little polite and couldn't be rude because I wanted to join the marines.

The first person I talked to after coming to this planet for over a year is one of the strongest people on this planet. And I am really happy about that. I wouldn't want to waste my time talking to someone useless. I also really wanted to spar him and see just how far away I am from the peak of the world. But I know that it's not the time for that as I am exhausted.

Then He asked me again " What's your name boy and where are you from? Someone as strong as you shouldn't be unknown nobody." That got me thinking I don't actually have a name. Should I use the name from my past life or make a new name, but I couldn't waste my time thinking of a new name so I replied " My name is Rabin and I am from an island nearby" Then Garp signaled one of the marines to check my background. Then he asked "What's the name of the island I have not heard of any island where people live in nearby islands. The only place is Amazon lily and Males are not allowed there."

" It was a small unnamed island me and my grandpa his name was rick I used to call him grandpa rick but sadly he passed away so I decided to leave the island. And on the way, I was attacked by a sea king you saw that and came to help me now I am here." I replied


The marine came over and said to Garp "Sir we have no record of him." When Garp heard that and was instantly happy he started laughing and patting the marine's back he muttered" Good

good good a lightning logia with clean background hahahahaha... Ok boy, do you want to join the marines? " That was the question I was waiting for I said, "what are marines and why should I join you?" The marines were dumbfounded how could there be someone who doesn't know about the marines in the world.

One of the marines got out of his shock and said "Marines are the strongest organization that has ruled the world for over 800 years"

I said "Ohh... So what can you offer me give me a reason to join you." The Garp said, "Then tell me what you want boy?" I replied "Well I want a lot of things first I want food and bed to rest for now" Then he signaled the marine once again and the marine immediately went and brought back a ton of food with him and put the food in front of Garp and me

Then Garp took a piece of meat and said while eating "Then what are you waiting for start eating." So I started eating with garp. I ate quite a lot as I was hungry after the exhausting fight. After I finished eating I said ok I will rest for now. Garp told a marine to prepare a room for me. After that, I took a nap for 8 hours. I woke up and saw garp at the edge of the ship looking out towards the ocean.

I went to him and greeted him. He said, "So you finally woke up huh boy." I replied, "ya I really need that rest now I feel much better."


Then he asked me again "so what are your other conditions?"

I said, "For one I want to have a spar with you just to see how strong you are."

"Sure just wait an hour we will reach an empty island let's stop there and have our spar." He said while smiling.

After an hour we reached the island I was very excited. I would finally know the exact gap between me and the peak

Both Garp and I got out of the ship and went to the island.

Garp smiled at me and asked, "Are you, ready boy?"

"Ready as I could be," I replied

I entered my lightning mode and sent a 1000000 volt bolt towards Garp. Garp used Armament haki in his hand as soon as I sent the bolt. He put his hand forward and stopped the bolt easily. I didn't plan on using my flying thunder god because I wanted to have a few trump cards that marines didn't know about. I didn't charge at him because I knew how ridiculous his strength was. I kept changing my position and kept firing lightning at him from different angles at high speed. But Grap didn't even bother to dodge them he just armament haki and blocked them all. He had not attacked me even once and he had not moved from his place where he stood. My strongest attack currently was 5000000 volts bolt of electricity. So that was my last hope I hit him with my strongest attack. I sent 5000000 volts of electricity towards him. He again tried to block it with his hand but something unexpected happened. The lightning bolt changed it's direction as it was about to hit his hand and moved towards his chest. I wanted to aim for the head but he would have a much higher chance of dodging if I attacked his head.

The 5000000 volts bolt hit his chest but before he could hit his chest he covered his chest with armament haki. The lightning bolt and collided with his chest he was pushed back by the bolt. I knew it hurt him a bit. So I don't let go of this opportunity and instantly sent 1000000 volts to bolt towards his head. I couldn't continuously send 5000000 volts of electricity as it would consume a lot of stamina. But Garp covered his whole body with armament haki, blocked my attack, and said

"Oh, you were able to push me back. You are a lot better than I thought, get ready cause here I come." As he said that he charged towards me at full speed.

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