《When Idols became your family》A hard day
"Hello mom, i missed you" (talking in my language)
"YAH Hendy, want to die, you made me very worried the last few days, you better explain" and we talked and talked for more than 10 minutes, when one of the boys called me, .. (no need to worry i aleardy told her about the fact that i am living with boys and all of course living the part that i don't have a room or a bed yet out) at first she was confused but then she accepted it, we were facetiming when jhope who was calling me come to the terrace where i was sitting and he was a little confused when he saw my mom on the phone looking at him), i made a sign for him that's ok to come closer since my mom kept on nagging me to see them "jhope please come say hello, she don't want to hang up unless she see one of you" he looked at me with confused eyes he mumbled does she know? she said it's ok? i nodded and he just smiled at here and i am sure his smile affected here, she became more joyful,it took me 5 more minutes to convince her that i should hang up because i have work but she did not stop talking and of course i had to translate everything, Oh mom thank you for embarassing me as always in front of them she really treat me like a kid .... " you're mom is very nice, i hope i can meet her one time"Hopie said while back to the living room"And i think she likes you a lot too" "does she really accept that you're here with us"
"let's say she is trying her best to support my dream"
"Mom? who ? yours hendi ?" naamjoon (who was walking to the couch and fully prepared to go out) asked and i left jhope to explain this situation we have to go out so i went to the shower, this time of course, i took my clothes, and i knocked the door to avoid any problems and yoongi who was in there went out, i smiled at him and walked in closing the door behind me when i heard him say in voice that come out almost as a whisper "don't go around wearing only a hoodie next time" i felt myself getting red as his remarks, even though we're really close but , he is not always gentle sometimes he like acting rude and i do it too yet when yoongi act all possesive like that it makes melt. {I am really lucky to have them around me i feel protected and loved, whatever happens i really like living with them expect from the jerk who hate me} The truth i really like my life now, i enjoy every single second around the boys even if sometimes it's complicated and uncomfortable i am really afraid of losing this happiness one day, that's why i try my best to cherish every single moment.
A shower and casual outfit that can be easly taken of since me too i have to find some dresses for the MAMA , i am really anticipating it. when i was ready, i headed down to the living room starting to shout like a crazy "BOYS we have to go , hurry up boys boyyyyyyyyss"{ you know how much a girl love shopping right ? then imagine yourself shopping with tBTS that makes you happier } Oy someone hit my head "Ouch, it's painful jin oppa"
"Stop shouting, you are really noisy today, why ? can i know the cause of all this exitement"
"Becuse of you my oppa" and i clinged on his hand
"Stop acting flirty little girl or no shopping" he know i was this excited because we are going out.
"arraso arraso, you're no fun i will play with someone else hum" i pouted acting like a baby until someone shouted let's go, i grabbed the keys that were on the counter of the kitchen and runned to the van. jimin of course {he is acting more friendly not too much just no more glare or hate} sitted next to me and the others just got in the back and we hitted the road.
We headed to one of the best mall in seoul, since it's a big event MAMA and there will be a voting about Who got the best red carped style, each group will be choosing his own concept and own style. Let's hope they don't get very crazy in choosing their style.
When we reached the mall they started playing around and a lot of fans were screaming like crazy in front of the mall, oh yeah i forget to tell that since tomorrow is the event , the mall is reserved for the day to all the artist of korea to avoid problems and accidents. {alot of vans were in the parking, i am sure a lot of artist are here, maybe i will see some of my favorites actors , oh i am dreaming
I just put on a mask and walked a little bit far from them, i hate getting attention, and mostly i hate being surrounded with journalists.
We reached a clothes shop and the boys started, sometimes you can see them, fighting over some sleeves and than arguing over a pants, like babies but i really enjoy being with them , this kind of atmosphere is what i like the most, i looked around and two dresses cought my eyes
The president told me that i can choose one of the dresses i will be wearing, so i decided to try them but let's wait for the boys to finish first.
the boys all walked in the changing cabine and after 10 minutes they come out fully dressed like princes, they were amazing, breath taking, my eyes are getting one of the best view they could have in life, i think i forget how to breath.
"Hendy why don't you come help us , and stop drooling over my perfectness?" asked naamjoon amused
"OH MY GOD " i said without thinking i think i will start fangirling very soon , no no hendy you will get yourself together
"Youuuhouu, hendy we are here"hopie waved his hand to get my attention yet no response.
"yeah yeah coming, shut up hopiee" they all chuckled at my clumsyness even jungkook was laughing.
I tried fixing somethings and changing some of their ties and jackets since some have a very weired sense of fashion . " Now, i can say you will win without any doubts"
"We know we will " added suga posing in front of the mirror, and i replied giggling " stop having this big head, stupid"
"show me some respect, idiot"
"never" it's always been like that my conversation with yoongi and i found it funny.
" you will not choose something?" he asked seriously
"later on maybe, don't worry about me, but youstill have to get your airport outfits too so hurry up we don't have all the day kids" they walked around and grabed some clothes before entering their cabine again , i took this opportunity to try one of the dresses {the one on the pic} it was a little bit too sexy with his V neck and backless but i liked it,it's my first time trying this type of dresses.
I put it on with the help of one of the personal who work in there and got out,no one is here { oh they must be still changing, i hope they like it, } i was looking at myself in the big mirror , girl you look good waw i said to myself , it's true i looked a little bit sexy but it's normal since i am going to a big event not to work { it's my first time feeling like i was a lady and not just a tomboy girl since i usually love comfortable clothes so it's rare that a dress tempt me but just for this time let's be a princess}, "WAW you look stunning" an unknown voice come out from behind me, i got startled when i looked to see the responsible, a man wearing all black ;a hat and mask around his face, { this habit they have to walk around dressed like vampiree or killer ] you can only see his shining eyes that got me absorbed for a few second, who's this fucking boy and what the hell is he doing here?, the fact that he passed the security, it's impssoible for him to be a stalker or a killer right? or let's hope so at least, anyway i will act normal, let's not show fear after all the boys are just changing , "Thank you but hearing that from a stranger who looks like a serial killer it's a lit bit scary" i just glared at him with a fake smile and turned back to the mirror trying to ignore him but he took one more step towards me and took of his hat and mask, " sorry if i scared you my pretty lady, i didn't thought you will understand korean, but your speak is very well for foreigner"
"Thank you Mr stranger" i emphasied taking a step away from him because he was stick to my back
"By the way my name is Jaebum, it's nice to meet you" oh i think i heard this name before but where ?when ? oh my god i feel like i know him but i don't remember where.
"Hendy, the pleasure is mine " i was looking at him through the mirror and his gaze was pricking my back, yeah i maybe look great in that but it's very frightining how he is looking, a gaze full of lust .
"HENDYY " a shout come out from the direction of the cabine where the boys dispeared a while ago, finally someone to save me from this jaedum or jasum !! , i looked at them seeing 7 pairs of eyes wide open and a mouth drooling , what the fuck with them i thought
"Naamjoonieee?" the male who now was still standing behind me added, i looked between them , hell they even know each other, oh yeah it will only be artist here today but ,..{ anyway stop your nonsense and focus }
"Jaaebum-aah, what ar you doing here?"
"The same you're doing, buying clothes, but how do you know my pretty lady " he put his hand on my back which made me shiver at his fingertips travelingon my bare back and smirked at naamjoon, who just clinched his fist "Excuse me? i don't remember being yours !" i looked at him and took a step away "yeah yeah she is mine" taetae added "Stop it i am mine, hell" what are they playing at those men.
"Hello guys , are you here? " i waved my hand in front of the rest but they are still drooling over something , ah yeah my V neck dress
"don't tell me you will be wearing that for MAMA? " asked suga who just come back to reality with a rude voice { yeah typical from someone who act like an over protective brother}
"Yeah, it doesn't look good on me?"
"Don't even dream about it, and go change we are going home now !!" almost shouted
"Why ? Why? but i like it a lot " i pleaded with my eyes searching for someone to help me
"We don't like it" they all said in synchro and looked at each other which scared me {they are synchro even in life holy shit}. and then naamjoon who was shooting glare to the man behind me added "Hurry up little girl" i just turned around to find the boy still standing behind me, i glared and passed him yet he grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him " you will not go until you tell how do you know them and why are you with them?"
"First, you better let me go, second it's none of your busniess and third if you want to know something go talk with your friend over there, he is better than me at giving information" yeah i am pissed of, i hate it when someone order me about clothes , and yeah i want to crash their mouth, i really like it this dress alooot, all of them, and mostly naamjoon and suga
I walked in the cabine and stared a little bit more at my reflexion in the mirror, i know that in korea they don't really appreciate it when you wear V neck, but it's an international event and i want to and it's not so sexy it's normal, i am really pissed.
I tried reaching for the button to open it but i couldn't get it, why? why is it so high? hell why is everything not going as i want? , the frustration got the best of me and i think i am getting my periode soon, i am not usually like that but those jump of humor confirm it .
"Excuse me is someone out there? Miss ?" i yelped for the staff but someone else came in, jungkook pulled the curtains and walked in. [ how the hell did he got here, i really want to know what the fuck my so called brother Yoongi, or even the over protective leader or the oppa jin? where the fuck are they ? when you need them!! wait unil i come out from here.
"GO OUT before i start screaming" i will not dare do it i am sure, a scandal can explod but the fact he is here too can create a bigger problem.
"No one is near, they are all gathred with got7 talking about some shit" he smirked proudly
"Got what? i don't care i don't care, just get the fuck out of here jungkook i am not in the mood to play with you kiddo"
"Why ? because he didn't want to fuck you ? oh i can do it if you want " i am really at the verge of breaking down so in a matter of second i really lost my temper, and my body acted before i can think, and i found my hand slapping him,.. Oh oh he rubbed his face that got very red from what my body did to him. yet i am not done my mouth still want to talk "Some kids need to learn how to respect others and since I think you don't understand with words, so i hope you get the message now. and since you seem to like this place, stay i will be the one to get my ass out of here, jerk !" i pushed him away trying to walk out but he turned me to him saying "So You want war? Ok you will get it " and got out.
He had this scary look in his eyes, it's my first time seeing jungkook like that, no matter how much pissed he was, but never that look.yet I will not apologise he was the wrong one, so fuck you jeon jungkook and be glad i didn't kick you elsewhere.
I really lost control of myself when i saw her in the dress, i even felt blood rushing to my pants, she is so sexy, Oh even JB hyung was touching her with lust, she just need a minute to get them drool over there, just wait Hendy i will teach you a lesson.
I sneaked away from the boys who were discussing something i don't seem to focus on anything after the view of her bare back and V neckdress, i walked to her changing cabine when i heard her calling for someone, yes that's my chance, let's get on here nerve a little.
i barely spoke but she is aleardy pissed off , i wonder why .. why do i care anyway..
"GO OUT before i start screaming" she stated but i know she likes us so she will not make a scandal, right?
"No one is near, they are all gathred with got7 talking about some shit"
"Got what?i don't care i don't care, just get the fuck out jungkook i am not in the mood to play with you kiddo" i can see her face bowling up !! Funny when she get all angry but i couldn't really focus on her eyes, mine traveled to her chest, she was so close so i am really getting a good view { yaaah jungkook pervert how can you ? shut up i am man too}
"Why ?because he didn't want to fuck you ? i can do it if you want " i don't know if i really meant what i said, yet her angry faces excited me more, and i really dislike being called a kiddo.
Suddenly i felt my jaw getting hot, when i ceased the situation;ii was shocked SHE SLAPPED ME can you believe it, ME jeon jungkook getting slapped by a whore, yeah i will call here like that from now on, why the hell is all the hyung falling for her or treating her well, she is just another bitch, i don't even consider her as an ARMY, they are much better than her, i do know why i hate her or why she got on my nerve she really got me pissed off when i see here smiling and also the fact that she treat me like a kid make me more angry.
" Some kids need to learn how to respect others and since I think you don't understand with words, so i hope you get the message now. and since you seem to like this place, stay i will be the one to get my ass out of here, jerk ! " that the last thing she said before trying to get out, she got the guts to not even apologize, okey girl "You want war ? Ok you will get it " and i left her. just wait until i get the chance i will really make her pay hard for what she did.
After a lot and a lot of struggle to pull off this fucking dress that i started to hate, i found myself free and done with it. i walked out, not staring at any of them until i reached the girl who didn't stop fangirling over those boys , payed for whatever they bought and went out.
I could here them yelling after me to slow down but i decided to ignore them i am not in the mood anymore nor for shopping neither for fun. they aleardy got ride of every joyfull feeling i have and my hormones didn't spare me either. {fuck period i hate it the most}
I walked to the next store... i didn't feel realy good to be here my stomach started to hurt a little so i called the PF nim asking him if i can get home and since it was a free day, he greeted me this service, i didn't stop thanking him pretending i was really unwell and the truth i was.
I walked back to them while they were still bickering about who will carry the clothes, i snatched them from jimin who was trying to pass them to V who was throwing them away, {yes like kids and there was only one resonnable person between them who was just staring at them like that talking with another one of the got don't know what, "Excuse me but jin-shi i will be going back, something come up, here the keys of the van and if you don't want to drive, PD nim told me he can send the manager when you finish.." not only i lied to him but i was talking with a formal speech, he raised an eye brow "As you like little girl but are you sure you okay?" i nodded slowly with a half smile walking away with the bags in my hand.
I even hate myself when i am on my period cause not only my stomach is hurting like crazy also, everything can change my mood and add to it the jerk who really made my cup spill , so i'd better go home or i will destroy their fun in this free day they rarely got..
i got in the first car that stopped infront of me telling the adress to the man driving yet i didn't look at him, just 2 minutes later, the phone started annoying me so i just shut it off without even looking at the ID of the caller. i stared from the window, the music in the back ground was relaxing a lot even for the pain i was feeling in my abdomen, yes i know i am a sensible cry baby but i never thought i was this fragile, droplet of water was running down my cheeks but i didn't really care, i really need my mom in such situation, i am in pain, stressed, the truth the words of jungkook hurted me more than ever but the fact that i slapped him troubled me...{ i know if you're a girl you will understand me..} i just cried and cried but the thing i didn't caught at first was that the drive took longer than usual, i looked at the driver but oh now that i see it doesn't really look like a cab, being as clumsy as always i think i got in a someone's car thinking it's a cab : "SIR excuse me? where are you going?" Look at me asking as if i know road in south korea, if it wasn't for the gps and the indication i will not even get to work."You finally stopped crying and looked up, if i was a kiddnaper you'd be dead by now" he turned to me and flashed a warm smile before pulling next to the road "Waaw SUHO SHI? what are you doing ? you work as a taxi driver " am i dumb to ask such question ? or did i lose my mind in the road?
"Miss cry baby, i saw you at the road so i stopped to say hi but you got in the car thinking it was a cab and gave me some direction "
"why didn't you speak from the first and beside you took a long drive, not to forget you fooled me"
"you seemed like you needed to be alone so being the good friend and the gentleman i am , i respected that " he stated proudly
"wouh wouh, someone's getting the big head"
" and some cry baby girl don't know how to say thank you"
"for fooling me ? " i added joking and embarassed a bit at the fact he show me crying.
"no for driving you around seoul for 2 hours "
"you must be kidding right ? what time is it ?"
" 4pm why do you have somewhere to go ?"
"no but the boys must be worried and my phone is closed, hell i messed up again "
"hye hey stop panicking and worrying about them , you're not a baby so they don't have to worry, and also you know i will be the one to get killed, i am exo's leader still i didn't choose the clothes yet, my members must be angry "
"oh it's all because of me i am really sorry sorry !! i will grab a taxi from here so you can go hurry up" i started taking my bags the and getting off the car but he screamed before i can even put a feet outside
"yaah don't ever think about running away, you're not going anywhere we are going to grab something to drink and then i will take you home, you owe me that, right? "
"But you're not busy ? are you sure you can go ?"
"i aleardy messed up so at least let's have some fun Just come and sit here"
"NO NO, today you're my driver so i will seat in the back " i joked while jumping to the front seat and i didn't really use the door to do it, i just climbed to the front , he was glaring at me for making his sweet car dirty but i just wanted to have fun, the truth i needed some coffee to lift my mood up... we drived to the nearest coffee shop, two ice americano, even though i needed something hot, but we can't ignore this delicious thing of life. of course i am the one inviting and it took me the last piece of strength i had to convince him.
We just talked, flirted with girls and boys passing us, I tried my best to have fun and smile but i couldn't, sometimes i space out leaving him in this world alone but you know he was a friend who knew i didn't want to tell why i am like that and why i was crying even though, i didn't know the reason but the accumulations of hatred words and actions add to them hormones jumping, it could hurt badly in the end so he didn't dare to ask me and i was really thankful for that, 1 hour later i am in front of the dorm and he was really trying his best to earn just a laughter from me but all i could give is a fake smile, yet i really feel am with my best friend so i was at ease with him. he will not be mad even if i act like that.
"thank you Taxi driver " i waved at him and walked to the dorm, as soon as i was standing in front of the door, a bigger hole in my stomach was felt though it's not because of my periode, i aleardy took some medecine but the fact that i will be in comfortation with them and their questions i didn't want to answer now, i walked in trying to make the less sound i could, "Hello" head down, and shoulders really heavy, i passed the living room and the kitchen directly to jin's room it was the nearest, they didn't even got the chance to answer back when i aleardy closed the door of the room. i just walked to joonie's bed, stretching my body on his bed and covering myself with the blanket, i didn't even thought about taking a shower, i just don't want anything more than being alone and sleeping. and if you're asking why naamjoon is bed just because i aleardy slept in here once so it was unconscioncly choosen.
Some minutes of silence and then a knock "Come " i whispered hopping any person who was out there to go. but no jin walked in with a plate of delicious things, in any other situation i would be craving for them but now i just want to be left alone. and adding to all the stress, the hurt, the pain, i am very nervous for tomorrow i have to be great but i don't even know what to do and i will not be able to even be with the boys since we have different flight and different schedule.
"Hendy, are you okay?" jin sitted next to my head placing the plat in the nightstand and touching my forhead, i showed him a smile "Yeah, don't worry, just tired"
"I am not, i swear"
"did anyone hurt you ? are you sick? are you nervous for tomorrow ? or do you hate working for us after just three days"
"NO NO , i am just tired, no one hurt me and maybe a little nervous for tomorrow" i screamed sitting up and facing him i thought he maybe knew what happened between me and jungkook which i wish he don't otherwise jungkook will be get fucked.
"I hope you're not lying to me, but always remmeber i am here for you and we are here for each others, i know all the boys really care for you even those who don't show it yet they do"
"i wish i can believe .. anyway, really jin oppa don't worry"
"If you need anything i am here ok? eat this please " i just nodded laying back in the bed, tomorrow is the MAMA and i really didn't want to troube them. he just covered me well, kissed my forhead like a caring mother and went out. soon after, i drifted to sleep.
I was in the terrace when i saw hendy walking out from a car, without a doubt it's suho's car, she seemed tired but i can see here smiling and waving. i felt a little bit anxious when she left us earlier in the mall, don't tell me the things she had to do was a date with him ? no i am sure she will not dump us for him, but why is she getting out from his car? a lot of questions are running through my mind
Jin don't think a lot just ask her, i went to the living room seeing the boy having fun expect from jungkook who seemed off all day. some were sleeping, some doing their luggage for tomorrow and other are just fooling as always, i just stood next to the kitchen , i need to talk to her when she come in. i heard the door open silently and hendy walked in, her head down , her shoulder lose as if she had the world on it. i wanted to talk to her but she didn't look at anyone, just mumbling "hello" and walking to my room, {OH} then the noise suddenly went down and we all stood there looking at the door she closed after her. it's our first time seeing her acting like that, i am really troubled. but i will go to her i am sure she didn't eat anything, i prepared some snack and walked in,. she don't seem ok at all...
After some talk when i got out from the room, the boys who were eardropping all fell in the floor
"hyung hyung, is she ok? what happened?" asked hoseok troubled
"I don't know she said she is tired"
"Tired from what? where did she go all the afternoon closing her phone and leaving us to worry !!" Yoongi joined the conversation.
"is she dating someone?" asked jimin
"Maybe having sex somewhere" jungkook smirked and shouted
"Yah maknae, what did you say? repeat!!"
"Nothing .." he walked to the couch oh i hope she didn't hear him
"Kids let's sleep, we will talk to her tomorrow but we have to go to bed now, a long day is awaiting for us"
everyone left for his room, expect for me, i let naamjoon sleep in my bed and i decided to scout on the living room at least for today let's leave her alone.
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