《When Idols became your family》First day at work
When i looked up something hard hit my face, and wet too, i was welcomed with a body having just a towel around his manly part..... {OH MY GOD it's JEON JUNGKOOK} i gasped from shock knowing i made one of the biggest mistakes in my life,and he screamed "WHAT THE ARE YOU DOING ?" "Euu...uh..hhh soorry sorry," i bowed and tried to walk back but he grabbed my waist pulling me harder to him, i found myself looking in his eyes, i can feel my shirt getting wet and the hot coming from his body traveling deep down my skin, it's only the morning and i am making mistakes... i can feel him looking at me strangely yet a gaze full of anger, i invased his privacy so i deserve it but please god spare my life i am a pitiful soul.. "Fu*king yoongi hyung didn't satisfy you i think you want more, but sorry i am busy today, maybe tomorrow .. B****" after saying those words he left me in the bathroom and went out closing the door behind him. { at first i coudn't really undersand the situation from the shock of him , my eyes and the distance, but he called me ? ing yoongi? What? ... i think an ill fated relation is starting between the two of us, lucky you, i was not in my right mind when you talked but it's ok more chances are coming, jerk}
After a fast shower I runned to the kitchen, stambling in the stairs on my way down , {Oh my god he surely have a nice body jungkook O.O hendy it's not time for your lust, especially after treating you of a so stop acting like one, he does not only hate me but i think he wish me dead}
My face was red like a tomato from all what i have been through, so i walked to the kitchen trying to calm myself after putting my clothes and my lences and i found jin there who looked surprised at me and it's quite normal after hearing a scream earlier and seeing my red face..
"Goodmorning, little girl, how was you're first night here? you slept well? everything is ok?"
"Goodmorning jin oppa, Ne everything is ok, don't worry, i am sorry for the shout, i just bumped in wall hehehe while walking to the bathroom " waw you sure know how to lie stupid
"You're stunning as always don't worry, it's ok, Sit down for now and eat your breakfast, the boys will come soon"
"Thank you oppa, but is it ok not to wait for the others?"
"Wel It's aleardy 4h30, and manager will be here at 5 am , i think they will eat in the road, it's always like that when we start early"
"Ah, i understand" i smiled at him and started eating.
"Good morning Hendy, slept well?" naamjoon said while coming out from the bathroom, aleardy ready. {so cute with his dimple}
"Goodmorning leader-nim, i slept very weell thank you and you? " i replayed with my mouth full enough to make me sound like an alien and he nodded sitting next to me grabbing a toast and a coffee, in other hand jin was only standing next to the sink playing with his phone and also him was aleardy ready;
"Euh guys when did you wake up ? you're more than ready " i asked with a curious face
"Maybe 30 min ago, you know we have to be wake earlier than other since we have only 2 bathrooms so we should manage our time well, but we take turn in waking up early ,that's it and you it's your first day at you're new work right? Are you ready? you must be nervous "
"I am so excited, but yeah really nervous, wait what time is it? oh nooo Aish i ve to go prepare myself" i asked and answered myself, my mind is not working right now, i stood up and runned to the dressing room searching for my bags and whatever i will need today , after grabbing some necessities {i remembered jungkook and i blushed again, even though my conversation with boys made me calm down but .. }i didn't know if i will be sitting in a desk or running all day so i put just some ripped black jeans, and a leather black jacket under it a white tshirt with a crop top under it in case it became hot, i can take of the shirt and since i don't really like wearing high heals i put them in my bag , in case, the president asked me to be more classy.
When i got out of the dressing room, i styled my hair and here i am ready 5 minutes before the time'up, i don't use make up only a little bit of red lipstick and DONE, all the boys expect from jungkook were gathred in the living room, some leaning in others, half sleeping and some playing with their phones and of course my famous fan glaring at me ( speaking about jimin so i assumed jungkook aleardy told him what happened)
"Goodmorning" i smiled to them and trying to seem normal when a cold aura passed next to me, i knew it was jungkook, he was coming from the kitchen with a cup of coffee in his hand, he didn't even spare me a glance, but let's not care about him for now, he will cool down later or that's what i wish for.
TaeTae jumped from the couch coming to hug me " Good morniiing noonnaa" i hugged him back{eah, my cute V}and i offered him my best smile he was a friendly and very gentle person. until my phone started ringing stealing one of my most beautiful moment and showing the president name on its screen
"Hello uncle, did you sleep well?" i answered walking towards the kitchen, because the living room started getting a little bit noisy
"Hello miss, so today is your first day, i wanted to just show you around and explain to you but something come up and there is something you have to do for me" it made more nervous than i aleardy am but i didn't want to cut him or to made it obious so i just shut my mouth listening to what he is about to add " Hendy, one of the manager couldn't come today and at the same time an unplanned interview come up it's about the drama in which V played, and since he can't go alone and we have only one manager who should accompany the rest, i think you have to take him there, the others will come to bighit with their second manager, ah and can you drive?"
"Yeah yeah, i can drive cars and motobikes"
"Cool, go to the second drawer below the TV, you will find a set of keys and two credits card, take them," i listened to him while searching and having all the boys eyeing me" then in the parking , there is a black sport car, that's the one , take him to the makeup salon and i will send you the address of one of our clothes sponsor, they will give you a set of clothes , choose the best attire for him , sorry the stylist need to dress up the other and we don't have time for him to come here and then go to KBS, I will trust you with this matter, please make sure he is there by 8am ! You have to do well, fighting"
"Don't worry i will do my best"{ the and i am saying, even an innocent kid can not believe me so how can i believe myself, the hell, is he testing me, i really want to cry } even though i said so i was really nervous, will i do well? i don't have the right to screw up especially in my first day.
Finally i found the keys and now i needed to explain the situation to the boys who where more calm than normal ,{ God help me because today is gonna be a very hard day}
"So guys i was in the phone with the president and , there is some change in your planning, taetae you will come with me , you have an interview with the cast of hwarang, and for the rest i don't know exactly where you will be going but you have a photoshoot with some magazine and the manager will be here to take you" i talked trying to remain confident.
"WHAT? interview ? Hwarang? i don't remember having something like that and beside i am not really prepared?" Taetae replied confused, { taetae please i swear i am more nervous than you oh }
"It's all come up yesterday , don't worry i will deal with everything, you just have to come with me, okay? please we are in hurry" i tried reassuring him and myself too
"How came you will be going with him? where are our managers? you're not one of them if i remember well and beside who knows if you can deal with such situation, you can screw up everything" Jimin said sternly which made glare at him, {i know you hate me but please don't add fuel to the fire, i m aleardy shivering and V is very confused }
"Sorry, but your first manager couldn't make it and there is no time to came up with a second plan either than me doing this job," i tried to remain as calm as possible even though i wanted to hit his face for being such a jerk "Tae tae let's go and rapmonster, your manager will be here soon be ready " i pushed taetae toward the door and walked after him taking my bag yet a hand pulled me and someone kissed my cheeks whispering so no one can hear him "It's just a teaser for what's coming, we will finish the rest later" i glared at him pulling my hand away and he waved faking a smile in front of the rest who didn't seem to care , JEON JUNGKOOK is getting on my nerves, he really does, , i quitted slamming it the door behind me.
we are in the car, i was driving while V was only staring blankly over the window, i knew he was stressed so i needed to do something "Taehyungiie, you are nervous right?" he just looked at me and smiled but it wasn't sincere at all not the same grin you always see when he is around "Hey, you know i am more nervous then you, it's my first time doing such things and most of all it's my first day, but when i am like this i always tell myself that i have to be confident because when you do your best in the end everything will work out for the good, it's just an interview like when you do the bangtan bomb, but in this one you will just have something scripted and you're with your other hyungs that's all..." he cut me saying "I know but when i am not with the others members it's a little bit hard, even though the cast of hwarang treat my like their little brother, i don't know why i keep being this nervous, maybe i don't want to do bad or maybe because i am afraid if i screw up i will be judged, i don't even know what i am thinking"
I reached for his hand because i couldn't look at him well since i was driving so i thought maybe i can send him some couragde that i am really lacking now but i will try at least"Hey heyy, listen you will do good, you know why ? because you are a great person because you are sincere , i am sure of it, you are really a great person, in front and behind the camera you are really a gentle person and i am not saying that to enourage you but it's the truth , in those few days i really witnessed it. Be confident and stay true to yourself, when you will be interviewed say whatever come to your mind, don't think to much just be truthful to yourself and everything will go for the best, and don't forget to SMILE " he looked at me and smile, {aich this rectongular smile that i love so much }
"Thank you noonna, you're the best" he was really trying to be more confident.
"yeah yeah, i am the best and of the rest, oh if jin oppa heard me, he will be pulling my ears by now oups" i made him laugh more, thank god he is in better mood, we pulled of in front of the makeup salon, i left him in there getting his make upand hair done and runned searching for his clothes.
After he finished the makeup section, i asked for a spare room so he can change, i fixed some of his clothes that were not really in place , "TaeTae you look really really handsome" I fake fangirling trying to make him laugh and then added "Can i hug you oppa?" he blushed {oh so cute} and i opened my arms calling him for a hug and he come to me , i hugged him tightly and he hugged me back, it's the same feeling as sending your baby to school alone, you can't not worry about him but you have to let him do it alone, {oh my god i am afraid to grow attached to those hugs., hey inner me, you'd better back off for now, you always have something to say and always in crutical situation} "You will do well, don't worry let's go"
We walked out of the salon and all the woman there, were looking at him {yeah he is really handsome like a little angel falling from the star}
Time skipp
We were in front of KBS, it's 7am45, i made it in time thanks oh god, i walked out from the car and opened the back door for V, it was hard to convince him to sit in the back but i had to seem professional
"You know taehyung you're the best" i mumbled as we walked to the elevator i didn't found problem with entrance, i am sure the president has dealt with everything and finally we are right in front of the room where the meeting was scheduled, i opened the door and a big room all white with lot of staffs come in view, i let V enter first and he just runned towards his hyungs which i assumed were the cast of hwarang, i could only recognize park seo jin and hyung shik, since i used to watch all of their drama. i walked in behind him, bowing and saying hello to eveyrone in front of me.{ aiiish i hate this feeling being alone in a place where you don't know anyone and more you're a foreign, the same feeling when you're a transfer student in very big school}
"Hello sir, i am hendy and i am V' manager, i hope we were not late, sorry to disturb you but can i have his script to let him rehearse?" i bowed and talked as politely as i can after all i ws representing BTS and bighit
"Hello, ah yes, Hitman called me informing me you will be with him but he didn't say you were a foreign anda young girl who can speak korean very well too a" I am sure he was trying to ease the atmosphere since i swear i felt some cold sweat runing in my face, { oh thanks good he is an easy going person }
"Thank you PD-nim, please take care of me" i bowed and smiled to him and he gave the script trying to explain as much as he can what i have to let V do, after that i walked towards tae who was getting his last makeup touch fixed, i explained everything to him and backed off after wishing him all the best, i stood at the corner looking at him from afar, yeah he was doing a good job, and at the same time i felt he was enjoying it, he is really a mood maker, he even made the staff laugh alot and , i was really enjoying watching him,until pd annonced 10 minutes of break, i decided to move from the corner i was sitting in and walked to a table with a lot of food i wanted to give V something to eat or drink before he do it alone and that shouldn't happen ,you know accident happen always and since luck stayed at bed today, i am in need so, i am afraid that he dirty his clothes ou anything,{ yeah yeah i am being paranoid but you have to understand me : first day at work, something you don't know, hot actors all over the place, and staff who know what to do while i am just like a elementary kid girl looking for her mom at least i should be careful and take care of my little boy, it's the least i can do.]}
I walked to the table and prepared a cup of coffee and took some choclate from my bag, but within a second i felt the coffee i had in hand burning my stomach and chest,{ let me explain what happened to the clumsy me, so i was about to turn when someone who was playing like a fool behind my back bumped onto me, and aaiiish all the coffee spilled on my clothes,} it was so ing hot hot, i pulled the tshirt a little bit and whispered not wanting to grab any attention "HOT HOT... aww" i didn't knew who was this idiot until i met the gaze of a worried park seo jin {so so handsome Oo}, " I am so sorry, are you okay? So sorry?" he asked in perfect english with a worried voice "ne ne gwenchanayo, thank you and don't worry, and you ? you're clothes and everything ok?" i looked at him searching if i teemed coffee on his clothes and trying to avoid looking at him because i was starting to blush at his perfectness, {thanks god tae is joining us } he putted his arm around my shoulder asking "Hyung have you met hendy?"
"Who ? hendy ! Ah you know each other, are you one of the staff here?" he looked at both of us searching for a better explantion, and it's normal first i was foreign, second i wasn't wearing any badge or something around my neck, third i didn't even got a tshirt like most of the staff here where you see" STAFF ", i am more like a teenege stalker.
"Hyung, she started working with us yesterday, isn't she cute?" {hell it's not really the moment for such a question oh taehyuung but yeah yeah it's tae saying weired thing when you least expect it } so i just tried to avoid it but introducing my self"My name is Hendy, Nice to meet you" I bowed a little bit and tried to smile even though it was a little bit hard since i was burning from the coffee that spilt on me and from the hottness that i am getting from this actor.
"I am park seojin, it's nice to meet you too, and i am sorry again about the coffee" i smiled at him " don't worry" and i looked at V asking him " I will go to the bathroom for a minute and come back, be careful , i handed him the chocalate that was still in my hand" i bowed to park seo jin and runned out,{ i needed to escape, i always liked his drama but seeing him up close he was really handsome and it's very distabilising, thank you god i may die in peace now after all the events that happened in my life in just this short amount of time. but i am not sure anymore if am i the luckiest or unluckiest girl in world? }. i took off my tshirt and was left only with my crop top that was under it, i washed my lower abdomen that was still burning , {oh i feel that even my bra got the chance to drink some coffee today,}suddenly i heard someone knock on the bathroom door,{ hell which girl knock on bathroom before using it} i found that very weired but " come in" i shouted and focused on my clothes back but someone caughed and it's a thick voice for a girl i looked up to see none other than park seojin standing next to the door, i was shoked and he was blushing and i don't know why ,{ hendy you're wearing a crop top ,Concsience it's not a bra maybe it was a little bit short} his voice got me out of my war with my conscience "Here, take this it's mine but it's clean don't worry, i don't think you can use your shirt back, and sorry for being clumsy " he added handing me a bag
"No no, it's ok i swear, thank you very much, you really don't have to" i was stuttring but it was really awkward for a first meeting.
"Do me a favor and accept it" he putted the bag above the sink and walked out before i can even open my mouth , i looked in the bag and i found a white sleeve, it was a little bit big but i could deal with it, i put it on and smiled to myself he is nice.
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