《When Idols became your family》fanmeeting
I woke up earlier than ever, put on the best outfit for such a journey, my brown contact lenses ( i don't want to scare them hehehe) and here i am standing in the middle of the row, .. A ticket in hand, a heart that can explode anytime and most imprtantly the feeling that the sacrfice i have done and the choice i made are far from being regretted.
(Outfi of the day)
**Time skip**
i am sitting in the front row and waiting for BTS to enter.. hell i think i am dreaming.. after 15 minutes that seemed like hours for me. "ANNYEONG BANGTAN SONYEONDAN " they exlaimed in union and my fangirl mood turned on. But something caught my attention, Rapmonster was wearing the same sweater i bought yesterday for the strange guy who helped me. Boff it must be a popular brand that's all i could think of.
After talking, singing and doing stupid things. The signing session start and we who are in the VIP range will be the last to pass, so we can have more time taking photo and talking with them later on.
Strangly i felt like Suga and RapMon were stealing glances at me and smiling oh my god i think i am gonna die soon from a heart attack. MAN all of them were more than handsome and so attractive.
HENDY Breath it's time for me to walk to them and i was the last one ..
The first one was j-hope=>jin=>rapmon=> taetae=> Kookie==> jimin=>suga
"ANNYEONG/ Hello, how ar..e yo..u ?"j-hope was stuttring in english and it made me happy that he was trying to find words to talk to me because with only one glance you can tell i am not korean.
"Annyeong Hopie , I am fine, and i can speak korean haha" i replied with a happy voice
"Jinjjaa??!! 타이니다" (fortuantly) his voice is more relieved
"My name is Hendy "
"Nice to meet you and where are you from "
"I am arab fan,i came from Tunisia," showing my prettiest smile i was really excited to be here
"Oh so cool, and tell tell me who is your BIAS" he was acting cute and it really made my heart skip
"Come closer i will tell you" i just moved closer to him and whispered "All of you" i am not lying i really can't choose between them i love all of them but just one person i feel very compatible with him more than others , you will know who it's later.
He laughed and i felt he was getting shy but he was far more beautiful than what i thought oh my god "Mmm, no i want to be your only one i don't want to share my girl with others "
"Why ? Why? You are not sharing i just have a big heart that can keep you all safe ah by the way you know Hopie mean my love in arabic so you're a special for me in a certain way hehe"
"At least i have something special more than them" he said while hitting jin arms playfully, it was time for me to move to the next before seeing the àngry staff
"Hahaha, Hopie it was nice talking to you, Let me hope i can see you soon or on another time" taking his hand and interwinding our finger i was really happy "Hendy you are very beautiful, see you" I am in paradise hearing such words coming from his mouth
Next jin the most caring boy ever
"Hello, i heard you talking in korean with Hopie and i am very impressed you're really good at it"
"Oh thank you it's very nice to hear that from you"
"So Hendy are you happy to be here "
"I don t think the word happy can describe what i am feeling, let's say i am in paradise, you know i really wanted to tell you that you're a really good person and a great artist i really like your vocals every time you sing it touch my heart" i said, { i talk alot i can't control myself anymore}
" waw, a great words hendy, it made my day, oh what do you do in life are you a high school student"
"Oppa~ah, i seem young this much sorry to disppoint you but i am a little bit older i just graduated from college"
"So coool, happy for you mm tell me what do you want to get as graduation gift ? "
"Can you act cute but sexy at the same time ?"
And he obeyed what i just said, believe it or not i felt my cheek burning . "Oh so cute little girl"
"Jin oppa'~you're the best, goodbye "it was a little bit awkward to call him like that but i wanted to try it at least oncen i hold his hand and mine fit perfectly in his warm ones. It really warmed my cold heart.
"Hello, so how are you today" a voice that i knew ,i heared it somewhere yet i can't really remember where or when.
"Hello, i am fine and you? Ah i like your sweater " i just shrugged this thought out of my mind and focused on the beautiful dimple i had in front of me.
"I am good,and thank you what do you think about teasing the others and speaking in english" he asked
"Great idea" taetae was playing with the gift he got while looking at us with a curious expression trying to understand and in other hand jin was smiling warmly to me, i was the last fan so i was getting all the attention, thanks god for this gift , in my mind i was really thanking the two boys from yesterday.
" So tell me what made you come all the way here to see us? "
"How did you know i came from afar? " a shoked face made it's way to my"euh, just intuition" he smirked
"Euh, from the first song you droped till today i don't spend a day without listening to bts song, they really give me courage when i need it and beside i have always wanted to visit SK and being an army made this dream more intense so.. here i am in your fanmeeting"
"So intersting, it's hard to get a vip ticket how did you manage to have one, you must be really lucky" Rapmon questioned with a smirk which made me more confuse as if he knew the answer aleardy, {no no i must be imagining things]
"The truth it's not mine yesterday i meet two people yesterday who not only saved my life but also gave me access to one of my dream" smiling while remembring the two boy and when i looked in his eyes a familiar feeling hit me but i don t really understand. Maybe the excitement.
"Tell me are you eating well Namjoon~shi? I think being a leader is not a relly easy task but believe me you're really the best leader also very intimiding i wish i could have your leading skills"
" waw i m getting shy girl, what do you want me to write here ?"
"Whatever pass by your mind right now"
"I am gonna confess my love in a letter" he said jokingly
"No no i don't accept a confession with only words it needs action"
"Mmm, do you think a kiss will do?"He said with a very seductive tone and i melted yaaaah i can die now my mind became blank i don't think my mind is assimilating the situation anymore
"It depends if you're a good kisser it will of course hehehe but i think you will get you the best scandal ever too"He exploded in laughter:" you're really funny, and alluring too"
"i will take this as a compliment, thank you verrry much" i winked and he winked back while showing his beautiful tooth and j hope jin taetae who didn t have anything to do where really looking at us, i moved to the next one.
" My crazy taetae annyeaong"
"Annyeong beauty, sorry me english not good"he remarked with a funny tone
"hahaha, it s okay, so tell me how are you ?"i responded in korean which made him very relieved
"I thought i will not be able to discuss with you like naamjoon hyung but why were you talking in english? i didn't understand a thing!! " poutting and making a sad face, without thinking i found myself raffling his hair he was like an angry baby" oh don't be angry we were just playing :p"
"No you have to let me pinch your cheeks to forgive you" does he really think that's a punichement oh god no no it was heaven for me
"of course you can do it " he pinched my cheeks and i was playing with him
"Oh i also want to touch you eyelashes , hendy are they real?"
"Yeah, why ?"
He moved closer to touch them really gently and i didn t realise our faces were only inches apart, until rapmon hit him in the leg which make taetae move back a little bit but his face was still mesmeraized by them or maybe by something else please god don't tell me i lost my lences, it happen sometimes when i scrub my eyes, Hell i want to ask him but i am scared
"You're really beautiful can i date you?" he joked
"oh i am sorry,... " I stoped and added " i am aleardy your girlfriend" i answered back ( yeah sometimes i became playful)
"hahahaha, goood one, so cute " hearing it from my crazy taetae made me really happy.
" taetae it was really nice to be with you but i need to move on" he took my hand and as much as i didn't want to let go i felt his hold too it felt really good and i liked it but kookie hit his arm taking my hands away and playing with them
"annyeong " a serious tone come out from his mouth
"Ànnyeong baby boy"
"are you older than me ?I can call you noona then, oh i really like being called baby"with an enjoyed face he answered back
"how can you say that taetae is your boyfriend and me?" With a seductive tone, i knew they were just playing but it made my heart flutter why am i so sensible hell !!
"You ? Mmm my baby boy :p "
"You little chessy girl i know why all of them can't stop looking at you "
"Who ? Me? Stop kidding me please i may believe what you're saying"
"Hahaha, you really don't know your effect"
"oh yeah yeah i am so beautiful" i said joking and my words made him smile which made me more joyous and i continued " anyway kookie you know i always wanted to challenge to something Euhh can you seduce me in less than 1 minute"
"Deal" he winked and put his back on the chair he eyed me and than moved closer putting one of my hair behind my ear and coming closer o it whispring : " will you be mine?" Believe me i forgot how to breath at this instant (oh no no no hendy please don't faint, now oh my god why does it feel so hot oh ).. what the hell!! it was my game and i lost in it, he pulled back smiling and a little bit embarassed but he was smirking and he knew what he did to me "thank you kookie, i can't feel my heart anymore" i've said it so straightly that even taetae was having a mouth wide open yeah sometimes when i'am shy i can't filter my words anymore, the staff keep glaring at me asking me to move to the next and here is chimchim but before i can speak he leaned on and kissed my hand " what the fuck, that's called cheating" screamed naamjoon " sorry hyung but you missed your chance" (hendy is dying... stupid conscience shut up i don't need you know)
" annyeong sexy girl"
"Hello, handsome boy"
"Just handsome, not sexy?"
" you aleardy know you are " winking at him i knew he was the most flirtious one and i knew myself i love those kind of game even though i am really shy but when it came to playing i turn on really easly
" kookie aleardy seduced you but do you think i can win you over him"
"Each one of you have a special place in my heart but let's see if you can make my heart beat faster"
"what will you do if i can"
"What do you want ?"
"Will you kiss me ?"
"of course no !! "
"Whyy? Why?"
"i am afraid you might get killed" i replayed smiling, yeah it's true that bangtan love their ARMY the most and Yes they are the kings of fanservice and i know i was only getting this special treatement because of the VIP ticket, though no matter how much i knew it i am still believing that their being sincere.
"Hyung if i make her heart beat faster than anyone of you i will kiss her and you deal with the rest" fortuantly only me and the staff where left in the room that's one more advantage of getting the VIP ticket.
"In your dreams, chimchim she is mine and i didn't even get the chance to do it"
"Oww Oww guys, I don't remember being yours, What the hell, and i don't think suga will allow it" i said smiling while looking at him with pleading eyes to get me out of this beautiful trap i put myself in i knew he was the only one who can help me in such situation, i felt a glare towards jimin and naamjoon and believe me if glaring could kill they would have been 6 feets under the earth .
" it's illegal why did maknae got to do it and not me" he said while pouting i just looked at him and giggled at his cutness he was really a funny sexy boy;
" hey hey if you can seduce me in less than a minute , i will kiss you, 1 2 3 start" i took him but surprise but in less than 2 seconds i found my self standing with someone dancing with me hell i don't know how to dance but his moves oh my god. i knew that a tomato tained me. and all the boys were in aww~~ who knew he can do it, One minute passed and i really wished it could last forever, how can a simple fanmeeting make me crazy like that , " One minute has passed stop it hyung, you're making her shy" jungkook talked he looked straight in my eyes and asked " I think i deserve something" i can hear all the boys screaming no no but my conscience is a bad girl - Girl it can be your first and last chance to kiss one of the bangtanboys- I just tiptoed a little bit and i kissed his cheek, so cute with his fulffy cheek and i swear i can see him blushing and all the boys were going crazy expect of suga who looked at me with hard eyes that can say" Girl you will be puniched"
The staff also glared at me but i didn't care anymore after all it was my first and maybe my last fanmeeting i will enjoy it to the max and finally i sit down in front of my secret bias even though i never wanted to admit it " YoonGi, it's a honor to be sitting with the almighty D-boy" i made his anger go away and agrin was placed in his face , a smile that always made me go insane, i was really focused in him " So little girl what make you love BTS ?"
"YOU, ..hehe, " i joked and added " the truth is The hope i found in every single track, you don't know how much effect it has on me"
"Our handsome looks don't attract you"
"you're young and yes so handsome but do you think in 20 years you will still be the same"
" For me i will always be hahaha" he teased and i chuckled
" For me even if it s not the case i will always be an ARMY and my children and my grandchildren will listen to your music too " i said honestly
"Thank you it really make us happy to hear that" today he was really the most calm one between all of them
"it's my pleasure, oppa~and now i want a service from you mm can you tell me a secret only i will know in this whole world and i will do the same"
"Mmm let me think!! come closer" i moved my face closer so he can say it in my ear because the others where really trying to know every single word we were saying.
"We will meet soon, trust me, not tell me your secret"
'huh, First does that sound like a secret to you? and second if what you said is true than i will tell you next time"
"Do you trust me?" he asked out of nowhere
"Sorry but trust is something that should be earned and you're still in the first stage" (yeah yeah i was lying, how can i not trust you of course i do you were my only UB but i will not admit it to you fuck this caractere i have)
"Oww Oww at least you know how to respond"
"yeah, one of my boring traits"
"I like it"
"And i like you" I answered with a smirk earning a seductive smile from him "I think it's time for me to say goodbye before i get kicked out by the staffs hhh"
"Who would dare touch my girl ?"
"Oppa, I never knew you're such a playboy, thank you for showing me i should never trust a book by it's cover" i didn't stop calling him oppa, it's strange how much it roll well with his name in my mouth
"Girl, it's just i find myself really attracted to you" he teased and i laughed
"Waw as if i m gonna believe in that but anyway it was nice having this moments with all of you thank you for taking care of me and really treating me like a VIP you're really amazing, continue to be like that, I wish you all the best, i don't know if i will get the chance to me you another time but even so there is this one girl who crossed the oceans just to see you and who will always be cheering on you, stay safe and eat well" I stand up and bowed to them one more last time before saying goodbye, I knew they were just playing with me as a fan and i knew it was my first and last meeting with them, it's time to wake up from this beautiful dream, it's time to treasure those moments and head back home but i am more than satisfied with the time i spent with them. (thank you guys for making my cold heart beat faster than ever, and thank you for giving me those memories)
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Seeking Elysium
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