《Athemasus》Chapter 1 Going Down
In a cave deep under the ground of Berthonas, in place dark, creepy, filled with stale air and yet there are three people walking deeper into it. These people are a group of adventurers named Gray Ash, the same color as their scarf tied to their arm. It is a group composed of an energized young woman with fiery red hair just pass her puberty wearing leather made light clothes with dual iron daggers embedded with mithril on its edge for sharper and deeper cut, also works on spiritual beings. Next to her, an almost bald old man with mustache and sideburns with stern looking face in his thirties or forties wearing medium weight steel cuirass set which would shine if there are any sort of light reflected on it, bringing a Gray wood longbow as tall as himself that of medium build complete with arrow filled quiver on his waist and last but not the least a black haired young boy with solemn and gloomy face, the boy just reached height of the old man’s chest who have his black tower shield that was almost twice larger than himself on his back with a matching short black sword on his belt yet his colorful light armor that made by rare prism stone which would also flickered if not for this cave’s darkness that surface light had not pass through.
“Hey...Hey...Zyca, wanna make a bet?” the young woman with asset greater than average and might almost went to spectacular level with flirty sounding voice said “it won’t disappoint you if you do” while making coming here gesture
“I know you want to make a bet, one I could not win like that throwing game we had back at the tavern, right?” the boy who was at rear of the group said still hanging with his solemn expression
“Ara...Ara you still mad about that? Oh, this beautiful senior of yours is sorry but, at least I brought you some mead with the money I won from the contest” she apologized followed with a forgive me gesture by placing both her hand atop her head yet there is no sincerity within it
“and making me drunk making the next ‘contest’ of staring is also one which I could not win, causing my pocket money to empty, thankfully I still hold on my equipment” he continue her follow up and the depression on his face get even more depressing as he remember his lost coins
“he...he...I promise this won’t be like the one back then...hmmm give me a sec to think it up” she said with glee in her tone as she begin thinking
“Yeah, a little bet to keep the motivation going on for the job” the old man said with smile on his face
“You said that because you ain’t broke, old man” the boy said with irritated voice “ugh, I was planning to spend today leisurely looking around town for stuff” he grunted
“Don’t call me old man, call me skipper” with a small vein appeared on his forehead then he said “and which is why the reason we took this notice for you” he smile as he said that
“Uh...thanks I guess” as he put a smile on the young Zyca face, they continue walking and after a few moment of walking “this won’t happen if she didn’t turn me broke with those contest of her and I also see you drinking with my money that time” he said with the irritation showing on his face which return to despair after few seconds when he silently mumbled as small tears gathered around the corner of his eyes “I’m broke...as hell”
“Aww don’t sweat it too much. Everyone had days like that, just like when...” skipper giving a past recollection of the subject at hand and Zyca just sigh off knowing full well where this was going while the young woman still thinking about her contest
“So...what is the quest about, skipper?” Zyca ask as when he and the girl also just wake up from skipper long recollection the two already told him to go along
“Subjugation on lesser basilisk with proof of both eyes for a gold coin, if encountering basilisk, greater basilisk or royal basilisk price will also evaluated. That’s all” the old man said as he binge read the notice
Lesser Basilisk, familiar of draconiod-the dragon like-with snake body complete with the scales and head of horned lizard. Its reported could grow as big as a house chimney. It’s not venomous but its second evolution has potent venom on its fang and claw. Whereas the evolution also bring other change to its body such as: Basilisk earned its four legs along with bigger body, Greater Basilisk got a pair of wings which could be easily mistaken as a wyvern though is considered more dangerous one yet if not for wyvern’s lack of front legs and venom and finally royal basilisk with body size of a house and a third eye with magical power and ability to spew acid breath, at this phase it is considered dragon.
“Um...I got it” the young woman said as she pointed her index finger up “we can bet on our kill!” she exclaimed also with her usual glee
“Well unlucky me, I got to shield the skipper most of the time” he complains about the unjust in it “hey, skipper. Can I go and be aggressive on this subjugation?”
Skipper nod and answered “If you want to but remember to shield us later when the moment calls for it but first thing first, what is the prize?”
“If I win you will treat us for a day back at tavern” she said with her usual tone “and if you somehow win...” before she finished they heard sounds of things moving in front of them
Then the skipper take his bow off and pull out some arrow from his quiver, the young woman also pulled out her dual daggers and Zyca, the young boy take his shield to shielding stance
“Screee....” that was the thunderous sound that would mark the death of normal person, but these three are not normal for they are adventurer.
Adventurer as they sound is a person who goes on and adventure which they later report to their respective guild when they find something valuable or any sort of information on their adventure.
They braved unknown world which humanity stranded a millennia ago where their predecessor met up with a new kind of world, world of magic and unimaginable power.
And this is one of such danger, danger of one choosing life as an adventurer.
Six lesser basilisks appeared, thankfully had not reach evolution. Skipper nocked his arrow and readies his aim with Zyca positioning himself in front of him and the young woman began dashing toward the lesser basilisks. She started by striking at its head, killing one immediately with her proficiency in rogue class. Just as she did three of the lesser basilisks try to bite her which she slash head of two instantly decapitating them and just as the third leaped to bite her, its head already struck by an arrow shot from Skipper with his steadfast shot.
Sensing there are no threat to skipper, Zyca charged with his shield to simply kill the other two lesser basilisks from the weight and speed, one of it leaped away and still failed to retreat as Zyca left his shield and chase it with his sword drawn not giving a chance for it
“And so...” as she counts up the “I got three, skipper one and Zyca two, and with that I am leading” the gal said
“Let’s go deeper, I think there should be more basilisks down” Skipper point at place the lesser basilisks appeared
“Yeah, I think I need more coins to treat you two” Zyca sigh already thinking about all the loss of his future coins
As they cut off the lesser basilisks heads to be turn in for gold, Zyca senses there are some lesser basilisks coming and warn his teammates.
And done again fighting off a group of another six lesser basilisks and with these the count raise to Gal with five kills, skipper got three and Zyca with four kills though the last one was combination of skipper arrow penetrating through his kill and stop the basilisk from fleeing which become Zyca kill.
Skipper let that one to be Zyca’s kill as it still will end with Zyca paying the tab for him.
Zyca eyes lit up for it just two more kills to save his coins from being turn to drinks.
They ventured deeper to find more beast, such is the life of adventurer to face dangers to fill one coin pouch.
But what they found wasn’t thing they thought will appear.
“Vryeeeeechhh...” A louder screech resounded making an echo and suddenly ‘swoosh’ a thing flew pass them and toward the ceiling.
They looked at the ceiling that thing fly to and they found it, a small green winged basilisk appeared from a small hole.
The winged basilisk was recently got its evolution by the color of its meadow green wings. As of now it had been in same class as Wyvern Whelp in danger.
A greater basilisk changes its color and that mean its dangerousness degree from green to yellowish brown then reddish then amethyst purple for the last. For Greater Basilisk to change color from green need years to yellow, decades to red and centuries to change to purple and lastly it may be fortunate enough to be mutated to Royal basilisk, if somehow the astronomical opportunity existed.
“VRYEEEEECHHH...” It made louder cry, a war cry stating its last stand against trio adventures who slain its brethren.
With wings that spans almost two meters, body as big as a calf, its maw filled with venomous green acid laced fangs opened. It flew down to attack.
The Green Greater now to be called G.G. had chosen its target, the most dangerous of three, the archer who capable of shooting its wing with his bow.
G.G. swooped down to end the danger Skipper poses, which was true, but unfortunately for G.G. the real threat was a boy whom coin pouch is also being in danger.
The moment G.G. swoop its front claw to slash at skipper, its leg along with its body was repelled by a force and G.G. immediately retreated away.
The weird force that repelled G.G. attack was a defensive spell, ‘Safeguard’, an advanced tier two defensive spell which capable to protect its target from one attack before breaking.
Zyca had used that spell to protect them if he couldn’t get to shield them in time before getting inside the cave.
With G.G. retreating away giving chance for skipper to shot its wing.
His aim true as his trait, ‘Disciplined Aim’ which making his shooting accuracy from better to unbelievable at price of lower firing speed in order to focus more. He unleashed his sharp piercing arrowhead toward G.G. who tried its hardest to evade by moving in zigzag pattern, which unfortunately for G.G. and fortunately for trio adventurers, the arrow that was shot by Skipper is enchanted with his trait and its magical properties will follow its target until it hit something.
“No matter, even if it’s trying to evade to its limit, there isn’t limit to my arrow reach!” skipper commented on his trying target “Strike the moment it fell down!” Skipper commanded as he pointed to G.G.
True to his word if not a second late for reaching is that G.G. got hit and his wing torn, falling from height.
The gal already moved toward G.G. with her daggers in both hand ready to kill.
G.G. however won’t go down that easily, as G.G. survival instinct kicked it begin thrashing on its way to fall, hitting the unsuspecting girl below him with a tail to the head. Don’t take it lightly as that was counted as an attack toward her and with that the ‘Safeguard’ skill repelled away G.G. and to its fortune had landed G.G. on its four legs giving it another chance to attack the gal.
The gal was panicking as her means for safety just got busted up on her that her footwork got messed up, she stumbled backward and fell down, giving G.G. chance to straight up maim her. She tried to protect herself by crossing her daggers in front of her bosom. G.G. wasn’t merciful to let her as unscathed, flailed its front leg to slash her hands, although it only leave four claw mark the real danger lies in the venom that seeped inside the gal body.
Ready to continue its attack, G.G. lifted its other leg to kill its assaulter only to be greeted by shield to its face. “Change Stance: Gladiator!” The voice come as packet with the bash as Zyca was the one delivering it.
Zycaglorius de Athemasus, a boy who also dubbed as Prodigy by his peers. He is the only known person since the Astronomical Migration to hold more than one class. Someone to behold, awed to and be terrified against for he is the one with ‘Learner’ trait.
Zyca change his stance to ‘Gladiator’ - a class that specialized in one on one fight even against monsters - “Thou shall pay for the harm thou had done” his talking also changed. Zyca shield bash managed to stagger the G.G. “thousand cuts!” Zyca continue with his gladiator sword skill to strike G.G. inflicting light wounds, but at a very rapid succession making G.G. bleed enough to be lacerations with his black metal sword that slices through the scales, that just by glance can be determined that it is not anything normal because if one sees it from one with less knowledge perspective it look like a kid beating up some lizard with black stick unaware of the danger ‘the boy and the lizard’ posses.
G.G. however wasn’t going to let himself die off just like that, it tries to bite Zyca “thou tried to bite me just now, bite my fist” thought only to be met with a fist unleashing primeval power of anger upon its snout. A tail sweep only for it to be stepped on and another punch, a leg swipe met with a shield bash and when G.G. didn’t attempt to fight back Zyca unleash the thousand cuts mercilessly that the bleeding turned the G.G. scales from green to red. G.G. eyes grew distant from the beating and blood loss.
In its last moment G.G. opened its mouth, not to bite Zyca but to sound its death cry “Creeeeeeeechhhhhhhh…………..” it was a sad sounding tone from a beast capable of destroying a village in a day and when G.G. voice gone the body fell over. Zyca cupped both his hand in front his chest “thank you for all” G.G. is a good game for him.
He beheaded G.G. in a single stroke and took his head as proof to be exchanged for coins later. Zyca rushed toward the gal “oh shit, she is hurt ‘Change Stance: Paladin’ …. ‘2nd tier heal’” Zyca immediately casted 2nd tier heal capable of closing and healing wounds at faster pace than its 1st tier while also having new addition such as poison removal and alike from its target body, a skill only blessed in virtue such as cleric, paladin, healer and some other could use, but for Zyca the Prodigy, classes such as paladin was simply a tool but he was grateful for it can save his teammate.
“Uhh…a 2nd tier spell, won’t it deplete your energy reserve” the gal asked with less fervor in her voice typically happened to people who just happened to get poisoned.
Zyca looked straight to her eyes “I don’t want to see you hurt and…. Neither I would want have the slightest chance to lose you” Zyca said the first half with certainty and the other with heartfelt tone to the point his ear went red from sudden embarrassment. Such innocent responses wreck the girl composure and sent her pained face to a blushing one.
Zyca hid his face while the gal just realized she was also blushing…hard. With both of them looking like that “Aww youth….merry-merry youth, seeing pair of lovely birds blushing at each other makes all this trouble worth it” Skipper come and crash the party.
After recollecting themselves and taking parts of G.G. body to be sold later or used in some alchemical experiment the trio agree on that beforehand “all right we got some good haul today, to guild we go” as Skipper stated was the plan.
The trio just got to the cave entrance when the familiar sound yet different come from outside “VURYOOOOCHHH...” with the deep roar coming from outside of the cave telling them G.G. it’s not the end to today’s share of monsters.
Zyca took his Guard stance while also silently casted ‘safeguard’ to the gal and Skipper depleting his energy reserves even more but there wasn’t anything such as too careful in this harsh and unforgiving world of Heimundote.
Skipper had already prepared his aim, the gal with dagger in both her hands and Zyca who already charged outside. The thing is he wanted to know what he will fight with so he need to see it, but that just plain reckless, if not for the next moment when a very sharp and strong wind cutting through the cave stalagmites and the stalactites. Zyca stood in front his teammates taking the stone cutting wind blades with his shield. Skipper and the gal immediately got ready for battle, how wrong they are. Zyca rushed out to meet their assailant, it is red, it is flying and it looked really pissed from the pressure it released, the gigantic blazing red as if a volcano had just fly over to pulverize him is a Red Greater Basilisk.
Zyca just silently cursing his fate “first, I lose those bets, then I can’t go looking around town for window shopping cause I am broke so I went to a subjugation quest hoping for easy coin to find a hard Greater Basilisk which after careful planning and follow-up steps I could kill it, only to come out of the cave to fight its big brother and I almost expend all my magic…I am so done” which sounded more like rant as he said it with gloomy tone.
The gal and skipper just come out of the cave after getting their equipment ready only to have their jaw gaping at the monstrosity in front of them “Get away! We can’t win this fight” Skipper, a veteran adventure who quickly ascertain the difficulty of the battle against the Greater Basilisk pulled out an arrow aiming at its eye but with age comes wisdom and a red greater basilisk should have some battle experience by the fact it spewed breath attack at Zyca and the others while also effectively cancel the skipper’s aim as he and the two retreated back.
“It seems like this one is smart” the gal said while skipper and Zyca nodded in agreement “we go with wyvern format!” Skipper said and the change position with Zyca upfront as usual but with the gal and skipper directly behind him.
Zyca walked slowly with his shield at the ready and moved…backward to cave entrance, it just impossible to win this, so the wyvern format was a retreating pattern in case they fought wyvern or anything like this and unfortunately for them, The Red Greater Basilisk wasn’t merciful enough to let them get away it swept its front claw along with its tree thick sized feet at them and Zyca ran towards it and rammed its hand and by his persistence or will, he stood still and even the red greater basilisk will have dumbfounded expression if its face was more flaccid from having less tough scales but it regained its composure quickly by already preparing its ultimate skill ‘Acid Breath’ capable of melting flesh in – damn it, here I draw the line, they are dead if it managed to shoot it in this closed space, sorry Zyca but dead people are no good for me.
I took control of Zyca now “Skipper, nice hunting day and go get some reinforcement here as swift as possible” I said as I used my transferring skill on him ‘Teleport Home’ “Lydia, I…ah I don’t really know what to say, I think I am…in L..” as I try to coax for this boy paltry attempt to stop my confess on his behalf, though but for some reason I just can’t get the words out, the heck man, just confess already, you might be dead in second…or not, like I said dead people are no good for me, fine just do it later, ok Zyca...nah I’ll boost his moral later. I kissed her in the forehead then teleport her back to join Skipper before she says anything. Actually feel nice to do that bit of interaction
Now, you and me and this big pseudo dragon that still charging its breath attack, for the love of ahhh… here it comes and ‘true counter’ shrouds of pure energy become layers on me and suddenly it burst to nothing, it failed. Damn it Zyca, you need to get the stuff I told you to get to empower yourself, your magic pool is already empty. Well, I suppose all the activities in the caves and transferring two people will drain you out.
If all comes back to this “here we go, my draconiod prey” I said as it shoot the legendary ‘acid breath’ right at me resulting in destruction of surrounding ground, some boulders melt as if it were a brightly lit candle and the worst thing that it corrode is the shield that I had enchanted to its maximum limitation, only the side though. Time has come to wreck this thing up “By my will, I will have you…” right, the simplest thing it can do “Die for my fame”
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