《Just a Lowly Monster》Departures


A woman with long strands of pitch-black hair running down her back enters the room. She still has her sleepwear on and the robes of her nightgown trail on the floor. Slightly yawning she begins to stretch.

"What's wrong Reiko, you called?"

I look up from my chair and beckon Kampe over.

"I think it's high time we leave the Underworld."

Her sleepy expression is replaced with one of full attention and seriousness.

"I agree. All the girls have maximized their combat potentials and gotten used to leading their own units. I'm definitely confident they'll be able to rule without any hitch in our absence."

I nod at her words. For the past month, all seven of them have exceeded my expectations and reached incredible heights. My personal students have become peerless in the underworld. Lucifer has become the de facto leader of the group through her frightening fighting prowess, earning the right to be called my left-hand. Satan awakened Berseker magic and numerous other body enhancement skills. Though she was always bested by Lucifer, she was still able to force her into using all her trump cards in their last mock fight. Beelzebub stopped joining group training sessions and focused primarily on her sword skills through solo workouts and monster hunts. After getting permission to leave and train her own unit, I heard she took a hundred elite demons to Tartarus to "train." Of course, hearing that my beloved student had WILLINGLY jumped into hell itself, I almost ran in to drag her ass back. Lucifer and the others had to literally drag me away from the menacing hole, assuring me that she would be fine. I grudgingly decided to leave her be as I had to admit she was a lot stronger than I was back then. Our last spar session made me realize she was strong enough to slay minor gods on her own. Plus, our mental link would always inform me if she was ever in true danger.

Kampe's students were all geniuses in their own fields of magic. Asmodeus became a master in curse magic and had created a unit of Arae to assist her. She also doubled as a succubus with her divine-level charming skills. Mammon didn't focus on offensive magic and rather used support magic. She invented demonic healing which utilized dark elementals and mana to restructure molecules at the cellular level. However, her primary job wasn't on the frontlines. While Lucifer was the strongest amongst the demons, it could be said that Mammon was the smartest amongst them. She was my right-hand and I planned to have her be the lord after my departure. She was a terrifying tactician and after witnessing one of her strategies, I decided to place her in a more administrative role.

Belphegor was magically inclined towards earth and nature elementals. Considering she was a demon, it was amusing to see how high her affinity with nature was. She could manipulate the earth itself which lead to successful attempts at creating physically indestructible golems, making her terrifying for non-magic users.

Leviathan had the hardest time training amongst the demon lords. She used primarily water magic which was unfortunate, since, well, we were in the Underworld. The only source of 'liquid' was from the various rivers in the Underworld. And these rivers didn't even contain normal water. Crying in frustration, she had devoted herself to expanding her magic core every day by creating as much water as she could from her mana. By constantly exhausting her stores, she inevitably grew her mana pool to be level with the near-endless mana of gods.


Smiling at the progress of my subordinates, I turn to Kampe. This time I'm voicing my concerns over the future in store for us. Now that Hades has died and we've built up our strength, the time for hiding in the shadows is over. Sooner or later, I know we'll have a confrontation with the Olympians and I want to increase my strength as much as possible until then. Kampe's already made a list of the strongest monsters she can think of...

"I'll need help figuring out how we should move. Olympus is surely aware of Hades's disappearance and I'd rather not have to fight eleven Olympians at once. You haven't been on the surface in a while either so I'm considering paths that can allow us to travel unnoticed. Looking at some of the maps left in the castle's library, I think our best bet is through Daedalus's Labyrinth. There's an entrance pretty close to the mortal gates of the Underworld."

"Very well. I'll gather the girls into the throne room. By the way, I got a message from Beelzebub's unit that they're expecting to come back today."


~ Scene Change ~


The seven demon lords respectfully kneel towards me. Now that hierarchies were established, Lucifer and Mammon are kneeling slightly ahead of the others. At my side stands Kampe.

"First off, welcome back Beelzebub. I see you've not only gotten stronger, but even your own unit has become nearly undefeatable. As your lord, I am proud of your growth."

Beelzebub bows with a slightly perverted smile. She closes her eyes and a flush comes across her face. I guess she gets off on praise? I make a mental note to hold off on giving her compliments in front of others. Choosing to ignore her behavior, I solemnly gaze at the others.

"I'm thinking of leaving today."

They tense up and stare at me with a mixture of shock and resentment.

"You guys...Don't make those faces. It's not like we're never gonna meet again. I'll be expecting frequent communication with each one of you."

They're still tense but I can sense they aren't as scared. Did they really think I'd abandon them? I shake my head. Mammon bows and requests for permission to speak.


"If I may, I would like to send at least one of our number and their units to act as your personal protection master."

Raising my eyebrows, I respond with a slightly icy tone.

"Oh? You don't have any faith in your master's strength?"

"No master. I think some of us may become, ah, mentally unstable (here she stares pointedly at Asmodeus and Satan) without your constant presence. You can think of us as guides as well! Some of the demons in our units have been summoned to the surface or know their way around."

"... Very well. Then I'll leave the units to be chosen at your discretion. Moving on, I will be appointing you and Lucifer as the lord and general of the Underworld, respectively. Inform the rest of the demons of the shift in power."

"As you command, master."

I dismiss them from the throne room, and I catch the furious whispers of the seven demon lords as they discuss whose to be my traveling companion. Though I don't need things like mana potions or healing potions, I still store some in my pocket dimension. I also loot Hades's personal room and closet for mortal clothes. Ah. He has a certain style...Basically all the clothes are black and dreary. Frowning, I fold the clothes and store them all as well. Then it's time for some final work. This includes finalizing the documents and video message that will confirm the temporary transfer of ownership over the Underworld to the girls. I sign off on the last document and put down the silver pen. I hear a knock on the door. Two silhouettes appear. As they come closer, I can tell one of them has long, fiery-red hair while the other has bright pink hair. Satan and Asmodeus.


"You were elected as my companions, yes? I was waiting for the decision before leaving. Prepare your units we'll be heading out at once."

"Ah, about that master," Satan wiggles in place, "we decided that a full unit won't be necessary at all times. Our units will just be lying on standby in the Underworld in the event of emergencies."

Asmodeus has a grin on her face as she laughs evily.

"Kukukuku. Now I get to be with master all the time...That Beelzebub almost stole my spot! Thank Styx, Mammon called her unit "essential" to the Underworld's security..."

I can't help but sigh as I hear her. Seems like Beelzebub's training backfired. Now that she's gotten so strong, Mammon tasked her with protecting the Underworld in the event that any gods attempt to spy or attack. I can already picture her gnashing her teeth in frustration...

While Asmodeus and Satan are preparing to leave, I decide to say goodbye to the girls. They aren't sobbing out of depression but they certainly seem to be on edge. I show them a slight smile and reach out for Leviathan giving her a tight squeeze. I hold the small of her back and stroke her purple hair. She's squeaking in slight protest but seems to be melting at my touch. Squeaks turn into slight moans as she relishes our intimacy. After I release her, I can practically see steam coming from her face. Chuckling, I pull Belphegor into a light embrace from the side. Ruffling her hair, she clicks her tongue at my antics but shows a small smile. Mammon opts for a hug and Lucifer tries to salute and run away before I can harass her. Then comes Beelzebub. She's pouting but doesn't resist as I begin patting her head.

"Don't be so sad. You can talk to me whenever right?"

I point to my forehead and she turns to me. She wraps her lithe arms around me and holds me tightly with her face pressed against my chest. Her horns have retracted and she just stays in the position while whispering.


I put my hand on her head and give her one last embrace before I leave. I gather up Asmodeus, Satan, and Kampe and we leave the castle. The other demon lords see us off and bow politely once more. I can't help but smile sadly as I think about Nyx. She's certainly bored out of her mind...I wonder what she's up to now? Shaking my head, I turn to the girls at my left and right.

"Let's go."

Unfurling our wings, all of us take to the hazy skies of the Underworld as we head towards the River Styx. Following the river upstream, we come across a wooden, broken boat packed with souls. An old man in a fancy Italian suit bows at us and continues rowing the boat towards the Judgement Pavillion.

As we keep flying, the environment changes into a much cooler, pressurized space. Instead of flowing from side to side, the river seems to be moving straight up. As we follow and fly higher, eventually, what looks like an elevator compartment materializes as our feet touch solid ground. For some time the elevator keeps rising until a ding announces our arrival. With a soft whoosh, the elevator doors open and we step into a lobby.

The lobby is packed with people, who seem rather antsy. They keep pacing or looking at nonexistent watches while muttering. Several men in black suits and sunglasses lead us to the exit while also shoving aside any people in their way. After exiting the revolving door, the four of us squint into the sunlight. This is the first time my demon lords have seen the sunlight and they stand blinking at the golden ball shining in the sky. Though it's been ages since I last felt the sun, I still remembered it from my past life. The most impacted one, however, looks to be Kampe. Having spent literal eons in the pits of Tartarus, I can't blame her for getting emotional. A single tear forms and trails down her face as she begins to bask in the pleasantly warm rays of the sun.

I smile at her rare mood, and decide to take a look around our surroundings. According to the map I read in the castle, we’re currently outside of DOA Recording Studios in Los Angeles, California, the main entrance from the mortal realm into the Underworld. As we adjust to the sun, we get plenty of looks from passerby. Disregarding the strange getups of the girls - the only normal outfit is Kampe's white dress, our appearances also attract plenty of attention. I don’t want to sound too haughty but my appearance is inhumanely handsome. The golden ratio, expensive-looking clothes (obviously pilfered from Hades's wardrobe), muscular body, surrounded by beauties, etc...

Satan, Kampe, and Asmodeus have their own share of stares as well. Being in Hollywood, the people around us are no strangers to gorgeous people, but it wouldn't be an exaggeration to call ourselves extremely attractive. Especially the girls seem to be getting quite a bit of attention. For the most part, they're lustful gazes or whispers which I whole-heartedly ignore. Combined with their rather revealing clothing and heavenly physiques, it's not too surprising that so many people seem so enamored. As a result, I'm not too surprised when a well-dressed young man slows his car to a stop beside us.

"Hey beauties, how about spending some quality time with this daddy? I sure as hell can give you a better time than that freak." (A.N. the young master is strong in this one...I've been reading a lot of manhuas lately...)

He flashes a dazzling smile and I hear some people mutter and take out phones.

"Oh my god, isn't that Monty Black?"

"Wasn't he in the last blockbuster?"

"Holy shit wasn't he voted as World's Hottest Man two magazines in a row?"

"Kyaaaa! Monty please sign my bra!"

Sure enough this guy's presence is drawing in a crowd. I frown and look at the young man again. He has a rugged look, with stylish hair and a diamond-encrusted watch on his left wrist. While his appearance is certainly above average, I can't seem to find anything too special about it. I examine the man curiously and he snorts at me.

"This is no longer your business kiddo. I'm sure your friends would be happier with me anyways."

Reaching out his arm, he moves to grab Satan's hand. Ignoring me, he focuses completely on the red-haired demon in front of him.

"Hahaha girl. Why don't we go to a hotel nearby? You are certainly gorgeous enough to be one of my lovers."

He licks his lips while giving Satan a glance over. Before he touches her hand, she smacks it away and pushes him back.

"Tch. Don't fucking touch me human! How dare you soil master's body with your filthy fucking hands! Touch me and I'll cut your dick off!"


The man looks extremely confused and frightened at her sudden threat. Turning to me, I see his eyes light up in rage. He clearly blames me for her actions. Not that I disagree with her...Uh-oh. He's walking over here with an enraged expression.


The crowd begins muttering.

"Yikes, he should just give her to him..."

"Doesn't he know how powerful Monty Black's connections are?"

"Welp, they'll be finding his body resting under Santa Monica Bay tomorrow..."

"Stupid kid. One girl isn't worth your life."

Ignoring their comments, I begin releasing my aura. I've had enough of this pitiful human.

"I was willing to forgive your transgression of making a move on my precious servant. But now you try to threaten me? You are courting death, foolish mortal!"

At my aura, the young man falls back terrified. Obviously. He's just a human! Confronted with the power of a real fucking god! He's lucky to not have died of fright just now! He's so scared he can't even make a move. His mouth twitches but no sound comes out. I snap my fingers and increase the aura he feels tenfold. The young man instantly evaporates into a red mist. All that's left of him is a pair of shoes. I wipe the memories of our interaction from the crowd and sigh. I turn around expecting Satan to have calmed down, but her face is extremely red. She's twitching and mumbling.

"precious...master called me precious..."

Asmodeus is glaring jealously at her and I only shake my head at her. You shouldn't be blushing like a maiden right after threatening someone's manhood! Tch. That unfortunate accident took time off our travel. I can't find Kampe around so I telepathically inform her that we're making our way to the entrance of the Labyrinth. According to the maps, it was only a five-minute walk from our current location.

Dragging Kampe away from a nearby candy shop, we move once more. After the fiasco earlier, I decided we were too conspicuous and decided to purchase some hats and sunglasses at a clothing store. By covering our faces, we were able to blend in a lot more with the crowds and no more incidents occurred.

It wasn't long before we came across an abandoned building. The entrance should be somewhere here and I extended my senses to search for abnormalities in the structure. There! I detected a magic reaction in the building's basement. Walking over the overgrown weeds and junk-filled yard, we entered the building and went to the basement. The basement was filled with cobwebs and dust. At the center was a slightly concealed trapdoor with a Greek delta symbol shining in a corner. Despite its appearances, the trapdoor swung open smoothly and we gazed at the cobblestone steps leading into the darkness. I smiled. We had found it. The entrance into Daedalus's Labyrinth.

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