《Just a Lowly Monster》The Last Stretch


I shake my head and begin purging the place. Most of the monsters simply accept their deaths, having given up on any hope of a better life eons ago. A few try to fight back but [Gluttony] is just too overpowered. As they turn to dust, their lingering hateful expressions slowly dissipate as well. Just like this, I continue the massacre until the prison finally becomes silent.

All the cries and screams have disappeared and the only signs of their existence are the all-too many bloodstains on the ground. At this point, I've absorbed thousands of cyclops and briares. While they may have been weakened, they are still among one of the strongest beings in the world, just behind the Olympians.

Now they've become the food to my strength, the [Gluttony] skill converting pure soul energy into divine energy. After absorbing so many monsters, it's no wonder that my system declares another evolution. Since I'm no longer directly changing races, I evolve in Tartarus instead of the astral field.

[Notice: After absorbing 3580 Elder Cyclops and 2219 Briares, the host has gained enough experience and divinity to skip several evolution stages. Host can now directly evolve from a Lesser God and to a Minor Hell God].

Once more, I feel my body strengthening and the ichor's become more pure.

Along with my evolution came my wings. I could now fold large, bat-like wings from my back at will. I also gained the skill [Divine Elemental Control]. Now I could wield the elements and control nature itself.

Testing one of my spells, I combine mana with an image of lightning. Red-hot lightning dances on my open palm. I fire the bolt at a nearby rock which explodes and forms a smoking crater on impact. Hoh. This is surprisingly strong. For weaker monsters I'll be able to use pure magic rather than [Gluttony].

After the initial shock of the brutal massacre, Kampe regains her senses while shaking her in disbelief.

"I know primordials are strong but just how much divinity did you get from Nyx?"

I laugh.

"Anyways, thanks for that. You've basically completed my job and now I'm free to go wherever. So, where do you want me to take ya? I might not look it, but I basically know every nook and cranny here."

I nod.

"I need to find the Doors of Death. That's the fastest way out of Tartarus and I don't want to spend too much time down here. The monsters are much to weak to train with."

Shaking her head again, Kampe waves her hands.

"Hora! Let's get going then!"

Without turning back, the two of us walk away leaving behind the empty ruins of what used to be a prison



We've been traveling for almost a month. I can keep track of time from the refillings of Nyx's basket. Every day it punctually fills up with food, no matter how empty or full it was before. That reminds me. I have to thank her even more. Not only are the provisions secured, I can eat warm, home-cooked meals instead of raw monster meat.

Right now Kampe is leading me to the Abyssal Plains. That's supposedly where the Doors of Death have been for the past two years. She knows of this from the unsuspecting monsters that wander into her territory. The Doors actually move and are never in one place for longer than a decade. That gives us almost eight years before we have to find them again.

Because of Kampe's knowledge, we've been making extraordinary progress. One thing I've come to realize is the size of Tartarus. If I had been making this journey alone, it would have taken me nearly two centuries. There's so many twists and turns, slopes, and paths, that it would be impossible to tell where to go. Once again, saved by Nyx! At this point, I'm just keeping on sinking into her debt.

Also, we barely fight any monsters. It might be surprising to hear that given that Tartarus is literally the birthplace of every monster, but it really isn't. After all, Kampe is, well Kampe. While she has toned down her aura, it's still stupidly strong and no monster is stupid enough to cross her. Also, I radiate the divine aura of a god. Before, my aura was weak, but after killing all those cyclops and briares, I've also jumped exponentially in power. The few monsters that did attack us met an unfortunate ending of either being purged by [Gluttony] or slaughtered by Kampe. The rest were intelligent enough to slink away or completely avoid us.

"Ooh. We're finally close."

Kampe exclaims excitededly. We're standing at the edge of the first river I've seen. Albeit a strange one. This is the first river of the underworld, the Phlegethon or the river of fire. It's basically a pool of red-hot water, not quite lava but still hot enough to melt even a Greater Vulcan.

Despite my divinity, I still sweat from the heat and we decide to fly across it with our wings.

The landscape has noticeably changed. It looks more volanic now. Magma bubbles in pockets and the ground is cracked in various spots. Lava pours from the ceiling and gathers into countless pools. Steam is rising from the ground and hazing the atmosphere.

With the terrain's change and our relative distance to the Doors, we also see more and more monsters. They all look strong but like the others, none of them dare to attack us.


I look over at Kampe whose smiling haughtily at the sight. After leaving the prison, Kampe shifted her form to become a lot smaller. Now she's barely shorter than me and got rid of her numerous beast-like features. She has a regal face, worthy of an Eastern noblewoman. A birthmark is just under her right eye and her waist-length straight hair moves about like tentacles. She wears a simple dress that threatens to spill her large breasts at any moment.

Heh. Her dress is very out of place for our environment and I can't help but snicker inside.

She looks over at me and frowns.

"You're thinking something rude aren't you?"

I shudder. Can she now read minds?

We step through a thick smokescreen and find ourselves on another ledge. I let out a breath as I take in the sight ahead of us.

There are an immeasurable amount of monsters swarming the plains. All sorts of monsters can be found. Harpies, hellhounds, lamia, giants, Arae, and vampires. I grinned because I knew exactly where we were. If it wasn't the abnormal amount of monsters, it would've been the pair of Doors off in the distance that would've given it away. The Abyssal Plains and the end of my journey in Tartarus.

Small skirmishes between the monsters can be seen but for the most part, there is no mindless slaughter. After all, these monsters would rather be killing humans than fighting each other and having to risk going through another rebirth cycle in Tartarus. I can't help but whistle at the sheer amount of monsters that are before me. Should all of them appear on the surface at once, it would likely bring about the Apocalypse and end of the world.

I sneer, slightly thinking of the banquet that is laying before me. With all these monsters, I can't help but think how many levels I could jump. Unfortunately Kampe seems to sense this as she grabs my ears and begins dragging me away.

"You're drooling Nakamara-kun."

I look down. She's right. I cough into my hand and make a show to walk faster.

Just like during our travel, the monsters give me and Kampe a wide berth. Following the movements of the monsters, we reached the Doors of Death before long.

It was impossibly large. Two pitch-black obsidian pillars surrounded a majestic door made of Stygian Iron. Two words that came to my mind as I gazed at it, were 'divine' and 'incredible.' Nothing I had ever seen before, in this life nor my last, could compare to the grandeur and majesty of these doors. Not even Nyx's castle was as elaborate or striking.

We watched as a group of monsters approached the door. It made a loud groan and opened wide. The monsters stepped in and were instantly swallowed. I widened my eyes and looked for the reactions of the other monsters. Apparently, this was normal as no one was panicking or even looking surprised. It's soon our time to leave and I nod to Kampe.

"I'll see you on the other side Kampe-oneesan."

She smiles at my words.

"Ara, I'll be right behind you Nakamara-kun."

I took a deep breath and stepped up to the doors. As soon as I got close enough to touch them, a pleasant voice entered my mind. I looked around shocked.

"No no no. I'm not next to you. I'm just speaking in your mind. Oh? Interesting, interesting. What's a god doing down here in Tartarus? They normally avoid this place like the plague fufufu. Oh oh oh, interesting, interesting. This isn't just any divinity I smell. Is this primordial divinity?"

The voice suddenly becomes more nasal and less pleasant. It nearly shrills as it gasps. It then begins to snicker.

"Oh I see, I see. These circumstances are quite special, humu! Hehehe. I was told by a superior that I should expect something to happen. I guess it was you! Heh. Very well. I was also told to send you wherever you wanted. Now hurry up! I've got millions of monsters left in my quota!"

"Hades' Castle, please."

I frown at the rudeness of this voice. Is it just me or does it remind me of the person in the video message?

"Kukukuku. Since you're travelling with that she-demon, I'll send her with you as a special service. Kukukuk. That batty old geezer won't know what hit him. Kukukuku."

With one final laugh, the voice's presence disappears from my mind.

The doors swing open and an ice cold air assaults my senses. I take a long stride and enter. My eyes shut and I feel myself spinning, spinning, and spinning. when I open them again, I'm standing in a field.

As I adjust to the sudden shift in environment, I start hearing wails similar to that of Kampe's jail. In the distance is a massive castle with spires reaching to the skies. While it's too dark to see a caveroof, I can tell we're underground. Fire crackles behind me and I can see the greenish glow of a flowing river.

Instantly I know where I am.

The Underworld.

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