《The Withering of Gold Vol. 2》3. Flicker of hope
“I assume you should be safe now, especially since you sprinted here.”
“We...ll, ...it was...my...flight response…” Effryn said holding himself on his knees, panting.
Somehow, some way...they ended up in a lit up city. The City of Heeth-the place where Evvryn and him were living in.
-Or now, where they had lived in.
Currently Effryn had no idea if their apartment were still theirs. If everything left by Evvryn had remained before their lives flickered in sorrow, then there might be more fragments of her.
“We’re only a distance away from where you need to be. We should act quickly, before anything else can interfere.”
Before them was a city filled with the livelihood of a lustful night. There was no doubt some people were having a grand of a time, with a few exceptions.
But Effryn didn’t care for them. He had a new found base for living to work for, even if it took his soul to complete.
“Now...I believe you must follow the right path for some time and-”
“-Sorry, but I have something to see before anything else.”
Effryn spoke in a nonchalant tone, wanting to do one last thing before anything else.
“Wha… Excuse me, but we have more pressing matters. What else could you require?”
“A motivational push, and remainder.”
Effryn was sure the ghost didn’t understand, and probably wouldn’t ever, why Effryn wanted to go somewhere else. But he felt ok with that. He was incontrol, not the ghost.
“Do you know how illogical this is? What if you run into more trouble, like the hospital pigs, or the doctor?”
“Yes, I’m sure it is...but let me do this first, then we can continue.”
The ghost went mute for a moment as Effryn began his quick side stop, until it sighed with a hint of annoyance.
“Ahhh. It’s not like you are giving me much of any choice in this. Fine, do as you wish. “
“Yay!” cheering with a forgotten smile, Effryn relished the feeling of being able to express happiness after a while. “Now then, onward!”
“Is this the location you wanted to visit?”
Effryn heard the question, but took a minute to let his emotions settle from the scenery.
It was nothing special, really. Just a plain apartment complex next to a somewhat busy street. There was the usual smoker he saw every five other minutes, the dog who nobody really owned, but it just kept roaming around, and kids who would scream and shout inside their own rooms even past midnight.
Yet this place held something dear to him. More than all the other aspects could ever think to graze at.
Effryn slowly began walking up the same metal stairs he had always passed, reminiscing the starts or ends of his day. It was a signal to when the day started, or when it was winding down to a slow.
“Are you sad to see this place?”
“Why would you say something like that?”
“Because you’re crying.”
“Be quiet, your voice isn’t helping.” he said, wiping the strands of water with his sleeve.
A breeze pushed upon Effryn’s side, filling the air with a cold touch.
He wasn’t even sure if their room was still there, or if it had been occupied by someone else. If the latter were true, then where would their stuff be?
Reaching the top, Effryn could see the scuff door he’d grown use to after moving out of the orphanage. But there were a few more noticeably larger markings, like those from a larger blade. Effryn moved closer to inspect them.
“I don’t remember these…”
“Maybe it was new inhabitants?”
“Doubtful.” Effryn double checked the small sign underneath the room number, which still read both Effryn/Evvryn. “Can you do a human sweep?”
“A what? Oh, I see you’ve structed a name for my instrument in keeping your body out of cost’s way. Fear not, for none wanders.”
Hearing the area was clear, Effryn timidly reached for the door knob. He was scared of seeing his home, and coming back without Evvryn. A feeling of uneasiness lingered telling him not to expect much after two months from being absent. Other people had to move in by now; the landlord had to make money after all. It was basic business.
Effryn braced himself for whatever was behind the door. Whether it be nothing at all, our stuff is still there, or there are residents living here but they’re not here, and we’re just breaking and entering, I’ve still got to be ready emotionally, so, here goes nothing! Taking a deep breath, Effryn willed himself to enter his old apartment, filled with memories…
“...I’m home.”
“Is this your old quarters? It’s a dreadful mess in here.”
In the moonlight of night, was resting the old apartment of Effryn, with old pots and pans scattered everywhere. There was the kitchen Effryn had always used to prepare the meals after a long day of life, although most of the meals were mostly eggs.
After that, was the room barely even eligible enough to be called a living room.The consoles must have been stolen, as the old monitors were missing as well. Here...we wasted our lives away here, didn’t we, Evvryn.
Along the walls were more markings similar to that of the door, except here were more intensified. They were sporadic enough to judge someone insane had been here, yet some were barely enough to be eligible, such as ‘He awaits’ and ‘God calls.”
“Such a horrid sight. Why must one feel the necessity to ruin another's home with madness.”
“Here...we spent so much time next to each other, yet we were always in different worlds from each other.” Effryn walked around, calmly tracing his fingertips along the walls. “God...why didn’t I talk to her more. I should’ve been more active, had more conversations, done more things with her.”
Next he checked their old sleeping room. It was dark as always, but his old sleeping mat was shredded to pieces, while Evvryn’s was attached to the wall. “And here. Even if we both slept on small mats, it was still comfortable enough to fall asleep. As long as we had each other, and the night was high, then we would fall asleep anyway.”
A strong feeling of remembrance came over Effryn, bringing back old memories of Evvryn.
“Aaaaaaaaaa, I cut my finger!” A small boy squealed at the sight of blood.
“Miss Lynn, Effryn got an ouchie.”
“Effryn, I swear if you can’t cook then what else can you do? Let me see before Lynn comes.”
“N-no wait, I think mother should check.” Tiny Effryn tried to reason how an adult would be a better and smarter thing to do.
“But this might be my chance to reveal the hidden doctor within me!”
“Do you even know a thing about stuff like this?!”
“I’m sure it’ll come to me when I take a closer look.”
Giving in to the demands, Effryn allowed the girl to examine his finger, which was still profusely bleeding.
“Hmmmm...oh man, that's a lot of blood. I give it a hours before we’re burying you.”
“Stop messing around!”
“Dear, what’s wrong?” The ‘mother’ of the orphanage returned to the kitchen, hand in hand with the brother that dashed to get her.
“Effryn cut himself peeling the potatoes!”
“Evvryn dear, we shouldn’t tease someone who’s giving it their all, now should we?”
“I guess not…” Replied the sly young Evvryn.
“Now then, how about we fix that nasty scratch right up!” she happily announced, clapping her hands.
The mother cleaned the finger off, with Effryn flinching to the stinging water’s touch, and placidly wrapped a bandage around his finger.
“Yay, your all healthy Effryn! Now you won’t die in three hours!”
“Excuse me, Evvryn?”
“It was from a professional viewing, don’t you worry! And Effryn, stop crying so we can play!”
Whether it was from the burn of the water, or just the shock of seeing blood, it was undeniable that tears were streaming down his puffy cheeks.
“Heh, sorry!”
“Was that a fond memory?”
Snapping back into realty, Effryn focused looking around to see if anything was salvageable. He was a slight bit annoyed that the ghost could apparently see memories, but it is what it is; no point in getting angry with a higher being.
“It sure was. That day I had so much fun cooking for everyone. Then after I cut myself, we played for hours in the dirt. I’m honestly surprised I didn’t get an infection afterwards.”
“I would reckon you two were close then?”
“More than anything.” Effryn responded immediately, leaving no room for thinking. “I looked up to her so much, it was scary. Even if she was a major pain, Evvryn was still the greatest to me.”
“I can assume so, specifically based from your sorrow for my choice on using this body and voice.”
Effryn felt like he should respond, but he didn’t care about it. True, he felt sad hearing her voice, with him feeling at times he was being mocked at. But it did somewhat have a calming effect, releasing stress almost instantly whenever the ghost spoke.
And it doesn’t bother him as nearly as much as it use to. Whenever he first heard the alluring trap of his dead friend, he felt a glimmer of hope-only for it to be drowned away.
After a while of digging through old closets and dressers, the ghost broke the silence.
“I can understand your grief for a loved one, but you must hurry. If we stray for too long, the doctor or the human hunters might return.”
“I know the risk of coming back, but I need to find it. Just give me a bit more time.”
He had to. It was the rest of the ribbon set Evvryn had always worn. Even if he had to leave this room filled with memories behind, he could at least bring pieces of Evvryn with him.
He searched and searched, but found nothing. And with all this moving, someone was bound notice…
“Effryn, I sense a presence.”
“Who’s is it?”
“I’m sure you’re aware I am unable to tell specifics; only life itself.”
I guess this is the most logical place I’d return to. Ah, damnit. It’s either those group guys, or the psyched doctor.
Having his time limit slowly swindle down, Effryn knew he had to face his visitors even if he did find what he was looking for.
“Where are they now?”
“Unlocking the door now.”
Unlocking? But when did we…
The door stood frozen in darkness, with only a slight clunk coming from the handle. Until only a moments notice later it flew open.
“-E-E-E-Excuse me, ma’am?!”
Jumping at the sudden shouting and banging from the entrance, came someone Effryn didn’t recognize.
“Now who in the hell are you supposed to be?”
It was an old woman, at least in her eighties, if lucky. She had deep a southern accent, and held a…’worrying’ weapon, to say the least.
“Y-yes ma’am, my names Effryn.” Doing his best to watch his next words carefully, he could only stare at the end of a double barrel shotgun, praying his next words weren’t his last.
“Who the...you look nothin’ like Evvryn!”
“W-wrong person! I’m EFFryn, who old roommate.”
The crazy lady stiffened her aim, but then lowered her weapon, realizing Effryn was anything but an enemy.
“So you knew that useless good fer nothing shit? She ain’t ever cough up enough for me, so why didn’t you come and do the paying for her? Are you scared of a granny who’s only a feathers fall from death?!”
So this was our landlord. Did she do anything to you, Evvryn?
For the two months they had lived here, Evvryn insisted she go pay the rent money. He didn’t understand at the time, and only took it as her just being nice.
-But he should’ve known better. He knew kindness was, if not ever, a rare sight to see in Evvryn.
She was doing it for him. She didn’t want him to see the harsh and overly southern person they owed money to each month.
“I’m sorry ma’am, but you’re an asshole.” And for the first time in a long while, Effryn said what was on his mind.
The granny was surprised with an expression as sour as could be, but she erupted into laughter. “He...hahaha, I see you ain’t just no normal boy, but one filled with no shortage of surprises!”
“Where’s her things?! What did you do to them?!”
Effryn wanted no more of the granny. He knew she was only going to be a hindrance, with no use or value.
But she only responded with more twisted words and disillusioned thinking, to which Effryn understood none.
“You worked up boy? In the yonder times, men like you were tied to the roads of insanity.”
“What? Nevermind, I’m nothing like them!”
Feeling prideful on his new lead to pull hope, Effryn expressed himself proudly, knowing he wouldn’t fail like others. He couldn’t.
But as he felt a newborn strength within, a cold burnden only relaxed itself as the granny calmly twisted her lips in a grin.
“You think you have something others don’t, but just you wait. Despair chases everyone, until you fall from losing pressure. It ain’t nothing special; it’s just life.”
She doesn’t know what she’s talking about! This hag probably can’t begin to understand the powers of a ghost!
Effryn felt only one emotion, and he best summed it up as anger. He was angry at her for how she thinks about Evvryn. He was angry at her for how he must have treated Evvryn. He was angry at her for hiding away Evvryn’s belongings.
“Those eyes...you’ll only get so far with a look like that.” Grunting, she rummaged through her overall pockets, and tossed something at Effryn. “Here boy, I ain’t have no purpose for this.”
Catching the item with pure guess from the lack of light, Effryn congratulated himself for something slightly cool, before realizing what exactly it was he held. It was a box, and one he knew, even if he only ever held a handful of other times.
“This is her ribbon box...why do you have them?”
Opening the ribbon casing, it revealed three other colors ribbons-blue, purple, and red. These were her neglected ones. She just loved her yellow one too much. Man, I’m sure these would have looked amazing on her.
“She was a lousy payer, but I can admit when I see a young lady before me. And besides, they oughta go to you now.”
It wasn’t much, but Effryn felt most of his feelings brushed away from three small hair accessories. So...three memories, plus one fragment. I’ll keep all four safe, Evvryn.
“T-thank you. I’m sorry for all the trouble we caused.” Effryn slightly bowed to thank his old landlord, but mostly it was an excuse to hide his crying.
“Don’t mention it boy. I’m gonna get some bed, so hurry and leave before those rowdy bastards come back and ruin more business”
“Woah...is that what the shotgun’s for?”
“Stand your ground is beautiful, don’t ya think?”
It made more sense as to why the granny brought a full-fledged double barrel. And technically, he wasn’t paying his rent anymore, so in one perspective or another, he could be considered trespassing.
The landlord started to exit the apartment, but stopped midway, muttering under her breath before leaving. “Hatred...it’ll drive you to ruin, boy.”
The door closed with a soft bang, leaving Effryn alone with the serenity of darkness.
With the ribbons he held in his hand, he had no further need to stay. Well...before fully leaving.
Waiting for a moment in the dark, a response with a chilling aura came from the emptiness.
“She has abdicated, what is it you require from me?”
“You have the capabilities of healing my...everything, so let me ask.” Holding on tightly to the ribbons, Effryn calmed himself.
“I do, even if only limited. Why must you ask?”
“I’m just gonna cut-is resurrection possible?”
Using every bit of will in him, Effryn let his hopes hang on this one question. A question that had been his only driving force to this point. It was one he needed to know in order to keep going.
“The power of resurrection...why whether I please of the existence or not, such a thing does exist. Why must you ask?”
His only thread of hope loosely hang from the tiniest chance of such of possibility. But even so, a possibility was better than none.
“I want to bring back Evvryn-I need to. I won’t be able to do anything else in life without her, so do this for me, please!”
It was an impossible request in normal circumstances, but a ghost with cure alls wasn’t exactly normal. Especially if it took the form of Evvryn, it was only right to bring her back as a reward…
I shouldn’t beg. I should demand it, after all, it did take her appearance. It’s only right to bring her back afterwards.
But the ghost only responded with the same, swift monotone Evvryn voice like always.
“Is this a major concern for you? Humans aren’t worthy to return back.”
“What do you mean?! This means everything to me!” A feeling of boiling came over Effryn, thinking of anything to get the ghost to agree, even if it meant taking away all pride. “You know, you need me for this, I’m sure of it! If you don’t teach me how to bring back Evvryn, then I won’t do what you tell me to!”
Effryn was confident the ghost had to agree, whether it be in one way or another. Effryn eagerly waited for the response from the often reserved being, without realizing a smile was plastered on his face.
“Humans truly are knowledge hungry creatures. Fine, I will explain to you the secrets of resurrection upon completing the requisite task.”
Peace of mind. It swatted his mind, rendering every negative emotion numb. There was no reason to be sad anymore. Everything could be fixed with the help of another being. The being that mimicked Evvryn.
Ever since waking up, everything's been so hard. Maybe the injects and crazed people were secondary, but coming to the realization of losing someone I loved, that hit the hardest.
But now, Effryn thought, now having a resolute mindset. I have an opportunity to bring her back. All I have to do is follow what ghost says, and don’t die.
Simple enough. If the ghost said reach the ends of hell unscathed, he had to obey. Even if there was no leash actually restraining him, the cost of following orders held the greatest price of all-Evvryn.
“Sorry to intrude on your inner celebration, but I suggest you leave soon. This area is a prime location for pursuers to inspect.”
Bringing Effryn back into reality, he understood the logic of the ghost. This was his old home, so it would make sense for him to go back. Heck, he was there now, wasn’t he?
“You’re absolutely right. But first-” Picking his little legs up, Effryn walked through the remnants of his old home to his closet. “I should change out of the hospital gown.”
Lucky enough, the clothes seemed to be unharmed from the house trashers, though Effryn didn’t own many clothes to begin with.
“Shouldn’t you remove the bandages? It would seem less conspicuous.”
The ghost asked a fair enough question, one even Effryn thought about. But ultimately decided against it. It was a sign of the messed up things the doctor did to him, and maybe he needed more time to heal.
But truthfully, it sounded much better if they were battle scars, so he kept that story.
“There, much better!”
“Normalized clothes, yet why all black?”
“Jeez sorry I’m not fashionable!” Crying out from the judging ghost, Effryn patted down his hoodie and sweatpants, and tried dusting away anything that may have welcomed itself after two months.
It was the same thing Evvryn had always pressured on him, even when she had everything yellow. I’m sure you would bully me right now for this, wouldn’t you?
“Right, we should leave.”
“I’m bound to you, so anytime.”
Courage filled Effryn’s hopes. A new dream was possible, and it wasn’t artificial. This dream could actually be reached, unlike all others.
He only needed to utilize the ghost with him, and bring back Evvryn.
He walked through the house, opening the door, but before he fully left out, he looked behind one last time. It was his first ever place with Evvryn since moving out from the orphanage. He worked long hours to live there, as did Evvryn. He was proud of every moment.
Good bye for now, old memories. But I swear, I’ll bring Evvryn back. No matter the cost, she will return.
And he left his first and last place he lived with her, hoping to soon return with the person he loved.
~Police headquarters of Heeth city~
“Chief, we’ve got a report at the Naki Hospital down in Rivertil. And by the sound of it, something major’s went down there.”
Resting firmly in his seat, he gently lit the bud of his cigar.
“And what does ‘major’ entail?”
“Well sir, reports state there were multiple gunshots heard in the Naki district, and when officers arrived on scene, we found three unidentified bodies and multiple gunshot holes throughout the area.”
“So what calibre were they? Any news on the type of weapons used?” Puffing the inhaled smoke, the chief calmly exhaled.
“Well for certain, we discovered they used primarily colt’s, but...there’s a catch.”
“Oh, and what might that be?”
“The three unidentifiable bodies mentioned in the reports, each one states there is no correlation between the bullets fired, and the corpses. One report even states the bodies look too mutilated a bullet would have been a miracle for them.”
“Then what was the cause of death?”
“About that sir, the forensics have been going crazy trying to find the cause. They reported each body excretes a green like color substance, but they have different smells and textures.”
The chief takes another puff, trying to fit this information properly.
“What hell went down there?”
“We’re still looking into that now, but the forensics team also mentioned signs of injectionss in areas around the neck and back.”
A hospital, three unknown corpses unrecognizable beyond belief, a shootout...why at a hospital to begin with?
“Was there anyone working night shift at the hospital?”
“Well sir, there was supposed to be one, Dr. Zylar Labour. But no one ever personally found him. We checked further records, and the nurses that were working over time were asked to take leave for the night. One of the forensics said the three bodies could possibly be Dr. Zylar, but there was no evidence fully validating it was.”
“We shouldn’t rule out the possibility of Zylar still being alive.” Still, the chief thought, resting the bud on his lip what could be so important at a hospital? “Were there any patients at the time?”
“Yes, there was one. But he was nowhere to be found once officers arrived.”
“Give me more information about the patient.”
“Right sir. He was born from a middle class family, but the parents were too unstable to support themselves, let alone a child, so child protective services had him placed at the Saint home orphanage. Then, at the age of seventeen, he moved out to an apartment complex for two months, until he was found on the side of highway 7 unconscious and injured. He was then admitted to the hospital at Naki, where he lay comatose for two months.”
A boy, who suddenly disappeared after being in a coma for two months suddenly on the same night of a shootout. How would he fit in?
“What is the name of the patient?”
“His name was Effryn leo hein, but it was requested to be removed once placed at the orphanage, and no further name was brought up before or after the overhaul of the orphanage, so they decided to keep it Effryn.”
“I want you to keep digging up on Effryn, and get me more information on this person. Also get in touch with the nurses who was scheduled to work overtime. Dr. Zylar might also have a role in this.”
“Yes Sir! Anything else?”
The chief put out the burning bud of his cigar, and stood.
“Nothing else. The patient and Doctor are our two leads, so follow them carefully and thoroughly.”
“Right! I’ll excuse myself as I’ll continue looking more in those two.”
With one of his division officers reporting the situation, the chief still wondered what the motive of the entire thing even was.
Gun shots, three bodies, two missing people...reports said the bodies were a no match with the missing, so what could have…
Then suddenly, Chief Knox pushed his desk while as he stood.
That idiot never mentioned the bullet count!
“You noobie, come back here Watt!” The chief yelled as he pushed his way through office workers.
“This should be the seeds resting ground.”
“H-here? But how…”
After a while of strenuous twist and turns, adding in with other minor error of directions, Effryn finally arrived on this so called ‘world needing change.’ He knew the ghost was a being with knowledge of healing all wounds, but to think it had a poor sense of direction.
But that wasn’t what troubled him the most. Far from it, actually.
“Why here of all places? Maybe you took a wrong turn? You get lost as easily as you fade away, so this has to be a mistake.”
“I am correct on this indefinitely. No mistaking it now.”
“But the Saint home orphanage of all places…”
Through every wrong turn, the ghost had finally led him to his once old home. The place Evvryn and him had been raised at; the start to their pinnacle, which was a lonely orphanage set up near the city’s heart.
“What’s even here? It’s just a bunch of children sleeping?”
“One of those young lambs will create the sprout needed to nurture the future.”
“Quit with the crazy talk! These kids, they have nothing to do with any of this!”
“Yet I am certain as time.”
“Gahhh, fine. I’ll take a quick look around, but not for long, these kids are sleeping after all.” Giving in to the persistent ghost, Effryn decided to give the orphanage a peek.
Still, it’s been an awful while since I’ve been here. I wonder how Frael is doing? I hope she didn’t worry too much about me. But wait…
The more he thought about it, the more he questioned-does anyone know where I’ve been? It’s been two months since he last seen anyone he knows.
What if they don’t know what happened at all? Then what about Evvryn…
Effryn felt himself tear up at the thought of every bright child learning about the death of Evvryn, and how Effryn was hospitalized. He never thought about it, but how would he explain a person they looked up to never coming back…
“I fear if we linger for long, you might get suspected for indecency.”
“Fine, fine, I’ll knock and see if anyone answers.” Effryn faintly replied, wiping his hand at the air. “But If no one answers the first time, I’ll leave.”
Effryn had no intention of over staying, and wanted the children to a peaceful sleep like any other.
“Then where do you plan to rest?”
Having not thought about his place to rest, Effryn was shot down without a chance to rebuttal.
“How about asking for shelter here instead of freezing?”
“I still have nothing for your stabbing words, and I’m going!”
Walking the same stony path he missed for his time gone, he remembered each step as he went along. The one stone with a crack down the middle. Another with initials edged in it. And many more signifying a different past, telling another story from just a few marks.
Until he reached the final step, which was the stone with the oldest change-Evvryn and Effryns doodle. It wasn’t anything special, considering it was only a dragon Evvryn made, and a snowman Effryn had made. Effryn thought back to the day he drew a snowman, and how he wanted to have a snowy day so badly, he decided to draw one.
But with Evvryn being Evvryn, she wanted to combat him, and drew a ferocious crayon dragon burning the snowman. God, I really cried over that. He thought, as he kneeled over and gently brushed over the ‘art.’
“You’re crying now.”
“I know! I don’t need you to remind me!”
Brushing the tears off with his sleeve, Effryn pushed the wonderful yet stinging memories away. I WILL save you, no matter what.
“Prepare yourself-someone's coming.”
Before Effryn had readied himself, the door slowly opened. And to Effryn’s surprise…
“Hello Mr…”
“Long time no see...Effryn.”
Three children Effryn hadn’t seen in ages answered the door instead of Mother. Although he hadn’t noted the exact time, he knew it was still way to late for any normal kid to be awake at a time like this.
“Y-yeah tate, tia and mia...it’s been awhile.”
“Your pretty messy, Effryn.” Mia started with an offset expression. “What have you been doing?”
“About that…”
But before Effryn could finish, he was soon surrounded by munchkins and barraged with questions.
“Where have you been?”
“So you finally decided to show your face around here again, huh? I guess it’s time to test who the strongest is!”
“You’ve...been gone for a long while...Effryn.”
“Yeah, I”m glad you’re all safe and what not, but what about Evvryn?! I need my commander again for more training!”
And while being bombarded, Effryn realized one thing after a fly by. The children were completely unaware of Evvryn’s death.
“W-wait now, didn’t someone tell you guys?”
Asking to confirm a suspension, Effryn asked the kids a simple question, to which they replied with a simple answer.
“Well duh, you two got hurt pretty badly, but I see you’re okay!”
“If you can live, then Evvryn can get through no challenge!”
Effryn saw it. Their clueless expressions told him everything he needed to know.
“Um, excuse me, but is Mother awake?” Effryn asked trying to hide his emotions from showing. Especially his face.
“Mommy...yeah, she should be. Follow me!”
The child who answered Effryn’s calling was a collective young boy, who played roles in the commander drill training as the leader of the recruits.
And so, Effryn followed the joyful boy who was skipping his way to their Mother, who was also unaware of the fate placed upon Evvryn.
- In Serial134 Chapters
Dungeon Crawler Darryl
In a flash, every human-erected construction on Earth--from Buckingham Palace to the tiniest of sheds to all the trucks and cars--collapses in a heap, sinking into the ground. The fruits of millenia of human progress, atomized and transformed into the dungeon: an 18-level labyrinth filled with traps, monsters, and loot. A dungeon so enormous, it circles the entire globe. Presented with impossible situations, dire straits, an empty promise of regaining their planet or the fame of intergalactical stardom, thirteen million of the remaining humans entered this dungeon. This death trap with glamorous gore and way too many bugs. Only a few of them truly matter, the top most popular crawlers such as the ill-pantsed Carl and his elegant mistress Princess Donut. This story isn't about such glorious people, however. This story focusses on one of the dregs overlooked by the masses as they try to cling on to their life. This is the story of Darryl and friends. Note: This is a Dungeon Crawler Carl fanfic. Please support and read the original, it's really good!
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Wrath of The Dragon Slayer
Arma Blood is neither a hero or a villain. He is an avenger. In a world plagued by disasters known as dragons, young man must rise, driven by vengeance and wrath, he vows to hunt down every dragon or die trying. An epic combat of a human against the gods of his world.
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Tales of Erets Book One: The Crusade of Stone and Stars
The Queen of the kingdom of Arx is having an affair with her oldest childhood friend, right under the King's nose. The King of Arx, however, is not only fine with that, but, in fact, is encouraging it, as the King is a lover of men. Arx needs an heir to the throne, and the King plans to claim whatever child his Queen and her bodyguard conceive is his own, but in Arxian politics secrets have a price, and affairs can tear a kingdom apart. Arx teeters on the brink of chaos, and all while the nearby kingdom of Nihilus threatens Arx with holy war.The Crusade of Stone and Stars is a cautionary tale about two kinds of leaders: the controlling and the irresponsible. Because of the actions of these two rulers, strife will befall both Arx and Nihilus, as well as upon those they love.
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Lost In the Void. (Monster Evolution LitRpg)
Lost little light given to the Void as a sacrifice to the monsters. He wanders through the broken reality trying to survive the monstrosities that roam around fighting and killing each other. Chaos rules in the abyss of the Void. Hope is all this little light has, can become strong he become strong enough to thrive, or will he be devoured? Beware of the Mother, For she always watches. And Nothing can escape from her sight. By Deven. C. Kelly LitRpg Monster Evolution
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