《Heartless》5: Gesture


The next day, Stine handed his heart that he receives from Laina back to her. She was confused at his actions.

“Yesterday felt really great. And if this heart will give someone as great comfort as I have and Ogden received, then this should go to someone else.” Stine explains.

Laina just smiled at Stine and his thoughts as she accepted the heart and placed it inside the basket.

When asks where they should go next. Laina pointed out someone in Lenin, the one who gave her clothes and she describes her a kind lady that always wear a straw bonnet with gentle hands.

Stine thought to himself, that almost everyone wears a straw bonnet and he couldn’t go around the village checking everyone’s hands. Which reminded him that he could just ask Margaret for help.

They went to the tailor shop with Margaret. They were greeted by the seamstress, the tailor’s daughter, and thank the doctor for his services that he rendered in the past. Margaret offers to help her for the day as per the request of the doctor if is she would hear him out.

While Margaret handles the seamstress work, Stine and Laina sat down with the seamstress as they were offered a cold refreshment.

“So, how can I help you doctor?” The seamstress said as she sat down while wiping her hands on her apron.

“More like, is there any way we can help you Cynthia?” Stine said as he leans forward and clasp his hands.

The seamstress looks at them, confused.

“I don’t understand. You have helped enough in the past doctor and I’m very grateful for it.” Cynthia replies not knowing how to respond.

Stine tries to think of a way for them to help the seamstress out as well as include the hearts in the conversation. But before he could do it, Laina was already at the edge of her seat asking Cynthia.


“Would you like to buy a heart?” She asks.

“Uhm, I’m sorry, I don’t have any money.” She replies with an uncomfortable smile.

Another customer comes inside the store. Margaret was already occupied with some work. Cynthia excuses herself to entertain the customer.

“I’m sorry doctor, maybe some other time?”

“It’s alright, maybe next time.” Stine replies as he walks towards the entrance.

“Margaret, you may stay and help Cynthia. Laina and I will go back to the house.”

Margaret replied with a simple nod as well as Cynthia with an apologetic smile.

They were about to go back but then thought that it was too early. It’s not even noon yet so Stine asks Laina if she want to go around the village to see if there’s anyone else there who might need the heart.

They were greeted by every villager they meet, even by those who can only see them from a distance. Laina was able to sell some hearts easily as she was with the doctor who has a great reputation in the place.

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