《Beginning Of Reality》Chapter X: The Beginning of Reality


Atlas returned to the Realm of the Old Gods, and gathered all of the power He had achieved over His lifetime. He began to pull the realm apart, piece by piece. He took the realm and all the power locked within the cracks and crevices of the world and absorbed it. Once the entire realm had been pulled apart and absorbed Atlas was left in an inky black sea of nothingness. Not a single thing was left, nothing. Atlas floated in the nothingness for a long time, taking in the silence and it brought a sort of peace to His mind that He had not had in many a long years.

Atlas teleported to where Revian and Krium were waiting for Him, and He arrived in a brilliant flash of light. Atlas said, "I have something for you two that I think you will like." Atlas took the power from the Realm He destroyed and fashioned two orbs of pure power, one blue and one orange. Atlas gave the blue one to Krium, then the orange one to Revian. Atlas said, "This is an equal share of the power in which the Realm of the Old Gods held. With this power you two will be the most powerful beings, besides myself, to ever exist. With this power you each will be able to accomplish the only task that I wish you do."

Altas said, "Take the power from these orbs and you will know no equal besides each other. It is time we change this universe, and make it our own." Revian and Krium looked at each other and then back to the orbs of energy in their hands. They both began to take the energy from the orbs and consume it. Never before had they felt such power, and it showed. Atlas watched them fall to their knees, a small smile creeped on His face as it brought memories to Him of when He was first getting used to the power He took from others. Revian and Krium soon stood to their feet, and each of them felt the power surging through their veins.

Revian asked, "What is the plan now Atlas?" Atlas said, "We will start by dismantling this realm entirely as well, this one has served its purpose and there is no longer a need for it." Krium asked, "How do we do that? Won't destroying this realm destroy us as well?" Atlas laughed and said, "No my friends, as long as you concentrate on it. You two will do that then join me at our new home which I should be done creating once you finish here. I shall give you the knowledge needed in order to destroy this one safely and how to reach me once you are done. I would reccomend that once you are done you wait here for a while, and really take in what is left, you just may learn something from it."

Atlas gifted Revian and Krium the knowledge they needed in order to consume this plane and the location Atlas would be in the realm that served as their home so very long ago. Atlas teleported away and began construction on thier new home while Revian and Krium began to slowly pull apart the realm that the Old Gods had created and banished Reality to. Much to the same effect as Atlas had when He destroyed the Realm of the Old Gods, Revian and Krium soon found themselves floating in nothing.


The two of them sat in the darkness as Atlas had suggested to them and they felt just how peaceful it was. They also saw how wrong it felt. There was absolutely no sounds, no wind, nothing. Revian and Krium learned that whenever there is something, nothing is not far behind. They teleported to Atlas who had built an entire world out of light and they walked to His side. Atlas said, "Do not speak of what you learned from the darkness only know the lesson it gave you. This is our new home, I have not named it yet do either of you have a name for it?" Revian and Krium thought for a long while about what to name this place but it was much harder than they thought it might be to come up with a name for where their new home would be."

Atlas stepped back and took in just what He had built while Revian and Krium searched their minds for a name. Atlas looked out over a city of light, which sat upon a planet of pure light. This light was much the same as the clouds from the Realm of the Old Gods, it swirled with many different colors, most of which were unseeable by the species of the universe they had called home before Reality took over thier lives. Where the three of them were now was an apex of this world of light. Upon this apex sat a castle of massive scale and grandeur. They stood in the central courtyard of this castle of light, and nearly a hundred feet behind them sat the keep, and the throne room.

After a long time of waiting Krium had finally come up with an idea for the name of this planet. Krium said, "I think I have a name for this place Atlas, should you accept it as fitting." Atlas said, "Let's hear the name then Krium." Krium looked at Revian for a split second then said, "I think we should call this place Reality. Even if the Reality we knew was a lie who's to say that this one is as well. We knew who Reality was in the end but before that we knew Him as righteous and true to His word did we not." Revian said, "That is true Atlas, even with Him turning out to be Carnatus, He did try His best." Atlas thought for a moment and then said, "You are correct Krium, Reality. It is fitting isn't it?" Atlas laughed and continued, "We shall call this place, Reality, and it shall stand, a bastion of the new universe we will build. Now it is time for me to explain your roles in this Revian and Krium, walk with me."

Atlas, Revian, and Krium walked to the throne room of the grand castle and saw only two thrones. Revian asked, "Why are there only two thrones Atlas?" Atlas said, "These are your thrones, Revian and Krium. For this is where our journey ends. You two will become the balancing force of this universe, and in saying that you each will have an equal role in keeping this universe going. No matter your choice I will honor it for you both have earned the right to become gods. I shall travel this universe and slowly reset it, and once I return back here, that will be the last time you see me, hopefully." Krium asked, "What do you mean hopefully?"


Atlas said, "I will wait for the time when a being arises to challenge us, and I will test thier mettle. If they prove worthy They will take my place and join you in ruling this universe." Revian said, "But what are you going to do after that?" Atlas said, "I shall die. You see, I have spent a lifetime in anger and war. I have grown weary of it and just as you learned a lesson from the darkness so have I. Mine is very much different then your no doubt but that is why I am leaving this universe up to you two to control, you are far more fit to do so than I. I shall return, and when I do I will let you know more." Atlas turned and began to walk out of the throne room, Revian and Krium watching Him do so in great confusion, neither of them sure of what to do, but they let Him walk out.

Atlas teleported to the center of the universe and took on His true form. He grew to an unreal size and took on the look of a mass of swirling energy that blazed with every known color, and those that were unknown. Atlas concentrated and pulled in everything within the universe save Reality, and Earth, where Wrecker resided. Atlas pulled every planet, every star, and every ounce of power from the universe and slowly crammed it together into a central conflux of pure energy. Atlas said to Himself, 'Now it is time for life to take it's course, and now comes the time to wait.' Atlas made the energy explode outwards.

This explosion sent all new stars and planets hurtling through the darkness, bringing light to it. Atlas watched as it expanded at an exponential rate, leaving it to the laws of the universe to discover themselves and take reign on everything new that had been created. Atlas stayed at the center of the universe for a very long time, and once He felt it had been long enough, He returned to Reality. Atlas teleported into the throne room, in His normal form, and approached Revian and Krium. Revian said, "Atlas, it has been a long time friend, what is the news you bring?" Atlas said, "I gift you two this new universe, do whatever you think is right, and never second guess yourselves. You two are gods, the only two that exist, I shall now go elsewhere, and wait until my time has reached its end. It was truly an honor to fight by your sides, even if the wars we fought were for a lie."

Revian said, "No, the honor was mine...." Krium said, "....And mine." Atlas said, "The next one you see cross this threshold shall be the one who replaces me, take them in, and help them do whatever they will need to do. What they need to do is information I shall give them before I grant them my power, so you will have to wait until that time comes. Farewell my friends." Atlas teleported out of the throne leaving Revian and Krium in charge of an entire universe, which they were not in the slightest unable of doing. Slowly they began to reshape the universe, into one that was much better, but at the same time just as bad.

Revian and Krium put it in a constant state of unbalance, and from time to time it would shift from one side to the other. This new universe was one in which chaos was in control, not fate, not destiny. This universe was a free universe, free from the pollution of a higher power with egendas that destroyed the lives of the beings whom lived within it. Revian and Krium's only question was one that would not be answered for a great many eons, and for a long while they were unsure if it would even happen. They knew however that Atlas knew what He was doing, and in knowing, they trusted Him fully.

Atlas fashioned out of pure colors and the very elements that resided within His new universe, a throne. This throne was much like Reality's was, only that it was a solitary platform made of the same energy and power that swirled within Himself. When He finished the final touches on the throne He thought to Himself, 'This is where I shall wait. What a life I have led, only wish I could have lived the way I wanted but oh well. Hopefully no one else falls prey to a fate they do not wish.' For Atlas knew Revian and Krium would make the right decision, and He also knew He would never see them again but He was fine with that.

Atlas sat upon His newly fashioned throne and waited. He waited for the one who would replace Him but it is not simply just a being that is powerful, but rather one that knows How to handle and use that power to help all, and be selfless. Atlas may not have been selfless during His entire life but He began to resent others controlling others just to further their own gains. He may seem hypocritical by doing so but if there was one who would change that, it would be Him. He did also know however that no matter what He did, nor Revian or Krium for that matter, that those with power will abuse that power at one point or another.

He kept faith that even with that constant there would always be those who choose to make the lives of those around them better, even if it means sacrificing themselves in doing so. Those are the real heros and legends, the ones who give it all to give others prosperity. Although Atlas may not see Himself as a hero or a legend, one thing was for damn sure. Atlas brought on a new beginning of reality.

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