《Beginning Of Reality》Chapter II: The Battle Begins
The Five stood against thousands, none of them save Reality saw these foes in battle before, but they were indeed strong enough. They may not have known they were strong enough or thought that the overwhelming number of unknown enemy combatants was too much to comprehend. Suddenly one of them began to move forward, it was Atlas. Wrecker barked at him, "What are you doing? They far outnumber us we must stick together." Atlas turned to Wrecker and said, "We have infinite power here Wrecker, let lose your flames upon them. Do you forget they stand in our way."
Wrecker rolled his eyes and did not say anything back but instead let Atlas continue to move forward until he stopped. It was then that a single being pushed itself from the ranks of soldiers. This being shouted across the distance between the two forces and said, "You were banished and you chose to return? This goes against the most sacred of our laws, and the punishment is death. You can go willingly or you can be killed in combat, the choice is yours Carnatus." Reality yelled back in response, "It is you who will die, along with all of the others who dared defy the truth."
Reality then said to the warriors, "You have more power here then you ever had, you have drawn power from here as I do, and that is why you could do so much with so little effort. You can annihilate this army, just like each of you annihilated everyhing that was in your paths once before, do what you will to them, make them suffe-." Reality was cut off by Atlas hurtling himself into the being that yelled the threat and instantly dematerialized him. The front line of the opposing force shuddered and shuffled at the sight, the others who could not see what happened wondered curiously what caused this disturbance.
Atlas then slowly rose from the ground and stopped nearly twenty feet into the air. Altas yelled across the army, now seeing it went on as far as he could see, "You have one choice to make. You can save yourselves from us, or you can be destroyed." Atlas flipped backwards and shot himself back to where the other three were still standing. He landed a few yards in front of them and walked over to them. Wrecker and Atlas made eye contact all the way until Atlas took his place beside Reality.
Revian said, "I guess thats one way to challenge them, how many could you see while you were up there?" Atlas replied, "They went on further than the horizon, I could see no end to their ranks. I could handle them all very simply but I feel as though I am no longer able to leech the power from others am I Reality?" Reality answered very quickly, "No, sadly. It would prove very useful indeed." Krium said with a laugh, "It seems we will have to do this the old way then?" Wrecker said in agreement, "So it would seem." Wrecker thought that Atlas was an immense liability to their cause and would need to keep a close eye on him, not that any of them would be able to stop him except perhaps Reality.
The more Wrecker watched Atlas and saw how ruthlessly He smashed through thousands of enemy soldiers He began to become fearful that even Reality could not beat him. If what Atlas had said before however was true then Reality did beat him once, but what about now. They were now within a realm of infinitely more power, and inifinitely more possibilities to gain just that, more power. Wrecker kept these thoughts to himself however and should the need arise He could bring it forth to the group.
They slowly made their way towards a spire that they could see in the distance. Reality yelled over the sounds of battle, "We must make our way towards that spire, it will lead us further on and closer to our goal." The other Four fought their way closer to Reality to join him in a push towards the tower. It was very clear that they would not be stopped but still their enemies threw thousands at them. Wrecker said to Reality, "What awaits beyond the spire?" Reality answered, "You will see after we reach the spire, it will be a sight you have never seen before."
Wrecker shrugged Reality's response off and continued to cut his way through the legions of the enemy ranks. He slowly started to seperate from the group and ignited his blade with an immense fire. This fire slowly began to grow and extend the reach of his blade and ended up at nearly fifteen feet long. He began to cut through the enemy ranks with ease, those not incinerated were left with deadly burns and their screams filled the air over the clutter of battle. Seeing this Atlas did much the same but with a white flame.
Atlas, however, grew his flame much larger, a more unctrolled and rageful fire. This feeling was one He had not felt in eons. He let his anger fill him and He channeled it directly into his blade causing the flame to grow such a bright white the other Four shielded their eyes from its intense beams of light it let off. Atlas sent immense waves of fire through hundreds of the advancing soldiers instantly turning them into ash. As He mercilessly slaughtered thousands of soldiers the other Four stopped to watch his destrcutive path he cut through the seemingly endless hordes.
It was at this moment they realized Atlas was definitely one of the strongest of their group, even more so than Reality it would seem. They used this however to cut a faster path to the spire, making sure to not get too close to Atlas for fear of facing the same fate as the soldiers that stood in his path. Atlas stopped his advance and stood in place, He gathered his strength and raised his towering sword of flame and slammed it down in front of himself. He sent a shockwave that rippled and tore the ground apart as it traveled. This cut a massive hole in the enemy ranks and the five of them ran towards the spire.
They reached the spire with relative ease after Atlas's display of his power and Reality said to Atlas as they reached the spire, "Restraint is something that war does not provide but in order to attain a victory, one must keep a level head. Watch your anger Atlas, it may be what brings your downfall." Atlas laughed and said, "My power is a gift, I will use it as I please. If your fear of me is that great then maybe you shouldn't have given me this power." Atlas walked to the entrance to the spire and began to clamber up its staircase to the top.
The other Four stood in disbelief and Wrecker was the first to break the silence and said, "If need be, Reality, we may need to stop him should he choose to turn against us." Reality said, "We need him to complete our mission." Revian said, "What about after our mission is done then? What keeps him on our side?" Krium said in response to Revian, "Nothing holds him on our side, let us not turn him against us until we have won this battle. We can take him if He turns afterwards, I am sure of it." Reality thought within his head, 'I do not think we can anymore, if He takes the power from this realm even then I will not be able to stop him.' Reality then said aloud, "Let us hope it does not come to that."
As the remaining Four then left to join up with Atlas who was waiting for them atop the spire, they did not speak but each thought of what they were to do should Atlas turn on them. It would be ignorant of them to admit not be fearful of Atlas, but they indeed were. Once they reached the top all they saw was Atlas surrounded by several large soldiers. As they moved to help the soldiers were disintigrated into a red energy, only Reality knew what this was and his mind flooded with fear, fear that He could not control Atlas until their task was complete.
Atlas stood with his arms held out to from himself on both sides and the energy flowed into his hads, he laughed all the while. Once the soldiers were completely gone Atlas slowly lowered his hands to his sides and stopped laughing. He said to the four, "Took you all long enough to get here, seems you were wrong Reality. I can indeed take their power, where to now or are you going to lie about that as well?" Reality paused for a bit and said, "We must travel onward Atlas, along the Track of Light. I did not realize you were able to do that here, it will prove an immense advantage." Reality then motioned to an ethereal beam of light that stretched to beyond the horizon and just as he said its name a strange structure materialized itself and its doors opened. Reality entered it and beckoned the others to join him within it.
Atlas laughed as it slowly lurched away from the spire and said, "So they have cable cars, thats cute." Revian, Krium, and Wrecker looked at him a bit confuse as to what he was talking about and Reality said in response, "It may resemble those feeble machines you have seen Atlas, it is indeed so much more. We are about to pass the Celestial Gates, and that means we are halfway to our goal."
As the 'Ethereal Cable Car' as Atlas would put it slowly moved they eventually reached a set of massive and ornate gates. Reality said as they came into view, "Look ahead warriors, these gates have stood as long as this realm has stood, a time that none remember. They are so ancient we cannot even tell when they were built or why even. I myself searched for millenia and could find nothing of their creation, nor who built them." Revian asked, "Your people did not build them?" Reality said, "No. We came after those who made this realm, we know almost nothing about them, only that they lived and died many many eons ago. We do not know how, but they created us upon their dying breath and we have strived to learn all we could, but none of their society can be found. Save these gates however."
Krium asked, "Do you know what they represent?" Reality said, "As I said earlier, we do not know who built them or why. My people use it as a reminder for what we search for, the same thing all of your peoples searched for." Wrecker asked, "What might that be?" Before Reality could answer Atlas said, "Purpose. A meaning for life. Me on the other hand only ever needed one thing from life, and I ruined that thing for myself because of my lust of power. Here however I do not need to fear for I cannot hurt that any further from here..." Atlas turned to face the others and continued, "... We are here to destroy those who betrayed you Reality, but after we have done that, what purpose do you have for us. Once your goal is accomplished we are no longer needed, what are you going to do about us eh?"
Reality said, "We must not concern ourselves with that right now, our goal is in sight, you may want to turn around..." Atlas turned to see a massive city that emitted an ethereal light that was very much the same that carried the structure they were currently in. Atlas said, "I want to send a message to these people." Wrecker asked, "What kind of message Atlas?" Atlas laughed and said, "That we are their gods now." As Atlas said that he jumped from the structure they were in and began to fly. He flew not towards the city, but back towards the Celestial Gate. Reality knew what Atlas was going to do but he doubted his ability to stop him and did nothing.
Atlas flew to the middle of the massive gate and gathered his power. He grew in size and erupted into a being of swirling white flame. He then proceeded to smash the gates and brought them tumbling down, the sound of which seemed to echo and ripple throughout the realm. Those within the ethereal city that could see the gate fall were filled with fear and dread. Atlas then flew straight past the others who were still within the ethereal cable car and straight to where it met the city. He slammed into the spire where the others would eventually meet him shortly. He shouted out across a good majority of the city and said, "The Banished One has returned and he brought with him powers you cannot comprehend. You will all die should you fight, so I would say don't. He will not kill you if you surrender now..." He paused and His voice became vicious and malevolent, "...I on the other hand will not show the same courtesy."
Before Altas went to strike at those standing nearest to him the others finally reached the spire and Reality rushed out towards Atlas. Reality yelled, "Leave them be Atlas, they are not why we are here." Atlas spun around to face Reality and asked, "Then why are we here Reality? To give quarter to those who banished you and cast you out. We should annihilate them all and start over as you did with our people. We have power enough combined to take them all out and create something new." Reality said, "No. Your purpose is to help me get revenge on the ones who banished me, and they are not the ones who made that choice."
Atlas said back, "Then point me to who is." Reality said, "They lie beyond what you see, they are in a fortress. One only I can enter." Revian interjected, "If only you can enter it then how are we to help you?" Reality turned to Revian and said, "Once I am inside I can allow you to enter, we cannot kill these people, they are no more slaves than I was, they have no place within this fight." Atlas scoffed and slowly returned to his normal state and muttered under his breath, "I will destroy this place, mark my words." Reality turned to Atlas and said, "You will do as I say Warrior. You forget I am the one who brought you into life, do not make me take it back." Atlas laughed and said, "I'd like to see you try."
Krium said, "This is not helping us complete our task gentlemen. Now if you two are done with your bullshit arguing then may we proceed. I feel as though we have all waited long enough for this moment, let us wait no longer." The others agreed and proceeded on towards their goal. Reality walked in the back, next came Wrecker and Revian who were deep in conversation then Krium, and leading the group was Atlas. Once Wrecker and Revian had finished their conversation Wrecker slowed down and began one with Reality.
Wrecker asked Reality, "How would you propose we deal with Atlas should he turn on us?" Reality said, "Should He choose that route I feel there is nothing we could do." Wrecker then had an idea, "What if you taught me what you did to him." Reality inquisitively turned to Wrecker and asked, "What do you mean by that." Wrecker said in a serious tone, "Teach me to take the power from others, so that should He turn on us I may use something that even he could not withstand." Reality said, "That power is insanely dangerous for those not prepared for the influx of power that it brings. There was one between Revian and Krium and when Atlas rose. I had also taught him this ability. He could not handle the power it brought and destroyed the Universe to soon."
Wrecker asked, "What do you mean too soon?" Reality said ,"I had a set time for each of you to arrive, Atlas was the result of a mistake on my part, that is why He grows further and further beyond my control. He is not one of my creations." Wrecker, greatly confused asked, "What? How can he not be something you created, He came from where we came from." Reality said, "No, he came from the one before Him. The explosion that created him wiped out nearly everything in that Universe, including myself. I went to investigate and found what happened, and what was created out of the chaos." Wrecker said, "Atlas. Atlas was created wasn't He?" Reality said ,"Yes He was. I almost destroyed him in order to start fresh but I knew that it happened for a reason, even if that reason was an accident. He is the only one to ever master this ability, I did not know it could work here, and that is why after talking this through with you, I will teach you this. I will also teach it to the others."
Wrecker asked, "Why the others as well?" Reality looked at Wrecker and said, "You alone cannot handle the power within Atlas, you will need help." Wrecker sighed and said, "Alright. When should we begin?" Reality said, "I will teach you first, you will have to help Krium learn, I will show Revian how to do it." Wrecker nodded in affirmation and kept walking, the entire group was silent. They reached a large courtyard with an extremely ornate statue adorning the center of an equally large fountain. As they approached Reality said, "Another relic from before my peoples time." The statue and fountain were made of the same material as the gate Atlas had destroyed earlier. Instead of water however the fountain poured a multitude of colors of ethereal light.
Atlas said, "It seems like they were compensating for something. If they were so great then they wouldn't be so dead now would they." Reality said, "They are the reason I live, and in turn are the reason you live Atlas. I would show a little more respect to them." Atlas laughed and approached the fountain which towered nearly a hundred feet above him. Altas inspected the fountain and saw it was nigh on perfectly carved, so much so that it seemed to be almost alive. Wrecker walked up beside Atlas and noticed the same detail. Wrecker however noticed the eyes of the statue to be glowing, He thought back to when He had been turned into a statue by Kronen. Kronen used to be his court wizard until He betrayed Wrecker and cursed him. Wrecker knew just by looking at the statue, it was not, it was a being.
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