《Movie Central》The End of the Beginning: Pop-Corn & Movies


"As you wish for Exploding Corn to better enjoy your movie it shall be so!" thundered Bob, and with a click of his fingers summoned 5 cobs of corn with bomb timers strapped to them and flicked them towards Xavier.

"THANKYOU," replied Xavier, "I always try to get these back home, but they just give me some buttery snack and call the cops when I explain what I want. It's a real pain to getting my hands on some of these so I haven't had any in ages, so thanks Bob. But I can't carry these around in public, I did that once and had to spend a whole week throwing off the cops, good thing I found that turban and robe so the cops wouldn't bomb check me, I mean they tried but I just made up words and called them racist 'til they left. They never caught the Corny Terror but the name sends me into laughter anytime I see it."

"BOB LIKES YOUR STORY. BOB WILL PROVIDE BACKPACK FOR STORAGE! BOB RECOMMENDS CAPTAIN AWESOMESAUCE FOR VIEWING IN CINEMA 1345762891-A! THERE IS 5 MINUTES UNTIL STARTING TIME SO BOB WISHES YOU LUCK!" and with that, Bob clicked his fingers to create a rather stylish black leather knapsack which sucked all of the Exploding Corn into itself before swinging itself onto Xavier's back just in time before Xavier was sucked into a previously non-existent wormhole or portal taking him to places unknown.

The last words of Xavier before he vanished into the portal were, "See ya Bob," quickly followed by, "Hey, I never got my socks!!!" before the portal pulled him in and closed, only to quickly re-open to receive a pair of jade-green socks with Cheshire smiles all over them from Bob, who, along with the portal disappeared in another flash of bright light.


"I'd better rush, I only have roughly 3.72534 minutes left until my movie starts," were the first words out of Xavier's mouth upon exiting the portal into a comfy seat inside of what was known as Cinema 1345762891-A.

"Alright," recited Xavier to himself as usual, "I've already 'popped' one of the corns, I don't have a phone to mute and there are no ratings so I am set to watch this movie! Shame that I've got no-one to watch it with though."


"Bob?" questioned Xavier, "No this is different, I think?"

"Hey, Xavier!" yelled Sci-fi Trooper-1, "Long time, no see! You seem well!"

"Oh, it's YOU, Luca! That's a relief, for a moment there I thought you were part of the government here to capture me for experimentation!" exclaimed a semi-relieved Xavier, "But what's with the new get-up, you never seemed the type to join the army sci-fi or otherwise?"

"Well it wasn't really my choice see, this Uncle-Sam lookalike 'conscripted' me and these army dudes were waiting for me when I got here. They 'recruited' me at gunpoint and then led me on a wild-goose chase looking for you. They even got me in this S.P.A.R.M.A. which can be voice-controlled by any superior officer in this army and tracks my location in or outside of movies to prevent my no doubt debonair and devious escape, the only part that even really comes off is this helmet, while the rest folds into this watch-type thing when you want to show off your army swag or for when you have vacation time, but it's apparently indestructible and doesn't come off." replied a dispirited but enlivened Luca.

"Man, that must suck, I really feel for you. So, what's the escape plan Luca?" replied Xavier.


"There is no escape plan this time Xavier, I've got to 'recruit' you too, this is apparently the fate of all conscriptees and they've got a lock on your general location right now. They're coming Xavier, and I can't help you this time. Sorry man, the game's up." followed on the bummed-out Luca.

"You may not be able to help me but I can help you Luca, banking on one condition," replied Xavier looking thoughtful.

"And what's that?" questioned Luca.

"Simple," answered Xavier, "The condition is that you weren't being metaphorical when you were talking about going into these movies, that and that you're willing to be my partner in crime once more. Are you in?"

"Of course," answered a Luca a smile creeping on to his face, "Have I ever been one to shy away for adventure? Well? Hmm?"

"Excellent, I knew I could count on you buddy, now throw that helmet into the screen and dive in right on after," yelled Xavier, not willing to waste more time when adventure called.

"Right after you buddy," replied Luca.

"Say it together now," said Xavier as they ran towards the screen.

As they entered they followed his sage advice.


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