《Doors》Black and White 5




William looked at everyone else, and at that moment, only Adrian remained on his feet.

Ross kept swinging like a madman, combination after combination.

The sound kept getting worse and worse, William thought he was about the faint, and maybe it was for the best.

He closed his eyes.

Then he remembered.

“THE PLATES” he yelled.

“THE FUCKING PLATES” he yelled again and this time catching Ross attention.

The infernal sound stopped.

“The plates of the cubicles are chess coordinates” he said signaling the one closest to him.

Adrian verified it and looked back at him.

“Quickly, give me every single coordinate” demanded Ross.

“One minute”

“Hmmmm D/I is….” Adrian stammered.

“D/I, white box, king” stated Victoria.

“Read me the others” she continued.

“Fifty seconds”

“G/I, E/I, C/II, A/II, C/I, D/II… and H/VII” read Adrian traveling the small corridor as he could.

“Thirty seconds”

“I have the order of the first four” said Victoria.

“What about the last four?” asked Adrian in hoping for a good answer.

“It´s impossible to know the order of the pawns” concluded Victoria.

“Give me the first four!” exclaimed Ross.

“G/I Horse, Black. C/I Bishop, Black. D/I King, White. E/1 Queen, Black”

“Fifteen seconds”

Ross quickly pressed the buttons and when was about to continue William interrupted him.

“Does the coordinate of the pawns match with the letters “CARD”?”

Victoria lightened up.

“Yes! All but one” replied.

“I´m losing it!” Ross hurried them.

“Five seconds”

“C/II Pawn, White. A/II Pawn, White. H/VII Pawn, White. D/II Pawn, Black.”

As soon as Victoria finished reciting the colors, Ross finished pushing the buttons.

“Three Seconds”


Everybody knew what that sound meant.

The air freeze for the remaining two seconds. William didn´t feel so much silence at any moment of his life.




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