《SAMSARA :The Journey Of NEELKNATH》A New World


Shiva woke up and regained his consciousness. The pain was no more. He could feel strength his surging through his body and his mind was clear as sky. He could now remember what happened in the last few weeks without any trouble except the strange floating space incident and that voice. "I was dead that was for sure, then how did I end up here? And whose voice was that? 'Neelkath'..? Samsara Scroll..? And most importantly where is my sister?" as Shiva looked around, his eyes were freeze by the astounding scenario.

This is not he had seen something before. The first thing his eyes rest upon was the room light. "A crystal emitting light, is this magic or science?" the glow of this light was similar to the light of the ruins; the only difference was that it didn't have the hypnotic feeling. And then he looked at the bed, "what the hell. Is it water? The whole bed is only made of water but how is it formed into this shape and how am I not getting wet? It is soft and cushiony." He noticed a flower vase on the table, "what kind of flower are these? Each flower has a glowing gem in the centre, they are so beautiful and the fragrance coming out from these is so heart soothing." Shiva was amazed with all these new elements. But all these elements of surprised ceased with a voice, "You are finally awake, how are you feeling now?"

Shiva turned his face to the source of the sound. A lady stood up at the door with an innocent smile on her face holding a tray. "I'm feeling better now" said Shiva, "the medicine you gave me earlier really worked well."

The lady figure came near the bed and sat on the chair. "What is your name young man? I am Zara, the senior nurse of this facility." Shiva looked at her attire. She was wearing a white robe with [ + ] emblem on her dress. "My name is Shiva. Where am I?" Shiva asked.


Zara stood up and said, "Shiva, you are on Earth, but I don't think you belong from this world. You were teleported to this world from yours, that's what the Village Chief thinks. The village guards felt a strong dimension force and went to the teleport zone and found you there unconscious."

Shiva didn't know how to react. "Dimension force? Teleportation zone? What are you talking about? Didn't you find a young girl? " asked Shiva.

Zara smiled a little and spoke, "Why don't you rest for the night? And I'll come tomorrow morning and try to find the answers together."

Shiva nodded, he couldn't able to decline her request and with that Zara took the tray in her hand and left the room with saying, "Good night."

It was around midnight Shiva was lying on his cushiony bed, trying to connect the loose knots. "If I was teleported to this world then does it mean other people also teleported here? If that is the case then is she really here? There is no way to know unless I look for the answers myself. This world is the world of fantasy that I only read. Light emitting crystals, gems on flowers, teleportation. Who knows what's more waiting outside? Please sister be safe wherever you are" Shiva sank in the sea of thoughts and fell asleep.

["Your journey begins now, Neelkanth. I'll wait for your awakening."] – whispered an unknown voice in Shiva's dream and disappeared in nothingness.

The birds were chirping, singing their favorite song to welcome the morning. Shiva opened his eyes and yawned. It has been so long since he heard the songs of the bird. The earth he belongs from is jungle of concrete. The only trees that you can see are in parks and in reserve forests. Life was nothing but a system. People were programmed to do their daily tasks. Human cut ties with mother nature. Shiva headed toward the window and his eyes were dazzled with the scenery. There are trees everywhere, flower gardens, different kind bird's species that he had never seen before. Shiva's attention was directed to the door with the sound of a knocking, "Shiva, are you awake?" a voice came from behind the doors. "Yes Zara, I am awake. Please come in." said Shiva.


Zara entered the room and wished "Good Morning, I hope you did not have any trouble with sleeping."

"No" replied Shiva.

Zara continued, "Let's go downstairs, you can freshen up there, I also prepared a fresh set of clothes for you."

"Yes, that would be very nice. Please guide the way." Shiva replied.

Zara left the room and Shiva followed her. They went downstairs and Zara pointed her finger to a room, "go there, I already prepared everything. I'll be waiting here."

Shiva said "Thanks" and went into the room. Shiva came back after few mints. "This suits you well. Come lets have breakfast, we have a lot to catch on" commented Zara. Shiva smiled and followed her.

They are now sitting in the cafeteria. Having breakfast. Zara broke the silence and said, "Last night you asked me if there was a girl with you where the guards found you."

Shiva replied, "Yes,"

Zara continued, "No, they only brought you to this hospital.Did you remember how you teleported here?" Shiva nodded his head and told her about the events that took place on Earth. "So that's how you ended up here. Interesting. I have never heard of something like this. The village chief's guard will come soon. They will take you to see the village chief for investigation purpose. But I would recommend you to skip the dream, as dream in this world is not common."

"Not common, what does that mean? Don't people see dreams here?" asked Shiva.

"No, they don't. Dreams are considered sacred here. A message from the Cosmo. There is a legend that those who saw dream are fated to do something bigger. But to understand the meaning of dream that not everyone can do that's why even if someone dreams they don't get to live their fate. The last person who understood the meaning of his dream is Demon King Mahisasur."

Shiva shouted, "Demon King!!! Are there demons here?"

"Yes, demons exist here. Why are you so surprised? Don't you have other races from where you came?" questioned Zara.

"No, they don't. Demons, ghost, devils, gods they only exists on folktale and in epics in my world.", Shiva replied.

Zara didn't know what to say. "After you return from village chief's house, I'll take you to meet Pandit ji."

"Pandit ji? Who is that?" Shiva questioned.

"Pandit is a person who is well versed in Sanskrit and also possessed the knowledge of cultivation. We used 'ji' to show respect to a person. Pandit ji is the principal of Kundalini Academy, also he is my teacher. He will be able to help you understand our world better, and maybe he can help you understand your dream too." replied Zara.

"That would be very helpful, thanks Zara ji" said Shiva.

Zara smiled and said, "You are catching up well, I'm impressed but please don't address me as 'ji'. I am not up to that mark now. I'm just a mere Two Petal rank nurse." Pointed her index finger to a One Petal flower embodied in her robe.

"What is the significance of this 'petal'? asked Shiva

"There are total 4 ranks in nursing – One Petal, Two Petal, Three Petal and Four Petal. It shows their capabilities and status as a nurse. After achieving Four Petal rank one could start their cultivation of Ayurveda Master. But it is not an easy task. Only one in thousand can reach that height that's why the number of Ayurveda Master is very few in number."

"Is there any higher rank than Ayurveda Master?", asked Shiva.

"Yes, there is a higher rank than Ayurveda Master" stated Zara,"Our village has only one Ayurveda Master. Ayurveda Master is also ranked with 4 stages…"

Before Zara continued anymore, a deep voice came behind from Shiva. "We are here to escort you to the village chief's house."

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