《Highschool Sweethearts》Chapter One (Intro)


Running through the forest in the night is even scarier than it sounds. Trees are a neverending maze of terror. Just a single leaf falling onto the ground sounds like a scream. Every corner looks like a coffin waiting for me to drop into. One wrong turn, one dead end and i'm over. I don't know a way out or if there is a way out.

"YOU CAN'T RUN FROM ME!" He shouted from behind. "WE WERE MEANT TO BE!" Chasing me with an axe, isn't very romantic is it?

I cried out "LEAVE ME ALONE!" my tears felt like sharp knifes and my knees and ankles started to give in "I DON'T LOVE YOU!" I started to stumble side to side, down a hill with a gravel path. This was the most excersise I had gotten in forever, DAMN YOU GYM CLASS!

I could hear water from the distance, I smelled the freedom. As I got closer, It was an ankle deep river, It didn't look very strong. Still running, I glanced back and saw him not too far back. I wasn't paying attention to what was infront of me. My feet moving fast and my eyes focused back at him, I tripped on the gap from the grass to the water and fell in. It was so cold in this weather, all I had on was a torn prom dress with no shoes leaving my legs bare and hurt. Is this how I was gonna die? I looked at my reflection in the river like a mirror, my makeup was running faster than I was.

Behind me in the mirrored image was him with the axe resting on his shoulder. "I didn't want this to happen" I turned towards him "NO!" I lifted my arm infront of me to sheild myself "Well, you don't want me-" he paused and raised the axe off his shoulder "-then I don't want you anymore" he spoke annoyed and lost that admiration in his tone for me "PLEASE NO!" I cried out as the life had left his face. He swung up and WOOSH....

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