《InVirs》Chapter 15 Greetings Reciute


An afternoon sun falling down, Nighttime.

The wood cracks when the fire burns it, there the group just stared at the burning wood.

''So what's going on with you three.'' Said Skou.

''Oh were trying to find Fuji over here brother.'' Said Yuno as the two suddenly looked down.

''You're trying to look for your loved one too huh?.'' Said Okashi.

''Don't worry you Okashi his brother is really smart.'' Said Nugma.

''That won't ease him.'' Said Skou.

''Yeah, by the way, Skou do you know this place called Pho phone st store.'' Said Fuji.

''Oh you mean the phone store for communication, I haven't thought about that yet.'' Said Skou.

''By the way, what is a phone.'' Said Suma as Skou and Okashi fell down on their feet.

''You seriously don't know a phone.'' Said Skou.

''I heard it in, the hundred tales, my big brother told me about.'' Said Suma.

''A hundred tales what is that.'' Said Skou.

''It was passed down through my generation by a Strang man in these things called Astronut suit.'' Said Yuma.

''How old is your generation.'' Said Okashi.

''About a hundred years old.'' Said Yuma.

''Wait for what, so if I and Kyou just woke up after being turned to stone does that mean.'' Said Okashi.

''Forget what he say's theirs no way were hundred years old.'' Said Kyou.

''What's wrong with being a hundred years old.'' Said Yuno as Kyou fell down standing back up crawling to Yuno whispering to her ears as she turned pink.

''Can we meet your village.'' Said Fuji as everybody stared at him.

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