《InVirs》Chapter 11 Nugma vs Gorilla king


''Great, I'm new to this place I hope there isn't those weird slimy thing called food around here, come on think Nugma you're doing this for your friend.'' Said Nugma.

Rattling on the ground a heavy thing that could be pulled by something is heard across the distances.

''What was that it's probably those weak monster thing, I've fought hundreds of those already.'' Said Nugma.

''Ooh ahh.'' Said Monkey King (Ryze).

''So you want to play monster?.'' Said Nugma turning around.

''Whoa, what are you supposed to be you look scary.'' Said Nugma.

''Roooh AGHooohag.'' Shouted Ryze.

''I can't understand you but I'll try.'' Said Nugma shouting.

''Goahwhaa jahja kara .'' Said Ryze bumping his fist so hard he made the glass break in the surrounding.

''Like I said I don't understand what your saying but let's do this.''Said Nugma heading towards Ryze ina paste.

Kaboom a punch between the human monster and the gorilla king.

Air dust creating a little bomb setting off a circle throughout the clouds.

''So you can handle my punch, try eating my feet.'' Said Nugma kicking his feet upwards Ryze chin flipping back words as Ryze stands still as nothing happens.

''Why is this pity trying to hurt me, foolish I shill ask him politely this time with my hands.'' Said Ryze in his head.

''Looking down on me aren't you silly one' Hugh?.''Said Nugma.

''What is it doing, is it ready to attack he didn't even flinch.'' Said Nugma flipping backwards.

''GOOOO''..... Shouting Ryze banged his two hands on the ground, making the ground shake really hard.

Looking down the floors, both Yuno except Fuji were confused.

Meanwhile looking in shocked Nugma looked in confused as the Ryze left jumping away with his hands.

''What was that all about? I wonder?.'' Said Nugma.

''Sorry lonely human, I don't want to kill you.' Said Ryze in his mind crying his way back to the jungle.

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