《It's called being human》Dreaded exposition


"Please" katherine's voice a barely audible plea, but the feeling, her intent could never be more deafening. "i can't" was all else that could escape her sorrow gripped throat, that love so carefully nurtured which brought with it this pain, the pain she only knows too well from loving too well, too absolute. That love, her need and her desire in both her life and this death, the nape of her neck, the vein of her feeling and heart of her devotion, all cut by its own foundation. That love. Tangible or ephemeral she felt it nonetheless like a harsh sting as it tore through her and so many dreams feared to be forgotten now.

"Neither can I" he said in response with all the weight of his own terror carried in each word.

"So then am i nothing to you in the end?! why do you want to hurt me so badly with this!? Don't... don't act like it wont hurt me too " her screams soaked in terror but tinged with love turned hurt, turned anger. Her eyes blood shot from helplessness and the salt air, her throat hoarse from desperate anger. Anything to make this change, to make him change to the man who stole her dreams and made them anew. Anything to save what she knew could never be the same but for all her hope and all her faith in him she would make it reality. His head lifted and his gaze left the storm raging in front of him, to meet her.

"This, all of this is too much pain, whether be that it hurt you or me it just has to stop for one..... then for both of us, i love you here and know that if theres anything out there, ill love you there as well." His last words punctuated by his turning to the sky in a sort of peaceful reverence, last and final as they were for he was gone an instant later. That love which gave her life, killed her as she collapsed to her knees on that deck, his last words engraved in that moment thatd never leave her, not like he just did. The moment that will always follow in her steps echoing her pain. The waking thoughts and dreams this moment will turn to nightmares and terror. This tragic ripping and rending of her happy life drenching all the things they shared in sadness and insecurity. This moment. That love.

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