《Joruney To The Starry Sky》Chapter 6: Ox and Wolf


Chapter 6: Ox and Wolf.

Shuang Dao was so tired that right after all the brain work he got knocked out again.


After few hours inside the small wooden house with 5 baths.


Huo Ba sat up in the bath as she saw Jiang Li naked in front of the mirror.

She didn’t understood what was going on so she rubbed her eyes, taking her hands from her eyes she saw Jiang Li looking at her with red face. Staring at him for a second before she realized that she was completely naked. Seeing each other’s private parts they both were speechless, but then Huo Ba screamed as she covered her cherries.

Jiang Li started running towards the door when he suddenly slipped and fell badly.

“Ah!”Huo Ba was so scared of Jiang Li getting hurt that she stood up, but then Yun Ji when getting up looked at her for a moment and realized that he is so dead right now.

“AH!” Huo Ba covered her private parts as she got back into the bath.

Jiang Li then quickly rushed outside, but then Lin Hao sat up as well as she started breathing heavily. Because of special medicine they did not need to breathe and were hibernated, but after one awoke one would naturally need to breath.

Looking around she saw Huo Ba, but then Yun Jiang and Shuang Dao woke up as well.

Everything took time to describe but actually everything happened in an instant and now 3 naked boys were standing outside wooden house covering their privates. Their faces red. They were just awkwardly looking at the grass while covering their privates

“So..um how did you guys sleep?” Jiang Li spoke while coughing few time.

“Good…” Shuang Dao said as he coughed.

“Same…” Jiang Li said and then he continued, “Did you see anything???” He glared at them with killing intent.

“No, no, no we didn’t see anything…” Both of them spoke so quickly that one could barely understand as they shook their heads.

At the same time both of them blushed. In truth Lin Hao was rather flat chested but Huo Ba… *cough* *cough*

After waiting for half an hour naked and outside they were shivering as it was rather cold, while around the corner an old man was laughing hysterically.

Ku ku ku ku..

“Maybe I shouldn’t have pranked them like that. Youthfulness is so great after all, they should enjoy it while they can.”

Leaving the house Huo Ba and Lin Hao were now wearing gorgeous orange uniform which suited them perfectly. Although they didn’t look elegant, but it looked very special and unique. The girls didn’t talk with them just glared at them angry, while the three boys were holding their heads down and entered the wooden house.

“Ohhh these uniforms are awesome!” Yun Ji spoke as he stood in front of the mirror already wearing the uniform that Old Man Shu prepared for them.

“Yeah they look good. At least much better than our previous shabby clothes.” Jiang Li spoke and Shuang Dao nodded.

“Do we go to training grounds now Shuang Dao?” Yun Ji asked as he looked at Shuang Dao.

“Yes, I need to tell you all something very important.” Shuang Dao said as they headed out.


Lin Hao and Huo Ba were waiting outside.

“Let’s go.” Shuang Dao spoke as they headed towards the training grounds where Old Man Shu stood.

“Morning” Solitary Demons spoke as they bowed.

Before Old Man Shu spoke Lin Hao already started speaking, “Hum can we have boys and girls baths separated?” Lin Hao blushed as she said so.

The Old Man Shu nodded, “Easily done.” He snapped with his fingers and a butler came. Old man told him to build another house with baths next to the first one.

“Did you all sleep well?” Old Man Shu spoke as he smiled.

Everyone nodded and then Shuang Dao spoke, “I have something to tell you guys…”

Shuang Dao then explained what happened. That he was possessed by inner demon and about the cultivation technique and that they can change to whatever weapon they want.

They decided that they are fine with swords, but when Old Man Shu gave each of them a sword, they realised that it didn’t feel as good as it did before as if they lost passion for it. This is because Shaung Dao’s inner demon effected them before, but now it was under control and everything was fine they didn’t feel close to sword as much.

“I would actually like to try out bow…” Huo Ba spoke as she actually fancied bow a lot and because she can fly, she would naturally be in advantage if she used a bow. It’s was like she was born to use a bow.

“I agree Huo Ba using a bow would be perfect.” Shuang Dao spoke completely agreeing.

Everyone understood just how valuable and over powered is someone who can fly and use bow at the same time. Well at least they were aware of the fact that if she used a bow none of them would have a chance against her.

“Wonderful then I’ll get a bow for you, as my disciple I’ll make sure that you get the best quality bow. Since you won’t be able use to Spirit and Qi for a while you won’t be able to use any kind of Spirit or Qi equipment I naturally cannot give you a bow that is usable with those two energies.” Old Man Shu spoke.

“I would like to stay with sword, but can I get another sword?” Yun Ji spoke next with his eyes shining. He really liked the idea of having two swords and he actually still liked swords. Actually previously he probably would’ve used two swords but it’s actually incredibly inefficient and is better to just use one sword. Unless one’s sword mastery reaches extremely great level one would just be wasting time. Although now he believed that he can achieve great mastery in it, he did not understand why though.

Old Man Shu nodded with his head.

“Then can I get a dagger?” Lin Hao spoke a bit embarrassed.

“Why would you get dagger?” Shuang Dao asked worried, it was because dagger was just second worst weapon besides fighting bare handed against someone with weapon.

When Old Man Shu heard what Ling Hao spoke he was rather surprised, but the other thing he noticed is a gleam in her eyes, something was strange about her eyes.

“Fighting with dagger is extremely dangerous and the weapon is not for head on fight, but I guess for your team if Shuang Dao and Jiang Li distracts the enemies and you backstab it, then it might work.” Old Man Shu spoke calmly and Lin Hao nodded her head as she understood.


“Then I want to try a two handed, double edged, battle axe!” Jiang Li said ecstatic, this weapon is as powerful as it sounds, completely savage weapon.

“Whoa smallest one want the biggest weapon eh, guess down there is not big enough! AHAHA!” Yun Ji spoke as he started laughing hysterically and Huo Ba joined in.

Even Old Man Shu almost started laughing.

“Very good then, I’ll be back in a moment with the weapons!” As Old Man Shu said so he suddenly disappeared.

“With these weapons our efficiency will increase by at least five hundred percent even without Shuang Dao. Since Shuang Dao doesn’t have a weapon I have no idea how he will fight.” Yun Ji spoke as he glared at Shuang Dao.

Shuang Dao thought for a moment and then spoke, “Naturally because I will be the strongest, there will be no need for me to have a weapon.” Shuang Dao said proudly.

“Good luck beating Huo Ba.” Lin Hao spoke as she started laughing.

“We will see!” Shuang Dao said as he sprinted towards Huo Ba and started tickling her.

“Ah! S-stop!” Huo Ba laughed as she shouted.

“Easy!” Shuang Dao started laughing.

The next moment Old Man Shu was already standing in front of them.

“Okay, a bow for my dear disciple!” Old Man Shu said as he took out blue war bow. The string was fiery red while the bow shaft had a beautiful carvings of clouds.

“A bow crafted from highest quality Cloud wood for beginner strength. The string made out of dragon tendons. If you can get better wood you can just use the same string to replace it as it is best possible string in the realm and one can also input Qi or Spirit energy to get special qualities!” Old Man Shu spoke as he looked at his disciple.

“D-Dragon tendons???!!” Huo Ba spoke as she looked at the string which were as red as highest quality wine.

Touching the string it was actually warm.

“Whoa Dragon tendons!” Yun Ji spoke as he looked at the bow.

Next Old Man Shu took out Two meter fifty centimeters in length metallic two handed, Double Edged, War Axe. The axe head had two huge blades going from sides, on the faces of the axe blades Tiger heads were imprinted. The whole axe was black and its stem were like entangled weeds and at the bottom there was little dragon head with its mouth opened.

“The name of this axe is, ‘Tiger Slaying Dragons’” Old Man Shu said as he was proud of his finding.

“Whoa! Even more awesome then Huo Ba’s bow.” Jiang Li said as he looked at the axe.

“Now then, you will only get it when you are actually able to lift it.” Old Man Shu said as he smiled.

“Damn it, I knew there must be a catch to it!” Jiang Li said as he gnashed his teeth.

“Need to train more!” Jiang Li said as he started doing push-ups.

Everyone started laugh except Jiang Li.

“Yeah laugh! Laugh! We will see who will laugh the last!” Jiang li said so, as he started mumbling something.

“Good, good the more you train the better!” Old Man Shu said with smile.

“Next is two swords for Yun Ji!” Old Man Shu spoke and two swords appeared in his hands they had wide hand guards and very short handle but pointy and long double edged blade which reached one meter in length, they looked extremely simple but very efficient.

Taking them in hands Yun Ji realized that they were extremely light!

“Whoa they are so light!” Yun Ji spoke. Holding in his hands he could feel how comfortable they felt, it was absolutely astonishing.

“Naturally they are light, are you expecting to shop trees with them? Wielding two swords one must be as agile as possible.” That said, Old Man Shu moved next to Lin Hao.

A dagger appeared in his hand, the dagger was rather unique because it was short dagger with one edge only while the blade itself was curved like a snake. The blade came out from the mouth of an ox and the handle was if it was an actual ox, but rather skinny ox as its main body used for holding the dagger. The head works as guard of the dagger while at the back of the dagger there was a head of black wolf. The dagger cold be said to be a great masterpiece.

Now that everyone got their weapons except Huo Ba and Jiang Li who can’t even use his weapon yet, deposit them in your rooms and come to the training area again.” Old Man Shu said so as he disappeared and deposited Jiang Li’s weapon for him.

Ten minutes later everyone came back to the training grounds.

“Follow me.” Old Man Shu spoke as he headed to the north of the gardens.

Arriving at a terrace with big table and chairs. On the table there were all kinds of foods, ranging from Spirit beast meat to Spirit pills and all the way to vegetables.

“One must be healthy and eat properly no matter at what stage of training you are, this is because experts being able to live without food is complete bullshit! Now then for breakfast let’s dig in!” Old Man Shu spoke and sat down on the chair. Not waiting for them he started to dig in.

“OHH… MY… GOD!” Yun Ji shouted as he kneeled holding a piece of spirit chicken in his hands and chewing huge chunks barely able to move his mouth.

“I really like these berries they are actually spirit fruits!” Lin Hao said as she ate fruit which looked like apple but much juicer and much like a big strawberry.

“Ughhhh, I’ll never be able to eat normal food again…” Jiang Li said as he chewed on a piece of meat from some kind of spirit beast.

All of them were stuffing food like there is no tomorrow.

Old Man Shu was looking at Lin Hao strangely this whole time.

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