《Wishing You A Lousy B-Day》Chapter 12: Verdant Cloud Orphanage


“Hurry up, boy. We’re going to be late.”

Early in the morning, a booming voice rang through the courtyard.

Standing on the side of the road, a tall man leaned against the backdoor of a black SUV, his gaze scanning the front gate. Seeing a small shadow darting towards him, the man said disapprovingly, “Didn’t I told you we’ll have to leave early yesterday? Why did you wake up so late today?”

“Yeah, yeah.” A small voice squeaked as a young boy dashes out from behind the gate and jumped directly onto the backseat of the car. “Dad, you’re so annoying.”


The man could feel his veins bulged. Who let this brat be his only son? Sometimes it’s really too much!

“Behave yourself.” Dropping two words in a perfunctory manner, the man got on the car and directed the driver, “Go to Verdant Cloud Orphanage in D Province.”

“Yes, Boss.” The driver understood at once, and the car begins to move.

In contrast to the solemn and respectful attitude of the driver in the front of the car, the atmosphere in the back of the car was getting more and more rambunctious.

“Where are we going? Why are we going there? Why do we have to go so early?” The little boy was squirming up and down his seat, his little mouth prattling on with incessant questions. “Why did you wear that suit today? I don’t like very much. Dad, I’m hungry.”

“You’ve just eaten.” A strong hand pressed down on the little boy, pinning him in place. “We can get more food later. Be quiet.”

Seeing his father unmoved, the young boy finally stopped squirming. He looked at his father with an aggrieved face, before turning to look out the car window. Like most children, the boy was soon distracted by the passing views and totally forgot about everything else.

Twenty minutes later, the SUV stopped before a large iron gates.

The gates, old and rusty, connects two long stone walls which spans an entire block, looking no less weather-beaten and grim. Near the entrance, attached on one of the walls, the words [Verdant Cloud] was embossed on a shiny metal plaque. The plaque, appearing expensive and pristine, contrasted sharply with its surrounding, and helps to dispel some of that gloomy air.

Passed the iron gates, the sight of the orphanage’s inhabitants can be seen. Children, big and small, gathers in groups and pairs, playing jovially and carefree, creating a rowdy and lively atmosphere.

Amidst the children, near the gate, stood a beautiful woman. A radiant smile blossomed on her gentle face, framed by long blonde curls dancing in the wind as if accompanying the lively rhythm of the children playing.

“Ms. Teresa, Ms. Teresa!” A little girl called, jumping up and down, “Come play with us.”

“In a little bit, little one.” The woman replied, brushing aside the swaying hair behind her ear, “I’m waiting to receive some guests this morning. Speaking of…”

The backdoor of the SUV opened, and a man stepped out, followed by a little boy.

The man had a extraordinarily handsome face, with arching eyebrows and sculpted cheeks. His eyes were deep and unfathomable, and his smile was smeared with unknown intentions. His good looks, however, couldn’t hide the oppressive aura radiating from his towering figure, and his face was tinged with a sense of distance and malevolence.


In an instant, the playground quietened.

The children, whose songs and plays were had echoed loudly just but a moment ago, have now gone strangely silent. The smile and laughter that had aligned their faces, were quickly replaced with fear as they began to gather and hid behind the beautiful woman.

“It’s alright, everyone. This is just a guest of mine. He may look scarier than those devils with horns, but rest assures, he is totally harmless.” The woman tries to calm her shivering flock, and even ended her sentence with a bit of a laugh.

Thanks to such calming words, as if the sun had broken through icy clouds, the atmosphere warmed up a little.

The “totally-harmless” man: …..

“Ahem, Director Stomford, I’ve arrived as per our appointment, and I’ve brought what was promised. I trust that this is a good time?”

“Please, Mr. Lan, call me Teresa. After all, we wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for your efforts.”

“Is that so, if you insist, Ms. Teresa.”

“Well then, please follow me.”

With an unfaltering smile and seamless grace, the director led her guest away from the playground and into an old building on the side. When the door of the building closes, the silent playground once again roared back to life.


The little boy stood by the side of the car.

He had watched as his father entered the old building with that strange woman, however, he didn’t follow.

In fact, he doesn’t really care.

He had watched his father doing business plenty of times, and this time there was no different. So what if the other party was some strange woman? That didn’t matter at all.

Growing up he had gotten used to the swarm of beautiful women buzzing around his father. After all, a good piece of meat attracts all kind of flies. In the end, however, flies are merely just that. His father never batted an eyelid, and all those women were destined to leave disappointed.

Beside, all that has nothing to do with him. At this moment he was just boringly standing in one place. His father had instructed him not interrupt “official business,” but then—

What was the point of bringing him along, ah?

As he stood there, scratching his head and trying to figure out what to do next, he spotted something, or rather, someone.

When his father first got down from the car, he could see the fear and apprehension of the children in the playground.

This type of reaction was actually very normal.

His father, both blessed and cursed, has a towering figure and sharp features, and exudes a sense of oppression and domination. Even old-business associates sweat every time they meet with Boss Lan, let alone a group of small children.

At that time, there were only one child who was not afraid. No, actually, to be more precise, there were two children who were not afraid:

He, himself, couldn’t be more used to his old man, so it’s a given that he won’t be scared.

And another child, a boy with raven hair, who took a single glance at his father before looking away disinterested.

Young Master Lan quickly walked over to corner of the playground.

Squatting in the corner, was a little boy with his head down. The little boy was playing with a stick and did not notice a stranger approaching.


“Hey, weren’t you scared?”

Hearing a question, the little raven-hair boy didn’t look up but unconsciously retorted, “Scared of what?”

“Of my father, what else?”

“Father? What’s that?”

It was Young Master Lan’s turn to be asked a question. He was stunned for a second, “You don’t know what a ‘father’ is? It’s someone who loves you and take care of you. You know, like a guardian or a parent. Don’t you have a father?”

The stick that was tapping the dirt on the ground suddenly stopped. The raven-hair boy was silent for a long time before letting out an almost inaudible whisper, “I’ve only heard about it…”

Feeling a certain inexplicable weight in his chest, Young Master Lan hastily tried to get the topic back on track.

“I meant, the man who had just went over there.” Young Master Lan pointed to the building on the opposite side of the yard, “Aren’t you afraid of him?”

This time, the raven-hair boy finally looked up. From a close distance, Young Master Lan could see a pair of large doe eyes glistening in the sunlight, adorned with long quivering eyelashes. A set of pink puffy cheeks sat upon the pale and silky jade-like skin.

For a second, Young Master Lan felt as if he was looking at a small, wounded baby animal. There was a strange tightness in his chest, and an urging sense of wanting to protect.

“Him? Oh, you mean that man.” The raven-hair boy made a thinking expression. “No, he comes by here a lot.”

“Oh.” Young Master Lan no longer cares about his original question. In his heart, he was making plans as to how to force his father to take him here every day…

“Who are you?” The raven-hair boy asked.

The young master wrapped up his thoughts, and extended a hand to the little boy. “My name is Aleschrivosn Aiodes Ker Lan, but everyone just calls me Alvy.”


In the director’s office, a handsome man was sitting leisurely on the sofa, sipping on a dainty little teacup.

“It seemed the past several months have been hard on Mr. Lan.” A melodious voice chimed, bringing a sense of warmth to the drabby office.

“Not at all, Ms. Teresa. It was only necessary.”

“Hm.” The director responded with a gentle hum.

She pauses, sips a bit of tea, and chose her words carefully before continuing, “Mr. Lan, I’m sure you’re aware, the situation in the Capital right now is getting rather tense. Although D province is some distance away, I’m afraid we won’t be unaffected. In regard to the wellbeing of the children… I’d hate to ask this of you, especially after all you’ve done for us, but…”

“No problem,” Boss Lan interrupted, “Ms. Teresa, please rest assure. The peaceful life you so cherished will not be disturbed.”

The director eyes widened.

Although the man never promised anything and his words remained vague, his commanding tone and dignified speech emanates a powerful force like a mighty mountain, crushing down all her worries and fear.

“Yes.” The director’s lips curved as she silently breathes out a sigh of relief. She bends down and begin pouring more tea for her guest. “Thank you.”

“Who’s that?”


The director looked up in surprised, only to see the man was not looking at her, but rather at the window behind her. The window faces in the direction of the yard, and many children could be seen playing about.

“Who’s… Which child are you talking about?”

“That one,” Boss Lan stood up and walked near the window, “the boy talking to my son. Who is he?”

The director also stood up and approached the window. She peered out into the yard and scanned the surroundings until she saw a delicate young boy dressed in expensive brand-name clothes.

Is that Mr. Lan’s son? And talking to him is…

Despite her initial surprise, the director quickly recovered, and the gears in her head began to rapidly turn.

Mr. Lan is an extraordinary man, with unfathomable abilities and resources. Getting notice by him is definitely a good thing. Later on, with the Lan Family’s help, that child’s future will certainly be bright. However, in regard to his identity, that is certainly a problem…

Seeing the director deep in thought, Boss Lan did not interrupt, nor did he continue to inquire. He merely stands still, gazing out into the yard, watching his son and the strange boy converse.

“That stinky brat,” Boss Lan quietly mused, “to think he would actually talk like a human being towards another person. Ha.”

The Young Master Lan was notorious both inside and outside the family for his arrogant and aloof nature, and, with the exception of his own father, was not particularly close to any other person. Now, seeing that the boy had took the initiative to talk to someone new, Boss Lan was excited. For the growth and development of his son, he has decided to help his son foster a new friendship.

Of course, there was also a second, more important, reason for him to get involve. After all, this was the main purpose of bringing that stinking brat here.

Originally, Boss Lan needed to come up with some sort of excuse to make frequent visits to the orphanage, the more the better. As such, he had a brilliant idea: he’ll bring his son along on the pretense of looking for a playmate. Knowing the wild nature of the boy, Boss Lan was worried that this bear child would make waste of his plans, but who would’ve thought of how things turned out.

His son had “cooperated” perfectly.

And it was all thanks to this strange boy.

Boss Lan was truly interested.

Moreover, the strange boy’s appearance and mannerism, as well as the way he interacted with Young Master Lan, was somewhat reminiscent. For a moment, Boss Lan was lost in his own memories.

Almost like a dream, he could see himself standing there. Under the moonlight, next to a shimmering lake, a young Mr. Lan stood. He reached out his hand towards his most beloved person, a young boy with bewitching eyes, and glistening silver hair…

“Mr. Lan,” the director’s voice disrupted the dream, and brought Boss Lan back to reality. “That boy is actually very special. He’d been alone since he was born and suffers from many traumatic experiences.”

Before Boss Lan could response, the director had walked across the room to her desk. She directly pulled out a thin file.

“I’m more than happy to introduce him to you, but you must promise me one thing.”

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