《Coupe - The Art of Rebellion》Chapter 7 - Negotiation
Given name, Kano Kuznetsov, blood-related younger sister of Hiroaki. We are the true remnants of the previous war, hardly anyone knows about our past as we stay low in public but being prominent in underground industry. I am the one and forever Aki’s companion. –That’s what I thought.
Recently, a girl named Koihime interrupted our usual lifestyle, being Aki’s out-of-nowhere girlfriend. I was experiencing hesitancy at that time, but seeing Aki with his profound determination to take her in, put me at ease. Added that Hime is a valuable person to us, I decided to give her a shot.
She didn’t fail, impressive. However, her clumsiness in executing a job for the first time may be troubling us but once I realized how handy is her ability, I really doubt she will mess up for the second time.
The next day after the altercation, Aki and I had a private discussion. Even though we have taken in Hime and Yuki, there’s a limitation of where information should be told. Especially Yuki, Aki’s been doubting her but he’s never told me. Years of being together, he could never hide anything from me, although it was professionally kept a secret. Things go in his favor once I’d witnessed Yuki’s brother, Hikushiro, together with a suspicious Elf. When I told Aki about it, he said ‘our’ Elf, matched.
A theory came out.
But then, let’s leave that thing aside as I was watching Hime getting scolded by Aki.
Hime, the one victim, remained seated on the ground, with her head hung low. Having cold sweat all over her face, she spurred.
“…Uurrr… Urrrr…..rrrr…… Uu….”
Aki, a really pissed off guy, took a look around his treasure, with his feet stomping on the ground every time he spotted an imperfection.
“...A dent on the left quarter panel… Three weirdly unpattern kinks on the rear bumper that definitely not bullets… And….–“
Before continuing, he took a deep breath.
“–An obvious crash on the right headlamp!”
“I’m sorry!”
“What did you hit?!”
“…Ermm…. A… pole…?”
“A POLE?!” –A thunderous shout echoed the garage.
Reacted, Hime immediately closed her eyes. Furthering, she mumbled,
“…Urr… I told you I’m sorry…”
Hasting on me, Hime begged,
“–Help me, Kano-senpai! Aki’s being cruel to me! This, absolutely innocent me!”
Ha… what a narcissistic girl….
I shrugged my shoulders, giving her a no-can-do expression,
“It’s your fault for causing unnecessary damages.”
“I’m just following your orders! Besides, it’s my first time! It’s your fault for giving me such impossible task!”
You’re begging me and now you’re blaming me….?
I sighed, saying,
“Aki, why don’t you give her a break?”
Realizing how desperate Hime was, Aki also heaved a sigh.
“Oh yeah Kano, how’s the investigation? Did you find anything?”
“About the streets were empty from authorities? Yes. I’ve run a check on their database, seems like they received reports from neighbourhoods but all of them were ignored for whatsoever the reasons.”
Hand on his chin, he think.
“That leads to only one person…”
With a simple “Um,” I nodded.
“–The Chief Deputy.”
“I see.”
He then opened the closet under the working table, took out a remote and passed it to me from afar.
“–I’ve embedded custom algorithm code for unlocking a car. Use it.”
“What’re you going to do?” asked Hime.
“I’ll do some tuning.”
“C-can I go with you?!”
“NO.” said Aki. “I’m not done with you yet.”
Hime’s offer was just to flee from Aki. Although it looked sad, it was fun. I did give Hime a smile before leaving.
After confirming my everyday chores were done, I cramped myself in the room. First thing that came into my mind was hacking. I’d sent reasonable yet plenty of dummy reports to chief deputy’s main system. All of them were forced a deadline today, before 12 at midnight. Next, I checked the employee’s time-in and time-out and ruled out everyone that go home early.
A random candidate came out.
I adjusted the assignment incomes so that he would work overtime but not more than chief deputy would have.
“Kano.” Yuki, called me from the door.
“…Ah… Yuki, do you need anything?”
Alepou Yuki, currently dressed in elegant combat Kimono, is my best friend. During the war, we were a pair of soldiers, known with her aggressive close-combat type, and me with the long-range supportive type. Backing each other up is a part of our natural instinct. She is a very kind and less talkative girl despite her brutal killing habits.
“What~ Are~ You~ Doing~?” she asked, hugging me from behind.
“I did some hacking into the Security Department for tonight’s operation.”
“Hmmmmm……” Losing the interest, Yuki continued, “By the way Kano, I’m bored.”
“Oh…? Um… Let’s take a walk at the city then.”
“Really? Mmmuah.” She kissed me in the cheek. “Kano, I love you.”
“Yes, yes, let me finish this first. Give me a minute.”
I tracked down the candidate’s private vehicle and hacked into the building’s security camera to see where it was parked. Then, I overrode all the cameras with a fake recording and deactivated the alarm in the building.
“–Done. Let’s go.”
Putting on my casual clothes, we headed out to the town by public transports. Nagoya City, one of the major metropolitans in Japan blessed with various attractions. Affordable living expense and a wonderful place to live in, if compared with other big cities.
“First time going here, Yuki?”
“Yep, I’ve never got the chance to stroll around because of the hectic work we’ve been through… Really, your brother is such a slave driver…”
“Haha… We already knew how he does work.”
“Yeah… That’s the part he doesn’t change too…”
Looking at her kimono, I asked.
“Where did you get that outfit?”
“This?” she played with the fabric near the arm. “I got it from a group of mafia back in Chine when we were travelling the world. It was just a gift from them.”
“It’s beautiful… Added that it looked stretchable and flexible.”
“Materials unknown, made in unknown, but they said it was their finest treasure. Anyway Kano, do you have recommendations around here?”
“Let’s see….” I think as I put my hand on the chin,
“–Let’s go to Tokugawa Garden. There’s a nice lake.”
Entering the garden through the main entrance, we found ourselves on a bridge. Beneath us, a large lake with variety of aquatic animals and dazzling water. Koi fish were living in large-scale in the lake, accompanied by few turtles. Throwing pieces of bread we bought earlier, they hastily competed for the foods, rumbling the surface of the water. Once the foods were eaten, the water stopped splashing.
We chucked more of the pieces and the process repeated itself.
“It’s so serene here…” said Yuki, feeling the breeze.
“Agreed…. So Yuki, do you go to school after the war?”
“School huh? I did, I’ve been transferring between foreign schools until now. I think, I’ll be going to your school when I’m finished with the paperwork.”
“Definitely! Then we’ll be together again!”
“That’s nice. But, it’s going to be only two terms before the graduation… I hope you’re not falling behind…”
“Don’t worry! I’ve been studying all the science stream subjects… Like…–“ While counting it with her fingers, she continued, “–Mathematics… Physic… Biology… Etc…”
“I see. If that so, you’ll have no problem then.”
My eyes caught interest at Yuki’s body, the wound she had when stalling Inaros yesterday. Even though it shouldn’t be a big deal because of her extraordinary physical capability, I’m still concerned, because I love her… she’s my dear friend.
“–Yuki, is the wound healed yet?”
Weirded, Yuki still smiled.
“Of course it has healed! What are you worrying about? Those scratches did nothing to me… You should know the best.”
“Ahaha… I’m just checking out. Those so-called scratches will cause death to normal humans. They’ll die because the loss of blood…”
“Aww…!” Yuki came closer and hugged me, “Kano, you’re such a kind friend… Umm… umm…!” rubbing her cheek against mine.
“…Hey, stop it. We’ll fall…”
“Hehe…” she grinned, responded with my smile.
“….How’s Inaros…?” I asked, low.
“Hmm… I can’t really describe him… He’s becoming way stronger than he was…”
“Maybe because he is an Undead now…”
She nodded, “How the hell did Aki kill that monster anyway?”
“I have no idea too…”
5.00 p.m.
“–Let’s go the Security Department building before going home.”
At the parking lot, to avoid suspicion, we walked together and talked casually until we reached the target’s private car. Keeping up with the fake talk, we stood leisurely and I touched the car as well as the remote Aki gave.
Entry into the Electronic Control Module….
–Alarm deactivated.
–Matching the Central Lock algorithm….
–Immobilizer deactivated.
–Algorithm matched.
–System reactivated.
Confirmed with a silent gesture, we left the area and headed straight home.
7.00 p.m.
Everyone was all-go except Hime, she looked exhausted.
“Uuwwweeekk…..” her shoulders hung low, with her eyes dropped tired.
“What’s wrong?” Yuki asked.
“A-Aki… Had no mercy on me…. I felt like a slave, doing all the labor work…”
Yuki leaned her head to the side, and hummed, “Huh…?”
“We’re just replacing the parts on the Mustang.” Said Aki.
Unsatisfied, Hime yelled,
“It’s so tiring! I am a girl, you know?! A weak, innocent, and pretty, GIRL! I was having an ordinary life not days ago and look at me now?!”
She violently stroked her hair, rubbing it in depression. “–How did it come to this…? Arrrhhhh….!”
“Oy, oy, you’re the one who decided to be my girlfriend and promised to do anything.”
“Oh yeah?! Except I don’t see anything that fixes your car can do any help to my case!”
“Well, well, cool down. I’ve prepared a job just for you to release your anger…. And I bet, you’ll be more than loving it.”
Still looked unconvinced, Hime asked.
“What’s that….? I hope I’m not driving anymore! That thing sucks!”
With a confident smile, he replied.
“You’ll know later.”
Taking an once-over at anyone, he continued,
“–So everyone’s here, let’s proceed.”
“Aki.” I called, “Here.” As I chucked the remote key like he did to me.
“–Everything is good to go.”
The briefing ended with a nod by every member after the plan was affirmed. Aki partnered up with Hime and Yuki with me. We took an everyday car from the garage and Aki took his.
We drove to where the Chief Deputy’s residence was. He has a daughter and a wife, settling in a big and heavily guarded mansion. His daughter is a high school girl and his wife is a public servant retiree.
–They’re currently in their home.
Once their status was confirmed, Yuki spoke.
“Let me intrude the mansion.”
“Sounds like a good idea… I’ll back you up.”
“No need.” She said.
There’s no follow-up words after that. She didn’t explain why, but her confidence convinced me.
“Alright, I’ll stay on scout if anything happens.”
She nodded, getting out from the car and went straight to target’s location. I, in the other hand, reached a higher building to get ready for sniping.
Through the scope, I’d seen Yuki approaching the main entrance that was guarded with two securities. When arrived, the securities were on a defensive stance, forcing me to standby behind the trigger. But then, Yuki said something to cause the securities to lower their weapon and let her in.
I heaved a sigh.
I didn’t know what Yuki was saying, but it was splendidly done. This made our job easier. So far, Yuki had entered the mansion in peace, and eventually she was treated nicely by the mother. Everything was shown through the scope, behind the window.
Our mission here is to make the Chief Deputy’s family as hostages. We’ll kill them as soon as we received orders from Aki.
Dirty work? Yes, that’s how we do things.
Aki is a cold-blooded killer, everyone doesn’t notice that except for those who’ve spent times with him. When I say ‘time’, I mean a long ‘time’. Orders he gives contains no hesitation, and I’ll execute it cleanly without fails.
“I will do anything for you…”
With Hime.
After unlocking the target’s car, we smoothly got in the backseat. The alarm didn’t go off, and that’s why it’s proceeding accordingly.
“Say, why are we trespassing an officer’s car?” asked Hime.
“An ambush, we need an authorization card to get into the building. We’ll take this guy’s card.”
“W-why?! I don’t want to enter that building!”
“I know you’re being anxious when it comes to police… But here, we’re going to squeeze information from the Chief Deputy.”
“S-s-squeeze?! Chief Deputy?! Don’t kid with me, that’s dangerous!”
“Don’t worry, we’ll sneak in and out before they even knew it… Furthermore….”
I paused, seeing her sweating face.
“–YOU are the one who will do it.”
Her eyes suddenly sharpened as the curve of her mouth, quirked up.
“You sure?”
“Ummh.” I gave her a supportive nod as a reply.
Heard, she turned from anxious little girl into an excited female persecutor.
“–Here, put on this mask. You don’t want your identity being discovered.”
Ducking, we waited for the target to enter the car. Once he did, I nimbly stabbed him in the neck while had his mouth covered, spattering blood onto the windshield. The assassination wasn’t visible from outside because the car was heavily tinted.
Afterwards, we proceeded by sneaking in all the way to Chief’s room, using the personnel card to bypass every security door.
We slammed the door.
Shocked, the Chief stood up behind his table and rapidly pressed the emergency button.
“Don’t waste your energy, the alarm isn’t functioning.” I said, blatantly walking toward him.
“You BASTRARD!” he shouted, pointing a gun on us.
A shot was fired but Hime drew her katana and deflected the bullet. Quickly, she charged ahead and kicked the Chief further aback, causing the surrounding furniture to fall.
Bashed on the ground, he was threatened in the neck by Hime’s blade.
“Don’t kill yet, we need him to talk.” I warned.
“Heh, you dirty bastards won’t get anything from me!” he said.
“I see, here.” I passed a baton to Hime,
She grabbed it.
“–Use it as you think wise.”
Even though she was masked, her ecstasy was overflown that she gladly accepted it starting with a smack on the Chief’s head.
“Ughh… Uhh… Yo–“
Smacked again, the Chief didn’t have time to talk. Hime proceeded with a kick in the ribs that blasted the Chief away.
He coughed seemingly, but that didn’t concern Hime as she continuously beat the hell out of him. Until at a point where he started bleeding, Hime paused.
“Ughh…… uuhhhhhh….”
“Ready to talk?” I asked.
“I… Ughh… will not… say…. Uhh… anything!”
As soon as he opened his mouth to say that, Hime gave a good swing on the head. Then, she picked him up and thrust the baton directly in the mouth, dragging him all the way to the wall. Hammered on it, she lifted the Chief’s whole body by merely puncturing the baton through his throat.
“Say… Your daughter is beautiful, isn’t she? Can I marry her?” I spoke, looking at a tiny picture on the table.
“ARGHHHH…..! RRRRRR…! …………?!”
Hime retreated the baton and gave a push kick in the stomach, causing blood to spurt from his mouth, and eventually drenching Hime’s skirt.
Landed on the ground, he coughed devastatingly.
“Ughh…. I-I…. g-got it! Ughh… uh..!”
“–I’ll talk!”
Taking time to breathe in and out, the Chief finally opened his mouth.
“What do you want to know?”
“You really want to ask that? After being so reluctant…?”
“…Alright, alright…! It’s about the piece of shit, Inaros, right?”
“You know it… And the abducted Elves too.”
“I don’t know much about that, but the Government issues an order to stay away from dispute between the mafias… The Elves, they were apparently being transported to England. –Also we are not supposed to touch that.”
“Why England?”
“Beats me… I’ve heard they are departing in three days from now.”
“So… the Government is behind all this?”
“Not exactly, it’s the third party’s business… Really… I don’t know anything except this, spare my family!”
A brief silence.
Out of nowhere, a tiny screeching noise cracked through the window and hit the Chief’s heart.
I couldn’t make in time, and he was already dead.
“That guy!” Hime yelled, staring outside, with her clenched fist and gritted teeth.
It was the Elf, the one from the dock.
As Hime was about to pursue him, I shouted.
“Hime, enough!”
He then disappeared in the thin air.
“Kano, Yuki, do it. Eliminate everything that comes contacts with us.” –Me
“Roger, that.” –Kano
“Too bad…” –Yuki
Heard our conversation, Hime’s eyes enlarged in despair.
“W-Why?! I thought we had all the information?! You don’t need to kill the family!”
“We can’t afford to let any evidence left, since the Chief is dead. They might be used in the court against us… Anyway, let’s get out.”
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