《Coupe - The Art of Rebellion》Chapter 4 - Wolf
“We have a deal then.” said the guy.
“It’s a bit daring to deliver the goods so early in the morning, don’t you think?”
“It’s an emergency countermeasure. We’ve been attacked since yesterday by an unknown group, and they seemed to be targeting this particular thing.”
“May I know……? Never mind…I guess… it’s confidential.”
The guy glared into space, indicating a silent gesture of approval towards the statement.
“Boss will visit at midnight, expect an unlikely event to happen.” he said.
“A personal visit from a mafia leader huh…? It really is crunch.”
Ignoring my spoken hunch, he said,
“Well then, meet us at midnight.”
As he turned around and walked away together with the other car which was waiting at the street.
Once the neighborhood was clear from eyes, I parked the Corolla inside the garage and shut off the roller shutters.
“A job?” asked Kano from the inside entrance.
“Yeah…. Goods protection from Wolf.”
“I see… By the way, breakfast is ready.”
“Sure… Oh yeah, Kano.”
“Can you do me a favor and teach both of them how we run our business?”
“I don’t mind but do you really want to drag Hime into this?”
“Just think of it as revenge.”
“Some old grudges I haven’t settled, and… I believe in her… nothing more.”
Sighing confusingly, Kano shook her head, giving up to understand the words I said
“Roger that… Nothing you do make sense….”
“Nothing WE do make sense… Anyway, think you can train them effectively before midnight?”
“Why the rush?”
“Wolf’s Boss will visit us at midnight. I expect he will tell us further about our job and it has high possibility of leading to Hime’s case.”
“Just a reminder…Hm, Hime is our client you know? I don’t recommend pressuring her, she’s only 16.”
“She’s also my employee and I won’t let her get away with 75 000 yen debt unpaid. If she refuses to do so, tell her I will sell her as sex slave at black market.”
“…You…. Really have no mercy…”
“He he…. I’m just showing her the reality and reminding her the appropriate manners to keep when she’s at someone’s places.”
“That is really hell of an unreasonable favor…. But…Hmh.”
Kano leaned on the side, putting her hand on the waist and chuckled.
“—I will try regardless.”
“I count on you.”
It’s already the new day and breakfast has been served… But, why…?!
Why on earth no one is moving a muscle to solve my case!
I see Yuki’s conveniently eating snacks while watching TV….!
And Aki said he wanted to teach me about work but he’s cramping himself in the workshop…..!
And Kano’s busy doing chores….!
I know I should be the one to talk about this since I’m also taking my times resting on the sofa… But…!
Even dad suddenly won’t let me go home for time being……….. Sigh….
What worse than it is, I don’t even have a change of clothes!
-After the duel with Aki
Bzzz Bzzz
Me : Hello? Dad.
Dad : Where are you now?! It’s already past midnight!!
Waaah… he’s mad….
Me : I… I’m at friend’s house….
Dad : Are you going back or not?
Me : I think not…
Dad : Where are you staying?
Me : Umm… someplace called….
I searched some clues around the café and saw a big sign saying ‘Eternal Café”
Me : --Yeah, Eternal Café.
Dad : Oh. Stay there and don’t come back before I say you can.
Me : What again?
Dad : Well then, stay safe. Goodbye
He hung up.
This was where Yuki abruptly hugged me from behind and after that… everyone knows….
What the hell is actually happening….?
Talking about weird things that made me scream yesterday….
I took a peek on Yuki who was engrossed watching a TV shows.
I wonder if those ears are real…?
Noticing my shy stare, Yuki asked,
“What’s the matter? Is something funny on my face?”
“Ah… Ummm….”
“A-are those ears real things or just cosplay…?”
“Cosplay? No, it’s the real things. Besides, they are functioning well and healthy.”
“Woah! Do you mean you have four ears?!”
“Ha.. ha…” she laughed wryly.
“—I just have two, the ones on top my head. Unlike Human, we don’t have ears on each side of our head.”
Wow… really?!
Seeing my obvious curiosity, she asked,
“Is this your first time meeting an Animalia?”
“Yeah! I don’t have any Animalia friends so far. I think you’re the first Animalia I met face to face… Say, say, can I take a closer look at the side of your face and your ears?”
I flipped Yuki’s hair and saw her smooth cheeks were extended up until the skin of the head, it was bizarre and unique.
……..Just imagine an earless human.
Next, I fiddled her ears and, “Kyuu” she moaned,
“…N-….no… it tickles quite a bit. I prefer if you don’t touch it so casually.”
“I see, I see! Ears are one of the sensitive parts in Animalia, impressive!”
I continued fiddling Yuki’s ears, overshooting my actions, Yuki’s stuttered “S-stop it…!” to revoke me.
“What are you two doing?” reprimanded Kano while she was going upstairs as she was bringing a lengthy bag.
“… Ahh… Kano senpai… Nothing, I’m just playing around with Yuki’s ears… hehehe…”
“Good thing you are not busy. Both of you, let’s go third floor… It’s a lesson time.”
“Ehhh…?! Where’s Aki? I thought he’s the one teaching me?”
“Unfortunately, your boyfriend seems busy with his toy and he passed the responsibility to me.”
“…Ceeeh… I dun wanna…”
“AND HE SAID to sell you as sex slave at black market to repay your debt.”
“He actually said that?!”
“He did say that.”
No choice….
“I-I got it, I don’t want to waste my life over this debt….”
Damn it! I really regret listening to dad’s instruction to make ruckus at the bar…!
Well… all is well and he accepted my request….
Nothing comes without price yeah..?
Thus, we went to the third floor and found ourselves a literally empty floor. I had been here before, there was three rooms and a vast ground at the centre which can be turned into a tennis court and still have rooms to sleep without getting disturbed by the game.
“Hime, have you two ever worked at a restaurant or a café?” asked Kano.
“I did partook in various job while I was travelling, a thing or two about café isn’t a problem to me,” answered Yuki.
“Ummm…. For me, I had one time, worked part-time waitress at a family restaurant… just for fun though.”
“Okay then, you two will be maid waitress to take orders from customer. The process of taking orders is the exact same thing as you worked at family restaurant. The only difference is you’re wearing maid outfit.”
“Maid outfit?! Is it cute? Can I see it?!”
“Well… It’s so-so, Hime. I will show you later.”
“--We are open at 8.00 p.m. until 2.00 a.m. Your mandatory working hour will be until 11.00 p.m. After that it becomes bar and it’s your choice to stay working or go home.”
Yuki and I nodded, understanding the explanation from the speaker, then Kano continued.
“—I hope that is clear…. Umm…---“ as she briefly looked at Yuki.
“—There’s nothing to teach you…. And…That leaves….---“ and she changed her sight towards me.
“Can you demonstrate your fighting style?”
“Eh? What my fighting style has to do with being a waitress?”
“It’s the employer’s orders… you have nothing to disobey.”
“Aki…? But I don’t think I will ever fight….”
“Do you think working 3 hours a day will be able to clear up your debt?”
What..?! Saying that I can go home after 11 was a lie?!
That guy really got me!
“Ah…” I heaved a sigh. “I recently try to adapt myself with one-hand katana style since I’ve given another Maihime to Ichihime.”
“Ow... I see…. No wonder your movement looked sluggish back then.”
Kano unzipped the long bag and took out two pieces of kendo stick, chucking the empty bag away and one stick to me. The kendo stick landed on my hand as I grasped it. Understanding the situation, Yuki took a sit aside, resting her chin on hands and gleamed a smile.
“—Anyhow, let’s see.” Kano said as she was standing by.
“Kano senpai, do you know how to use a sword?”
“A little, but not as good as Aki.”
Oh, I will give her a little handicap then.
“—Don’t be, come at me at full-force.”
“Urr… Did you just read my mind?”
“It’s written all over your face. Being able to read what your enemy’s thinking is also essential.”
“Alright, say no more. Get ready!”
I thrust ahead, targeting her chest and she parried it to the right as she tried to smack in the stomach.
I can block it with the hilt!
I was knocked back 3 foots away before I realized it.
What was that? I thought I blocked it.
I charged ahead again, hitting countlessly from left and right. It was all calmly deflected and my chest was jarred by a simple thrust.
I fell.
It’s hard to breathe!
Coughing several time, I finally recovered.
“You are a terrible person to tell such lie to me… You are way better than Aki!”
“You think so? This is not even Aki’s half capability.”
“Really?…. Just how strong my boyfriend is…….?”
Not to tell, he wasn’t even breaking a single sweat during our duel albeit carrying the heavy sword…
“I can’t tell how strong he is, but I assure you, he’s not overpowered.”
And I can assure myself, he’s strong enough to steal my heart.
But why is this….
I observed and exercised my dominant palm.
My ability doesn’t work….
“—You want to try taking me on with two sticks instead?” offered Kano.
“Uh? But then, you won’t have any weapon for sparing.”
“..Oh, you’re right. I don’t want to get bruise just because I had sparing barehanded…Hmm…” she put up a thinking gesture and looked around.
“—Yuki, can you take my place?”
Without asking questions, Yuki stood up and replied “Okay.”
Yet being able to comprehend Kano’s intent, I asked,
“Does Yuki have weapon?”
“No, Yuki is specialized in fighting without weapons. She’s an Animalia and will not get hurt easily.” Kano said.
Kano threw another kendo stick to me, as I caught the stick with my free hand, she backed off while Yuki advanced.
“I’m ready anytime.” said Yuki in relaxed posture.
What’s with these two…?
Well, if Kano is already this skillful, I bet her best friend is a real deal too.
“I think this time, I’ll have my opponent started first.” I asserted.
“I understand.”
I blinked, and she’s suddenly in the mid-air, in front of me.
Her nails sharpened, cutting partial of my hair as I was parrying the claw. Forced to retreat a step, I countered the blow, beginning with the first stick, deflected.
Subsequently, I hit with the second stick, also deflected.
My body feels really light!
I parried, I sliced, she deflected, she clawed me again without even getting her foots on the ground. I spun around, my legs supervene my body’s flex and by second goes by, Yuki had increment in her speed and eventually she fell back, landing on the ground once she noticed that the fight would reach no end.
Her sharp oval irides thinned as she locked her sight, mainly on me.
Uh..? What is this feeling…?
“Rrrrr----“ I heard Yuki’s violent purr, humming inside her throat.
Her muscle stiffened, hard…. readily to assault me.
“ALRIGHT, IT’S ENOUGH.” Kano shouted, an attempt to end the fight.
Yuki did not hear the first warning as she continued to get enraged, sharpening her tooth.
I’m scared…
“YUKI!” Kano once again, warned.
“Rrr…. Uh…..” Yuki’s eyes blinked once.
Upon clearly heard Kano, Yuki’s whole body began to relax
It may seemed not like it, but Kano looked a little worried as she was slightly on guard when looking at Yuki, who was disarming herself. After Yuki had fully reverted her hostility, Kano continued,
“I think you’re good enough… “
What was that…. A terrible, and grim killing lust…?
I could virtually smell blood scenting the area….
“—Hime?” Kano called,
After a few calls, I finally noticed them.
“..Uh… what…?”
“You’re okay?”
“Ah…” both kendo sticks fell from my grip.
Before I knew it, my legs were stoned.
I got my feet together and cautiously looked at Yuki. She was casually stretching out and yawned, pretending that nothing was wrong.
“—What was that…?” I asked Kano in curiosity.
However, Kano’s eyes were dimmed, as if she was restrained to explain the situation.
Then again, she smiled and said, “Nothing.”
“—We end the lesson here. By the way, the way you performed dual-wield style really depicts Aki.”
So, that’s why my body felt unnaturally light…
Aki’s been using dual-wield arts…
“Yep, where did you learn that? Did Aki teach you or anything?”
“N-no… not really… It’s my ability…”
“I see…”
Without the need of further explanation, Kano nodded and continued,
“--I guess Aki was right.”
“Your ability is what he called, “Trust”, allows the user to borrow strength from persons who are in relationship with you… or should I say, ‘share’ with someone.”
“Did he really call it ‘Trust’?”
Hm… I always wonder what my ability should be called, but he gave it a name for me…
‘Trust’ huh…?
Not a bad name.
“He also pointed out that, the strength of ‘sharing’ depends on the rank of the bonds, from the lowest, friends, family and lovers.”
“T-that’s… very true…. How is he seemed very knowledgeable about me? What and who is he?”
“Someone mystery who runs shady business.”
“I really can’t understand him..!”
“Me neither… Although, I’m sure he cares deeply about you.”
I doubt my boyfriend’s sister doesn’t understand him…
“…Why would you say so…?”
Kano once again, put the ‘older sister’ gentle smile,
“If not, how else would you be able to depict Aki’s move?”
I may only share someone’s strength if both parties have the mutual interest and affection towards each other.
“But… doesn’t it look like… Aki’s been leading me all this time…?”
“Good girl you noticed that… You’re on the page, Aki decided to be your girlfriend so you can be strong while being able to use your ability on him… Not to mention, he knew that you try to get in the relationship for his strength. He reads it all and just plays along.”
“…Waah… that’s so considerate of him… But why, if he knows I’m just taking advantages of him… why would he still do that…?”
“I don’t know?” Kano shook her head in sarcasm.
“—You know it and you still ask?”
He’s interested in me…?
“I know… But he doesn’t look like that he loves me…Not to say… I know it’s all sudden, I love him too…!”
“Sure, you tell him that later. For now let’s get some rest and I’ll inform you head-ups for what you should be doing.”
Kano waived her backhand as she went downstairs with Yuki.
Arhhh… what?!
10:30 at night.
Kano had invited Yuki and me to try out the newly designed uniform.
The outfit is based on maid design, black and white, short sleeves, a little revealing epaulette on each shoulder, a large bow tie, comes with a cute headdress, black gloves, a frilly thigh socks and knee high boots.
It looked neat and adorable.
Kano told me that she sewed all three uniforms by herself in few hours just after we came in which I think…. Really surprising.
I combed through the fabric, touching the fine quality of the uniform and most of all, my excitement to wear one overwhelmed me.
“This is the revision of our old uniform. What do you think?” asked Kano.
Yuki seemed to ignore Kano’s question and just wore the outfit, leaving the conversation to me.
“It actually looks better… but it’s not that different. Why do you redesign it?”
“My old uniform seems more… you know, tight…?”
I might not want to say anything here, but my future sister-in-law has typically muscular body type and I think that’s the reason.
“—And Aki asked me to consider a revamp on design while I sew a new one. He said he wanted a fresh look on me since his fetish is not something a regular guy has. Fortunately enough, I have two other bodies to accompany me on the journey, so why not?”
“Wait, Aki has maid fetish…?”
“Why don’t you show up to him and figure it out? I bet you’ll get your first compliment from your boyfriend.”
“Are you serious?!”
“I’m not saying it’s hundred percent sure, but there’s high chance of him doing so.”
“Say no more, I will!”
I unbuttoned my shirt one by one, taking it off from my body, followed by unzipping my skirt, appealed me in mere light pink lingerie.
What bothers me that I don’t have a change of underwear since I came here empty-handed, out of blue forbidden to go home and I really doubt Kano has any spare in my size, ultimately this sucks.
Maybe I should ask dad for advanced allowance tomorrow to buy new one…
Or should I go commando… Uh no no!
That would be inappropriate!
First, I put on the main clothes and had it zipped at the rear, continued with wearing the socks, the boots, the gloves, the bow tie and finally the headdress.
As I rolled around slowly, I took a look at the mirror.
“It suits you.” Said Kano.
The size was just right, not too tight nor loose and somehow, it’s magically convenient to move with.
“Looks like we are matched.” Added Yuki while wearing the outfit in similar demeanor.
“I feel great.”
“Right, right, Hime, take this.”
Kano passed me a leather belt buckle with katana compartment and a thigh buckle with a gun along with its magazine in it.
Surprised by the fact, I asked again.
“Is this real?”
“It is real gun.”
Kano then pulled out the gun and had me tried holding it.
“—Have you tried fire one before?” she asked.
It’s seemingly heavy and loaded with steel compared with toy guns I’ve ever held.
“Absolutely no… isn’t it illegal to own one?”
“We’re doing business here and it might come in handy… very handy.”
I don’t know about this… I think I have been hired to be not just ‘maid waitress’ but ‘outrageous maid’…
“Don’t worry…--“ said Yuki as she took the belt buckle.
“—You can stay clean like you always do.”
She helped me putting on the buckle as well as the thigh buckle, inserting Maihime on its place.
“What do you mean…?”
“You don’t reek blood, I’d say you never have killed anyone before. Just use it in the act of self-defense.”
I guess I can do that. But I’ve promised Aki I could commit murders as long as I get to find my Ichihime.
I have to find her no matter what!
She then tidied up my bow and smiled,
“—Here, you’re good to go. Go and say hello to leader!”
I was pleasantly pushed forward and continued walking downstairs to meet up with Aki.
Aki was rearranging the glasses and wines at the bar. As he put it in order, I could see his satisfying smile beaming the glasses. Thereafter, he noticed us, allowing me to initiate the conversation.
“Hey~ How do I look?” as I tried to flip my skirt.
Aki put his hand on the chin as he carefully observed my body.
“I have no regrets in making you my girlfriend. You look terrifically cute!”
“I think I don’t have to say this but,..—“
He smirked as he paused,
“—Do you wear the same underwear?”
“Wh-wh—whaaat ?! H-how do you know that?!”
“Well, eliminating the possibility you could have done and by judging the past few days’ circumstances, I thought you might be already in such predicament… no?”
This guy! What a way to ruin the moment…!
12:00 at midnight.
While we were arguing, a small company of three men in black entered the café. One of the guys was carrying a sealed bag and the tall man in front that seemed the foremost greeted,
“Hello Mr. Kuznetsov, there’s a partial for you delivered here when we arrived.”
“Oy oy, don’t just take unknown stuff into my café… It might be a bomb.” replied Aki in worries.
“No, there’s nothing like that. I don’t smell TNT.”
“Then what does it smell?”
“Smell like a woman’s perfume.”
Glaring at me, Aki’s eyes drooped in sarcasm.
“You don’t want to take it?”
Why would I take it…?
If I were to order something, it would reach my real house instead.
Furthermore, no one knows where I am except dad… wait…
My clothes and underwear…?
“Are you serious…?”
I rushed and confiscated the bag, quickly I returned to my post behind the bar.
While everyone was still puzzled by my reaction, Aki welcomed those men,
“Welcome, Iykos Meister."
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