《Maitbudi》Derai One


Derai One

She likened herself a pauper. A clean pauper, cleaner than the rest.

“Mother Kes,” she said. “When’s the Guild going to give us money?"

The fat, middling woman wiping the stone table paused her hands. "Should be today," the woman said, resuming her cleaning of the table. "Maybe a little before noon."

"Mother Kes--"

A plethora of children, aged from three to ten, burst from the wooden front door.

"Mother Kes!"

"Aunt Derai!"

"We have the guilds!"

"They're down by Mister Loki's shop."

A large head peered in behind the children. "Oh, oh, oh," Mother Kes said, dropping her wiping cloth on the table. "Derai, this is Mister Bogatsotovo, he's part of the Biyedne Guild."

Derai smiled and bowed her head. "Welcome to the orphanage, dear sir." Derai looked at the man with the large head. His hair was a messy black but it was more than redeemed by the jaw he had.

"Ah yes," Mister Bogatsotovo said, scratching his hair. "Forgive my head hair, I've just come from Atar with business." Derai did not know where Atar was. She had only lived in Nermitosk. She did not like it when people mentioned other places. She was not familiar with them. "You can just call me Mister Bogats."

"Mister Bogats."

"Mister Boguts."

"Mister Bogets."

The children repeated his name.

It was a name that was recognizable from the first hiss.

The King of Skiparsia was paraded in a box, opened in left and right, carried by eight tanned men on their shoulders.

"What do you think of this king's palanquin?"

"It's okay."

"I'll bet you one gold it costed one gompothir."

"I say two."

"Are you sure?"


"King Kiryepki!" the children once more. The adults joined in.

This is in Nermitosk. Derai is a poor girl, common birth. Her initial story is gonna be about how no matter the wealth of guilds or whatever, the king can take it away. I'll show this through Fermboi's POV too. Not sure which one will be first, this one or Fermboi's. As Fermboi has to go to Igenis first. Can't show kingly acts in non-royal cities.

2016-06-17: This is incomplete, have to work on this.

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