《Alter's Aburd Escapades!》Let's get back to work!


Alter awoke to the sound of beeping. "Ugh... Did I have an alarm clock?"

Anom came into the room. "Actually, you've got a message from the council. Good morning, by the way."

Alter sat up and stretched. "Good morning." Alter got out of bed as Anom left the room. Alter put on a white t-shirt and went into the main room. "I can assume I'm supposed to push the red, blinking button?" Alter pushed a button on the glass-like surface. With a loud beep, an image of the Council was displayed.

"Good morning Captain. We noticed that you were on your way back to the central city. When you get there we need you to handle a situation occuring in the square." A map digitally manifested, displaying the location of the square with a red dot. "This is nothing more than a case of a couple rouge tarots. You will recieve the normal payment when the tarots are taken care of. Good luck, captain." The message ended with a beep.

Alter scratched the back of his neck and headed to the cockpit, where Anom was piloting the ship. "Hey Anom, I've got a question for you."

"What's up Captain?"

"Who are the Council? They seem pretty important. They seem to be our boss too."

"The Council? Uh..." Anom thought for a moment. "Well, The Council is basically the group that runs things. Their influence speads everywhere. They control governments as fars as distant galaxies."

"They just seem to be some guys in a dark room. How are they so powerful?"

"They also have control over Prophets, us. They require Prophets to register with some database, then use us as they see fit. They used a whole army to take over. But don't get the idea that they're evil or anything. They are not all bad."


"They sound pretty bad to me."

"True, but in recent years they've become more lax. They use more diplomatic methodes nowadays. Most Prophets lead normal lives in central. And some, like us, work commision for the Council."

"Cental, that's where we're headed right?"

"Actually, we're here already. Take a look." Anom pushed a button on the control panel and a window cover slid open, revealing a large and vast futuristic city, with many skyscrapers along the skyline, with the most eyecatching being a large building, clearly the largest by far, with no windows at all.

"Whats with that one? The scary looking building with no windows?"

"That? Thats the citidel, the building that houses the council itself."

"Damn, they sure are egotistic. Anyway, how long until we land? We've got a job from the Council to take care of some trouble in the square, whatever and wherever that is."

"Don't worry, I'll get us there after I get the ship docked at the guild so they can fix that boiler. We'll be on the ground in about twenty minutes."

"Alright, I'm gonna go get some food."

"Gotcha captain. Cereals in the cubbord over the fridge."


Vers sat on a bed in what seemed to be a dimmly light hotel room, talking on the phone. "Central? Why, I'm already here! Where is he gonna be? The square? Within the hour. Perfect, I've seen the news, you got me some toys to play with. Don't worry, he doesn't remember a thing. I promise you, he'll be taken care off." Vers hung up and set the phone down on the bed. "Ready or not Alter, cause here I come."

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