《The Big Never》Quick Pause-- What Stiggy Knew About Sully


I'm not a great writer, as you may have noticed from my writing and my lack of engagement/views. I can only receive and decipher these stories as they're transmitted to me from wherever (or as I come up with them, depending on what you believe.) So this is probably not a great idea to pause here.

But we should go over what Stiggy knew about Sully. I'm not sure if it's the right thing to do in the narrative right now, if I should hold it for a big reveal later on, but my gut's telling me I should tell you now, so I'll go with my gut. It won't take long.

Basically, Stiggy Ramirez is one of the only people who knows Sully O'Donnell has not always been a man named Sully O'Donnell.

Sully O'Donnell was originally a woman named Lorna Zuckerberg. A few years before the events of our story, Lorna had a sex change and changed her name. In order to do this she devised a plan to steal a significant amount of money from Rupert King. The money would pay for the sex operation, the new identity, and the new life in general. There's more to it but that'll work for now.

In addition to Stiggy, Lorna employed a young stripper she'd fallen in love with-- Jessica, aka Tawny, whom we'll learn more about later. Jessica is the only other person who knows Sully is Lorna. But Jessica hasn't been seen since the money was transferred. Where did she go, and is she even alive? We'll get to it. Lorna's motivations for the theft will also be revealed.

Lorna swore Stiggy his loyalty in return for the help (and his silence) should the plan prove successful. It did, and so Lorna/soon-to-be-Sully (she'd already picked her name by then) shared a small chunk of the gettings with Stiggy, which is why Stiggy doesn't have a job and can still afford shitty prostitutes.

So that's what Stiggy is threatening to tell Rupert King should Sully refuse to help him over this humorous shitty situation he currently finds himself in.

K, I'll butt out of the 4th wall for now and go back to strictly narrating.

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