《Ember》Prince who loved her


"Daddy when will you return home ? This time i want pink bear , my friend has one . It is beautiful ."

"Darling , do you remember our first date by lakeside "

"I am sorry , we were not able to save life of your wife and child "

"My .."




I underestimated the memories of these medium resonance guards .

They are killing me , their memories one after another slashing at my heart . I will become insane .

I roll on floor trying to fill vacuum created by these memories .

My body is mostly made of crystal but it hurts alot , especially when pain comes from within .

I lay there for hours , then again i stood up . I start searching for person with more resonance again .

To save myself and my people , i need to find the king .

Now i am hiding my aura tightly . I do not want to clash with dumb crimson guards again .

I travel by road and air . I look high and low finding my king .

I am only able to find two guards with over sixty resonance . They will find me sooner or later .

I feel everyone suspicious , i am startled by every tiny noise . I can not stop at a place .

Now i realized what family and home was , which i have lost . And i will do everything to revive them .

Security around sector has increased . Those low level dumb crimson guards even attacked few places .

Last time they were killed like dogs . Soon a high level person would come for me .

That would be a tough fight . But only few can come here . I will live and i will win at the end .


And they arrived as i felt the danger . They are some how able to locate me .

I see as the collapse of buildings like deck of cards flying around . I have yet to find sufficient guards .


Hope they do not have high level person . Which seems impossible .

I ready myself as they started to clash with my guards . But soon a crimson royal appears .

Why the hell they send a royal here even if he is low level . I turned my body and started running .

As expected , he fights my guards as equal , while more of lower ones come.

I flash past buildings . Soon some crimson guards followed me . They fire at my as i dodge their crystal bullets and beams .

We leave a trail of destruction . I commanded anyone in city with any good resonance to stop them .

Soon their memories flooded me . I moved them aside which is easy because of their low resonance .

Numerous blue guards start to rise up in sky as they defended me . Number of crimson guard increases and soon city was flooded with crystal beings .

I am tired , i feel dizzy as i crashed into the building at city boundary .

I again rose up from ground to fly again . Only to see him standing in front me .

I am startled , feeling any fear and shock or may be sorrow.

Zess , the young prince of white crystal .

Why is even here? I am dead for sure now . I curse my fate .

" Hi princess , don't you want to run away "

I close my eyes and lower my head .

" Why are you here ? What do you want ?"

" Relax , i am not here to kill you , i just want to bring you with me ."

"But our resonance is only seventy percent , you can not become the king "

" I don't care . we can run away to other planet "

" But , i need the king to revive my people , without it everyone will be gone "

" There is no way for you to return , because of your power , everyone want you dead . Even you dad wanted to misuse you power. That is why main family of blue crystal did not pay attention to your situation ."


" So why are you doing this ?"

" Because , i.... i love you "

"But i can not love you "

In noise of battle at city , we stand in silence .

" Do you want to stay close in my heart and live every moment of life with me ?" I asked him .

" Yes i want "

Crimson guards and royal is coming close to us .

" I command "

Time stopped again .

Zess the white crystal prince . He is free minded and unrestrained .

He came to know about Azure crystal princess with command of heavens that can control anybody who consents.

Everyone is scared of her . Zess wanted to see how she looked .

He found that princess was not scary and ugly like he expected but beautiful and cheerful girl .

He teased her once and even stalked her around in capital ,when her guard Qwizz was not looking or pretending to not looking .

But everything was short lived as she with her small family was exiled.

He never forgot her . He dreamed of her every night .


Zess stood up and turned his head to face the crimson guards and royal .

But Zess walked toward them with smile on his face .

He is like crazy lover whose proposal got accepted and wanted to pluck flower for her .

Knowing that he will not return . He activated his armor and Big sword .

I see him going with tears in my eyes .

Resonance 78 percent . Resonance 85 percent .

I did not notice the increase .

I turn my head and again started to flee .

I left him alone .


I shiver as his memories come , feeling heart breaking pain .

Noo... why is this happening to me ? I cry remembering him .

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