《Failing Can Lead To Peace》Our FairyTale


???’s POV:

‘ “Dib’s on the TV!” Blue called out as they went through a portal, with Nightmare carrying Error. ‘ I wrote down the final sentence in the book. I placed the pen to the side and set the ink to dry. I look over to the rest of the papers that will soon become a book when I felt someone kiss my head. I look up to see my lover.

“Hey, love.” He smiled down on me. I chuckled and kissed him. We pulled apart a second later.

“Hi, babe!” I chirped. He rested his head on my shoulder.

“Are you done with that book?” He asked me, looking at the paper that I set to dry.

“Uhuh! Just have to let the ink dry before binding it.” I responded as he kissed my cheek. We look over to the doorway when we heard footsteps coming this way. Our child came in.

“Momma! Dadda! Dunckle’s here!” Our baby boy chirped.

“Okay, sweetie. Momma and Dadda will be there in a minute, okay?” I smiled warmly.

“Okay!” Our baby boy giggled and ran back downstairs. My husband grabbed my hand and helped me up.

“You ready to go, love?” He purred. I nodded as we left downstairs. We arrived in the living room to see our baby boy playings with his brother and dunckle.

“Heya.” I smiled as we came down.

“Momma! Dadda!” Our children exclaimed as they ran to us, engulfing us in a hug.

“Hello sweetie, Hello pumpkin,” I said to our kids.

“Illusion, Dismay, why don’t you go play in the other room okay?” My lover said.

“Okay!” Illusion and Dismay chirped as they ran to their bedroom. I chuckled fondly as we sat down next to our guest.


“Hey Ink. It’s been awhile huh?” I greeted him.

“Yeah. How have you been Error and Nightmare?” Ink questioned.

“We’ve been well. You?” My husband asked.

“I’ve been well. I just came to drop off the binding items before I left but you know how they are.” Ink snickered.

“Haha well, they are our kids.” I giggled.

“Well, I got to get back to Fresh and Para. I’ll see you guys later!” Ink smiled.

“Bye Ink!” We waved farewell as Ink left by a portal. My husband turned to me.

“Want to go see what binding stuff he brought, Ruru?” He asked.

“Sure Nighty.” I hummed as we looked through the basket.

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