《Henchman》Red Pill Green Pill


Red Pill Green Pill

Toshie found that the mind of a teenage boy, embarking on a journey to lose the boy’s virginity, was a strange thing. And considering he was such a boy, he found it frustrating. As the taxi passed through the seedy neighbourhood, closer to their destination, the more he felt nervous. He had never felt like this, not even during his first martial arts competition. His mind raced with every rumour, every insecurity and every joke he had ever shared, heard and experienced about sex.

They arrived at an apartment complex. The taxi drove away, leaving them on the dark street. A few boys whistled at seeing Niko but she ignored them. Climbing up the stairs, they entered a small apartment.

“Sit here,” she said leading him to the couch, “I have to get something.”

As she walked away, he could not help admiring the sway of her grey skirt. She stopped and looked back, causing him to look away, hoping he had not been caught ogling. She lingered, a sly smile on her lips before she disappeared further into her apartment.

He looked around. The coffee table before had dirty dishes, half eaten pizza, a spoon crusted with leftover food and several glasses fogged over from use. A shirt was hanging over one armrest of the couch.

This surprised Toshie as Niko gave the image of being a neat girl.

“Quite a strange way for the night to end, huh?” Toshie shouted, trying to make conversation as he fidgeted on the couch.

“Yeah, I’m lucky that you offered to walk me home. Being the new girl in town, I still don’t know the place very well an would’ve been in trouble if you weren’t around to help me with that strange man.” Niko shouted back from rooms beyond.


“Y-Yeah, I promise the people here are not like that weird guy… mostly..”

“It’s a good thing that you are such a good fighter too!” she said. “Now I know why you were a World Martial Arts Junior champion.”

“Yeah, that was a long... wait how did you know that?”

“Doesn’t matter,” she said appearing from around the corner.

He looked at her excitedly and was disappointed to see that she still was in her school uniform. He had expected her to change into… something else. She did carry with her a glass of water.

“Toshie, I need to ask a favour of you.” She said as she strolled around the table to him.

There was something different in the way she walked and in the tone of her voice. This was not the sweet, new girl he had a crush on.

He gulped, “I’ll do anything for you.”

“It may be dangerous,” she said.

“Y-Yeah?” His body sank deep into the couch as she approached, now standing right in front of him.

She turned around, facing away from him before unnecessarily bending forward, to place the glass of water on the coffee table. The helm of her skirt rode up, far enough to give Toshie hope but not far enough to reward him with anything. She sat beside him, leaning close.

He began to sweat in nervousness. He was sure she could hear his heart thumping.

“I will be very very grateful if you helped me.” She said, her finger reaching out, where it curled around his shirt.

“Yeah, if I’m able to help, I will.” he said, unable to look away from her gaze

“Oh, you will be able to.” she said, leaning close enough that they were now sharing the same breath.


“W-What would you need me to do?” he whispered.

“I can’t tell you all the details yet. First, I’ll need you to take a pill.” She said leaning away to show him a red pill in the centre of her palm.

“A pill?” he stared down at the small cylinder. “I… I don’t need it!”

“If you want to help me, you will.” She held it closer to his face.

“I-I…” he turned his face away.

“Of course, if you don’t want to help me, you can take this pill.” She showed him a green pill in her other hand. “This pill is just a normal sugar pill. You can take it and leave, although… I’d be very sad and probably would not be interested in seeing you again.”

“I really want to help but… I… don’t know…” he said. “Can’t you just tell me what you need and skip the… the pill stuff?”

“We can’t,” she said, softly. “Come on, Toshie-kun, choose a pill.”

“Well… I… I think… maybe…”

“Maybe you need help in choosing,” she smiled slyly.

Her movement was so fast and before Toshie knew it, she was sitting across his lap right onto his hardness.

“Now choose, green pill,” she held the pill between her fingers, “or red pill?” She placed the pill on her tongue.

“Red pill!” he said quickly.

She leaned in and they kissed. The pill moving from her mouth to his. They were still kissing, long after the pill found its way to his stomach.

They separated and he found himself trying to catch his breath. It was the best kiss he has ever had, not that he had had many. He felt light headed and the ends of his fingers tingled. He tried to get up, which only intensified his dizziness. His body felt like lead as he fell back down on the couch. His vision blurred and he realised this was not from the kiss.

“The pill,” he said as he struggled to keep awake. “It’s doing…”

“Shh,” she said, placing a finger against his lips. “You’ll feel better in a few…”

He never heard the rest as darkness engulfed him.

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