《My Enemy Saviour》Chapter 1: The disappearance(1)


"Hello? Jin?"

"Ah- Euna-ya, I actually want to meet you urgently. Could you come to meet me at the café near your house? "

"Ah, sure."

The man I am supposed to love is calling me to meet this late at night. What could be so urgent? He could just text me or say it on the phone call. He never behaved like this before. Imagining serious Jin was next to impossible for me.

I put on some gloss and powder to look neat, pulled my long hair into a ponytail with my bangs straightened. I grabbed my purse from my closet and was on my way to see my boyfriend.

When I entered the café I saw Jin already sitting on one of the tables waiting for me.

"Did you wait too long?"

"No not at all" 

I settled down in the seat opposite him. We both were embarrassed about the whole situation. I was kind of shy because I am a shy person duh. Moreover, we just started dating. To be honest I still see him as a friend. I wasn't able to turn him down since he proposed to me in front of the whole school. Call me a bitch but I have to say the cringe line to him.

I like you Jin ... as a friend.

Just when I was about to open my mouth I hear a deep hoarse voice.

"I think we should break up" My brows curled into a slope closing the distance between them.

"What?! Why?!" I frowned.

"No reason, I just thought so that we were not happy after we started dating, that's all" Jin mumbled but it was fairly audible.

I was surprised for a moment but I guess everything happened for the best. I took a sip from the latté that he already ordered for us.


"Do you have anything else to say?" I asked with a stern face while placing the cup on the table. His eyes cocked towards me again "Ah- No, that's all" He had a sad face but he was the one who broke up with me so I was kind of ignoring his overflowing emotions that were visible on his face.

He's like an open book. Did he know I still see him as a friend and hence took the decision?

I open my mouth again but before I could say anything he stood up straight yanked his coat hanging on his chair and took off from the café. I was dumbfounded. Unable to understand Jin's behavior I left the café and was headed straight home.


When I opened my eyes I was greeted with chaos. The sound of sirens ringed in my ears and my eyes half opened barely able to see anything. I felt a lot of dust on my hands and the smell of cement-filled my nostrils followed by a metallic smell. I sat straight on the floor and rub my eyes with my fingers to clear my vision. I took a look around. Many policemen around sealing the area with the yellow tape guiding the people around to not pass the boundary.

Why am I in this abandoned building? What happened last night-


My head started throbbing in intense pain as if the nerves of my brain are tied together and are being squeezed and twisted with extreme force preventing me to recall my memories. I cupped my head with both my hands in an attempt to stop the unbearable pain. When I diverted my mind to think something else, the pain gradually left my body.

I am pretty sure I headed straight home after meeting Jin. Was I caught in an accident?


I scanned my body, rubbed my arms, shoulder abdomen in search of any blood, injuries, or broken bones. But I was unharmed, perfectly fine just had dirtied my clothes, also felt awfully cold. I let out a sigh of relief.

Wait- then why all those police around here sealing the area as if someone was murdered.

A woman notices that I am awake and rushes towards me. She leans down to my level to ask "Ma'am, are you okay? ... How long have you been unconscious?"

"Ah, actually I- " A drop of my sweat paves its way across my cheeks. "I don't remember anything"

She took out a small spiral pad and began writing something as she mumbled. Then her eyes turned towards me again.

"So do you know this person?" The woman pointed her pen towards my right side as I followed it.

Tae-Hyung! Why is he here?!

His right side of the face was covered in blood, he had a wound on his forehead. Some scratches were visible on his hands from his full-sleeved black trench coat. He was lying on his chest, his hairs all messed up just like mine.

After a brief moment of processing the situation, I quickly ran towards him. Slapping lightly on his face full of blood I tried to wake him up.

"Tae-Hyung! Tae-Hyung! Wake up! What happened?!" I yelled.

My eyes became teary as I shook him to make him conscious.


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