《2ND CHANCE: THE BEGINNING》Chapter 4: The Lions Den
There it is…
That ringing, fuzzy noise that you hear when your ear drums bust. At this point it’s like an old friend. A friend that is also your next-door neighbor that you seem to meet randomly everywhere all the time.
Because it seems to happen all the time now. I’ve blacked out enough times this week to last a life time! Hopefully it's the last time.
Building up enough courage, I finally decided to open my eyes. What I saw is the face of the man that caused my new developing headache and this crater. He was hunched over staring me with worry. It looks like he is trying to say something to me, but that buzzing is still droning in my ears. His stupid face didn’t have a scratch on it. Hell, his clothes still didn’t even have a spec of dirt on them! Whatever his magic is, it is to dam convenient. I really wish I had it! maybe then I wouldn’t be blacking out with every fucking thing this guy did.
He finally realized I couldn’t hear him. So instead of talking, he closed his eyes and started thinking. At least I hope it was thinking and not mind reading.
The numbness from waking up finally started to fade, but something replaces it with a quickness.
It felt like my noise is smashed in. Deus it hurts! I go to touch my noise, but before I can, Riga’s hand shoots out and grabs my wrist. I look at him in confusion and irritation. His eyes start to glow, orange radiance leeks from his pupils. His free hand, covered in that strange energy, closed in on my face. He gently put his palm over my eyes, slowly the pain vanishes. It was like it never even happened, like my mind made all of it up.
“You okay?” I can finally hear his voice again. He withdrew both his hands from my person. I opened my eyes again and notice everything was… clear? Like everything was crisper. My noise is also better than before! I could smell things even better than before! It is like I am in a dream. The question racing through my mind was only…
What did he do to me?
I look back at him and respond “Yeah, better than ever.”
He smiles back at me and quips “Good. I’m not the best when it comes to healing, but I still know a thing or two!”
He reaches his hand out towards me. I happily accept it and I’m yanked onto my feet with such ease.
I look around, we are located in a pit, though, it is way less than the chasm he left when we first met. Deus did that seem like years ago.
I’m about to suggest that we start climbing before someone comes to investigate our loud entrance, when all of a sudden the ground bellow our feet start to rumble. I brace myself as the earth below shoots up and fills in the hole. Erasing all traces that we were here.
I grip my head in irritation, I turn back while say “Can you please stop doing that shit!” I turn around to see a confused Riga.
“What do you mean?”
“The reading my mind shit and Not warning me before you literally doing anything! My mind and heart can’t keep up with it!” I say exasperated
He looks like he just realized what he was doing.
“Oh shit, I wasn't saying anything?” He said in shock. “Shit man, I’m sorry. I guess I'm so use to being on my own that I just do things without saying. No wonder you didn’t hear me say not to put your hand in-front of your face before landing!”
Me feeling exhausted from this roller coaster retorted “Yeah, that probably would have helped.”
I add “Can you just promise me that you will talk to me about stuff before you take action? It would make life a lot easier.”
He looks embarrassed, scratching the side of his nose.
“Yeah… I'll try to.”
I really hope he does.
Anyway, I glance around to see where we are. It seems that we landed about a mile off from our destination. Good, that gives us plenty of time to scout and come up with a plan.
“Riga…” I turn back and meet his gaze. “Let’s first scout out the parameter and see what kind of security they have. Then after we see their patterns and patrol routes, we’ll come up with a plan.” I declare.
“Sounds good boss man!” He finger gunned at me.
Happy that he didn’t complain about the plan, we start to head toward the castle.
We finally arrive at the edge of the forest. Slowly, I start to crouch down beside one of the bushes near. It revealed that the forest ends at the rim of a decent sized gorge. It seems that the castle is at the very far end of the chasm. Shit, the ravine is filled with legions of different monsters and beasts. Which, sadly and not unexpected, are around rank B to lower A rank.
Did I just see a pack of Void Wargs and down there patrolling the castle! Is that a Drol, they have a fucking Drol!
Dammit all!
“Fuck, there so many. How the hell will we even get in, let alone get my sister out!”
My frustration was getting the better of me.
I feel powerless.
“Hey…” I look to my left and see Riga scanning over the hordes of monsters. His right pointed ear started twitching, he started “How good at sneaking are you?”
I’ve hidden many times in my life. From creatures big and small. But, that was when I was able to cover my burly, giant frame.
There was no cover between the canyon wall and the castle. Empty of any tree or bush, just flat dirt all the way to the castle.
“I could sneak into the castle, but that’s if there was cover or foliage to hide in. Unfortunately, there is none.” I tell him honestly. My gaze falls back at the swarm.
“And like you have been pointing out throughout our journey together, I’m pretty big. There’s no way, even with an army to distract them, I highly doubt it would work..”
I turn back to see what he thought of my observation. But, what I did not expect was his smile. He smiles like he knows something I don’t. I hate that smile.
“Ha! We have something better than an army to distract these dimwits.” he exclaimed with confidence.
“And what would that be?” I ask in bewilderment.
He stands up and starts to strut over to the edge of the monster filled abyss. His fur-trimmed sleeveless jacket flapping in the wind, giving him an air of dominance about him. He stops and abruptly spins around to looks me strait in the eyes. His smile deepens, with pointed teeth showing, as he responds…
He then falls backwards toward the pit, giving a fingerless-gloved two fingered salute.
I run over to the edge, looking to see where he went. But, there is not a trace of him. I look around wondering where the fool went.
Then the all too familiar earthquake hits. I notice in front of the castle, there was a large mushroom shaped dust cloud emerging from the center of their troupe’s formations.
A roar, so unnatural and ominous, resonance's out across the terrain. The earth quivers, as if the world itself fears what generated that bellow.
Then a defining silence that felt like an eternity.
After the earth stilled and the echoes of the cry dissipated, the beasts began stomping toward the epicenter. Appearing almost in a trance. They sprinted until there was nothing but soot clouds floating around the castle. Even the guards, in and around the castle, where bewitched by whatever had a hold on their minds, and left their post.
“This is it!”
The distraction I need! At this crucial moment, it is time to move out. I start to sprint down the edge toward the castle.
I eventually make it down. A little short-winded, thank the Deus I at least have a decent body. Standing by the wall at the back of the castle, I was able to get a good glimpse at it. The castle is in front of me, it did feel intimidating. Dark gray brick and gothic esthetic made this place appear shady and malevolent. The only feature that makes this castle different from others is that big ass toward that goes past the clouds. I hope sis isn’t up on the very top…
That would fucking suck.
I scan the fortification to see if there’s an entrance or any indentions to take advantage of. After a while, I find a hole that looks like a poop shoot for sewage.
What a shitty discovery…
Did I just make a pun?
The fuck?
I’ve been feeling different ever since we crashed. Did I get a head wound or something? I’m gonna have to get my skull checked out after all this shit is done.
I start climbing the castle wall as I try in vain to dodge all the shit falling out of the waste shoot. After a time, I manage to scale the wall to the shit hole.
Deus it stinks. Smells like someone took a hot deuce. I really need to get out this tunnel fast.
A disgusting 10-minute trudge through filth and garbage, I found an exit through a grate on the roof of this sewer. I slowly lift it while evaluating the surroundings through the small crack. Appears to be clear. I gently lift it up and set down next to the hole. I get myself out as fast as huemanly possible without making too much commotion.
After putting the grate back, I scan around to see if there is anyone around.
Dam, looks like I ended up in some kind of dungeon. Dark and damp with little visible light. how could anyone live in this shitty palace. There is the bear minimum decor, but nothing outstanding.
I wish there was someone that was willing to give me information of the layout of this place. Too bad no one was willing to sell the info, either too afraid or not stupid enough.
Oh well, no point in getting upset about the past. Got to focus on what’s important.
I start my search, going down halls, through doors, searching every room I see.
There is no one here.
Where did they all go? No guards, servants, or even slaves. It's like a ghost castle, filled with nothing but the scent of blood and death. This is really starting to bother me.
I hope my sisters alright.
With that thought, I open the last door at the end of the hall. It was a Double door made of some kind of porous, black material, like bone or stone. Weird, ancient runes are carved all over it. The atmosphere they give off is dangerous.
But, this is the last door I haven’t checked in this wing of the fortress.
I take precaution by cutting a piece of leather off of my jacket and rapping it around my left hand. I slowly reach toward the handle, cautious and ready to pull away at the slightest sign of trouble. I grip the handle and wait…
Nothing happens. I sigh in relief, then start to pull the door open. The room on the other side is…
It seems I found the throne room. The reason I know this? Because of the gigantic ass throne placed in the middle of the chamber! Who puts a throne in the middle of a chamber? That is such a waste of space.
The throne in question, looks to be constructed of some kind of bone. They were black, with an almost metallic luster.
How does anyone sit on that thing? It looks painful.
I look to the left of it. Laying their chained to a platform on the floor… Is my sister!
Running over to her, sliding in beside her, to see her condition. She was unconscious, her skin pastier than usual. Her mane, that was regularly the color of snow, was now covered in dirt and blood. She was covered in bruises and cuts, but nothing deep. Cupping her face softly, I call out to her.
“Catherine… Hey Catherine…” She is not moving; her breathing was weak. In fear, I raised my voice a bit and agitate her a bit.
“Come on sis! Wake up!”
Her eyes start to flutter softly open, her rich, blood red eyes stare back, like two jewels. Mouth weekly forms into a smirk, showing off he elongated, sharp k-9s.
She wheezes out, “Took you long enough.”
She reaches up slowly, chains clattering around, and wipes the tears that are falling down my face. Waterfalls that I didn’t know I was holding back broke out. Relief washing over me.
“You did well…” Her smile disappears, morphing into a frown.
“This is a trap; you need to leave now… Leave me.”
I… have no words…
My sister that is at last in front of me, in my arms. So close that I can smell even the faint scent of roses, her favorite flower, with the copper tone of blood. Yet, she is now telling me to leave her?
“Why?!” I question instantly. “I’m here to save you! I can’t just leave you behind! Not after I just got you back!” I gently let go and start to try to rip the chains off of her.
“Deven… You can’t take these chains off. There made from the bones of a Ormir Vargir…”
I pause, my body started to shack, I gradually glance back up.
My heart was throbbing in fear; this can’t be real…
“Yes, a Ormir, an existence that even the Deus are guarded when dealing with. Even when it's a Ormir Pup.” She paused before continuing.
“I can’t break these… Which means...”
She looks down not wanting to meet my eyes. The sentence left unfinished.
But I know what she meant.
Because I’m…
A whip sound cracks out, and I'm flung in the air like a sack of wheat. Body crashing into a pile of bones, which cushioned my impact. The bones lucky couldn’t pierce my leather jacket, but it didn’t mean it was painless
“Ahh!” I howl out from the pain from crashing into a pile of milk sponges.
I struggle and thrash around trying to get back up quickly. Rolling out of the pile while getting up with a quickness. Turning around, I scanning every inch of the room looking for the culprit.
The echoes of laughter proliferate throughout the chamber.
“This is your brother? This cripple? How pathetic…” The deep baritone voice resounded.
“He can’t even see what’s right in front of him…”
I face where the voice spoke, but all that I saw is the back side of a black-plated gloved hand slap me across the face. I am sent flying again, twirling into a wall this time.
Fuck, this is starting to piss me off.
I slide back up onto my feet, back against the wall, blood dripping down my face from the gash on my right cheek. Drunk on pain and rage, I glare up and yell.
“Come out coward! Afraid to fight a cripple face to face!”
I wait, seconds pass before I hear that fucking laughter.
“Hahaha. He is a funny one huh. Pretty tough for a cripple.”
Right before me, purple smog starts to gather like a tornado of smoke. Slowly, it dissipates to revel a behemoth of a man.
His height is at least 3 heads taller than me. Hair, like a wildfire, cascading down to his back, the color of wine. His frame was rippling with muscles that made mine look like a starving child. Shoulders wider than a Jour and arms bigger than my torso. His gray skinned face is clean shaven, with two horns as thick as a body builders forearm protruding out over his rigid eyebrows curving skyward, black as obsidian. Ears ending at points, and eyes amused at my outburst as red as hellfire with charred sclera’s. All wrapped up into a Okun themed suit of obsidian plate-armor with a gaudy black cloak. A sword scabbard, longer than my body is tall, hang from his back like it was nothing but a paperweight.
Abigor, The bastard himself.
“So, cripple, what do you plan to do?” He states. Glaring down at me, contempt infused into the glare.
I grit my blood stained teeth, grip my sword handle. Drawing it out in one fluid motion, my 15 years of training kicking in. Gripping lower down with the right hand for balance. I get into position, ready to skewer this fucker. I glare back into his baby blues and growl out…
“Kill you.”
I burst forward, striking out with my sword with a vengeance.
The battle begins!
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The books is completed ✅ Not taking anymore requests Please enjoy the book and enjoying the others made by meThank you
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