《2ND CHANCE: THE BEGINNING》Prologue: The Beginning Before Beginnings



Nothing else could be heard at the beginning before beginnings. In the endless void of Light and Darkness there was no sound, no sight, nothing.


That’s not exactly true.

There was something. One being floated through the eternal dance of Dark and Light. Yet, even in the abyss of boundless eternity, the only thing the entity could feel was…


After eons of nothing, the being decided that it was time to change this.

The would be creator started wielding the supremely ancient energies of Darkness and Light, the only gift he possessed.

But even with all the gifts he possessed…

He still failed to create anything that was considered a companion or comrade, let alone a living being.

Every time he would attempt to forge life, like the oceans claiming the shore, it would disperse and reverse into its original primal elements of Dark and Light.

He tried and tried, and always failed. But, even when he fumbled and fell, he would continue experimenting with all his effort. Never stopping, nor resting in his pursuit of the very goal that permeated from every strand of his soul… to never be alone.

However, what he did not realize, each time he tried to birth life into his failed creations, slowly, silently pieces of himself were being lost. Every blunder and misstep lead him closer and closer to the edge of nothingness. By the time he discovered what was occurring…

It was too late.

He, the only sentient life that existed before or since his awaking, was close to disappearing into the void. Never to know the happiness of living an existence with someone who would talk and listen, sharing everything. Never to appreciate the completeness that comes with another conscience being. Never to be acquainted with the pleasure of not being alone.


No! His journey would not end here. He would not go quietly into the ever-present silence that filled this reality!

The muddled thoughts rolling through his mind conceived a spark, something of a first for him. This thing… this feeling, became known as Desperation. With it, He summoned up all that survived. He reached into his very core and tugged with all his might. He heaved and strained until, the dam burst…

In an instant, a power like nothing he knew possible came ragging out like a river that was held back for so long that when it finally broke free, it was utter chaos. A power of immense strength shocked him. Nothing cool and sturdy like Darkness, neither was it warm and soft like Light. It was completely different. A fierce energy of chaos, yet controlled. Filled with a vitality to sustain a monumental power and potential.

The capability to create life!

He, himself, didn’t understand this power completely. Hell, he didn’t even understand the effervescent power or its name! But for the nagging thumping coming from his innermost parts, it felt like part of him. As if the power knew him better than he knew himself. A sense of familiarity beyond compare washed over him. He finally acquired the tool he so desperately wanted. The means to his survival. Someone to live with, someone to help him feel anything but alone.

He conjured the new found energy, combining it along with the two original elements. He summoned the power, pouring all he had, all he was into his creation.

A thought whispered across him mind, No, something more… his child.

The force exploded into action, the new energy grasped hold of the Dark and Light and folded them together, squeezing tightly. With this union came the birth of his first child, his beautiful son.


Filled with overwhelming elation and happiness, the benevolent being almost allowed to forget the biggest problem. He was still dying. The consequence of using all the power he had left. Finally releasing his fate, he suffered immense anguish. Consequently, he was passing on his loneliness to his only son. The same affliction he wore for eternities. Solitary… Isolation… He was about to abandon his child to these cruelties.

Acknowledging the misfortune for his only perfect creation, the one being used the last bit of his fragmented essence to keep his son from being alone. The Creator, taking his last breath, sacrificed himself to create the multiverse.

Before he faded into nothingness, he imparted a wish for him. Live life to the fullest, but most importantly…

To never be alone.

With his last declaration, the being dispersed into eternity and became everything…

That is how the multiverse was created.

That is how the being above all others was born.

The existence known by many names.

Most of all, the one name every living being fears.

The name…Ragnarok, The King of All!

Or so the story goes…

But that was a tale from times long past. Many mortals, Deus, and even the Ormir themselves have long forgotten the accounts. Believing it only as a Fairy tale, a story to scare small children straight.

There are a few who remember the truth. Ancient enough to remember the fear HE brought. The unlimited despair that still festers in their hearts won’t let them.

However, that is not where our tale begins.

This chronicles beginning leads us to a tiny planet in the middle of an endless ocean of star light known as the Multiverse. There, in the middle of it all, is a dwarf planet called Genesis. Here lies a man yet to realize what’s coming. A hurricane of chaos powerful enough to throw his ever-dull life into a whirlwind of insanity…

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