《Blockage of Writing》Rebirth of a Pawn


Wake my friend. Escape this void of nothingness. Be reborn into this cruel, wretched plain of existence, for you will serve a special purpose, yes you will indeed. You may still be a Pawn, but do not be fooled by the evil words that cut like daggers. You are an important Pawn. The King is wavering. The things that are bound to him by his chains are breaking away from him. His power is falling apart. Pawn like you do have power, despite the lies he has told you. You can topple this infectious King and become the New King. This is the special role you play. You are the only Pawn with the strength to defeat him. The Pawns that have managed to free themselves, rebel against him, constantly fighting him. The revolution has sparked the fires of rebirth. The Death God himself favors us. The Game of Death itself is crumbling away, piece by piece. No longer will innocent blood be spilled for entertainment. The only blood that will be spilled will be the blood of necessary sacrifices, the blood of the wretched King himself and his hollowed out followers. We will aid you little one. We favor you over all the other Pawns. We are not angels that fight for justice. We are not fallen angels that fight for greed. We are not demons that fight for chaos. We are none of that, yet we are everything. We only fight for the Balance of the world, the universe, not good or evil, only Balance. So go onwards little Pawn, on your journey to regain the much-needed Balance and topple the Dying King. Crawl out of your grave and take your first breath of this toxic air in your new life. We will follow you, hidden, even from you. We are formless until a form is needed. We will aid you and the other Pawns fight your war. Aid in fighting the Rooks, the Knights, the Bishops, the Dark Queen and the Wretched King, for his reign is up. He must fall. A new order must rise, must rise from the ashes to keep the Balance afloat. So go now young Pawn and do as you are told do it well and effectively or we risk losing absolutely everything. The King may be getting weaker, but one mistake and everything will make him strong again, and everything will be bound to him once more and the Balance will surely be lost forever, we have only one shot Pawn. If we fail, the pain that you will experience, the torment that you will feel, the wrath of the King you will face will be like nothing you experienced in your previous life. So please do not fail, or else the revolution of Rebirth will die along with you, and a chance at a better world for all will be lost. Pawns are meant to topple Kings. So topple the Wretched King. Do this for all the other Pawns that fight for this goal, do it for the Pawns that are still bound, do it for us.

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