《From Seekers to Warriors》Vol.2, Ch.1: Preparing for Battle
Ogos, Bear Spirit School of Ursae.
It's been two weeks since Ulrick went to train with his Master to learn his new form. He stands in the middle of the training arena, calmly while being alert. Suddenly, Ardella attacks him from behind and he immediately reacts, blocking her strike.
"Not too shabby."
Ardella drops to the floor and sweeps Ulrick's legs, catching him off guard. He falls onto his back and crosses his arm in front of him to block Ardella's stomp from above. He kicks his Master away and regains his stance, and activates his augmented arms before he attacks.
"First Form: Power Paws."
Ulrick's usage of his first form has improved dramatically, thanks to his aura increase. The shape of his Spirit aura now has the look of a bear's, and the power has also increased. He rushes his Master and engages hand-to-hand combat. Ulrick attacks from all sides and angles but Ardella is able to block every strike, without the use of her Spirit aura. Without any hesitation, Ardella lightly shrouds her leg with aura and swings towards Ulrick's face.
Her kick sends him sliding back to the edge of the arena, thankfully he was able to block her kick in time. Even so, his arms were shaking in pain and he was amazed at how powerful a Grandmaster of Spirit is with just a small amount of aura.
"Alright, that's enough!"
Ulrick deactivates his aura and bows to his Master.
"Thank you very much!"
"You did pretty well considering this is our first sparring match since you first joined my school. You should be ready for your next major hunt."
She walks up to him and checks his sore arms.
"How's the damage?"
"It's still sore, but it should be good in a few seconds."
"Looks like your getting used to your newly acquired power. So, are you heading back to Isura?"
Ulrick nods at his Master's query.
"Yes, the request begins a week from now. I do want to hunt a bit before I start."
"Judging your current self, you should be able to take on C-Rank Stage 3 with minimum problems. But still, be vigilant for anything."
"Expect the unexpected. I will, Master."
Ardella gives a little smile. She's proud of how much this young man has developed into a strong Seeker. She walks towards a small shrine located near the back wall of the training arena. The shrine depicts a statue of a woman walking side-by-side with a bear and is placed on top of a cupboard covered with a tablecloth. She pulls the cloth away and unlocks the sliding door, and takes out a pair of arm braces of the sort.
She brings the armor to Ulrick and hands it to him.
"Take these."
Ulrick receives the gift but asks her why.
"What are these for?"
She caresses the arm braces like its something important to her.
"They were once mine. I was to give it to a student who I believed was to become a strong Warrior."
Although he didn't mean to bring it up Ulrick asked about those before him.
"Weren't there anyone before me that could have received these?"
"...I only had two students before you. Sadly, they both died before they were to become Warriors."
Feeling guilty for bringing up past memories, he looks away from his Master's sorrowful face. Ardella understood Ulrick did not mean any harm when he asked that question. She places her hand on his head and comforts him.
"Haha, don't worry. Although you still far from being one, I believe you will be a powerful Warrior. So please take this as my gift for your promising future."
As though she's giving her blessing, Ulrick accepts her gift and wears them. He happily shows them off to his Master.
"What do you think, Master?"
"Eh... looked better on me."
Ulrick retaliates Ardella's snappy comment and she does nothing but laughs.
The following day, Ulrick packs his bag for his journey back to the North Isura Lodge. Wearing his new arm braces, he heads downstairs and exits through the front. There, he meets Ardella at the bridge, and both travel to the transportation device. They reach their destination and Ulrick steps onto the device. Before he departs, he says his farewell.
"See you soon, Master. I promise to take care of these for you."
"You better. They were mine after all so I'll be cross if you destroy them."
He gives her a smile and ensures her everything will be alright. Ardella then begins his travel back to the Lodge.
"Transport to North Isura Lodge."
Voice recognition, Grandmaster Ardella confirmed.
Transporting to North Isura Lodge, beginning in five seconds.
The light from the device shines and begins to cover Ulrick. As he waves his Master goodbye, he disappears into the light and is off to his allocated destination.
"Take care, kid."
North Isura Lodge.
After a few seconds, Ulrick's body begins to materialize on one of the available teleportation devices in the Lodge lobby. He walks towards the receptionist and asks the lady if Geno is back from her training.
"Excuse me, has a Seeker named Genovera checked in?"
"Please give me a moment."
"...I cannot find her on our active list. However, she was last seen here about 25 days ago when she left for her Spirit School."
It looks like Geno is still training for her next form. Considering he had no one else to wait for, Ulrick decides to head for the Request Zone and take on a hunt. He feels ready to take a challenge and officially begin his C-Rank marks before taking on Director Margrave's request. Walking into the Request Zone, he sees there are plenty of different ranked requests posted on the wall. Based on what Ardella told him, he can take care of C-Rank Stage 3 with little help. Looking at the C-Rank list, Ulrick finds one that's not too far from the Lodge.
Request Code: 5246
Type: Extermination
Monster Rank: C-Rank, Stage 2-3
Description: About a 30-minute travel east of the North Isura Lodge, a mysterious creature has taken control of a local village's outpost. Visitors and locals are unable to pass by. Speak to Cpt. Yorenz for more detailed information.
Happy with his decision, Ulrick speaks to the receptionist to place his name for the request. After this, he leaves immediately to not only start his C-Rank marks but also see how well he can handle on his own. Traveling alone reminded him of how he began his own journey. Almost a year ago; Ardella transferred him back to the West Kastrai Lodge, where he was first evaluated. Ulrick remembered the hardships he went through trying to learn the basic transportations around Thera. Luckily, he met Geno during one of his D-Rank requests. She too, was on her way to complete a C-Rank request and since then we've been together ever since.
All that reminiscing made the time go fast and he was already able to see the outpost tower of the village. Before he could reach it, however, he sees soldiers living in a small settlement a few kilometers before the outpost. Ulrick checks in on them and thinks that the person who posted this request may also be there. As he approaches the settlement, the soldiers on guard point their spears at him and question his reason for approaching them.
"Halt! What is your reason for coming here?"
"Hi, I'm looking for a Captain Yorenz? I'm here for the request he posted at the Lodge."
The two soldiers look at each other before one enters the settlement in haste. Seconds later, a large man in heavy armor walks towards Ulrick and speaks with him.
"Are you the Seeker that took my request?"
Ulrick takes out his tracker and shows the man his Seeker status.
"Yeah. Ulrick, 3-Star. I came to ask a few questions about the mysterious creature."
"Okay, please come this way."
Yorenz leads Ulrick into the soldier settlement and into the Captain's tent to have a private conversation. Yorenz pulls a folding chair for Ulrick to sit on while he pulls out a cigarette and lights it on fire.
*Exhales* "Two days ago, two of my men were killed during their night patrol. All of a sudden, a piercing screech was heard and I ran out of my office to see what it was."
He pauses in fear. His left arm begins to shiver and grabs it tightly with his other hand.
"I couldn't clearly see it, but it was something out of nightmares. Having a Body affinity of Strength, I thought I could handle it but I was too afraid. Its aura was too disgusting to fight against."
Based on his description of nightmares, Ulrick immediately thought of a Demon type creature. He couldn't be sure until he sees it upfront.
"Has it left the outpost?"
"No. But if anyone does get in close proximity, it releases its screech. Some of my men are in the infirmary because of this."
After hearing enough, Ulrick stands up from his seat and begins his travel to the outpost.
"Captain, please keep anyone from going to the outpost. I'll manage the beast myself."
"Please, Ulrick. I pray to Desmuth for your success."
Outpost Tower, south-east of the Soldier settlement.
Ulrick arrives at the outpost and he immediately understood what Yorenz meant when he said a 'disgusting aura'. Before he entered the front gate, he prepared himself just as a precaution. He shrouds himself with his Spirit aura as a protection from the sound attack. He opens the front doors to the outpost and immediately the beast releases its shriek.
Thankfully, Ulrick's preparation worked and was unfazed from the attack. He immediately runs up to the top of the tower to face the beast. He kicks down the door leading to the top and before him is a human-sized imp with legs from a donkey and horns of a ram. The imp reacts to seeing a human and releases a pitchfork made of fire from its stomach. Before he attacks, Ulrick grabs its horn and throws it into an open area within the outpost. Although he put some force in his throw, the imp was able to land safely on its feet. Ulrick then looks at his necklace and shines two spots of green in the diamond.
"Stage 2. Let's go!"
Instantly, the imp throws its pitchfork at Ulrick's eyes but he manages to dodge in time.
"Too slow!"
The imp ignores Ulrick's remark and rushes him with another conjured pitchfork. Ulrick pulls out his tonfa and blocks the imp's strikes. He manages to block every swing from its pitchfork but the same could be said for the imp, blocking Ulrick's attack because of the long-distance advantage of its weapon. Getting tired of this stalemate, Ulrick activates his first form and strengthen his next strike.
"Ursae Style, First Form: Power Paws."
The attack lands onto the pitchfork and is immediately snapped in half. Ulrick swings his other tonfa and lands a blow on the imp's stomach, sending it flying towards the stone barricade of the outpost. Before it crashes into the wall, Ulrick builds his Spirit aura to his legs.
"Second Form: Voltage Dance."
The green aura around his legs emulates the shape of lightning and instantly appears at the stone wall, kicking the imp down through the wooden floors and buried into the ground. The imp slowly crawls out of the hole. As it reaches even ground, Ulrick is there and grabs the demonic beast's head with his enhanced first form.
"Sorry, bud. You're too weak."
Ulrick clutches his grip and shatters the imp's skull. Its body goes limp and falls back to the deepest area of the hole. Ulrick looks down at his necklace and sees the shine fading away. He withdraws his aura and jumps down to the demon's body to collect its lifeforce. He takes out his tracker and collects his first C-Rank mark.
Calculation in progress
You have defeated C-Rank, Stage 2: Impish Fiend
Your marks have been updated - D-Rank: 10/10, C-Rank: 1/7
Returning to the soldier settlement, Ulrick sees the captain standing by the entrance. He approaches him and gives his report on the beast's defeat.
"Thank you, Ulrick."
"No problems."
The two share a handshake and Yorenz gives Ulrick the completion document for him to receive his reward back at the Lodge. Before Ulrick could leave, however, all the soldiers come rushing out of the settlement and personally thank the young Seeker. Within the hugs and the smacks to the back, all Ulrick could do was accept their thanks.
"Ulrick, why you don't stay a bit. We'll have a feast!"
"Thanks, Captain, but t's fine. There's someone I'm waiting for back at the Lodge."
"Oho, is it a girl?"
He nudges Ulrick by the shoulder. Ulrick didn't want to make this more complicated and he just laughs off the Captain's remark.
"That's too bad. Well, the next time we see you we'll definitely have a big feast."
"You better keep your promise, Captain."
He leaves and waves the soldiers goodbye. Ulrick begins to run back to the Lodge in hopes that Geno has returned from her training. While he was excited to see Geno again and see how powerful she's become, he was even more excited to fight the beast.
North Isura Lodge.
Director's Office.
A man in a black suit approaches Margrave's front door.
"Sir, both Mr. Garside and Ms. Koval have returned from their month's training."
Gilbert Reddan enters into Margrave's office to share the information that was given to him by the receptionist. Sitting at his desk and typing away on his personal laptop, he pauses from the news and removes his reading glasses.
"Excellent. Where are they currently?"
"Mr. Garside is currently on a C-Rank request, while Ms. Koval is in the training room."
Margrave begins to store his belongings in the drawers and begins to meet his requested Seekers at the receptionist's desk. As he buttons up his blazer, he directs his subordinate to wait outside his office while he prepares the necessary things for the request.
"Very well, sir."
Gilbert bows to his superior's wish and turns around to leave the office. However, something stops him from doing so. He remembered something important that he wanted to ask Margrave.
"Sir, may I ask you something that's been bothering me for some time now?"
"What's wrong?"
Before he speaks, Gilbert wanted to word his question.
"Is it wise for us to help the anomaly?"
Margrave looks at Gilbert with a serious expression. He understands the anger and frustration he may have pent up inside him.
"Don't be so prejudice, Gilbert. Things may be different this time around."
"...I understand, sir."
Gilbert continues his walk outside the office and shuts the door behind him.
South Isura, Town of Barando.
A few distances south of a beast-infested village lies a large city that is surrounded by stone walls. The city has one entrance that can only be accessible by the long constructed staircase. Inside the walls, buildings such as towers, highrises, and small cottages cover the majority of the land. To the south-west of the land, next to the entrance, resides the military base with a training hall to the side. However, instead of having soldiers doing their training in the hall, it's filled with families with children who've lost their homes to the beasts. Citizens of the town have volunteered to help those in need; cooking large meals like soups and bread, offering second-hand clothing and spare bedding, and providing medical support to the injured and the elderly.
At the front doors, a man with a military uniform is seen observing the people. While it hurts him seeing people living like this, it was the only way to save them and provide them proper shelter. The man then walks back towards the military base, up the elevator, and into the office which has [Commander's Office] on the door. He unlocks the door and looks outside the window, seeing the view over the wall. Suddenly, the phone on his desk rings and he answers the call.
"Commander Pascal speaking."
A monotonous voice speaks.
"The mayor wishes to speak with you. Please hold while I forward your call."
A sour expression appears on the commander's face. The mayor was the last person he wanted to speak to at the moment.
"Pascal! Why are those vermins stealing my rations? Do you not care about my wellbeing?"
A young male, in his 30's, began yelling at the commander.
"Mayor Watkins, those who lost their homes to the beast are in need of help. I've simply done that."
"Don't give me that saintly response. They are ruining my city!"
The commander kept squeezing his fist tighter. Just hearing this man whining about unreasonable issues was tipping Pascal towards the edge. Ever since the previous mayor passed, the city has never been the same. The previous mayor would walk the streets of Barando, greet his people with a smile, and listen to their concerns. He would make decisions that would benefit his people and was loved by all. That all changed four months ago when he unexpectedly passed away. Because he didn't allocate a successor, it was decided by his government body that his only son, Jason Watkins, would take his place. Although the son had no interest in his father's politics, the thought of making this town his domain was too enticing to reject.
"Mayor, please understand. My men could not defeat the beasts alone. We must wait for help from the Seekers for the people to return to their homes."
"I don't care! Do not forget you allowed these rats into my city without my permission! You better resolve this quickly and I guarantee you, you won't have a job after all this charade is over."
Watkins ends the call abruptly.
Feeling exhausted, Pascal returns the phone back to its stand and falls to his chair, rubbing his temples. He suddenly remembered the day this whole incident began, the crowds of people flooded the entrance of Barando looking for a place to live. Hearing the news, Pascal rushed to the mayor's office and asked him to help the people. Giving him a definitive no, Pascal could not abide by his command and allowed the people to take shelter in his base's training hall. Feeding the people with what little ration the military had, the citizens of Barando happily volunteered and offered their services to help Pascal's decision. It felt as though the love for this city was ignited once more from the citizens' actions.
During this time, Pascal ordered some of his finest soldiers to slay the beasts in the village, but the pack of wolves was too powerful and luckily, everyone came home with minor injuries. With no other option left in his power, Pascal needed to call a close friend for a lifetime favor.
"Ty, I need help."
"From your reports, this could be an evolved monster. The two Seekers I have in mind are more than enough but they need just a bit more training before they confront this issue."
"...How long do you need?"
"A month. Can you manage that?"
"I'll do everything I must for the sake of these people."
"You're a good man, Chris. Don't worry, these Seekers will surely be victorious. Thank you."
"Don't be foolish, Ty. It should be I that must thank you for sending us Seekers."
"Haha, how about you buy me a drink after all this and we'll call it even."
As he stares at the ceiling, Pascal puts a smile on his face, awaiting the day this is all over. He then hears heavy footsteps heading towards his office. He sits up straight on his chair and prepares himself. A young male cadet comes rushing into his superior's office, delivering the news.
"Commander! We've received reports from our scouting team. The Seekers have arrived at the village."
At last, the time has come to overcome this situation. He gets off his chair and walks to his closet, grabbing his military cap and coat. Pascal then proceeds to give his next orders to the cadet.
"Call for Vice-Commander Theron and tell him to take charge of the military base."
"Yes, sir! And where will you be heading off to, sir?"
He places his cap on his head and wears his coat, displaying his achievement badges on the left breast area.
"I'll be heading to the village. I must meet these Seekers in person."
North Isura Lodge, Lobby Area.
About two hours before their departure.
Ulrick screams as he walks through the front doors. He sees his partner-in-crime standing by the receptionist's desk. Geno's eyes perked up and see the young man running towards her with a gleeful smile on his face. She places her fist before her and calls out to him.
"Ulrick, look at you! Completing a C-Rank on your own."
He stops before her and greets her back and a fistbump. He immediately crosses his arms and portrays a smug expression of his face.
"Well, I am on my C-Ranks. I need to learn how to be independent."
For some reason, Geno imagines Ulrick with an elongated nose and sparkles all around him. Ulrick breaks out of his 'cheeky' character and hands the receptionist a pass from his completed request. As follows, the receptionist types on her keyboard and searches for the locker which holds the reward. Geno proceeds to ask Ulrick about the monster he confronted during his request.
"An Impish Fiend, Stage 2."
Geno immediately takes a diary out of her shoulder bag. The front cover had 'Beastology Records' but the size of the book was a lot different from the previous one. She flicks through the pages and finds the page that portrays information on the monster.
"A Demon-type, having a fire element and its main weapon is pitchforks. Not bad for your first mark."
Since traveling with Geno, he's always seen her putting new records into it. Ulrick never knew why she had one on her, considering a Seeker can access every Lodge's database on monsters and beasts. Curious, he asked her about the book.
"It was something I started doing with my childhood friend. She and I dreamed of becoming Seekers and so we made our own records book. We thought we would be ahead of others."
She gently caresses the diary as she remembers her fond memories. Suddenly, her grip on the diary becomes tighter.
"We promised we both take our Seeker evaluation together but it wasn't meant to be. Only I became a Seeker and was accepted into a Spirit School."
All of a sudden, her eyes showed murderous intent. She quickly snaps out of it and continues her story.
"Although it was hard to accept, I kept moving forward and became a Seeker. I promised myself to become a Warrior and fill as many books as I can with beast and monster records, and visit her again and tell her everything."
Finishing her story, she sees Ulrick looking heartbroken. Happy to see him show some concern for her, she slaps him on the back to shake him out of the state.
"Ow! What was that for, Geno?"
"Relax. I'm feeling alright. You being my tag-team partner has made my journey so far enjoyable."
Didn't know when to intervene, the receptionist waited till the end of their little heart-to-heart to give Ulrick his reward.
"I'm sorry but I have your reward here."
She passes the bag of coins to Ulrick. He then unzips his shoulder bag and stores his reward with his current income. As he was about to close his bag, he found the card that was given to him by Director Margrave before he left for training. He pulls it out of his bag and shows it to Geno.
"Do you have yours?"
Geno grabs her side bag and returns her diary. She then rummages through her belongings and finds the same card given to her by Margrave. Thinking the same thought, they both give their cards to the receptionist.
"I see, you two were the ones the Director spoke of. Very well, I will confirm this."
The receptionist types away on her keyboard and swipes the cards on her machine. She then passes them back to Ulrick and Geno and announces they are officially allocated to the request and has been blocked. As they receive back their cards, the Director appears with Gilbert behind him.
"Oho, you two look raring to go. You both ready?"
They both nod. Margrave gestures to them to say to follow him to the entrance. As they passed the front doors, they reach the vehicle that is to take Ulrick and Geno to the beast's location. Before they enter the vehicle, Margrave gives them one final command.
"Once you complete this, you'll need to see Commander Christopher Pascal. Understood?"
"Yes, sir."
"I wish you two the best."
They enter the vehicle and drives off towards the moving platform.
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(I'm no longer updating this as I've lost all interest in it, but feel free to read the mess of what this was)Magic and monsters are indeed real. At least, that's what Deku thinks.He's heard many stories around his village about a safe haven for monsters deep in the forest. And it's safe to say that he's a big fan of these stories, along with his best friend; Bakugo. Since the death of his mother, and disappearance of his father, Deku sees no reason why they shouldn't go check it out. What will they find as the explore the haunted halls of UA? Monsters? Magic? A curse in which they can't escape? It's perfectly possible. At least, that's what they think. ......and they just might be right. (I've had this idea for a while now, and I think it's cool! FYI though, some chapters won't have a plot and will mainly be filler, but they're still good! Also none of the backgrounds are mine, and neither are the characters. This is a parody of the show My Hero Academia)
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