《From Seekers to Warriors》Vol.1, Ch.3: A Clash of Spirits
North Isura Lodge.
As I run to the Lodge with the injured girl in my arms, I look back and see Geno with her wings, and fly to where Basil is. She is strong, I’ve seen it myself. I just hope she doesn’t do anything excessive, considering how she looked before she left. However, my main concern should be this girl's health.
Through the glass doors, I rush to the receptionist counter and ask the lady where the infirmary is.
“In the accommodation tower, to the right.”
I thank the receptionist and run towards the infirmary. As I rapidly make my way, she grabs on to my jacket and begins to mumble.
“Please don’t die… we still need you.”
“Don’t worry, Geno will make sure they’re safe. Your injuries need to be tended to.”
I passed the infirmary’s lobby and as I approached the nurses’ desk, one of them saw the girl in my arms and immediately led me to an unoccupied bed. I place her on the bed; and the nurse returns with a doctor, checking the girl’s vitals.
“She'll be fine, small bruises and cuts, and signs of exhaustion. Nurse, please prepare the equipment. I’m sorry young man, but I’ll need you to wait in the lobby area.”
I follow the doctor’s request and leave the girl in their hands.
As I sit in the lobby, I start to wonder how Geno is doing. I try to contact her with my communicator but get no response.
From what the girl has told us, the leader is a 2-Star with a Spirit affinity. I don’t know what Spirit Animal he possesses. Just by appearance, Basil’s weapon tells me his 1-Star affinity is in Strength. Geno should be okay, but I couldn’t help to feel a little uneasy about it. Thankfully, the doctor exits the recovery room with a reassuring look.
“Her treatment was successful, we took care of her injuries. She just needs to rest now.”
The good news gave me a sigh of relief.
The doctor pats my shoulder and returns to his duties. As the doctor leaves, I see a large man walking from the main building and towards the infirmary. He appears to have a bodyguard behind him. As they enter the infirmary lobby, the burly man approaches me.
“I’m glad to hear she’s fine, Ulrick Garside.”
I remember this man from before. It’s Tyson Margrave, the Director of this Lodge. Up close, this man’s power is no joke, but the man behind him was strong too. Would I be able to take them on? Then it hit me on how this man knew my name.
“Excuse me, sir, but how do you know my name?”
“Well, I am the Lodge Director so I have my ways."
A slight grin appears on his face. I then proceed to ask him another question.
“Why is Mr. Director here at the infirmary?”
His smile disappears and his expression turns into a stern and focused look.
“I wish to know what happened to the girl. Will you tell me?”
His eyes tell me he can be trusted. I tell him everything the girl conveyed to me, and where Geno is currently at.
“...I see. Gilbert.”
The man behind him quickly stands beside Mr. Margrave and responds.
“Gather some members of the Protection Division. Leave as soon as possible.”
The man named Gilbert nods, and disappears.
Mr. Margrave turns around and begins to walk towards the Lodge entrance. He stops after a few steps and calls out for me.
“Do you wish to come along, Mr. Garside?”
I instantly replied.
“Yes, sir!”
“Good, then let us be off.”
“Over already, old man? Way... to interrupt... our... fun, dickhead!”
The leader continually kicks at Basil’s bloody body. His two followers are behind him; keeping their eyes on the prisoners, Basil’s party members. The girls were cuffed to a large tree and were unconscious. Their clothes ripped in places, but thankfully nothing more.
After his constant cheap kicks; the leader turns around and looks at the two girls, imagining all the things he will do to his beautiful, new toys. Before he could take a step, Basil grabs the man’s foot and curses him under the softest breath.
“You… will pay..”
“Oh yeah? At least let me enjoy myself before that happens.”
He and his followers laughed hysterically before he performed his final attack on Basil.
“Repticara Style, Second Form: Striking Tail!”
His chant releases red aura from his arm and transforms into a spear-like tail. He raises his aura-shrouded arm into the air and swings down with force. The attack lands on the back of Basil’s head, leaving his body motionless.
His consciousness fading, Basil’s eyes begin to shut. His last sight would be these ugly men having their way with his beloved teammates. His life flashes before him - leaving his home, meeting his first love, losing his only love, swearing to protect her daughters. He couldn’t help but feel responsible for what will happen to his daughters.
“I’m… I’m sorry… Scarlett… Abby.”
All of a sudden, a gust of wind blows onto the scene. The three men had to shield their eyes as the dust was caught in the wind. Basil, who was able to keep his eyes open for a moment, sees a blurry figure before him and slowly looks at their face.
“You… with Ulrick…”
“You did well Basil. I’ll take care of the rest, don’t worry.”
“Th… tha-”
Basil passes out.
The leader drops his arms and sees Geno laying Basil by a large rock. A girl with a slender and attractive build. Her long, blonde hair and beautiful garments swaying in the wind. Her crisp, blue eyes focused on her target. The exact woman this man wanted.
He tries to negotiate with her.
“Hey there gorgeous, what made you come here?”
Geno remains silent.
“Hey, aren’t you gonna say something?”
The man couldn't contain himself. He salivates at the thought of having her as his possession.
“The silent type huh… I wonder how loud you’ll be in bed.”
Geno grits her teeth. She couldn’t stand him any longer.
His perverted smirk made her blood boil. She observes her surroundings and sees the two girls trapped between his followers. She begins her plan of attack.
“How about it? Want to be my wo-”
Geno disappeared before he could finish, and all he could hear was the sound of grunts and cries. He looks behind him and sees his lackeys already on the ground. One was knocked out while the other was clutching his stomach. He hears sounds coming from behind and looks back at Basil’s body. Now the captured girls are by his side.
Sweat begins to fall from the man’s forehead; his attention quickly goes to Geno, whose wings are openly displayed. Seeing them, he knew what he was up against.
“...So you’ve got a Spirit affinity too, blondie.”
Geno doesn’t reply.
Instead, she keeps her concentration on him, intentionally expressing her urge to kill this beast disguised as a man. Realizing he may need to go all out, he removes his coat and equips his claws.
“My name is Roland Osorio, Snake Spirit: Repticara School. I request a formal challenge.”
“Genovera Koval, Bird Spirit: Avedato School. I accept.”
When a formal challenge is made between Spirit schools, it’s tradition to accept until one admits defeat or dies. They both take out their trackers and reveal the information of themselves to each other.
Roland Osorio (23), 2-Stars
Body: Endurance
Spirit: Snake, Repticara School
Marks: D-Rank: 10/10, C-Rank: 1/7, B-Rank: 1/5
Genovera Koval (19), 3-Stars
Body: Agility
Mind: Perception
Spirit: Bird, Avedato School
Marks: D-Rank: 10/10, C-Rank: 5/7
Roland was surprised at Geno’s potentials and mark completion.
She had already completed her D-Rank and close to completing her C-Rank.
On the other hand, he had just completed his D-Rank a few months ago and was only able to record a C and B-Rank by accompanying a senior Seeker from the same school.
“I might die...”
That was the only thing that came to mind when he saw her potential.
She breaks his silent thought by unsheathing her repaired katana. Her weapon exhibited a stunning pattern on the blade, like serene waves. Intricate designs were beveled into the guard and handle.
Both take their stance, waiting for the commencement of battle.
"Hey. Did you know someone called Alissa Xander?"
Confused, Roland gave her a straight answer.
"Huh? Who's that?"
"Tsk... Not him."
Scarlett, the oldest of the girls, begins to wake up. She sees her sister and Basil lying beside her. She quickly checks to see their health only to stop and witness what's unfolding. She recognizes Geno from this morning. Although she isn’t one, Scarlett understands this is a proper duel between Seekers. She silently watches from the sideline, praying for Geno’s victory. A breeze gently blows, swaying the nearby trees. As the wind eases, the two firmly grip their weapons. The moment the wind disappears, Geno advances at Roland with speed, catching him by surprise. Luckily, he moved fast enough to block her strike.
Just from one contact, he knew he needed to do anything to win this match.
Both continue to trade blows with each other’s weapons. Each clash created shockwaves within the forest, depicting the amount of strength the two have.
Roland starts to get annoyed.
"How can a girl of her stature cause this much force?"
He starts doubting his own abilities when facing the young female. Suddenly, Geno disappears and multiple slashes appear all over his body. Although his Body potential increases his defense, her attacks still caused some pain.
“Ugh.. damn you!”
Zipping around him, she constantly attacks with katana and scabbard on all angles. Roland is still able to resist and casts a Spirit Form.
“Repitcara Style, Third Form: Slither!”
Red aura envelops his body, allowing him to emulate a snake’s movement. He slithers his way out of the prison, and into the woods.
His cowardice pushed Geno to take flight and scan the area from above. Although she's unable to find him physically, she suddenly senses a powerful aura coming from the right. She flies towards the detected location and finds Roland hiding in the shrubs.
“Got you.”
Geno lowers her altitude to the tree’s height, and all Roland could see was the number of leaves being blasted into the sky. Roland knew she was close and approaching fast. Knowing he couldn’t take her attack head-on, Roland quickly reacts.
“First Form: Shedding!”
In the nick of time, he creates a double which takes Geno’s swift and powerful slash. The double crumbles on impact. Geno turns around and sees Roland running towards where Scarlett and the others are. He makes it into the open, panting and scared. He knew she was someone too powerful. His panting immediately stopped. He could feel the immense aura extruding from where he came from. So dominant, it almost suffocated him. Slowly, Geno approaches the scared Roland and asks him a straightforward question.
“Any last words?”
He was trapped, unable to act. He falls to his knees and his face drops to the ground. He needed to think of something… anything. Then, it hit him. A devilish grin shows on his hidden face. Slowly, he raises his head and begins his nasty plot. He places his hands together as if worshipping Geno like a god.
“I beg you! Please spare me! I was wrong.”
Geno, disgusted by his actions, lifts her blade and delivers what should have been the final blow.
Scarlett, sitting on the side, has seen this trick before. Basil fell for the same thing.
“Don’t get close to him!”
“Too late!”
“Fourth Form: Stunning Eyes!”
He releases an immense amount of aura, and it forms into large snake eyes. Unable to react in time, Geno locks eyes with him and becomes completely frozen. Wanting to help her, Scarlett tries to stand but couldn’t put pressure on her right foot. Paralyzed, Roland slowly walks towards her. He gently caresses her frozen face, as if he had all the time in the world.
“For such a beauty, you’re too much for me. So I’m gonna kill you and that old man, and take back what belongs to me!”
He looks at Scarlett, conveying his disturbing pleasure. His aura then travels to his arms and weapons. They increase in power, as Roland prepares to attack with his claws simultaneously.
“Goodbye, blondie.”
The blades on Roland’s fists disintegrated on impact. Confused, he looks at Geno. Unfrozen and covered in her white wings, her aura caused his weapons to break.
“Looks like your paralysis is relative to your strength compared to your opponents. You’ve been lacking in your training.”
“Second Form: Safeguard.”
The enlarged wings fold back to its place and return to normal size. She puts away her weapon and appears behind Roland in a flash.
“Though you had more forms to use, they were nothing more than weak imitations. Nothing else from a snake."
She grabs Roland from behind and immediately flies into the sky with speed. The air pressure from the flight kept Roland from opening his eyes. All of a sudden, he stops, and no more pressure could be felt. He slowly opens his eyes. Up in the sky, the only thing keeping him from falling is a small girl’s hold on his forearm.
“AAAAHHH! Please! Please spare me! I won’t do it again, promise.”
“It’s too late Roland.”
“Please! I don’t want to die!”
Geno ominously encourages him.
"You won't die, not at this height."
She lets go. His drop felt like an eternity. All that Scarlett and Geno could hear were the screams of a man, desperately crying for help.
“Please! I surrender!”
His body crashes into the ground, knocked out, and barely alive. Gracefully landing back on the ground, Geno releases her wings.
“You deserved it, pig.”
She walks away from Roland and checks on Scarlett and the others. She approaches Scarlett, ensuring everything is alright.
“You’re going to be fine now, it’s over.”
As tears begin to fall, Scarlett embraces Geno.
“Thank you! Thank you so much!”
As she continues to comfort Scarlett, Ulrick arrives with reinforcement from the Lodge.
“Geno! Everything alright?”
She smiles at Ulrick, pointing to the pit behind her.
“Yeah, over there. All of them are unconscious.”
North Isura Lodge, Director’s Office.
Ulrick and Geno find themselves waiting in the Director’s office. Not sure why they simply followed his request after the Roland incident.
“Once we return to the Lodge, may I see you two in my office? It won’t take too long.”
“...Is what he said to us, but he’s sure taking his time.”
Geno comments as she slouches on the seat. All she wanted to do was take a long bath before heading to bed. Ulrick kept fidgeting in his seat, and couldn't contain his enthusiasm.
“Sorry, I’m late. There was an important call I needed to take.”
Director Margrave comes through his office door, apologizing for his tardiness. Geno immediately sits up.
“Firstly, I’d like to thank you two for resolving this matter. As we speak, Basil and his daughters are in the infirmary and are recuperating.”
Geno sighs in relief before asking her about Roland's fate.
“And what of Roland and his men?”
“Because the two men with him were civilians, they have been imprisoned at the local military station. Roland is now being transported to the Grandmaster of the Snake. It was decided they will take care of his punishment.”
It wasn’t the news she wanted to hear, but it’s better than letting them roam freely.
"You did well holding back, Ms. Koval."
Geno looked confused at Margrave's comment. He immediately changes the subject.
“Now, about why I called you two here.”
Margrave rummages through his folders and pulls out a hunt request form.
“I would like you two to take this request.”
Geno receives the form while Ulrick scoots over to read the content.
Request Code: 0012
Type: Extermination
Monster Rank: C
Description: A town in Southern Isura has been overtaken by a mob of wolves. On closer inspection, the mob seems to have a leader. A powerful white wolf, twice the size of a regular wolf, maybe a Stage 4 or 5.
Ulrick and Geno were a little dumbfounded by the request. The content of the request doesn’t seem to be much different from a regular hunt request. Geno then asks the Director.
“Is there anything special about this request that you needed us to see it?”
Margrave responds with a stern look.
“We may be facing an evolved beast.”
Both Ulrick and Geno were shocked by the revelation.
“An evolved? That’s something I haven’t faced before.”
Ulrick ponders as he recalls all the beasts he’s encountered. Geno, still feeling uneasy about the request, interrogates Margrave even further.
“Mr. Director, I still don’t understand. Why us?”
He leans back on his chair and crosses his arms.
“Evolved monsters are rare cases and are powerful beings. After evolving, not only does it grow stronger but it may potentially have a unique skill.”
Margrave looks back at the two and explains further.
“As for why I’m telling you, I believe 3-Star Seekers have more chances of defeating this monster. Right now, there are only you two in the Isura region.”
He looks into his drawer once more and finds a folder. In it, he pulls out two sheets that discloses the two in front of him.
“Ulrick from Usrae and Genovera from Avedato. One completing his D-Ranks within his first year, and one whose almost cleared her C-Ranks just over a year of being a Seeker."
He looks at the two with a bright smile.
"I honestly believe there's something about you two. Just call it an old man's intuition."
Still feeling unsure about the foreseeable challenge, she directs another question at Margrave.
"Sir, why can't you and your team complete this mission?"
"The future generation of Seekers are always my priority. Oldies like me should only act when its necessary."
He continues on.
"Plus, I'm a retired Seeker and my Protection Division is already very strong. There's no benefit for us to take marks meant for ambitious Seekers."
Margrave responds with his honest opinion. Ulrick stands up from his seat and speaks.
“Sir, how long do we have until we begin the request?”
Margrave grins and answers.
“The wolves are currently occupying a desolated town down south. We believe they will not act for at least a month.”
“Count me in, Sir!”
Ulrick exclaims.
Margrave looks at Geno, who still showing some uncertainty.
“And you, Ms. Koval.”
She looks back at Margrave, then at Ulrick. Seeing his determination to quickly accept this kind of request astounded her. Not wanting to disappoint him, she agrees to Margrave’s proposal.
“I’m in as well.”
“Alright, Geno!”
Ulrick cheers as Geno agrees to join.
Margrave is pleased the two have agreed. He repeats the vital information for the request.
“As I said, you have roughly a month before you'll leave for this request. Both of you are close to learning your next forms and I suggest you do that.”
“Yes, sir!”
They both say their farewells, and leave the Director’s office. Margrave turns and looks outside his window, seeing the starry night sky. He is delighted to see how strong and confident the younger Seekers are these days.
"I look forward to seeing how they grow."
Central continent, Ogos.
In the center of Thera lies five separate islands that make up the continent of Ogos. It is here where the Four Spirit Schools are located and is said to be where the Founding God Desmuth made his first step in this world. Entrance to Ogos is only accessible from the Lodges around the world and must be given permission by the Grandmaster of the School.
In the south-western island, a group of men dressed in black suits exits a transportation device located before a School building. They have Roland and his men in tow and bring them to the building's entrance. The arch above the entrance displays the name of the school:
[Spirit of the Snake: Repticara Style School]
They enter the building and proceed to the school's main area. There, a man in distinct garments stands by an altar that has statue portraying a figure in prayer and snakes coiled around its arms. The man appears to be in his 20's but the person leading the group, Gilbert, immediately bows and greets him.
“Grandmaster Seyzan, I pay my respects.”
“Gilbert Reddan, Margrave's most trusted man. I have heard everything I needed from him, please show me the culprit.”
Gilbert orders his men to bring the cuffed Roland to the front. As he stands almost centimeters before the Grandmaster, he falls to his knees and beg for his forgiveness.
"Grandmaster, I'm truly sorry for what I've done. Please spare my life."
“Osorio, I will not deliver your punishment. Your teacher, Master Hector, will do that instead.”
From the left hallway, a middle-aged man appears followed by a slender but tall man right behind him. The man in front is tall, muscular, covered in armor, and stands before the convicted. He speaks to them with his strict demeanor.
“Roland, I'm very disappointed in you. You have not only disgraced our school but the Grandmaster as well. Do you understand what this means?"
Roland couldn’t look him in the eyes and kept his head to the ground. He could not do anything but accept his punishment. Hector looks at Gilbert and proceeds to instruct him.
“Please follow Norvel and he’ll lead you to the prisons below.”
The slender man behind Hector walks towards the hallway they entered from. Gilbert’s men follow Norvel, along with the detained Roland. As they exit the main hall, Gilbert says his farewell and follows his group from behind. They disappear into the hallway and Grandmaster Seyzan turns around and departs. Before he does, however, he leaves Hector with a few ominous words.
Hector instantly kneels, placing his right fist on his heart.
“Please keep watch over your students. Our school’s reputation is not something you want to ruin. Please be mindful.”
“Yes Grandmaster, I deeply apologize! I assure you, it will not happen again!”
With a soft grin, the Grandmaster continues to walk behind the altar and disappears into nothingness.
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