《Adventures of the Lazy Boy Kazuki》Chapter 3: Bloody History.
As I stare at Kiba, waiting for his move, Chris grabs his shoulder.
"Wait Kiba, he's not worth the trouble, he'll get what he deserves one day..Let's go."
"Grrr...fine. You're lucky I'm in a good mood today Hatagano." Kiba says as they start walking away.
"And stay away from Ayame, last warning!" He shouts as they disappear behind the corner.
I sigh and continue walking without losing a word. Dean looks at me.
"Kazuki, why did you let him treat you like that? You're a Hatagano!" He says.
"Well that's the point Dean..a Hatagano starting street fights, I can't risk ruining the reputation of the family..besides, I don't know if I could even win." I say.
"I see...in that case you did good Kazu!" He smiles. "Oh, this is where we part ways, I go that way." He points to the street. "See you Kazuki" he waves as he walks away.
"See you.." I mumble.
I just can't stop thinking about what Kiba said. What did he mean by "The Hataganos enslaved the whole village till recently"?
I have to confront Oroshi, they've been hiding things from me long enough. I want to know what our family did.
As I enter the house and living room i hand the groceries to Baba and turn to Oroshi who was reading something.
"Grandfather, today i got attacked by one of the villagers." I say
"What? Why would you get attacked? Who was it??" He asks being visibly mad. "That's not important. He told me all villagers were slaves of the Hataganos till recently. You've been hiding the truth from me long enough, tell me everything."
His look of anger turned into a look of confusion. He looks down and sighs.
"I didn't want you to find out but I knew this day would come." he pauses.
"Where should i begin...well my son, as you know the Hataganos were once a mighty family. With mighty i mean hundreds of people carried the name Hatagano. The head of the clan arguably the second most powerful man in the empire after the king."
"Naofuma was a city back then, one of the largest humanimal settlements in the world and the city was ruled by the Hataganos, the duty of the villagers was to serve us. You could say they were slaves.."
"After the Great War between the 3 empires ended 35 years ago, our empire was left destroyed and people wanted change. Varatrania had a large humanimal population, mostly in the west of the empire."
"It didn't take long for civil war to break out. Humanimal rebels against the empire. My father, Sho Hatagano, a humanimal, sided with the empire. He thought he needed to use force to keep unity, and so it was mostly Naofuma who fought that war."
"After almost 10 years of fighting, we lost the war, the western provinces became the Land of Humanimals and Naofuma was left with heavy casualities from which it would never recover. The king used the chance to blame Naofuma and my father for not wanting to end the civil war to save his own reputation. "
"The Hataganos were guilty for the deaths of all those people of Naofuma. Our family started to shrink and my father Sho felt so guilty that he gave more freedom to the people of Naofuma. They weren't bound to serve him anymore."
"After that many left and the ones that stayed, kept blaming him. Soon after that he passed away and I took over..
I tried to regain our honour restore the glory of the Hataganos but I failed.."
After listening to this story I was speechless...all of that happened to Naofuma..? This village??
"Grandpa...now I understand why you didn't want to tell me. Thank you..." I say.
"You deserved to hear the truth. Still you won't take blame for the mistakes your predecessors made, don't let anyone tell you who you are and what you are Kazuki." He tells me.
I nod and go to my bedroom. Finally I can rest. Today was messy, I just need some sleep..
"Kazu? You're back!~" a sweet familiar voice calls me, I turn to it and sure enough, there she is. The nameless beauty that keeps visiting me in my dreams. I look at her without saying a word.
"Kazu, what's wrong?" she frowns.
"Is it because of what your grandfather told you today..?" she continues.
"..Yes...I just can't believe my family was that horrible in the past...perhaps Kiba was right.." I say.
"Don't listen to them Kazu, you're a great man and no mistake that your predecessors made makes you a worse person. Just continue fighting and show to the world the Kazuki i know and love~" She says.
I guess she's right...I should try my best and prove to everyone that the Hataganos aren't trash, that I'm not trash..
"Thank you..." I say, almost whispering.
"You're welcome Kazu~" She hugs me. I let her and slowly doze off.
I open my eyes and find myself in my room. Every time i dream her i feel so well rested.
I get ready for the day and head to school. Isn't today the first fight of the tournament? This is certainly going to be interesting.
As I enter the school i see that the main topic is the tournament. Our class is supposed to go up against 3/C, so the seniors basically.
Last year my class won against 3/C with some difficulty but this year 3/C is thirsty for revenge. Well let's hope no one dies.
The classes are over fast. Soon half of the school is on the training field and the 2 teams get ready.
"We got this, let's end them!" Daren says.
"Wow easy Daren, we don't want to kill them." Nico says.
"No but we gotta prove to those little brats what we are capable of!" Daren replies.
"Sure.." Niko says as we turn to Duke who starts talking.
"The magic tournament begins today! First match: 2/B agaimst 3/C! Rules are the same, 3 rounds, 10 minutes each. Unnecessary violence will not be tolerated."
Yeah right, 3/C are just a bunch of thugs, they are hungry for revenge. Their leader Mako is a fat monster, he'll try to crush them as soon as he gets close.
We hear a whistle indicating the start of the match.
As soon as it start, Mako shoves his hands into the ground, taking out 2 big chunks of earth, he throws them at our team. The rock comes at them with an impressive speed and our team scatters.
"Hold of his team, i'll take Mako one on one!" Daren shouts.
"Bring it on you little shit!" Mako shouts back as he slams his hands into the ground again, this time he pulls out rock that form gloves around his hands.
Daren and his speed enhancing spell should be able to avoid Mako but one hit with those rock hands and Daren is done for.
As the fight continues and the teams clash, the main focus stays on Daren and Mako though. Mako is everything but slow, yet he can't land a punch, Daren is out of his league regarding speed.
Daren manages to land quite a few punches but Mako tanks them without difficulties.
"Stop moving around yout little coward!" Mako says as he tries to land a blow.
At that moment Vely notices Makos fully exposed back. He saw a chance and took it.
"Water bullet spell!" Vely shouts as he points his hand towards Mako.
Water is usually better for support than attacking but water bullet is one of the rare water spells that can actually knock out a mage.
A concentrated blast of water comes out of the palm of Velys hand, hitting Mako.
"Arghhh!" Mako shouts as he falls to his knees, not able to react to the bullet. Daren is about to finish off Mako but we hear the whistle.
"First round is over!" Duke shouts as he walks to another teacher.
The teams start walking to their benches. Mako is still on his knees though. Why?
"....You little shit! You'll pay for that!" Mako turns around, swinging his arm to Vely. The rock comes off his hand and flies towards Vely like a projectile.
He had barely time to turn around and see whats going on. Vely gets hit right in the chest and falls over.
"Vely!! Fuck!" I shout as i run to him. "The round was over you asshole!" I turn to Mako who just grinned and started walking to his bench.
As the rest of our teams noticed what happened, we rush to Vely who was barely alive at this point, we call the school nurse and complain to Duke.
"He attacked Vely after the whistle! Disqualify them!" I shout at Duke.
"I'm sorry but i didn't see the illegal attack..for what i know it could've been a self inflicted injury." Duke says.
"What?! He's not even a rock type!" I answer. "Besides, we can't continue the match without Vely..do we have to surrender now?" Baaya adds.
At this point the crowd is booing and waiting for Duke to disqualify them.
"I can't help you, the rules say---"
"The rules say every team is allowed to swap 1 team member per match right?" I cut off Duke.
"Well yes but you don't have a---"
"I'll do it" I cut off Duke again "I won't let those bastards take the win that easily."
Duke looks at me "You...? Uh..well okay..I guess that's fine---" he said as he turned to the crowd. "2/B can continue! Get ready for round 2!" Duke shouts.
The crowd starts cheering as we get on the field again. "What did he just say? How?!" Mako turns to the field and sees me.
"The humanimal?! Hahahahahaha!! Should've surrendered when you had the chance Daren!"
"Tsk..." Daren looks away. "Don't mess anything up Kazuki.."
I sigh as I get ready for the battle. We hear the whistle and start the battle.
"Strategy stays the same, Hiroko takes the humanimal instead of Vely!" Mako shouts as they run towards us.
Hiroko is the water user if i'm correct. I see him run towards me, i run away from the main battlefield to distract him.
"I don't need anything special for you Lesser water blast!" He raises his hand at me as the waterblast comes out. I avoid the attack, keeping some distance from Hiroko.
"Tsk! Lucky! Water blast!" This time he takes me more seriously with a normal water blast. I jump out of the way again.
For the next few minutes he throws all water spells he has at me which i avoid. At this point i'm visibly exausted but still ready to fight.
"Uhm, Nico..? you're in Kazuki's class right..?" Ayame walked to Nico, both of them were in the crowd.
"Uh yea, how can i help you?" Nico answers confused.
"Why doesn't Kazuki use any spells..?"
Ayame asks Nico. He sighs.
"I don't know, I never saw him use a spell to be honest. Maybe he doesn't want to?"
"He can't" a voice behind them says. They turn around.
"Dan!" Ayame says surprised.
"What..? He can't? And who are you??" Nico says, even more confused now.
"He simply can't, we don't know why or how that happened, as a Hatagano he should be naturally gifted but he has one of the weakest magic auras i know, almost like a human...oh and i'm his brother i guess"
"Wow...so that's why.." Nico looks down.
"Still, as a humanimal he should have certain...abilities. Why isn't he using any?" Duke joins the conversation.
"..." Dan looks at Duke and stays silent. Duke just turns back to the field, watching the fight.
"You didn't use a single spell since we started and your magic aura is weak! You're a normal human aren't you??" Hiroko shouts. "Just surrender already!"
"You're out of mana aren't you? Your aura is almost as weak as mine..well then" I say as i start running towards him.
"Wha-- hey--- Waterblast!" He fires several water projectiles at me which I avoid like I did till now, only this time i was running towards him.
Soon i was just a few feet away from him. He was out of mana and did the only thing he could do, a punch. I grabbed his fist with my left hand and punched him in the gut with my right.
He immediately falls to the ground. The part of the crowd that was looking at us gasped, amazed.
Still most of them were still looking at the 2 powerhouses, Daren and Mako who were fighting.
Mako was still tanking Darens attacks and Daren kept avoiding Makos. "Now, let's finish this!" Daren shouts as he stops moving in front of Mako.
"Suicide!" Mako raises his rock fists, preparing to crush Daren.
Darens hands start glowing though. This is his 'finisher'.
"Hundred hands!" Daren shouts as he starts punching Mako with his enhanced speed and energy fists.
Sure enough, after only 10 seconds Mako gets punched 100 times. As much as i hate Daren his attack could take down a giant.
As the dust clears we see a smiling Daren and Mako who was pushed against a tree. Darens smile faded as he notices where the dust is coming from.
Some form of...earth armor has formed around Mako. Sure it was destroyed in many spots after Darens attack but it was reforming again.
"And now..you..go down! Mako is in a full body armor now, he grabs Daren and slams him into the ground, taking him out.
The crowd gasps. Baaya and Jack look at Daren as their last hope of winning disappears. It doesn't take long for Martin to go after them.
Both Baaya and Jack throw their best spells at Mako but he is simply too much for them. He took them out with one blow and 3/C started to celebrating.
"Hiroko, i hope you're done with the humanimal trash!" Mako turns to Hiroko who was unconscious on the ground.
"What?!..The humanimal took him out??" Mako says in disbelief. "Pfft..so i only have to take him out for a knock out victory." he continues as i stand before the 3 of them.
"Let's end him together!" All of them raise their hands and look at eachother.
"Energy blast!" All of them shout as they use all of their leftover mana to form a beam of energy that flies my way.
There is a huge explosion as the students in the crowd cover their faces. The explosion seems to just freeze as it starts getting sucked into something.
That something is revealed to be a card Kazuki is holding, the whole explosion is gone and he is still standing like nothing happened.
"What?! Impossible!" Mako shouts.
"I can't believe it...a magic tarot card!" Duke says in disbelief.
"A what?" Nico looks at him.
"Those are very rare magic weapons, a legend almost. It's said they can contain spells within them, and their owners can release them at will. With those even a regular human can cast spells of any rank since the don't require any mana...but how does this boy possess those??"
"Surprised? This is for Vely!" Kazuki says as he holds the tarot card up which is glowing from all the energy it absorbed.
"Suns Mirror!" Kazuki shouts as the energy gets released, a blinding bright light comes out.
- In Serial6 Chapters
The Twin Lands
Join our heroine Enru on her journey in a world where humanity lives in perpetual light and warm while their enemies, the spider beings called Araxin, live in perpetual darkness and cold. Just because they live in the darkness and cold though doesn’t mean the Araxin want to stay there forever however, and this time their bid for the Southern half of the continent looks to be shaping up worse for humanity than ever before. Every ten years the planet nears its second sun in such a way that the Northern half of the continent warms and thaws and the Araxin enter a period of explosive growth, before always attempting to assault the humans in the South. Through events that you will need to read and discover yourself, sixteen year old Enru ends up vital to the survival of humanity, but can she succeed? In a world full of humans, dragons, giant intelligent spiders, trogs, behemoths lurking in the deep, magic, politics (can’t forget the politics) and more, what wonders await you? NOTE: This is my very first attempt at writing ever. Not just my first attempt I am showing people or my first attempt that went anywhere, but my first of any kind. I welcome constructive critisism and I know my grammar is not always the best. If something is majorly bothering you please leave a good comment or review on it rather than just a 0.5 rating and saying I suck. NOTE2: The main character will be gaining power that is, if used correctly, well above the standard for her race however I plan to implement it in such a way that she does not end up being crazy over powered and able to end every fight at her whim. She will struggle, she will lose sometimes and there will be loss along her journey to save her race. There will be no harem and I am unsure if there will be any sex scenes or even romance as this is my first story and I am not confident yet at being able to write that properly. So if you came here for the standard royalroad super OP guy that flies around having sex with every female character he meets, this is not that. Update Frequency: As this is my first story and I am still in the early stages, I cannot say how often updates will be. I lead a very busy life and this is a new way for me to relieve stress. I hope to be able to put out a few thousand words every few days at the least. Enjoy the story! PS. Cover was found on the website thedailybell.com, they did not source where they found it. I rotated and resized the image.
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Lacy in the Dark
Special Agent Nora Pyne has her hands full with her regular case load, a new partner, and a budding relationship with the nearest bottle of bourbon. Add that to the strange phone calls and messages she's been receiving, and she doesn't have time for much else. So when SAIC Avalos tells her she has to take on a cold case, she doesn't have much hope of discovering what happened to Lacy Cooper all those years ago. But as she gets further and further into the case little Lacy takes up more and more space in her head and heart.
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Sophie's future is planned out for her. Having just outgrown her studies and Job Placement in a few months, her path is straight and clear. But when her best friend is captured and taken over the wall that protects them from a wild, primitive people, Sophie makes the most uncharacteristic and dangerous decision of her life: follow her into the Outlands and face every fear she's ever known.Once in the Outlands, she realizes that things are not what they seem. There is a force even more sinister lurking on the outside, bigger than anyone had ever imagined. Seeking the help of seemingly one of the most savage Outlanders, with his handsome, brooding demeanor-not to mention his scary-accurate talent with a bow-they go on a mission that will challenge not just their survival, but that of the entire human race. As the two grow closer, Sophie realizes that no one is safe, and the scariest monsters are the ones inside of us.
8 179 - In Serial44 Chapters
This story is abandoned and has not been authorized for distribution on any sites but RoyalRoad. Given the Gamer ability after shattering a crystal inside a game, Jon's world is upturned as he is thrown into a life he considered fantasy. Making new enemies and encountering a god, he cannot escape the quest which is forced on him. Different worlds and different situations, can he come out on top? He's neither perfect nor a saint, he is Jon. Welcome to Gamer. This has been dropped, I didn't like the way I forced a few plotpoints and I lost my notes on the story itself. Read below if you want to be spoilered. As far as I recall, he would change race into a higher human after using a spell to overload his mana repeatably until his body forcibly adapts, he would train up his rift usage spell with some better targets than God's Realm because he keeps hitting his stats limit until the cost lowers enough that he can actually grind it. His world is being invaded by multiple worlds, so the god had many backup plans where a lot of people went into their own fantasy settings and came back to defend Earth. Jon never is the strongest one out there, he has to keep grinding and grinding before he gets stronger than the other heroes, and at that point the invasion is nearing the final stretch. Jon's two biggest advantages is that he can keep grinding without hitting a cap he can't evolve, and that even when he is eventually killed. He would have respawned in the nearest 'Safe Zone' after dropping a level and everything he did to gain that level. I also had a bunch of ideas for mini-arcs where he would play in multiple worlds in multiple situations, not that great of an idea in retrospect.
8 93 - In Serial141 Chapters
Strange world
Life is strange (poetry)
8 266 - In Serial108 Chapters
Ita kaddarace abace wacce bata tsallake kan kowani bawaba, rayuwarta tazo cikeda Qaddara kala-kala, rayuwace mai cikeda qunci, baqin ciki da jarabawa iri-iri."Kuka takeyi kamar ranta zai fita, tana fadin mama nikuma Qaddarar rayuwata kennan, na kwammaci mutuwata da irin wannan rayuwar, rayuwata batada amfani."
8 161