《Mysteries of the Q Files - The Deadly Dance》Chapter 2 - Awkward Conversations
Trick handed their tickets to a very bored looking lay at the front door. She ushered them through with a grunt. Naomi and Trick followed a short walkway into the ballroom where the dance was taking place. Trick quickly took in the room with a sweeping glance.
He already noted the oddity of broad, raised platforms that looked over the dance floor. They all had tables and chairs where a few people sat and occupied them. Trick did not notice that some of the platforms were raised higher than others. Large speakers and towers lind the room and shook with the thud of the music.
“This is why I have tried to avoid school dances,” Naomi shouted in Trick’s ear. “They’re absolutely tasteless!”
Then why were you so touchy about how I gave you the corsages, Trick wanted to say, but he knew better than to open his mouth by now.
It was the way that the students had separated themselves that was the most perplexing part of the prom. Trick had always paid attention to the different cliques and groups that existed in school. It was always crucial to know where someone fell among high school’ many groups, because that determined what you could share with them what they would care about, and what kind of personalities you had to deal with.
However, there was always a certain amount of fluidity to these cliques and gatherings. That was an inevitable consequence of sharing multiple classes with all kinds of kids during the school day. It was also the consequence of every school’s size. There was no true escape from those others students said they couldn’t stand.
But looking out on the dance floor, Trick something he had never seen before. Every clique was separated from the other with a wide breadth. It was as if he was looking at nations in miniature.
“I hope I’m not the only one getting major creep vibes from this,” He shouted as low as he could in Naomi’s ear.
“They haven’t even begun dancing yet,” she replied.
Trick took that in, too. There should have been someone dancing. Either kids who heard their jam, those who just didn’t care and wanted to amuse themselves, or those who had gotten drunk earlier and had no more reservations.
Naomi continued, “There is something already wrong here, Trick. I don’t think Conturbatio’s plan worked out. I think whoever wants to attack this dance is keeping apace.”
“They shouldn’t even have a prom,” Trick said through gritted teeth. “I feel like we’ve just walked into a trap!”
Naomi shook her head, and said, “Remember, we have the character sheets. If this is a trap, we might want to spring it before the setter is ready for their moment. And then we fight our way out and save everyone.”
“And here I thought I was the reckless one!”
“Given our current predicament,” Naomi said, glancing at the groups. “I think it would be wise. This isn’t right; they are all looking at us. Everyone! You should text your mom and let her know of our suspicions. See if we can already start moving students out of here.”
“On it,” Trick said, taking out his phone and prepping the text.
But he was unable to finish it as someone gave him a playful slug t the arm. He looked up and saw a towering kid with zit-marked face and a strong jaw. His hair was stylishly messy. On his arm was stick of a girl with a very revealing dress and curled, black hair. They led a small contingent of what looked like the starting players for every team and the cheerleaders they dated.
“Hey there, guys. I’m Raymond. This is my girlfriend, Chelsey.”
“Hi,” she squeaked, waving her hand fiercely.
Naomi actually snorted. Trick however was quicker on the pickup and shook Raymond’s hand.
“Hey there guys, we just kinda dropped in. We heard about your prom and decided to drop by. Steve got us the tickets.”
“Steve,” Chelsey asked, tilting her head. “Which Steve?”
“Morris,” Trick lied easily. “You know, about medium height with brown hair. Kinda needs a haircut, at least last time I saw him. Hope he got one for tonight because a sweaty forehead plastered with strands of hair is just not at all flattering.”
“Of course,” Chelsey said sweetly. “I know, i keep my hair long, but you’re totally right! When it gets stuck, in my case, to the back of my neck, it’s just so scratchy!”
Naomi didn’t say a word. She just looked annoyed at them. But she still could not get away. Soon they were surrounded by the jocks who especially appreciated her look and commented on her imposing physique and the way she cut her hair. Trick could tell that naomi did not like the attention and worked to position himself in such a way to talk with others and slowly get themselves out of the group. They were being bombarded with compliments and questions that he could not control the conversation. He needed freedom to ask the questions that he wanted.
They’re so aggressive. It’s like they’re mobbing us.
Trick finally excused them, saying that they needed some quick drinks if they were going to continue talking. The jocks immediately pulled back. They stared at them drilling holes in the back of their heads. Trick and Naomi only made it a dozen paces before they were swarmed by a group of band kids.
Trick could always tell who these guys and girls apart from all the others due to three indicators. First, there was a wide smile to them, especially those who winded their instruments. Then there was their overly jovial way of talking with each other and the determination that it took or them to be just as friendly to others. Lastly, there was a light scent of body odor that all of them had.
It was the exact same as with the jocks. But the band kids were more bodily engaged and they practically squashed the two between them. This time Naomi took Trick by the wrist and muscled her way through. This time they made their way to the table and reached it. Trick could not remember anything that was said to him by the band kids. It was such a crazy cacophony of multiple voices all trying to get their questions through first.
They passed up on the punch; Trick was certain it had already been spiked. Instead they snatched up water bottles and had barely taken a drink when the third group assaulted them.
“Oh. My! Gawd! I love your hair,” a high pitch voice squealed.
Trick turned to see a very small, hispanic girl gushing up at Naomi. Next to her was a towering girl with large muscles and green hair. She had reached over and was stroking naomi’s hair! At first Trick’s friend was mortified, but she then slapped the tall girl’s hand away.
“Cas, Mal, you really should introduce yourselves before getting your hands all over someone,” a falsely high pitch voice said right behind Trick. He felt a shiver run down his spine as his hand was forcibly taken and shaken. “Hi there, I’m Darcy. What is your name?”
Trick found himself looking into the overly manicured eyes of squat guy wearing way too much cologne. He had his shirt unbuttoned and his man boobs shown prominently.
“I’m Steve,” Trick said feeling stuck on the name he had used earlier.
“Hello Steve. It’s good to meet your acquaintance.”
Trick felt the guy pulling him away from the table. With a quick look to the side, he saw the girls trying to do the same with Naomi. He had to actually twist his hand away from Darcy’s to jump back to Naomi.
“Hear that dear? They’re playing our song”
He grabbed her and together they ran for the middle of the dance floor. Darcy and the girls gave chase, along with a few other kids who dressed as though they had just walked out of Tim Burton film. Trick wound back to throw a punch if they drew any closer.
Then the group halted so fast that Darcy took a nasty spill, getting rug burn on his face.
A tall girl with thick glasses and long, ratty hair stepped between the chaser and Trick and Naomi.
“For people who spend their lunches doing improve, you should be able to tell when a situation has changed. Go,” she commanded in a voice that pierced through the music.
The thespians audibly gasped and withdrew. The girl then swung about to look over them. She wore a teal dress with poofy sleeves. She wore faded sneakers that peeked out from beneath her sweeping dress. She gave Naomi a very critical look and then she gave Trick an appraising one.
“You two will come with me,” she ordered.
She turned and left with the air of one who expected to be obeyed. Trick and naomi shared worried glances and then followed.
“This place is insane! These kids are all nuts,” Naomi hissed. “What have we gotten ourselves into?”
“I don’t know,” was all Trick could say.
The girl lead them both up to the tallest platform and ascended it. Before they could follow, a plump, Hispanic guy jumped won. He and his suit jiggled as he landed. He was followed by another kid with a stiff look about him and a small mouth. If Trick could have guessed about the second guy, he looked ready to enlist in the army.
The plump kid spoke first, “Welcome to our prom! What brings visitors like you two here?”
“Oh, you know we’re here visiting,” Naomi asked, trying to sound sweet.
He gave her a somewhat sour look, but then answered, “Yes. We’ve never seen you before. I’m sorry that those lowlifes obstructed your entrance and assaulted you.”
As he pointed towards the jocks, Trick said, “Honestly, it was the last group that was the worst.”
“Yes,” the plump kid mused. “They have been getting a little uppity lately. Just because Michelle and Vanessa are dating now they think that are on the same level as us.”
The other boy snorted derisively.
“Well, where are my manners? I’m Cory and this is Sebastian. And you have Cassie to thank for saving you back there,” the fa kid said, sweating appearing on his brow.
He obviously did not move too much regularly. Or was just a very unfortunate teen.
Sebastian stepped forward and got uncomfortably close to Trick and Naomi and spoke in a voice that just carried over the music, “We are sorry to be so abrupt, but there is some business that we need to cover with the two of you. As you can see, other groups have already jockied to have you join them. Even at an extracurricular activity such as prom, it is essential that we have a semblance of order.”
Trick’s eyes narrowed and he responded, “Look, we are not here to cause any problems. We came for the dance.”
Cory held up a hand and cut him off. “Please, don’t consider us idiots. That is not a wise move to make.”
Trick overruled him and said, “Idiots? Idiots!? Listen to the man, Naomi, he thinks I am belittling him! As if I would be so dumb!”
He spun and gestured to the convention hall and continued, “There are platforms all over the floor. That other group has moved on over to another platform, and it is clear that different cliques each take their own platform, with the exception of the few, like the athletes over at the entrance.
“And then there are you guys, who have easily the highest platform and act as if you own the place. It is clear who is in charge here, and it would be a terrible idea for me to insult the guys who just saved us from some freaks!No, that would be absolutely dumb of me! It would also be pathetic of me to not notice all of the geeks and nerds who occupy this highest spot in the entire hall and that they are trying to bully two newcomers!”
Trick then jabed Cory right in his fat shoulder and shouted, “If there are any idiots around here, it is those who think that this system around us is sustainable! And who thinks that anyone is impressed that they have the highest tables at a party that is supposed to be about reckless abandon!”
Naomi pulled him back and said, “Woah there, buddy. I think that is enough out of you.”
Sebastian looked angry, but Cory smiled widely. He then said, “This is incredible. A true new initiate to our society and he has already figured out so much from a few hot blooded tussles and a quick glimpse of the room! You do belong with us! Now, can we have your real names?”
“When we feel good and ready,” Naomi shot back. “Come on! We came here to dance. So let’s do that.”
She took Trick’s hand and hauled him back onto the dance floor. As she did so, students scattered. Everyone was giving them shocked looks.
“Your analysis social boy,” Naomi asked in an irritated tone.
She led him in some hip swaying and some quick spins.
Trick took a deep breath and then launched into a quick explanation. “This is definitely not natural! This school is split up by cliques and it is clear that the nerds are on top here.”
“I don’t think that it is very good, because whoever they have shoved down is plotting their revenge. I guarantee that it was none of them who sent the message. It was someone else here in the school, or someone connected with it.But all of this is really bad because of how they have put everyone else down in a very vicious and terrifying manner. They are even sing prom as a way to cement their control over the social hierarchy! I can only imagine the hazing!”
Naomi sighed and said, “You do have a point. And it looks like everyone is desperate to get more people to their group. I don’t think it is necessarily numbers that gives anyone power over the others. The nerds are one of the smaller groups. But, it must be a way of exerting a group’s power and dominance to bring in new members. And they are so desperate that they are willing to press absolute strangers.
“You’re right Trick. This is very bad. And we have just painted a target on ourselves by snubbing each clique so far, and maybe alienating the top dogs.”
“Yeah, Trick agreed uneasily. “I’m not sure of how much help we are going to be here.”
“You need to message your mom if you haven’t already,” Naomi insisted.
“Right! Getting on that!”
As Trick fumbled with his phone to get ready to send the message to his mother, the ground shook. He and Naomi clutched each other and Trick dropped his phone. As he picked it up from the ground, the floor quaked again. The carpet began to ripple like water and a grey stone statue of a tall, bearded man rose up. In both hands he had large, glass balls with electricity dancing within them. His eyes glowed molten yellow and a deep voice boomed over the thudding music.
“For the fate of all assembled, the trials by dance begin now! Couples from each society will step forward and present themselves to dance for the honor and preservation of their peers. Those who fail to impress me will be imprisoned and disposed of!”
Trick and Naomi stood rooted to the spot, looking up at the large statue.
“Two have already come forward! Trick and Naomi will dance for themselves! I await the others to come forward!”
“I’m sending that message now,” Trick said shakily.
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