《Tales from Drestburg》Part 3: Coal


It darted left and right, thinking it could outpace mine. My neck is stiff and hands are cold, tough stuff I've been told. Tough indeed, this isn't my first so far. The warmth of the heater made me sweat, my breathing deafened my ears.

I slowly turned the turret and the gun, I knew where it would land and its too stupid to read my thoughts.


The cannon rattled like a bunch of hammers pulvurising a glass shard, piercing holes into that lifeless beast. It fell dead on the tracks as the train rolled it under and left it a mess.

My shift ends in three minutes, I could use some rest and tea. The cigarette bit my lip as it died down, reminding me of my last day at home a few years ago. The train blaring, mothers, sisters, brothers and even father's crying or holding back the tears. But the saddest sight was my mom, I was the only son she had. No tears stained her cheeks yet I knew she was way more than crying, she was dying.

I was about to board when a sharp pin came out of nowhere and pierced my left shoulder. I grit my teeth and gripped my pain. The blood flowing even as my hand ebbed the flow. My eyes were in the hallway red lighted hallway as the burning sensation struck me. And so I dragged myself to my room.

The circular glass window was pierced. A clean hole can be found precisely at the center of the transparent bullet proof glass and I panicked. The next thought in my mind was to grab my gear and my diary, the med bay is only second. It started to burn and I trembled for the worst.

Just as I sealed the door, I saw a hole on the next door adjacent to mine. I opened the door and found it's owner absent to my relief. I knew the man, so I took his effects and sealed his door. I drop by his post first this time.



The doctor told me that I had traces of glass and tungsten on the wound, and he had to take some of my flesh for that matter. As I was about to move, the lights went out and the train started slowing down.

" A little bit of sunlight would help. Go tell the Captain of my request Leutnant." The doctor spoke mundanely as if he just witnessed a terrible display of artistic frustration.

I nodded and went my way with the weight of nearly ten kilos lugging my back. Jogging towards the Captain's car, I found the place littered with confusion and fear though many would not see it. The Captain was stuck in his seat receiving similarly fruitless reports from front to back.

He silently sipped his bitter coffee as I approached while a barrage of reports flooded his Radio. His eye found my shoulder and he spoke:

" Having a bad day I presume?"

" I've had worse mein herr."

" The driver's car struck silence, a few minutes ago. The dreaded place couldn't send me even a single reply.

Get your detachment there right away, I need answers."

" Jawohl!!!"


The door was in sight, all have to do is open it with a code from the outside. My comrades all twelve of them readied their P3000 smgs, all of them loaded with up to 40 rounds in the mags. I gave the sign to wear our repirators and the countdown till we go.

Just as the count reached four, an otherworldly moan was heard. The men sharpened themselves for the coming onslaught when the door opened. We were greeted with three oddly humanoid creatures. Looking at their bodies, we knew they were once human. But the way they moved and they appeared meant they weren't. We can see rotting meat and rigor mortis on their masked faces. Their heads incased in metal and a mask that akin to our own, their bodies encased in torn garbs with a striking similarity to uniforms of old. Their limbs and bones infused with metallic parts that support their near useless bodies.


The soldiers opened fire and those unearthly abominations fell with multiple holes on their body. We rushed and found to our chagrin the entire car dead with multiple holes in the bodies of the crew once present akin to my own. The boys didn't bother, so do I. What's necessary now is that we get this train going lest more of those buggers would get inside the enlongated portholes.

The train started to move and the light went back on. But on the sidelines, one of those abominations started to stand. And tried to draw a sidearm I was not acquainted with. He tried to aim the weapon on a trooper that was totally aware of it's intention. After waiting for three seconds, the soldiers sprayed an entire magazine on the creature; it fell awkwardly on the ground.


The events that transpired a few hours ago still brings shivers down my spine as I sit on the turret. The concept of meeting undead with the abilities of the living is a thought not quite explored. Not to mention, inside zone territory where patrols constantly roam the fields, mountains and roads.

What nearly made me flinch is seeing an entire team hiding on a rock as we passed through.

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