《Colosseum of Indossus》Chapter 2 - Red Administration
Chapter 2 - Red Administration
The guards lead me along a long walkway. We were quietly striding along and the hallway branched open wide, revealing a broad open room with many stories of railings raising overhead. There were people everywhere! The landmark of the capital is in no way comparable to this structure I find myself in. 'Just what is this place?!.............. Who……….... Whooooooo controls a facility like this?'
The magnitude of pressure I begin to feel merely thinking about the scale of the Nation outside of these walls is starting to give me a headache, but I shake it off and I steel my resolve. If I am to be of any assistance to a kingdom as great as this, I will have to give my everything in gaining strength towards becoming useful here.
Quick mental flashbacks of how the day started, stirred in my mind again. It was so peaceful until I was shocked awake by the sunlight for the first time in over 2 years, then immediately suffered intense physical leg injury. Swiftly after I was taken to be fed to that lion. The visions I began to see, and this new place that makes me feel so much more alive than I've ever felt, collectively grant me a new perspective to dwell upon.
Being overwhelmed in contemplation the further I walked, I muttered in realization. "I will never be returned to that place".
The guards look to themselves in thought as they guided me to avoid the bulk of the crowd. Seeming to know something I don't, they try to smile for me and then pat me on the back.
"Sir.... You've been summoned to the Land of Indossus, in the realm of Kyros! This realm is a gathering place of many entities from across the veil. Many peoples are born here, but some are even summoned from beyond for a unique purpose. Ah yes, my name is Biggs"
The other guard speaks up lightly but encouragingly. "And I'm Wedge! Yes, there are many differences you'll experience now that you're here. Many things that may be foreign compared to the world that you are from! There are many spirits and worlds that we are able to summon from, but we do not know from which world you have personally arrived. In any case, now that you're here, there are many great things about this place to speak about but it will take a bit of time to get used to. Y'know I'd be willing to sho~ugh!!"
The woman punched the shoulder of Wedge to hush him up to not draw the attention of any passer-by. Stepping in tandem with me she then softly adds. "You….. Are going to suffer for a time….." She went to say more but her thoughts were still in a storm.
Difficulty is choking her up, so instead she stays silent while we step around a corner to see a much larger gateway to the open and grandiose Grand Entrance. Biggs and Wedge stay silent as they guide me away from the gateway entrance to town. Instead we step behind a separating set of arches used by authorized personnel, steering me away from droves of onlookers seeing me in shackles with the guard escort.
I looked back to the opened gateway area and made brief eye contact with a skinny man with defined shoulders wearing a cape covering, who was also looking directly at me. He seemed confused for some reason.
However that attention was harshly suppressed by the wave of malice I felt emitting from another woman hiding on the far side of the massive gates. Her dagger eyes were dead set on the woman next to me and these guards. By the time we got out of view, I was glad these guards were being nice to me.
We crossed over another threshold archway and stepped into a high walled corridor. The size of this complex is staggering like that of the Pyramids and the Parthenon. It's as if this was also a hosting place for the giants to attend as well?
I'm now trying to make a mental map of this place like I had to generate for the catacombs I spent the last 2 years in. Walking along the hallway we begin approaching a specific door. Before they opened the door, the woman halted them all.
"..... What is your name?"
She stands in front of me, sizes me up and begins to brush her footprint off of my chest and dust me off, and sets my tunic straight while awaiting my response.
My name. This was a new world. Seeming that I’ve been deemed a slave, right now my old identity wouldn't matter anyways. That man was dead. I have been made a new creature. So considering this moment, it would be easiest to adapt to taking on becoming a new creature, and this way I can just keep it simple and just start over.
I would trust the Spirit that brought me here.
So I spoke in the language that had been gifted to me previously. Two syllables fluidly emitted out without any overcomplication.
I felt a surge of spirit mana activate within myself and the back of my wrist began to itch. I felt the new purple mark on my wrist twinge. I turned to look at her, but I saw a [+1 Spirit] appear within my second sight.
Though distracting, this time I took it as a sign that there was more I could accomplish, even if on my own. I will find time to build a strong foundation in this Spirit.
The movement on my clothing stopped, and I noticed a glistening light reflecting back at me through the blur. Refocusing my vision, I found I was staring into her eyes without realizing it.
I blinked gently and slowly asked of her too. "If I may know, what is yours?"
Her mind raced many places before she found the words to speak. "My name is Damina. Listen, Densu. The people here are harsh. This world has endured countless battles of relentless proportions. The civilization we live in now is burdened by a longstanding war of well hidden and powerful favortists. Who you are now, has been thrust deeply into the core functions of our society…."
Biggs and Wedge nodded in agreement. Having already accepted their fate as fellow ‘chosen’ , although their duties are pathed differently than mine, they too could only hope for something greater to aid in their freedom as well.
Damina continued. "The strength you grew today so swiftly will serve you well, but try not to stick out too much at first." She took hold of my right hand and held her own wrist mark next to mine. Her color was light blue compared to mine as deep purple, and I could see differences in texture and patterns.
"I was found with favor, and my sentence lightened. You. You are in a far deeper mess, and will be treated with thorough disdain for this specific mark and title granted you. Its' debt to pay is thoroughly steep."
Biggs and Wedge subconsciously wince, turning their gaze to the ground with scrunched up faces. I could tell that this was beyond pity. Just what have these guys gone through? However, Damina found another spark of inspiration.
"But because of what you saw in that testing stone. There is hope! In this land, people are rated by what they 'see' in that type of stone! The test is designed to give a reflection of the potential within a person. We've learned to correlate what is seen in these visions, to certain thresholds of power we’ve socially recognized over a long time of tracking the battles and achievements catalogued throughout the wars. We found that each person can even achieve personal breakthroughs of power by pushing beyond their limitations and developing beyond these certain milestones of reference. Some people have even found a way to transcend their 'appointed rating', but the standards established from the years of research have indeed helped us cultivate a sense of familiarity and community among the weak and the strong. But what you saw, puts your potential at the literal Apex of Indossus. If people knew about this, you'd be regarded...."- Damina chokes up again.
Biggs and Wedge continued for her in unison without missing a beat "...Like a hero."
Their hope was real, but they both grit their teeth. They turned to me and almost pleaded with me, as Wedge said "Remember us when you are free!". Biggs followed in, growling low, "It shouldn't have been like this!"
Both suddenly felt deeply distraught at the dichotomy of the circumstances I unknowingly face. How could they reconcile the grand welcoming of a person of quality that would help them change their Kingdoms' circumstances; with having that opportunity being abruptly corrupted before the blossom.
Neither found it fair to force this individual to be condemned to a destitute path of suffering and abuse, all without anyone knowing any of the wiser. They were literally right there, and yet could do nothing to stop this already rolling snowball effect from gaining momentum.
The acclaimed hero’s festivals… The ceremony of lights…. The era of peace and regrowth Indossus has been denied, since the last great conflict so long ago…. They would hold this slight against this entire realm solely on Baka'ru's shoulders for as long as they lived.
Damina was the first to understand their struggle, but urged them to stay hush, and further forced herself to settle down and remember her current station.
"Densu. Don't lose hope down there. Blanchard is vile and has nothing stopping him from having his way with anyone he wants in these holding chambers. This title of 'Breaker' you have attained; May be problematic for a long time to come, and it will only compound upon how poorly you will be treated due to that mark."
She turned herself around in front of me, to face the door and looked down to the floor. I felt a brush of light wind from her hair and could faintly smell flowers. Her voice tone was serious however. "Spend as much time in the fields digging for manastone as you can. You can build endurance and are more likely to find higher quality manastones the further out you search. Whether bigger or simply just better, sell off what you find to help pay off your debt sooner. But as for the 'Breaker' Status. That's only something Blanchard can decide."
Damina stomped her foot and assumed a form of salute to recompose herself. This caused Biggs and Wedge to also react to the call for attention, out of instinct. They saluted me and recomposed themselves as well.
A moment of silence was felt. I took my opportunity to speak "..... Thank you......."
Everyone, took a deep breath and held it.
Damina opened the doorway to what seemed like a Librarians office space. She stepped in and I followed, however the sheaths burst into similar shades of dark red mana as Biggs and Wedge reached to take their blades out.
Sharply in sync, their blades coiled out and flowed directly into a guarded stance, blades pointed at me to hold themselves at ready.
This wasn’t just for show, I could feel a vicious intent wave over me from behind, and they took on a formal deathmarch to ensure the guidance of my movements.
I simply followed Daminas’ steps and felt a new culture shock and utter surprise as I tried to look at everything in this new environment.
Tapestries, exquisite furnishings, decorations, statues, and busy, busy people, all cluttered the walls and surrounding environment in here. Some areas were curtained off into sections and there were many tables with papers. I also caught a glimpse of more of those tablets of what looked like glass or some clear crystal.
These ones didn't have that purple glow though, but still showed differing colors matching up half of those that Damina mentioned of me seeing in the testing stone just moments ago. These also carried glyphs and when I looked closer, I could see as if motes of light were constantly adjusting on their surfaces as well.
I am in awe at the brilliance of this display. The organization of the work loads! The craftsmanship of the stonemasons, curtain weavers & woodwork finish all around me. Even the Imperial courts would have been outmatched in the quality of decoration that filled this space.
Before eventually being brought to a table, I heard a few gasps from a few of the workers walking nearby. Their footsteps hastened away from us. Some of the men would sneer and go back to their work.
'With looks like that. What's next. The lashings?' I pursed my lips recalling the behavioral patterns I experienced in my old life.
This kind of attitude, I had gotten used to a long time ago. At one point, I felt accustomed to being driven away from cities I’d travelled to speak at. Many times I had been dragged out to the public circles and received lashes, been beaten by stones. Even in ‘civilized’ cities like Athens, I had been spit on by the people who hated the words I said.
People generally tend to have difficulties being confronted with knowledge that interrupts the meanings of their ways of life. To me, a trivial thing like a first encounter, panic of the unknown, or some other misguided disgust towards me, doesn't affect me much personally. But so much for that new world, new life convenience. Damina did just say that things were going to be hard.
Regarding the first impressions, I carried on as quietly as I could. These are just surface level attitudes and reactions. I'm sure each person here has got enough to worry about already. Considering all these documents they all carry around, and how gargantuan this Labyrinth is becoming with every passing moment.
They have my pity. For whatever that is worth.
It's not easy translating reality into script nor vice versa. Symbols and conveying their Intention, have always been a trick to pull off. I wonder what tricks they have to get by here? I don't have much time to dwell on this matter again as my chains get tight.
I am soon 'seated' at the table.
I am also now happy to finally sit again by the way.
And it's not on rocks!!!!
.=o.o=. They must never know.....
Although I’m calm while being seated, my hands are jerked sideways as my shackles are abruptly clamped to a ring at the top of a metal post. I am repositioned next to the post and a new set of chains are locked to the ring.
Beyond the glistening end points of their ever ready blades, I feel the looks of Biggs and Wedge on me. They quietly whisper "We hope to hear from you soon..... Stay strong.....".
Without a break in inflection and in much broader voices they bellow, “We have confirmed the safe transfer!”. In unison they ceremonially retracted their blades and restored them to their sheathes.
They give a salute to Damina, holding for a second longer than normal before forcing to pull themselves away. Locked in step, as if marching they returned back through the door we came from and awaited at post as they did before when I first met them in the Summoning Hall.
Damina then spoke to me in a voice still showing hints of her thoughts from afar. "This is a stupid question considering how you handled yourself earlier. But, are you versed in combat arts? The reactions you showed to my kicks and that landing afterwards were all good instincts, but the movements felt too wild to be a trained reflex."
Consideration! Seeming that I am now purple glow certified property of the Colosseum of Indossus, this is an authentic and appropriate question! I don't want to die a second time…..
"Not particularly. But I had to learn courage to fend off the wild beasts from stalking and assaulting my family's old farmland and livestock. I used to admire the Olympians for their strength and strategy as they grappled. I've seen a few displays of old spear and sword arts from the injured soldiers that were brought to me for healing or prayer. I liked to see their discipline and control skills in action! I had also played the archery games during the festivals, so I understand the basics of wielding a bow and arrow. I kind of enjoyed the knife and axe throwing events too and was consistent with hitting the targets from a close distance. It reminded me of pelting rocks at the wolves from a sling as a child, but by the time I was old enough to move to the city, I had never taken sling training seriously afterwards to consider these things for live battles. It was more for nostalgia..... So I'm currently a little unrefined, but I always seem to pick up on things quickly, so I'll keep putting my luck on that?"
Damina listened intently and nodded when I was finished. "These are valuable skills to be exposed to, but all the better to be actually training now. There are many Masters willing to train viable apprentices in this land, and we have a system of combating summoned beasts that are captured out in the wilds and the fields. You will do well to be prepared for attacks out there. . . . Anywhere."
She stepped closer to me for some visual covering and she held out her hand, discreetly low only for me to see. Flexing her fist to show and put focus on her light blue mana mark, I felt a shift in the movement and quality of mana nearby and it began to resonate with light blue light. "If you concentrate your mana on the glyph mark out in the wilds, you can attract the senses of the creatures out there. Pay attention for rampages. If you don't start one, sometimes one will start on you..... Totally worth the bone adjustments....."
I could somehow sense the mana flow from her spirit control and how it interacted with her mark. This concentration effect reminded me of the flow of the Spirit when the fire descended on me, or the feeling of when the healing power would flow through me into the people when I prayed after that day.
I focused in that same way to concentrate mana to my hand and I felt an immediate stirring interact with my mana mark. I quickly abandoned the thought to prevent attracting attention. Instead I redirected my attention back on her ability to concentrate down to her bones.
She unclenched her fist and released the glowing blue mana. As if now disappointed, she suddenly looked over her shoulder to a far away door, seeing a man who was also staring right at us. As if caught, he turned back to the counter in front of him, where he handed a folded package to the front secretary.
Upon seeing the seal, she hurriedly stood up with the package and rushed to another side room. She was clearly on the move, though she seemed to have noticed us over here as well by the time that she opened and gently closed the door behind her.
Damina continued advising me while she had the chance, turning back to face me. "Normally we warn against taking such action of instigating trouble in the fields. Especially for rookies for fear of inviting unnecessary attacks upon yourselves while digging for manastones and other resources. However with your strength- the creatures out there could even be considered a type of resource to you as well. Oh and be nice to the people you encounter out there. It’s either fighting or digging, all day for ‘these’ people, every day. It's a wonder that they call ‘us’ the ‘battle slaves’! Look. There are the good and bad in every tribe, but there's a reason to want to live in those fields regardless of the luxuries of the elites. Let's see what you're really about, Sir Densu. "
She stepped back and turned away from me, as the side doorway opened back up. We watched the secretary rush back to her seat. More importantly…. Should I feel nervous? Damina's tone just switched up on me again......
The secretary smiles again, sorting her tablet and stamping a card for the man. He confirms shipment of his own stamp, and nods back to her. He also gave one final look at us and retreated through the front doorway, back to his duties.
As he left, another woman with a composed and stoic nature stepped out of the side office room and locked the door behind her with her glyph. Her mana was a red color with silver sparkles. She turned straight towards us and made a beeline. The same look of disdain I got from those few people before, I instantly felt the entire room accomplish, but only for a split second before static filled the air and that ‘busy’ feeling seemed to ramp up again.
Knowing she's about to be dismissed Damina stood before me locking eyes with mine in earnesty, "When you get the chance, ask to train for unarmed techniques with Master Curtio, he is part of the colosseums' special trainers department. He will understand how to work with you, and help you unlock more of your talents...... Don't forget about me either...."
The gentle look in her eyes, turned hard as she sensed the new woman approaching within earshot, and she suddenly let out a loud mocking laughter and stood aside for the other woman to take charge while saying "HAAAAA! It'll take years for you to have a chance to fight along side me, BREAKER!"
The few hundred or so workers within earshot lightly flinched, got silent and slow creep glared knives at me with a cold chill in their stare. The atmosphere was gloomy for a few moments again before they went back to their work muttering under their voices. These were not good signs to me. Was it that necessary to say it like this? Hmmm. She has been very calculated this entire time. I’ll trust this call.
As if to garner the entirety of my attention away from Damina, I felt the direct impact of a new presence vastly out classing the depths and quality of mana I felt from said Damina. Instinct dictated that my eyes recognize the owner of this prowess, and I was not disappointed.
Turned out that the stoic woman's presence exuded intense authority. She also brought a pleasant peace to the eyes when she was the only thing in full demand of my attention. These were positives in my book, but that was neither here nor there for me at this point. I’m still happy I can breathe.
She spoke calmly to Damina first with an air of respect. "Thank you for your aid, I'll handle this from here." After saluting and pulling out a confirmation letter with a seal of approval and handing it to her, she sent Damina on her way.
She turned to me and her voice commanded with indifference as she held out a small glass like tablet with a ribbon attached towards me.
"I've received special orders for you to embark to the fields immediately, so I need you to place your hand on this to imprint your mark and register your new credit badge. When you hold on to it, activate your mana and speak your name, then the badge will do the rest". She then furrowed her brows urging me to haste cause I haven’t taken it from her yet.
Despite the chains pulling, I grabbed the badge, and it felt more like a lightweight crystal but with an outstanding resilience and smooth but grip worthy texture to it. I'll admire it more later......
I concentrated on my hand similarly to before and my mark radiated a powerful dark purple glow. "Densu....."
I immediately felt a sharp bite onto my hand as the mana in the mark felt like it started being forcefully drained through the air and leached into the Badge. Motes of deep purple began to etch itself into various words and crystallize within the badge. Purple electrical bolts of static danced between the tablet and my hand.
Name: Densu
Rank: Creature (Growth)
Marks: Dark Purple (Cursed Slave) - Breaker (Freedom Fully Revoked)
Credit: 0
Debt: -2,500,000,000 (Colosseum)
- *10% work tax to all earnings will be automatically redirected towards paying this debt.
- Advanced payments can be made to clear debt sooner.
- Penalty subjected to earnings unto all previously owned and/or all incoming Inheritance properties bound to this account.
- Restriction: Cannot purchase property while in a state of debt.
- Restriction: Cannot purchase slaves while in debt.
- Restriction: Cannot restore Authority of Freedman state until debt is cleared. (Does not apply if already marked as Freed man, unless status is revoked)
State of Being:
LUCK: 892
Metal Craft: 1
Property: (0)
Work force: (0)
Special notes: *Guild workers are to report all updates and receipts of transactions to Red Administration Office and receive stamp of confirmation
The shock I felt biting my hand caught me fully off guard and reminded me of another bite I felt. When as children, we would pet the lambs on a hot dry day then touch the blacksmith anvil that father had set up to repair the tools. Except this bite is much larger and violent. I wasn't giggling about it this time around.
I released a mild growl and held onto the crystalline badge while the mana surge finally calmed within my hand. I clenched my teeth and stilled my tongue to relax, as I looked at what had been recorded on this. Once I began to read though, I was again exposed to a new understanding of the realm I was in.
"This! This shows what I have accumulated so far." I was in awe at how there was a method of collecting information of a total of what has been earned so far without forcibly memorizing every moment, and it looks like there is more space to fill in along the way.
"Abilities huh? I've always been curious to know how far I've progressed over time, but this is astounding. What is this ‘Luck’?" I wondered out loud and looked at the woman, hoping to attain some answers from an educated perspective.
She stood staring at me for a moment before she held her hand out for me to hand the badge back to confirm the update. I made the calm movement to hand it to her. She collected and held it to scan the details.
I only saw a slight squint to her eyes..... then another one just a little deeper. "..... You just arrived here, correct?"
I nodded and confirmed to her.
She handed the badge back to me. "Hold this tightly and don't lose this. Come and follow me. I'll be guiding you to the fields."
I nodded silently while receiving the badge back. I watched her the pull out and stamp another card and then scribe a few lines on before she tucked the papers away in a satchel she carried.
Walking to the wall by the table behind me, she grabbed two handled sticks I didn’t notice were hanging so close by, one with a hook and latch, the other having a spiked mace head. The extra sets of barbed spikes looked like it could snare, slice, and crush all at the same time. Just what kind of creatures inspired this monstrosity!
Her movements were clean, nothing unnecessarily wasted. The hooked stick she held, gracefully swooped to latch on to my shackles and trigger a mechanism that released my chains from the ring on the table I was fastened to.
She swiftly rotated the hook which bound the chain tightly till it hit snug to the shackles on my wrist. I then felt my hands get tugged upwards as she pulled upwards and held the hook end high over my head. I now wasn't so much 'following' as I was literally being 'directed' in a specific puppet like manner now.
Facing her I raised one brow looking at her, and I swear I saw the corner of her lip raise a tiny increment. She jerked the hook up and half twisted her wrist, I felt my body elevate off the floor and suddenly turn facing away from her as I set foot back on the ground.
‘...... She's good.......’ and I slightly grinned too.
My wrists bound with my arms overhead, my ribs were fully exposed to receive a body shot from that barbed mace at any moment. I tell myself not to be dumb around her.
In full view of the entirety of the administration department, I was 'escorted' out of the department, and felt a new complexity at witnessing the admiration in each of the workers eyes.
This was a look of watching someone doing the right thing, that no one else could do, as if she was doing it for them! This helped set the tone for what I was to expect, from now on.
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